Sheaffer tagged me…so…here are 25 things you might not know about me.
1. I eat dry cereal at least twice a day. I love to fill a bowl with dry cereal & munch away as a snack.
2. I go to Starbucks every day
3. If I don’t get my “coffee & morning news” time in the morning, my day is ruined
4. I write down 5 things I am grateful for every day in a journal. This is my 12th year to do it, so I have 5 things from every, single day of my life written down in 12 journals in my closet. They’re fun to flip back through and read.
5. I almost married the wrong person for me
6. Six days after breaking up with that other person, I met Andrew Shull for the first time
7. I knew I wanted to marry Andrew after our first “date”
8. Our first date was dinner after a KSU football game with both sets of our parents, both sets of my grandparents and my brother…I have a picture…a first date with your entire family…romantic, right?
9. I love to write out my grocery list. I categorize it by area of the grocery store.
10. I used to speak fluent French. It was my minor in college & I studied it for 6 years. If I’m in France, I pick it back up pretty quickly but I am pretty rusty here in the US.
11. I have been to France 3 times
12. I have traveled abroad a lot (thanks to my wonderful parents and sweet husband)
13. When I was 20, I traveled Italy with a friend of mine…we had a blast
14. I used to work for WFAA-TV Channel 8 in Dallas…it was an interesting career
15. I took ballet for 15 years
16. I can still do the splits
17. I love to wear jewelry but never wear it at my house
18. As soon as I get home, I put on sweat pants and take off my jewelry
19. I check every day for celebrity gossip…I don’t know why????
20. My favorite hobby is reading magazines. I subscribe to 6 and squeal with delight when they arrive in the mail
21. I collect books and art from my travels. I think a home should tell a story
22. When people send me emails, I correct their grammar in my head. I have a degree in Journalism and can’t stop myself
23. I love paying my bills. I get pleasure in writing checks and putting them in the mail.
24. I have had the same checking account for 11 years
25. I love football!!! So, now I have to go and watch the Super Bowl. Go Cardinals!!
I tag Kara, Lauren, Holly, and Kelly Penny
The Massey's says
It almost scares me how much you remind me of myself..#1, cereal is never eaten with to snack on it! Have a baggy of Banana Nut Cheerios in my purse right now! #9, the grocery list is my favorite thing to write and rewrite! #17 & #18, as soon as I walk in the door, I am in the sweats with hair in a pony and no jewelry. And we both know how we feel about coffee and dessert. Miss you Shay!!