Happy Tuesday, friends!
It’s a THREE BLOG POSTS day around here!
Not only do I have this post below, but I have PART THREE FROM AUSTRALIA (my favorite day!) and a MY PLATE.
Before we start, I read this quote in a book yesterday morning and loved it so much that I wanted to share…
That’s a pretty darn good quote, no?
Should your 2025 include a little personal motivation to get/stay healthy and live well, I have a few of my favorite “health and wellness buys” to share today. These are just things around my house that I use and love to encourage/inspire/help me get active/get strong/stay healthy/etc.
When I asked you guys what you want more of in 2025, this topic was #1, so I’m trying to deliver 🙂 .
Last week, I shared my KEYS TO FINDING A GYM (which I highly recommend!), but these items here are things you can use at home to helpfully encourage/support/inspire you on this journey.
Let’s start with…
…of course. Outlive is my FAVORITE book on health, wellness and longevity, and I hope you all read it 🙂 .
I did an entire blog post on this book that you can read HERE.
Next up…
…yup, my WEIGHTED VEST again!
I just think that if we’re talking about simple things we can incorporate into our lives/homes, this is a great addition. As you know, mine weighs 12 pounds, and it’s great for dog walks, sprint work and light chores around the house. I absolutely LOVE my vest!
The next item I love at home…
…won’t shock you either 🙂 . You guys, I LOVE my WALKING PAD!
If you missed my blog post about it, I have a WALKING PAD REVIEW for you too. It’s crazy how much I love it. I use it every single day.
Something to use at home that’s a bit smaller than my beloved WALKING PAD though is…
…one of my LATEX RESISTANCE BANDS. I use these every time I’m in my home gym for not just strength training but stretching too.
There are so many exercises that you can find for them on Pinterest or YouTube plus, you can incorporate them into the FitBod App as well. I love that this little pack comes with a variety of strengths/resistances.
I’ve talked about these for years…
…and I love my BALA BANGLES! They weigh 1 pound and work on either the wrist or ankles. You can use them to add a little *something extra* to your workouts or you can use them around the house while you’re doing chores and such for a little extra work.
Another item we use a lot…
…is an AB ROLLER. I have a love/hate relationship with the ab roller.
I love that it works more core harder than any other “tool” at my disposable, but I hate how much more it works my core. Ha! This thing will get you!
If you want to focus on core strength, I can’t think of a better way!
Can I tell you a little secret?
It’s this…
…I figured out several years ago that the best way to get heavy DUMBBELLS to my house was ordering them so that they’re delivered to my house, and I don’t have to walk around a store with heavy weights 🙂 . We have dumbbells from 5 to 100 pounds at our house (and everything in between) and love them. If you need a few sets at your own house, my advice is to order them.
Something else I love that’s easy to have delivered (since it’s bulky to carry) is…
…my BOSU BALL! Again, there are so many ways to incorporate this into your workout.
I’m constantly trying to work on my stability, and this is an easy and excellent way to do it.
One last thing I love to use at home…
…my WEIGHTED BAR! Mine weighs 20 pounds, and it’s easy to use for so many different types of exercises. I especially like it for working my legs.
Now don’t forget…
…if you really want to invest in something, check out MY TONAL REVIEW for the home too.
Tomorrow is WELLNESS WEDNESDAY, so you’ll get an extra post on the topic as well.
That’s it for today! Don’t forget to also check out PART THREE FROM AUSTRALIA and the MY PLATE today too!
Have a great day, friends!
Jess says
I love how you write these posts. It’s very “sharing with a friend” rather than “I have it all together why aren’t you on my level”. Thank you for doing this, it means so much to have us all supporting each other rather than guilting and it’s a great motivation to start the weekday with some ideas and positivity! 🥰
Mix and Match Mama says
Well I certainly appreciate the comment section. I cannot even imagine where I’d be today without the tips/ideas/suggestions/encouragement from all of YOU!! It’s truly shaped me.
Elspeth says
So many easy items to incorporate in your workouts! Thanks for sharing!
Sheaffer says
You know what would be funny? Me trying to do an ab roller. Actually, maybe it would be sad. Haha!
Sarah Shaneyfelt says
Love the Outlive book! Thank you for sending it to me, Shay, because I then gifted one to both my mom and sister!! I also have the bala bangles and will wear them while I’m walking on the treadmill so I feel like my arms are getting a little workout in. I need the weighted vest next!!!
You need to read Good Energy next! I’m almost done with it, but it’s so fascinating and really encouraging to know how cellular health affects so many diseases–and how to take care of your cells and mitochondria.
Mix and Match Mama says
It’s on my list!!! I always love to listen to the Means on podcasts. I need to read the book stat.
Katrina Goodman says
With all this cold weather in Texas.. I’m thinking I need a walking pad!
Ashlea says
Do you use your bosu ball for stability exercises because of Dr Attia and Outlive?
Mix and Match Mama says
I bought one for my home after reading Outlive/listening to his podcast. I used to take a class at the gym where you always used one, so I was familiar, but after he went into great detail about balance and stability being excellent ways to extend longevity, it made me purchase one for my home.
Melanie says
Have you read Glucose Revolution? Very interesting information on how glucose levels affect our bodies. It is not a book about diabetes. It’s for everyone. It makes you think about what you eat and more importantly when you eat it. I need to read Outlive next.
Mix and Match Mama says
I’ve never even heard of that one. I am looking it up right now! THANK YOU!!
Jess says
Curious! Are you still wearing your Oura ring? Is a part two still coming? I’ve been looking forward to it! Also I need to get an ab roller stat!!
Mix and Match Mama says
Part 2 is coming! I’m sleeping in it but not wearing it during the day.
Janet Teeter says
Shay, i bought the weighted vest last summer after you recommended it. I love wearing it while walking my dog. I’ve discovered, thanks to your picture of you wearing the vest, that I’ve been wearing mine UPSIDE DOWN🤷🏻♀️😜. I might love it even more wearing it correctly.
Mix and Match Mama says
I do not judge you because it is a little confusing. Hahaha! I would be lying if I didn’t say I haven’t worn it upside down myself a time or two.
Michele says
Do you really wear no shoes when you are on your walking pad?? I can’t imagine that would be good for your feet, unless it’s going very slow?
Mix and Match Mama says
I often don’t wear shoes on it. I personally don’t use mine for “exercise”. I use mine to “get my steps in” while I’m on the phone or if I just need a minute to move while I’m working. I only do it for about 10 minutes or so at a time, so I just hop up and start walking.
Dena says
Hi – curious how much the walking pad was when you bought it? Amazon now says $376. I have a full size treadmill in my basement but I like the idea of something smaller and more portable so I can get my steps in, especially in Winter! Thank you!
Mix and Match Mama says
I just checked again, and it’s $269. That’s how much I paid (although, it does occasionally go on sale!).
Libby says
How do you clean your weighted vest? As the Texas summer approaches, I know mine will get sweaty & stinky.
Mix and Match Mama says
Probably not the “right” way, but here is what I have done…I’ve just hosed it off and let it dry out in the sun. I’ve also sprayed it with a little Febreeze too. I’m sure that’s not correct, but so far, it’s working okay,
Christine says
Hi! I’m sorry if you’ve already posted this and I missed it….but do you have any “go-to” exercises that you do with the Bosu ball, and also what does your typical weekly workout routine look like? Thanks so much!
Mix and Match Mama says
You can use it so many different ways (and if you use the FitBod app, you can add it as a piece of equipment so it will show you different exercises to use with it). Also, if you go to Pinterest and look up “bosu ball exercises” you will find SO MANY. Here are just a few examples:
1: Flip it over (so the bouncy side faces down) and do pushups or mountain climbers while holding on to the edges
2: Flip it over and do your planks
3: Use it for step ups or “box” jumps
4: Stand on it when you’re doing a lot of different arm exercises for stability while working your arms
5: Flip it over and lie down on it for chest presses, glute bridges, etc