5. Taste of Home
I have some rules about my magazines…I learned a long time ago that if you don’t have some ground rules for yourself, your magazines will get out of control!
2. I carry a magazine with me all the time. You just never know when you’ll need one (waiting for your kids in front of their school, waiting at the post office, waiting at the dentist, etc.). I find there are a lot of pockets of time that I can spend reading instead of playing on my phone or just being bored.
3. I try and always give my magazines to other people when I’m done reading them. My cousin gets my magazines, I leave them at my hairstylists’ place, I leave them in waiting rooms at doctor/dentist offices, I drop them off at my gym…I try and always pass them on instead of just throwing them out. But the bottom line is that I try not to keep them piling up in my house.
4. I used to keep my food magazines for a resource later…but then I just had a stack of magazines when I really only needed one or two recipes from each of them. Now, I pull out pages as I’m reading and stick them in folders clearly marked “for the house”, “exercises to try”, “desserts”, etc. This is way more efficient than keeping a huge stack of magazines around.
5. Use old magazines for kids’ projects. Whenever I need a quick little project for my kiddos, I pull out a magazine. The possibilities are really endless…we can go through and count things, find letters, find objects or people, we make collages, color funny faces…there is so much to do. Old magazines are a lot cheaper than a new coloring book and a lot more creative too.
**I mentioned that I subscribe to Birchbox above. Do you know what Birchbox is? I read about this in a magazine (go figure) three years ago. It’s a company that sends you a little box of samples and full-sized items once a month in the mail. For only $10, you get this great little gift each month for yourself. Each month, you get at least one full-sized item (almost always worth over $10) and 5 to 6 other beauty samples. I have scored so much fun stuff over the years that I still look forward to its arrival each month. If you’re into beauty and makeup, you should totally check Birchbox out!**
The Fifty Two Shades of Shay just wouldn’t be complete without this post…I am a magazine junkie…that’s just one shade of me :).
I’d love to hear your favorite magazines! Leave me a comment…maybe I need another subscription :).
And don’t forget to check out my foodie blog today…I have a new twist on an American classic…
Kelly Jo says
I love that you pay them forward. I always wonder who left the magazines in waiting rooms.
I have 0 subscriptions! I may need to buy one. 🙂
Sara says
I love magazines also. I like many of the ones that you named, but 2 other favorites of mine are O magazine and Reader's Digest. There is just so much to read in both of them.
Caravan Sonnet says
I love that you mention donating magazines when you are done with them! As someone who has spent most of the past year in the hospital or in doctors' offices it is always a treat when you discover a "newer" magazine versus a three year old one! {Or more….hahaha one doctors' office had a magazine that was sharing "breaking news" about angelina and brad getting together!}
🙂 Rebecca
Anonymous says
I get several magazines free through the Coke Rewards. I love that I get to try a magazine for free. I give mine to a friend who reads them and then donates them to a local hospital where she volunteers.
Aubs says
I LOVE my birchbox too!! Such a fun little something to get in the mail every month!!
I don't have any subscriptions but maybe I need to! I have always loved reading, but since having the 3rd baby just haven't been able to find lots of time to do it! Magazines might just be the answer to allow me to enjoy reading in small bits until I can get thru the toddler years w/ my crazy little guy!! ha!
Sheaffer {Pinterest Told Me To} says
I can't believe that you didn't mention in this post that the day in August when your September Southern Living comes is pretty much your very favorite day of the entire year. 😉
Megan says
I had Birchbox for over a year, and was dissappointed the last 4 months, so I cancelled and switched to IPSY… It was the best decision EVER!! You should look into it! You get a make up bag each month and most of the products included are things I actually use and are usually full size!!
jen says
Shay, I just adore you and your blog! I am a magazine lover too! I do have a good recommendation: Southern Lady! You'd love it because you are the quintessential modern southern lady! Thanks for the darling blog and for sharing your life. I love reading, makes each day a little nicer~
The Bryan Family says
I love magazines and yes it is ridiculous to pay the price the stores ask for them. I also get Birchbox and love! My question is for you is there is so many magazines out there how did you decide on the ones that you subscribe to? I would have such a hard time because I love so many.
Mel Tales says
Right now I have no subscriptions and I really need to buy one. I love Southern Living, Paula Deen, Better Homes & Gardens.
Mia @ MakeMeUpMia says
You should really check out Ipsy Shay, it's another $10 a month makeup bag. I did a post about it on my blog. It doesn't disappoint 🙂 I don't know how you find time to read all those magazines haha, I get overwhelmed and I only have Self and Paula D!
Jennifer Cannon says
No US weekly or people!! Those are the only "celebrity" mag. That I trust!! I had food network… Until I canceled it last week….. Thats a whole different story!!
V @ X-tremely V says
I love this post! I have been a magazine junkie since I was a child! My favorite right now is Style Watch by People! It is like Christmas morning when it arrives in my mailbox 🙂
Andrea Brant says
I've been subscribed to Birchbox but a little over two years, but recently I found glossybox, which in my opinion, is better. It's a bit more pricey, but you get more high end products and most of them are full-size.
Bama Girl in AZ says
I love magazines! LOVE! I have many and like you – several are free. Let's see if I can remmber them all:
Southern Living
Garden & Gun
Country Living
Southern Lady
AZ Highways
Travel & Leisure
Clean Eating
Eat Well
Better Homes and Gardens
Running Times
Women's Running
I kmow a get a lot more fitness mags, but I can't remember them all!
Kaylyn Marie says
I LOVE Women's Health! I also have Shape, Fitness and SELF. What can I say, I'm a fitness mag fanatic. 🙂
Rachel Brown says
Love this post!! I've been looking forward to it so I can get some new ideas for magazines. Have you tried Cooking Light? One of my favorites for years. Have a blessed day!
Michelle says
I have described myself as a magazine junkie my whole life. It is so great to meet another one! I love (and subscribe) to most all the magazines you do but also get Allure, More, Cooking Light, Prevention, People, and Texas Monthly. I really expected to find Texas Monthly on your list. It has really wonderfully written articles and so many issues especially relevant to Texans. Unfortunately, magazines are my weakness – maybe like your candles and nail polish. So even with the subscriptions, I often buy off the shelf too when some headline catches my eye.
Tiffany {A Touch of Grace} says
I love HGTV magazine as well. They are a great resource for all things home and some random things you never thought you needed to know, but probably should. I wish I could have more subscriptions, but alas, the hubby would probably kick my behind. 🙂
Jenn Rivera says
Hi Shay! A great magazine for the kids/family to enjoy is Highlights. I used to get this mag as a kid and now that I have kids they get it in the mail (which they think is so special & fun cause it's just for them!) A great place to buy magazine subscriptions for a great price is DiscountMags.com
Jaren says
I use to love my magazines and since I have become such a Pinterest nut, I don't even look through them anymore. So sad…I have a growing stack on my end table in my living room. My husband is starting to get irritated with me!
lisaknortman says
Love magazines and subscribe to most of the ones you mentioned, but definitely recommend the Cottage Journal….$9.99 each on the shelf, but a $20 subscription gets you Spring, Summer, Autumn, CHRISTMAS and Winter. Beautiful magazine, almost book-like and always puts you in the mood for each season! Happy reading:)
Anonymous says
Hi Shay! I always look forward to reading your blog. I love magazines for reading at the pool, the beach and also traveling. I subscribe to a bunch of magazines, but unfortunately usually let them pile up. I will take your advice, and start passing them on when I get the new one. Like you, I subscribe to Shape, Paula D, Good housekeeping, Better Homes and Gardens. I also get parenting-school years, and I love HGTV magazine.
Slightly Askew Designs says
I've loved magazines since I was little and Highlights would show up in our mailbox 🙂 Was Real Simple on your list??? If not, it totally should be!
Anonymous says
My four year old gets the Disney Princess magazine and loves it – if you are looking for a good one for K
The Lovely One says
I used to read Real Simple, is that still in publication? It's a lot like Martha Stewart Living.
Jen {Whimsy at Heart} says
I hadn't had a magazine subscription in years until I had an opportunity to get several for free. I chose Better Homes & Gardens, Fitness & In Style. It's so much fun when I get them in the mail!
Kristin Murphy says
I get Real Simple and find myself referring back to it more so than any other magazine I subscribe too. You should check it out! I love it!
Kelly Stamps says
I used to be the MAGAZINE QUEEN!!! Before kids I think I had 30 subscriptions. Nothing makes me happier than a stack full of magazines.
I feel like I don't have time to read them now but if we ever go on a trip – I will have 10 with me in the car or plane!
Donna Lankford says
I love magazines and use MagazinesforWomen (http://magazinesforwomen.org/) to get what I want at a discount…they have all magazines…not just women's!
Jeanie says
I'm very late to the party, but I'm surfing the Web and noticed your magazine subscription post. I also subscribe to InStyle, Better Homes and Gardens, Country Living (not "country-ish" at all; you'd love it), Food Network Magazine, Good Housekeeping, Readers Digest (so much variety), and, I must confess, Us Weekly. I feel I'm leaving something out, but this is way too many. I just don't have time to read them all. I give them to a friend who gives them to her daughter when she's through with them, but I can't bring myself to give away one I haven't read. Oh, and I'm getting Marie Claire, but I didn't subscribe and don't know why I'm getting it. I also subscribe to Allure, but have it delivered to my daughter in San Francisco so I have a magazine to read while I'm visiting.
Sarah Johnson says
My husband and I love Food & Wine magazine.