Happy happy Wednesday!
Today, I have TWO POSTS! I have this post here, and then I also have my first MY LOW LEVEL GOALS FOR 2025, so make sure you check that out HERE too!
This here though is my first SHAY’S WAYS of 2025 ANNNNND it’s also my first official…
This year, the goal is to share something “wellness” related each Wednesday. It’s going to vary from week to week but hopefully, I’ll cover a lot of the topics you ladies requested and then some.
A little backstory, I have been going to some sort of “gym” pretty much my entire adult life.
There was an apartment gym, a gym with great childcare, a gym that was really close by my house…there have been a variety of “gyms”, and for the most part, I’ve always had a membership.
About two-ish years ago though, I cancelled my gym membership and just used our HOME GYM for my strength training days. My home gym works really well, I am super happy to have it, but in October, I did share with Andrew that it doesn’t have all of the leg equipment I need for my “heavy” leg days.
This was the conversation:
Andrew: It’s because you need to go to a gym for that.
Me: I don’t want to spend a lot of money just to work my legs once a week.
Andrew: Then you need to go to a real gym.
Me: I’ve always gone to “real” gyms.
Andrew: Not really. You always go to gyms with all the extra things, but this time, you just need a basic gym with heavy equipment.
He wasn’t wrong.
For about 10 years, I went to a gym that had childcare for all of my kiddos, it offered all of these classes, it had a big outdoor swimming pool and track, it had a cafe, a spa, a basketball court, and a luxurious locker room. Andrew never went there because he didn’t need all of that “extra” stuff. He just needed heavy weights. I needed not only a gym with childcare, but I wanted a full experience so that my little kids and me could spend hours up there as part workout/part fun playdate.
Fast forward and today, I just need a “gym”.
Andrew found me a gym with a $15 a month membership. Yup. I only pay $15 a month which for this stage in my life (once a week), that’s all I need to pay. Buuuuuut…I was nervous to go the first time because I was used to gyms primarily filled with women and children and well, a bunch of strong men all sweaty using heavy weights made me nervous. I sucked it up and went and you guys, I LOVE IT! My weekly gym day is one of my favorites now!
I say all of this to say…I was nervous about going to the gym after 20+ years of GOING TO THE GYM, so if I was nervous, I know many of you first timers might be too. I wish I could go with you and encourage you but since I can’t, I can at least share my KEYS TO FINDING A GYM.
Here we go…
Me at the gym 🙂 .
I personally think convenience is the #1 key. If the gym isn’t convenient, you won’t go. Maybe you need a gym close to your house? Or maybe it should be by your office? Or maybe you need one in a certain part of town where you tend to run errands? If your gym is convenient, you are way more likely to go than if it’s not. Speaking of which…
Look at your calendar and your schedule and your life and find that sweet spot for when you can consistently workout…and then make sure the gym is open during that time. Maybe you need one open at 4:00 AM? Or maybe you need one that stays open until midnight? Maybe weekend hours are really important to you…I don’t know but in my opinion, make the gym hours fit your life instead of you trying to fit your schedule into their specific hours. The gym I went to prior to this one opened at 6:00 AM. I really need one that opens earlier than that, but it was close to my house so I made it work. That really doesn’t work for me, so it’s better for me to drive a little further to have one that opens earlier.
Back in the day, I needed childcare at my gym. I also had a bunch of kids who loved to swim during the hot days of summer and for years, I didn’t have a pool, so I needed a pool too. Right now, I need none of that, so I don’t need to pay for it. I COULD NOT believe how cheap my current gym membership was at this new place. All of the other things served me well for years, but if your gym is pricey because of the pool you will never use, pick a new gym.
Whether you’ve been to a gym before or never one time in your life, when you sign up, I would ask them about booking a trainer for your first visit. I have found over the years that often, you can get these complementary as a part of your new membership you just need to know to ask. Why do you need a trainer? They can show you the ropes. They will walk you around, you can tell them your goals/needs/wants and they can show you which machines/weights/etc would be a good match for you. Honestly, they will just put your mind at ease and make it so much easier for you to walk in the next time. That being said, if you can’t get a trainer or don’t want to then…
If I were you, I would just tell myself that on my first visit, I’m just there to observe. Who cares if you only stay 15 minutes? Just go in, walk around, check things out, maybe even subtly snap some pictures so that you remember where everything is located…just do some reconnaissance work upfront at first to put your mind at ease.
I love a plan 🙂 . I always go into the gym with a plan of some sort. Between Pinterest, Youtube, and apps like FitBod, it’s never been easier for the internet to tell you what to do at the gym. Have a plan on your phone when you go. This way, you know exactly what you should be doing and when you leave, you’ll feel confident that your time was spent well. In my opinion, a plan always produces peace.
Yup. You need to people watch. If you don’t want to people watch from the actual gym equipment, try hopping on a treadmill and watching while you walk or look for a place to “stretch”…but really what you’re doing is watching people. I have tried so many new exercises and/or equipment just by watching people at the gym and learning from them. Way back before we had kids, Andrew and I had a gym membership at the same place and one morning, I was on a machine when my sweet husband came up next to me and said “hey babe, you’re sitting on that backwards”. Bahahaha! I’m so glad he told me! I started people watching right then, and it’s helped tremendously.
I would ask the gym when their peak hours are (probably early in the morning and right after work) and then if I were you, I’d start by avoiding those times. It might be a little inconvenient at first, but it will help you ease into the gym with less of an audience around.
I really, really, really believe in women building muscle and you can’t do that without lifting weights. And it’s hard to lift heavy weights at home. If you’ve always wanted to join a gym but didn’t know how/where to start, I hope this helps. I am happy to answer any questions/offer encouragement in the comment section below too. I just wouldn’t want anyone to really want to work on this in 2025 and not simply because they’re intimidated. Let this community cheer you on as you join a gym 🙂 .
I have these resources as well:
You can check out MY FITBOD APP REVIEW.
Now, don’t forget! I’m also sharing MY LOW LEVEL GOALS FOR 2025, so make sure you check that out HERE too!
Happy Wellness Wednesday, friends!
Robin says
This is such an encouraging post! I joined a “real” gym in November for the first time ever and I was a WRECK at first😂
They had a free session with a trainer so I did (exactly as you recommended!) that on my second visit and it helped a lot. She could tell I was really nervous. I was so intimidated as I had never lifted weights before and had no idea what I was doing. I was fine by the end of the first week. So excited about your Wellness Wednesdays!!
Elspeth says
Such great advice! I too have started to lift more this year and have noticed a difference! Love these wellness posts
Tamara says
So true! At one of my favourite gyms I went to, one of the trainers said “the best gym is the gym you’ll go to”. I absolutely adored that gym, but now I have two kids and the commute is way too long so it’s not the gym I’ll go to anymore. Seasons change!
Mix and Match Mama says
YES! I had a hard time with “seasons change” because as you know, I love a routine, but when it comes to the gym/classes/trainers/times…SEASONS CHANGE. You’re exactly right!
Kelli says
I ❤️ my gym! And I’m gonna LOVE these posts each week!
Kelli says
Would you be willing to share your gym leg day routine?
Mix and Match Mama says
I will write it down and share!
Jeanette says
Excellent information! So excited about the new Wellness Wednesdays 😁.
Chrys says
Love this! I’ve made the transition from cardio to strength training and it’s been AMAZING! My husband was totally judging me last summer when I walked into the house with all these heavy weights because he thought I’d never use them…but he was wrong, haha. All my cardio comes from walking the dog and I use the Peloton app (and bike screen) for strength training.
Kate says
Do you have any suggestions for a first timer on what exercises to start with when it comes to lifting weights?
Mix and Match Mama says
I highly recommend the FitBod app. It will ask you questions when you join about your goals/fitness level/equipment on hand/etc. Let it tell you what to do.
Faith says
I love wellness Wednesday already. I’m still intimidated. I really want to get back into exercising regularly. I have been a member of several types of gyms over the years as well. I have done Zumba, Boot Camp, etc. I hate cardio (other than when I did Zumba – but it was also fun with friends.) I know once I start I’ll be glad I did. Starting and figuring out what to do is the problem. I’m thinking of using the Fitbod app since I have light weights at home and then looking I to other options. My middle daughter is getting married in July so this gives me some motivation plus your blogs help as well!
Mix and Match Mama says
I really think if you go a few times, you’ll quickly figure out a few things: 1: No one is watching you/cares about you/interested in you…everyone is doing their own thing. 2: It’s a great time to listen to a podcast or music…put on your headphones and just enjoy the alone time. You can do it!!
Laci says
I think I would enjoy weights but I am so intimidated…maybe I need to get over it,lol
Mix and Match Mama says
I hope you try it!! Try it for a bit and see what you think. I really, really think you might love it.
Danielle says
What a great list! Very helpful! Honestly, a lot of your tips could be used toward picking other things too, like a doctor’s office. I’ll be keeping these in mind!
Mix and Match Mama says
You are so right about that!
Taylor R says
I am wondering, and maybe you said and I missed it, do you still have your Peloton? Just curious if you still use it or if you have moved on!
Mix and Match Mama says
I do! I don’t use it much but Andrew uses it several times a week. I heard him in there on it just this morning.
Taylor R says
Awesome! I got one for Christmas and I am SO EXCITED. I did my first class this AM ❤️
Eliza says
I love the Wellness Wednesday. Great addition! I agree w your suggestion to find one w a convenient location. That was the key for my consistency. Have you ever tried Reformer Pilates? It’s a machine, full body strength training 50 min workout… each session is a real kick in the pants😅
Mix and Match Mama says
At my “fancy” gym back in the day I did! I liked it! Right now, I don’t think I have time to fit it in with the strength and my yoga, but if I had an extra day, I would certainly do it!
Denise says
Hi! I think Wellness Wednesdays will be my favorite posts of 2025. Such a great idea! Just curious, would you mind sharing your leg routine? Is the tonal not able to do what you need it to for certain body parts? I love your approach to “seasons” for different gyms. Currently I’m in the “home gym” as my only realistic option and want to add more strength/heavy lifting into the mix. Was considering a tonal but that investment may need to be spent on other equipment. Or I just need to see if I can find a $15 gym on my drive out of work?
Loving your dedication to improving the health (and quality) of women’s lives.
Mix and Match Mama says
Awww! Thank you for the sweet comment. My tonal and home gym equipment is perfect for squats, lunges and most glute work…but when I really want to lift heavy and make it a solid “leg” day, I like having access to a squat press machine, a glute press machine, leg extension machine, and so on. There are about 8 machines at my gym that are able to really work my legs more than what I can do at home. Thank YOU for being here each day. I’m blessed by it. xx
Sheaffer says
I feel like your home gym could be my real gym. How much would you charge for a monthly membership? 😉
Mix and Match Mama says
I just lol! You may come for free 🙂 .
Rhoda W says
Love this post Shay. For years I used to be a tennis addict and that kept me fit until my ankles no longer cooperated. Seven years later and 30lbs heavier I knew I needed to do something but I felt so intimidated joining a gym. Your advice to scope the gym out in quiet times is a great confidence building advice.
Mix and Match Mama says
Truly, if you have questions or need another “push”, let me know! I really think you’ll love it once you start. xx
Kay says
This is one of the many! reasons I absolutely love you! You are so good about being open and flexible to what you need at any point as life changes. As the first of my three just went off to college, I’m also starting to be more budget minded. I used to go to all the fancy gyms when my kids were little too, and I just love the idea of keeping it simple now and getting what you need!
I am so looking forward to these wellness posts. Because of you and the readers of this community, I have been hopping on my walking pad and getting 10k steps most days, and increasing weight training. It has honestly really paid off!
My new latest discover is that I can read my kindle (on my peloton bike screen) if I pull my walking pad right up to it. The other day, honestly!, I was so into my book I looked down and :30 of walking had passed. It flies by and I can get some steps in while I’m reading! Don’t get me wrong, I will also curl up on my favorite chair under a blanket and read too :).
Mix and Match Mama says
Kay, you just BLEW MY MIND! I haven’t even considered reading while I walk on my pad. THAT IS BRILLIANT! Thank you, thank YOU for the encouraging comment. You just totally inspired ME!! xx
Katie Compton says
I read my Kindle every time I walk on the treadmill at my gym! I like to go before work, around 5:30am. I read while I get a couple miles in and it’s a fantastic start to my day. I really want to get a walking pad so I can do the same at home. We are looking into them!
Mix and Match Mama says
Truly, my mind is blown. I cannot wait to walk and read a bit today!
Nicole says
Love this!! Did you get the book, Born to Walk? I just started and my mind is blown!
Mix and Match Mama says
Not yet, but it’s on my list!!
Maria says
How did Andrew find your new gym? I too would love a good gym but finding the right gym and price are always a deterrent for me.
Mix and Match Mama says
He just knew about it from years of talking to his friends/going to his own gyms/etc. I never would have considered it.
Marisa Patel says
I REALLY needed this post today! I am the type of person who “cannot” do most things alone HAHAHA! I seriously need to start working out as my muscle mass is dwindling by the hour, and I am not getting younger…My wellness journey has started slowly, and I have been telling myself that it is time to step up and take care of myself! Since this is my beginning, do you think I need heavy weights right from the start or should I start with less intense exercise?
Mix and Match Mama says
You do not want to hurt yourself, so start light and work your way up. In my NON EXPERT opinion (so please ask an expert), if I personally can do 12 or 15 reps, it’s too light. I like to do 8 solid reps and then go down from there. I personally want heavy weights with fewer reps.
Sarah Farhood says
I was JUST thinking about my hike gym lacking the leg equipment, perfect timing!
Katie Compton says
My husband and senior (ahh!) daughter joined a gym about two years ago that is just a basic $15 a month gym to work on strength training, and I joined them a few months ago! It has all the great strength and cardio machines, plus free weights. No extras, just lots of the basics which is exactly what we all need in this season of life. I was intimidated to join them at first for the same reasons you listed (add in seeing lots of former 2nd graders that are now big high schoolers for me!) but I’m so glad I jumped in with them. They have both taught me so much about weight training and I’ll admit… I love getting a text from my hubby while we’re there that says “I’m doing a killer tricep routine, wanna join me?” 🥰
Natalie Lyles says
Yes my gym has all the things- I paid $29 a month to spray tan not to work out LOL. I just turned 40 I need to get my priorities straight ..you just encouraged me Shay!
Heather says
About two years ago I really wanted to try weight training but was really intimidated. There was a guy at my gym that was a trainer that looked like Thor and I finally got the courage to ask if he was taking new clients…He was the nicest guy and really helped me make sure I had proper form when I first started out which is SO important. Now I use a trainer twice a week and do two days on my own. I like having him there to make sure I don’t get pushed out of the space by men who can be jerks at the gym sometimes, plus he puts the really heavy weights on the machines for me which can be difficult for me sometimes without help. Anyway, I have lost 50 pounds in two years through strength training and my trainer really keeps me motivated but also injury free.
Mix and Match Mama says
Well I just could not love this comment more! Thank you so much for sharing! xx
Karah Stracener says
I believe Wellness Wednesdays is going to be my new favorite series you do. I currently work out at home in my bedroom because my schedule just does not allow me gym time. I used to love going to the gym but at this moment I am embracing my “bedroom gym” haha. Thank you for sharing all of these tips.
Heather says
So looking forward to more Wellness Wednesdays! I have a goal of toning and losing 20lbs this year and I’m sure this will help me reach my goal.
Mix and Match Mama says
Thank YOU for being a part of it with us!!
Ella says
I love these posts!
I would love to know how you stay motivated, maybe it could be one of your Wednesday posts 😉
I am able to keep going giving myself little pep talks through tough heavy lifts, when I know this is my 2025 – 1 year goal. But thinking I have to give myself those pep talks for the next 40+ years breaks my stride.
I need the weight lifting retirement plan 🤣 Do the hard and consistant work now and then when you retire you can just go walk the dog and be good.
Mix and Match Mama says
I love this question, and I can already tell that I LOVE your attitude! That second to last sentence had me laughing out loud! Do you know what I think will start to motivate you? Results. I truly, truly think that if you start prioritizing lifting heavy, you will start to see and feel the results and then that’s all the motivation you’ll need. My weight has stayed the same, but my body composition has changed, my lab work is better than it’s ever been, I actually see my muscles and feel strong…that is what motivates me, and I think it will you too! It will take some time, but I really think lots of protein and heavy weights will produce results you’ll love. Please keep me posted!!
Brianne Adams says
I am loving the FitBod app!!! I started it last summer, but the fall semester was a little crazy and I didn’t get to the gym much. I’m back at it and am loving the updates on the app!!
Mix and Match Mama says
I love it too!! It’s so easy to customize and make personal.