Today, we ported in Tallinn, Estonia. I knew very little about this country and what to expect, so it was an adventure for sure. Smith started out his day with some Fruit Loops, of course!
One day, I will remind her of how she wouldn’t look at the camera. (As you can see, Pony is still hanging with us at every port.)
Smith would rather nap than sight-see.
A little piece of Texas in Estonia. Who knew?!
Grandmother and Kensington in the town square. Tallinn had LOTS of great shopping! I bought many treasures here.
Me and my boy (and my mom way back in the back)
Dear Lord, please let me age as beautifully as my Grandmother. Both inside and out.
My mom and dad bought Smith this dinosaur. He loved it. He loved it. He loved it.
Walking it everywhere we went.
Still walking it.
Stopping for pastries and coffee.
Towards the end of our day, Kensington asked Lovie when it would be her turn to walk the dinosaur. It was so sweet and polite, that my mom went back to the square and bought K her own dog to walk. I could do an entire post on these two with their two wooden animals. We walked them all over Europe. All over the boat. And are now walking them all over our house in McKinney, TX. They are in love with these two wooden toys.
Hang on…next stop, St. Petersburg, Russia. Sounds simple but it wasn’t…it required Russian Visas, paperwork like you wouldn’t believe…and was an adventure of a lifetime. The Shulls hit Russia next.
Tab & Erika says
FYI…if I was on a game show and the question was "Estonia is a country." I would have said, "False" and lost lots of money!!
Aubrey says
Weird story. My dad and his brothers toured on a cruise ship from Helsinki to Tallin in 1992 — the year when Estonia escaped communist rule. It has always been my dream to go to Tallin. There is a public wine cellar there from the year 500AD that my dad and uncles rave about to this day. The stories they tell from the first days of capitalism are amazing. So excited to see the city thriving in your photos!