The minute Smith knew we were building a house, he asked for an orange room.
I love orange. I love it when it’s confined to pumpkins and Halloween decorations. In fact, there are really few things that I love more than a pumpkin during fall…but I don’t typically use orange as an accent piece in my decorating.
That being said…I have this precious little four year old boy that is absolutely obsessed with the color, so we surprised him with an orange room. We kept telling Smith that his room was going to be green (like his old room at our other house) and he was okay with that (he never fussed or complained)…he would just kind of say “an orange room would be cool”. The day the painters put up all of the sample paint colors throughout the house, we took the kids and walked from room to room looking…and when we got to Smith’s room and he saw that big orange sample on his wall, he screamed. He was sooooooo excited :). Granted, he doesn’t have an entirely orange room…he does have one big orange accent wall and that has thrilled him to pieces.
Smith slept in a twin bed at our other house, so we upgraded his bed to a full in this house. I found all of his bedding at Pottery Barn Teen. Baseball sheets, plaid pillow cases, rugby quilt and navy duvet. And yes, he has one Yankee pillow case and one Red Sox pillow case…that’s called compromise in our house.
I found these superhero pieces at Hobby Lobby.
Smith loooooves his alarm clock 🙂
I actually found the Fenway Park sign outside of Fenway Park.
A peek inside Smith’s bathroom. We gave Smith a shower because we knew that one day soon, he’ll be a big teenage boy in this room…and a shower just made more sense than a tub for a big boy.
So there you have it. I love Smith’s room because it’s so him. And just so you know, I typically don’t make his bed every day because he still naps there (and that seems like a lot of work to make his bed and then unmake it a few hours later for a nap)…but I made it for you :).
And for lunch today (or a yummy side dish!)…
Anonymous says
Awesome room! Thanks for taking us inside your beautiful house 🙂
Kourtney O. says
Love the orange wall, and I love that he screamed when he saw it! Great compromise with the pillowcases, but loving how there's extra Sox with the third pillow and the Fenway sign. 😉
Anonymous says
So, so cute! I love that you let him be himself and have a space that is truly him….even if it means a bright orange wall 🙂 that is something I will definitely remember when we have our own kids. Good job, mama!
Tab & Erika says
His bed looks SO cozy!! No wonder he naps for 4 hours everyday!!
MorganizewithMe says
I love getting a to see your new home! His room is perfect. Love that you gave him the orange accent wall. And your kitchen pictures were awesome too, that first one with you in it is perfect!
Kimm Atwood says
Love his room. And love love love the orange wall…my favorite is the Yankee pillow case 😉
Mallory says
True story, one Christmas my mom hired my sister and best friend (who is a guy) to paint my room orange as a total surprise to me. She insisted it was going to be purple and lime green, which I like, but not as much as orange. I, too, have been obsessed with orange since I was about 3. (When I was that age, I refused to wear clothes that weren't orange! Imagine trying to find orange girl clothes in the mid 1990s!) But like you, she couldn't stand the thought of an entirely orange room so she made two walls full orange, one orange with a big white stripe, and one white with a big orange stripe. She repainted it while I was in college to an NC State Wolfpack theme.
Sheila says
Hi Shay – where did you get the 'Gone to Fenway' pillow? We are avid Red Sox fans – having recently moved to Houston from Boston and would love to add that to our game room. Thanks!
Mix and Match Mama says
I got the pillow a few years ago at a little boutique on Beacon Hill in Boston :).
Deri says
My son is about the same age as Smith and is obsessed with orange too 🙂 We haven't had the nerve (or time) to paint orange walls but he does have orange sheets that he loves! I will have to go to my Hobby Lobby to see if I can hunt down those super hero pictures. If Jackson had those, with his existing guitar bedding, his room would truly be his favorite spot. Thanks for sharing!
Annie Cox says
I just switched my son's room to a superhero theme and he absolutely loves it. I have very similiar pictures up in his room. What a great boy room!
Sheaffer {Pinterest Told Me To} says
Smith's room is so cute, and your are right…it is SO HIM! Now, off to see about that pasta salad. I love a green pea! And I love bacon 10x more than that. 🙂
Tara G. says
Smart mom to give the boy his own toilet! 🙂
Christy @ The Swafford Spot says
I love Smith's room! What a wonderful boy mom you are!
K says
I love his room – including the orange accent wall – lol! My husband is determined to make our son an Orioles fan so this has given me good ideas (and even though I'm trying to expose him to my Dbacks). I didn't even know PB had a teens store (I like the PB kids but have to order online because we don't have a store in our city). Anyway, I really like Smith's room!
Lesliejane says
When I built my 1st house, my son was 5 ansked for an "orange-ish blue" room! I happily obliges & he didn't ask for it to be repainted until he hit high school :o)
Kelsey Almond says
We are right in the middle of building our home and my sweet 3 year d has picked pink, blue, green & yellow for her walls. I'm more of a khaki/grey/brown person! An accent wall is a great compromise! If I can just get her to pick ONE color. 😉
Sarah E @ says
Such a big boy room!! I love it!!
Anonymous says
I love seeing the rooms- everything looks nice! Do you have an interior designer or did you do it yourself?
Wish you would post links or stores where you bought the stuff……. Like most other blogs do
Anonymous says
I am so enjoying the glimpses of your new home….it is gorgeous! Thanks so much for sharing with us!
Jan Fisher
Mix and Match Mama says
I wish I could post links and such too! We have accumulated everything over the last 10 years of marriage (and then recently purchased so many new things and made so many decisions for the new house) that I can't keep up with everything. If there is something in particular you want to know, email me and I'll try and track it down for you!
Anonymous says
Do you mind sharing where you got Smith's cube shelf thingy? That's EXACTLY what we need. I'm desperate. Please help!
Mix and Match Mama says
Charla Liedahl says
I'm pretty sure we have the exact same wall color in my oldest son's room! I LOVE orange…and have it in his room (safari theme w/ camo etc.–super cute!) as well as the accent color in my foyer. I even have orange as the accent in my gray and white master bed / bath. Embrace the orange! It's so fun and cheery!
Carroll says
Another fabulously decorated room! Thanks for sharing these glimpses of your home. I know you all are enjoying it so much! 🙂
Mama Dean says
I love the bright accent wall and love even more that you admit to not making a bed everyday but did it for the blog pic. Appreciate your honesty!! Any recall on where you found the football and baseball phrase signs over his cabinet or did your sign friend make those for you?
Nicole says
I love his room! Can I ask where you got his cubbies? I like how it has the smaller on top and bigger on bottom! Thanks!! 🙂
Cathy Hensler says
It is so touching you guys did such a wonderful job for your new house. every place, design and deco are just perfection. You guys are so awesome, and very inspirational too. So proud for you. I am addicted to your blog. You are such a good writer and mama. 🙂 Congratulations!
Megan Wichmann says
His bedroom is adorable! Love all the decorations!
Melanie says
What an awesome room! Love everything about it:)
melissabunny100 says
Very Very Cute!!! Just like Smith 😉
Jenny says
Such a fun boys room! I love seeing ideas from different peoples homes. Makes me want to build again! 🙂
Kristin says
What a great room! Super smart idea about the shower, too! I love all of your decorating choices 🙂
Paula says
I LOVE Smith's room. Vos fan he re-sign the orange is AWESOME! 😉
The black table with the baskets…love, where is that from?
Paula says
"Vos fan here- so the orange is AWESOME!"
Not sure why auto correct did that, but I didn't catch it the first time. ;-D
Tracy says
What a great room. LOVE the orange wall. When we moved my son wanted four colors – red, orange, green, and blue. I figured it's just paint so we went all out – one color on each wall. Totally crazy but it works for him.
Love that he has his own bathrooms. My kids would love that!
I follow several bloggers who live in the south and all have baby pictures of their kids in the kids' bedrooms. Is that a southern thing? Probably a silly question but I've never seen that done where I live. I've also noticed that y'all (how's that for southern?) tend to have more "grown up" looking rooms for your babies & young kids. Beautiful rooms but different from what we do where I live (isn't that one of the great things about blogging – seeing how other people live!).
Katie says
Love the orange wall, we actually have an orange family roim, so I always appreciate a love of bright colors!!
Alayna says
adorable. thanks for sharing.
Rachel says
What a GREAT room for Smith!!
Absolutely loved your kitchen post yesterday!! says
it's stinking cute!…i love the orange, and i'm normally with you on the orange is saved for pumpkins!!..but it's striking, and fun, yet not too young or old.. nicely done!!!….i can't wait for Kensingtons room.. actually I get excited with ever room tour!
Natalie @ Never Serious Blog says
LOVE the superhero signs! Those are too cute!
allisonwest says
Cute, cute!
Anonymous says
Smith's room is great! Where did you get his bathroom rug at? Where do you get your lamps around your house?
Lana says
Such a perfect boy room! When my younger son was little he wanted a "frog" room with dark green walls. At first I didn't want to do it, but decided to go ahead for him. It actually turned out really cute (we only did one wall dark green too) and he was SO happy. Thanks for sharing your house – it's beautiful!
vanillafrog says
His room is awesome! My 3 1/2 year old is obsessed with green right now. Thankfully, we painted one of his walls green before he was even born! I love the superhero signs from Hobby Lobby. I have the Captain America one in my classroom, my kids love the superhero stuff, too.
RebeccaLynn17 says
What an awesome boys room! I love how you surprised him with his room color- I can just imagine how excited he must've been. Also, love his bathroom:) May be coming to you for advice in a few years:) thanks for sharing- can't wait to see K & A's rooms!!
Darcy says
Love the orange! (We're OSU Beaver fans, and orange is our color too.) And the adjoining bathroom is so well done – love the granite color.
Rebecca says
Adorable! We love Orange in our house as well, albeit different shades. Love burnt orange because we are UT grads and the orange and blue means GATORS to our daughter! It is all very sweet and I'm sure he is thrilled by your sweet gesture. Great job mom and dad for putting the kids first!
Mama Repi says
Where is the furniture piece with the baskets from? Great job on Smith's room, beautiful, love that he has his own bathroom.
Aubrey says
Smith's reaction to the orange is THE BEST! Such a great boy room!
Anonymous says
where is his clock from?
Anonymous says
I am in love with the UnionJack pic frame in the bathroom….where did you get it? Love his big boy room!
Alice says
my son has a orange room also, but it is for Oklahoma State University!
Danika says
Lucky boy! I didn't get my own bathroom till I was 17 haha!
Anna Person says
Just started following you not long ago. Love your sons room! When we moved into our new house a couple of years ago, my 3 year old son at the time requested a John Deere room, so he got a john deere green room. He had a similar reaction as your son has well. Lol
Anonymous says
It looks great! One wall is a happy solution – love that. Can I ask what the color is, if you don't mind? We are just getting ready to move into our new home and my son wants an orange bathroom. Boys! 🙂
Lindsey says
Such a cute room but just curious…what did Smith think about all the Red Sox memorabilia, being such a big Yankees fan? 🙂
Deena says
Super Cute! I love the baseball theme.
Emily n Kaitlyn says
I love the inside your home pics! It's a beautiful home.
I would love to see your master bed/bath! It gives some of us great ideas!
Katriel-Maria Berbert says
Smith's room looks so perfectly Smith! I love it! Will you be showing off Kensington's room as well? I have a little girl on the way and would love to see your ideas!
Anonymous says
That is so cute! I love the orange wall. Thanks for sharing! Smith is one lucky little boy to have you as his mama. My son loves superheroes. I am going to see if I can find some of those pictures like you have in his room at the Hobby Lobby here in OKC, OK. Thanks for telling us where you found them. You're the best!!!
Anonymous says
Love it Shay! It is so sweet of you to answer reader's questions on where you find certain items. You are one sweet lady. Your house is absolutely BEAUTIFUL. I am anxious to see the rest of it. Thank you so much for being so open and sharing pictures with us. You are the BEST and such a wonderful mom to those cute kiddos of yours. says
I love Smith's room. It's Awesome and super clean. What's the secret on the cleanliness?? I can't get my kids to keep their rooms clean for nothing…LOL
AmyJo says
Love Smith's room and the kitchen (I'm catching up on blog reading)! And I also think it's silly to make kids' beds every morning.
Maryellen says
His room is cool !
Smith knew what he was talking about hah
Great job . . .
Ranisa says
Everything is really cute but my favorite is the bathroom rug!
Unknown says
Love the orange accent wall! Great compromise, will have to try that in our little guy's room when we repaint. I love the superhero prints as well!
So smart to give each kiddo their own bathroom (I'm assuming), I would have loved that growing up! I'm definitely seeing the benefits of building your own home, would love for us to do that as well but for now I'll enjoy living vicariously through your pictures :).
Dawn says
Where did you get his storage cubes? Thanks!
Mix and Match Mama says
The storage cubes came from IKEA! 🙂
Paula says
Thank you! I have heard good things about IKEA! I need to look on line!
Anonymous says
Can't wait to see Kensington's room! I'm sure it fits her so well, too!
Angie says
Such a big boy room! I love the Orange wall 🙂
Anonymous says
I'm in the process of redoing my toddler's room to his big boy room and this post has given me some great ideas! Where did you get the bed frame and night stand for Smith's room?
Anonymous says
I just LOVE seeing your house! You really have the best taste! So smart to build a room he can grow into! Thank you Shay!
Sarah says
your son and my son would get a long really well. My son is obsessed with orange too! Ever since he learned colors, he's been obsessed, orange everything. We just gave him an orange scooter..he insisted. and the other day we were driving and saw an orange car and he screamed I want that when I grow up!
Major_Hutch says
Wow, I think Smith has an Awesome room. I'm kind of blessed and cursed that my parents have no sports allegiances so I could throw up anything, but once the Olympics roll around, if I were to say cheer for the USA and not my home country Canada, I'da been out on my tuckus.
Smith is one lucky little boy, Go Yankees.
Alexandra Perry says
I love the color orange. Would you know the exact color paint?
Laura P. says
Hi! I'm getting ready to do a big boy room for my little guy and orange is his favorite, too:) Love your ideas on the plaid bedding mixed with the rugby stripe. Can you share what color you other walls are (not the orange accent)? Looking to do maybe grayish walls with an accent for my guy. Thanks for your help! Love the room and your blog! 🙂
Mix and Match Mama says
The paint is Sherwin William's Kilim Beige :). Have the best day!