On day 9, we went to the oldest zoo in Europe. It was in Vienna and only a subway stop from our hotel. By the way, Kensington loved riding the “train” (or subway). I’m going to spare you the zillion pictures I took of animals. We saw a ton of them. I have never been to a zoo where the animals were as close to the people as this one. We’re talking two or three feet away from the fences. My mom said this was her favorite day.
She wore her hippo shirt for the occasion :).
Admiring the penguins
Yes, Ariel and Snow White came too
Big girl eating her ice cream
Believe it or not, her very favorite animal at the zoo was this silly rooster. Not the panda bears or polar bears. Not the giraffes or elephants…this rooster.
After the zoo, we went back to down town Vienna. We ran across this store. My parents’ last name is Lowe.
Smith Shull loves to gum on bread. This boy went crazy for the bread at every meal.