2009 was a crazy fun, super busy, always interesting and most fabulous year of my life!!!! It was my first full year as a mommy and I LOVED EVERY STINKIN’ MINUTE OF IT!!! Here is a re-cap… January The three…
Archives for 2009
Then and Now
I have had my coffee with a bowl of dry cereal while watching the news every morning of my life since college. Back then, Kensington would lie on her boppy pillow next to me. Now, she sits next to me…
Merry, Merry Christmas!
I simply could not have asked for a better Christmas. It was PERFECTION! This year, us Dallas-ites got our first white Christmas in yearssssssssssssssssssssssss! My Mimi who is (cough, cough) 82, says she only remembers having one once in her…
Last weekend before Christmas
This was our last weekend before Christmas…I’m quite sad. We made the most of it though. Here are just a few pictures… On Friday night, we ate with the Slaughters in Allen. This is Ebby Lee eyeing Kensington’s big girl…
One month from today…
One month from today and we get to meet… Is that a boy or a girl??? I just don’t know! Not finding out your baby’s gender is oh so much fun (I know…most of my friends think we’re crazy) but…
On Saturday, we made our second attempt to visit Santa. The first time, Kensington screamed and cried. This time, I told her was her last chance. I told her she better get her act together and get tough because today…
Cold Winter Day
What do we do on a cold winter day??? We go see Daddy at work and take him a latte…she wants down to play with his toys.Like his super cool putting station… Golf ball… …Golf flag…so much fun Then we…
Baby Boot Camp
If you know this blog at all, you know that Kensington and I go to Baby Boot Camp four mornings a week. Last night, was our Christmas party and I just couldn’t go another day without mentioning my sweet boot…
My one true talent…
When I read my friend Aubrey’s blog this morning, I gasped! She blogged about my one true talent. On our second date, I showed Andrew my incredible talent by singing him the “50 Nifty United States Song”…yes, I remember learning…
A Norman Rockwall Christmas
During these last four days, I’ve felt like I’ve been living in a Norman Rockwall painting. First, it snowed early here in North Texas…so much fun! Kensington and I turned up the Christmas music and I drank extra cocoa to…
This year, we headed up to Missouri for Thanksgiving. I didn’t do a great job taking pictures. There are no pictures of all three kids together, Gretchen, Cheryll or Vicki. I guess we were having too much fun to stop…
Thanks Kara!
My sweet, sweet friend Kara made this dress for Kensington’s birthday and I kept forgetting to snap pictures of her in it, but I remembered on Sunday. Thank you Kara! We love you! This is the stone statue next to…