You either are or you aren’t a mint chocolate chip person. My kids and I are…my husband is not. Mint Chocolate Chip people…this post is for you. If you love a Girl Scout Thin Mint, a Grasshopper Cake, Mint Chocolate…
Archives for March 2014
Fabulous Friday!
It’s Friday!! And today is extra fabulous because it’s my dad’s birthday! I mean, I know you guys think he’s awesome and all because he officiated Sean and Catherine’s wedding and everything… …but honestly, that doesn’t even begin to scratch…
Lime Kool-Aid Cupcakes
In honor of St. Paddy’s Day, I took my little Kool-Aid Cupcake method and mixed and matched it using lime Kool-Aid. My kiddos loved it!! Whether you need a sweet treat for St. Patrick’s Day or just a yummy cupcake…
#shayeveryday2014 Week 9
Hi! It’s been a fun (and crazy weather) week! We had one day with a high of 75 and then 12 hours later, it was snowing. That’s Texas weather for you. Happy March! Day 57: See…everyone looks good in red…
Dinner Tonight: Simple Shepherd’s Pie
The other day, Andrew said, “Can you make a Shepherd’s Pie with sweet potatoes?”. And my answer was “Yes!”. Have no fear if sweet potatoes aren’t your thing…you can totally substitute a basic mashed potato instead! This really…
What a Wednesday!
In honor of Wednesday…I have a bunch of random things to tell you that I’m in love with. Why not? It’s Wednesday, we should celebrate my randomness! I am absolutely in love with Jimmy Fallon hosting The Tonight Show. In…
What’s in my…Spice Cabinet!
I’m so excited to start a new series today! It’s called What’s in my… Occasionally, I will feature things that I keep as staples around my house. Topics will be things like What’s in my… Pantry Sink area Laundry room…
Fifty Two Shades of Shay: Girlfriends
I love my girlfriends. Having a Shade of Shay about friendship seems only natural…because I absolutely adore my friends. I’ve always been a girl’s girl. I love having female friendships in my life. If you’ve read this blog…
Lucky Charms Treats
Well…isn’t this just a simple little idea? An idea that you could mix and match a million different ways! In honor of St. Patrick’s Day, I made Rice Krispies Treats but instead of Rice Krispies cereal…I used Lucky Charms! …
Dear Post- Oscar Monday,
Ahhhh…it’s Monday. Not just any Monday…post-Oscar Monday. This means, I stayed up even later than usual getting excited about films I haven’t even seen. It’s 4:51 a.m. and I’m on my second cup of coffee already…but it was worth it…
Meal Planning Monday #26
It’s the first week of March! We are phasing out the rich and hearty meals of fall and winter and adding lighter options for your weeknight suppers. The birds are chirping, the sun is staying out a bit later, spring…
Bar #28: St. Pistachio Day
It’s time to kick-off St. Patrick’s Day! We love celebrating all things green around our house during the month of March. As simple as this little holiday is, it’s just another fun way to make the month special. So easy…
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