The last time I did a “day in the life of Shay” was back on January 8, so I picked this last Monday to do a summer version. I picked Monday because I knew we had tennis camp and swimming, so I thought the day might be somewhat interesting (for a boring old Monday at least)…well, you know what happens to best laid plans…
Good morning folks. I’m up and ready for the day…my coffee and me are :).
I headed straight to my office with coffee in hand to publish my blogs (it was Meal Planning Monday!) and get to work.
At 5:00 a.m., I always turn on the Dennis & Callahan Show to listen to them talk about New England sports (like my Sox!).
We were leaving early this morning for tennis camp (7:30), so I combined a quick breakfast with my quiet time. I ate an English muffin with orange marmalade and a chocolate banana almond butter smoothie.
I’m reading Deuteronomy right now and I love the verse in chapter 31…”Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord is the one who goes before you. He will be with you; he will neither fail you nor forsake you.”
Kensington was up right at 6:00 (we put them to bed early the night before so that they would be well rested for tennis). Jammies, check; robe, check; dog, check; Lucky Charms, check.
I had to go wake up Smith…he told me it was too early.
We kept things really healthy, and he had a Poptart for breakfast with milk :).
I got dressed for the gym (tennis camp is at my gym) and watched Friends while getting ready.
I had to go wake up Poppy and tell her to rise and shine.
And then it started pouring…the weather channel app on my phone showed no rain…yet, it was pouring.
It’s never too early for sarcasm from Sheaffer 🙂
With bags packed and kids ready to go, we headed up to tennis camp to see if it would stop raining.
It didn’t stop, so Erika and I let the kids play for an hour before our strength class began. Nixon was really good at miniature air hockey (look at that expression!).
Two girls killing time before 8:00 in the morning…
We let the kids run around on the indoor track and make silly faces. I just love these five kiddos!
At 8:45, Erika and I were ready for our strength class (or at least we pretended to be ready).
After class, we went to get the kids and Bowen came running up to me going “Hi Shay! Hi Shay! Hi Shay!”. Melt my heart.
The rain continued and we cancelled our pool plans. We invited Ebby Lee over to play and have lunch, I lit my candles, turned on my favorite music and did stuff around the house.
The girls colored and Smith built things…it was actually really peaceful and a nice way to spend the afternoon.
My dad texted me…he thinks he is so clever ;).
I made myself an omelet for lunch (1 egg, 2 egg whites, bell pepper, green onions and tomatillo salsa) with fruit and Nut Thins.
The kids wanted Mac and Cheese and a Corn Dog…who am I to deny them such a glorious lunch on a rainy day?
I took a shower (usually I shower at the gym but because of the crazy tennis/pool/rain stuff, I just came home and showered instead). Clean and dressed.
I got back to work while the kids played. Doesn’t that look yummy?! Click here for the recipe.
Before we dropped Ebby Lee off at home, we took a silly pic.
Back home by 1:45, kids down for naps and I treated myself to a homemade latte and 2 no bake cookies (don’t judge…they have oatmeal and peanut butter, that’s healthy, right?!?!). Girl math.
Andrew ran by the house for a minute just as K was walking downstairs after her nap. Love these two :).
Around 4:00, I folded and put away a load of laundry. Fun times.
At 4:30, I knew I had a solid 30 minutes of downtime, so I read a magazine.
Smith came downstairs around 4:45 and began coloring.
Andrew was leaving the following day for a trip. We have a tradition that we eat Mexican food before any trip…so, at 5:45, we ate yummy Mexican food.
My dinner companions.
After dinner, we needed to run by the grocery store…K fell asleep in the car.
Smith crawled in the front seat with me while Andrew was finishing up a phone call and K was napping in the grocery store parking lot.
Inside the grocery store, K perked up quickly when I told her she could pick a polish for me to use on her fingers that night.
When we got home, K headed to the tub.
While she was in the tub, I showered and then we both put on our pjs and I painted her nails.
Kids asleep by 8:15 and I ate a brownie (of course!).
Andrew and I watched 24. I love, love, love 24! Whoever had the idea to bring it back is brilliant. I would kiss them on the lips if I met them :). I snapped this picture while we were watching and then…
…I climbed into bed around 9:45 and turned on a King of Queens (because I like to watch something happy after I watch something intense like 24) and look who was on this random rerun of King of Queens…the same actress from 24 that I had just photographed. Random coincidence!
A quick screenshot before I went to bed…9:51 p.m. I stayed up another 15 minutes or so and then it was lights out.
On my foodie blog today…
…I’m reviewing a really good cookbook, sharing a yummy recipe (Cast Iron Steak Fajitas) and giving away a copy of the book too. Click here to check it out!
And don’t forget, I’m doing a Shade of Shay on building a house next week. If you have any questions (not too personal), leave them in the comment section here and I’ll answer them next week.
Anonymous says
Yes!!! Best day ever! What a surprise to get another one of these posts! 🙂
Tanya says
Shay, I start my morning everyday with your blog but have never left a comment. My son is having heart surgery in just a couple of hours. I think your verse in Deuteronomy was just for me this morning. Thank you!
Tab & Erika says
Bowen has a crush. A BIG one!! 🙂
Katie Paladino says
Love that you watch D&C in the mornings! So fun to get a little glimpse into your life:)
Miranda Clawson says
Wonderful read on the blog this morning!! Love Love LOVE the verse! Also you brownie plate caught my eye, my kitchen is decorated with lemon and lime and it's so hard to find decorations or even anything really to use in my kitchen, I finally went with fiesta dishes, but I would like to find more things with lemon and limes on them too. Can you help?
Paula says
I love the warm color of your floors!
Your day turned out great. You just rolled with it. All you can do on a rainy day!
emma @ {from my little pink couch} says
I'm exhausted just from reading! & we seriously need a home tour of your new abode … looks beautiful!
JDeffenbaugh says
Such a cute post! I love your top, I'm totally obsessed with hot pink and grey right now. Is it from Gap? I can't find it on the website. Thanks!
Mix and Match Mama says
It's from American Eagle last summer. ?
Sheaffer {Pinterest Told Me To} says
Bowen's crush on you is just about the cutest thing ever. When he was screaming and motioning "Hi Shay!" from across the pool yesterday? SO CUTE! I love your day in the life posts. And I think you totally need to do them twice a year every year…or maybe 3 times….or 7.
Amy Lynn says
Strange question, but why did you shower the second time that day? It seems like you just showered a few hours earlier after the gym. My hair could never ever take that. Not sure my skin could either. do you always take 2 showers everyday?
Mix and Match Mama says
I always shower after I workout (because I just feel gross) and I like to go to sleep clean too (so I always shower before going to sleep). I didn't wash my hair either time that day. I only wash my hair every 2-3 days…so I'm just cleaning myself off.
Anonymous says
I do find it amusing that you go to health lengths for yourself and then it's Pop Tarts and Lucky Charms and corn dogs for the kids!
Mix and Match Mama says
Did you miss the part about me eating 2 cookies and a brownie? I'm about enjoying life in moderation…and at our house, rainy days are perfect days for a little indulgence.
Anonymous says
Shay, what do you mean by "girl math"?
Mix and Match Mama says
My girlfriends and I will eat a salad and then justify a piece of cake :). Rachael Ray talks about girl math all the time…you know telling yourself it's okay to eat 2 cookies because they have peanut butter in them. It's just a silly expression :).
Rebecca Jo says
Now that's what you call a daily journal… love it! Wouldn't it be neat to do that every day for a year & look back at it… life documented are wonderful memories.
emma @ {from my little pink couch} says
I'm exhausted just from reading! & we need a tour of your new house … it looks beautiful!
Natalie @ Never Serious Blog says
These day in the life posts are my favorite!
I also love that striped shirt, is that from gap? So cute and casual!
Angela Ellingson says
Love your dad's text! Such a nice day!
Narci says
Bowen does love Shay! so sweet!!!! Sounds like the perfect rainy Monday! 🙂
Michelle says
I'm impressed that you manage to take TWO showers in one day. Some days, I'm lucky to get one. : )
Jenny says
I love the "day in the life" posts. So fun!
This Gingers Journey says
Can't wait for the House building shade of Shay. I am in the process of building right now 🙂
Anonymous says
Always look forward to your blog posts every day! Cannot wait for the tour of your new home 🙂
melissabunny100 says
You are a good Mommy!!
Slightly Askew Designs says
LOVED this post – rainy day perfection!!! 🙂 says
I too.start reading a fee of my fav blogs!!
I Love these posts!
I love getting.glimpses of your new home, were dying to see more!!!
I have a question.. do u have someone help clean your home ..if not, or even if you do, can you do a post about getting stuff cleaned/organized, and how you keep it up!!
Karen says
I just love your day in the life posts! You're inspiring me to wake up earlier, I do think you get more done by starting earlier. Thanks for sharing!
Caroline says
Just finished Deut. as well!!! Such a good chapter with so much encouragement from the Lord!
Anonymous says
Gosh, everything seems so calm at your house. My house is chaos! Maybe kids play more on their own at 4 or 5 years old? Mine are 1 and 3…crazy!
Amanda says
I had to write my first comment today because first of all I love your "A day in the life of Shay" posts. But this is the second morning I've had butterscotch in my oatmeal and its amazing and I thank you for that idea! Also on Monday night I made your Cheddar Beer Burgers for my family and they loved them. I too am a Boston sports fan so I think I liked them more because of the Boston Lager. I found your blog in January after seeing your family on your Brother's Wedding Special and it's such a joy to read every morning! Can't wait to try more of your recipes!
Sarah E @ says
So fun! I love reading about what other people's days look like!
Shelly Powers says
Ok i don't have a building question bc we have already been there done that… But I just thought of a shade of shay… Laundry?!?! I pretty sure you have not done that bc I am pretty much obsessed with your shades of shay…. Here is what I am thinking?!?! What is you laundry routine? Do you wash and dry fold and put away everyday? Do you kids help? I am a family of 4 and I sware I am the worst laundry keeper upper in the world! 😉 sheets and towels… Is that am every day thing or do you have a maid that does sheets and beds for you (not said in a mean way in a that's ok too way) or are sheets a all in one day etc? I feel like laundry is the thing I struggle with my people wear lots of clothes & I assume you do too pjs, workout clothes, real clothes, pool "clothes" laundry laundry and more laundry! I would just love to know your routine! Thanks and love you and your blog!!!
Andrea Munding says
Great post! It's so refreshing that you post what you and your kids eat. You're not trying to appear to be something you're not. You are an excellent mother! Btw I also take two showers a day!
Jennifer Cannon says
A day in the life of Shay posts are my favorite. Why? I dont know. They're real. I love them!
and it's my birthday! a great way to start my special day!
Have a wonderful & Blessed day!
Jennifer C.
dol says
Agree with you completely about 24! One of the best seasons ever! Also, the verse was perfect for me to share with a friend who just received some worrisome medical news. Thank you.
stacy says
love these posts also, and I am obsessed with Shades of Shay, I have taken so many tips from you and I just love them!!
Candice Ibarra says
K really does bring that dog everywhere!
Virginia Aid says
Hey Shay,
What nail color do you have on. It's the perfect make you look tan shade!
Mix and Match Mama says
OPI Mod About You 🙂
Martha says
Love this post (and all your posts really)I've taken several of your suggestions that have made my life easier. One of your tips that has really changed things for me is to run the dishwasher after dinner even if it's not all the way full. Seems like a small thing but makes my life so much better.. also putting every thing in the dishwasher and not hand washing anything but knives.. My kitchen is always clean and nice.. My question today is about the brownies.. do you make them every week so you can have one each night.. do you freeze them to keep them on hand? I'm very curious about this since you have mentioned it before.. I also love the no bake cookies.. Thanks for keeping things fun and sunshiny.
Mix and Match Mama says
I make a new batch every week and we just eat on them during that week ?.
Sandra Litcher says
I just love reading these!!
Katie says
Poster Shelly Powers-Shay has done laundry and dishes-you can find it here:
Meredith Rice says
Love reading your posts! Is that 31 I spied? 🙂
Leslie says
Hi Shay! I love your Day in the Life of Shay posts because you find ways to make each day fun!! Loved the looks of the Chocolate Banana Almond Butter Smoothie! Mmmmm!
Liz says
I love these posts! I was so excited when I saw it this morning. Is that weird? Ha!
Ida Berger says
I just want to thank you for the advice to shower at the gym. I feel refreshed and not in a rush to get back and shower at home. Thanks!
Kimm Atwood says
Thanks for sharing your day! And I think lucky charms, pop tarts and corn dogs are perfect on a rainy day or any day! Way to go mama!!!! Happy Thursday!!!!
Angie says
I always love the Day in the Life Posts! Such a fun way to get to see the real happenings!
Lacey Salmon says
I love these posts!! So many people always post about healthy this or that and I love the moderation motto! I feel like some of my unhealthy habits come from too strict of control my parents had day to day mundane things. I also take two showers and am a "clean" person! I can't believe people think that's weird 😉
Anonymous says
Hi Shay…what bible do you read? Thanks!
Mix and Match Mama says
I read the New American Standard version of the Bible 🙂
Shesabigstar says
I love that you can get D&C way down in Texas… so good to know! I can't imagine what I'd do if I moved and couldn't have all things Sox nearby!
Anonymous says
What a great day you all had!! Just wondered if you could tell me the pattern and book that you got your wallpaper in your bathroom from? Its lovely! Also who makes those pretty dishes with the lemons on them – so fun to have a treat on!! Thank you – have a nice weekend!
Anonymous says
I'm not sure how I ended up on your blog, but I'm so happy I did! My family and I are moving to North Texas from Philadelphia. We were actually in Texas the rainy day you talk about! We were at the Great Wolf Lodge trying to make our first time in Texas fun and memorable before it becomes home! We are building a new home, and I am doing everything from Philly! I did as much as I could this past week (like select granite, see the temporary housing, visit schools) but I feel like I'm navigating in the dark! ANY recommendations you have will be a great help! I need anything from dealing with builders, movers, new house, to must knows about North Texas! I am trying to stay positive, but everything is so overwhelming! Thanks!
Jaren says
You know I love your blog so much, and my absolute favorite is your Day in the Life posts!
Aubrey says
Love how you turned a rainy day into a fabulous day! Won't it be fun to look back at these days at some point?!
Amy says
I love posts like these. I'm glad you all had a fun day despite the weather. =)
Amy @
sgrudzien says
Do you mind sharing where the pink gray striped tee is from..