This has been a HUGE week for our little family! My sweet Kensington started school and we’re adjusting to a new routine and a new way of life. We miss her terribly but she’s having a great time!
Day 232: On this day, I took Smith grocery shopping. He is all questions, all curious, all boy and all sweetness while we shop. (But seriously…he’s all questions. He asked me like 5,734.)
Day 233: I needed to work and he needed to nap but we swam instead. Life is too short…we had the best time :).
Day 234: What?! This is the last day of summer??? Nooooooo!
Day 235: Every Saturday morning, Andrew makes us his Whole Wheat Chocolate Chip Pancakes for breakfast…this was my view :).
Day 236: Lunch made, bag packed, outfit picked out…we were as ready as we were ever going to be.
Day 237: Kensington’s first day of kindergarten!!
Day 238: My first Pumpkin Spice Latte of the year and the day at the Perot Museum with my son! We had the best time!!
You can keep up with me every day in 2014 on Instagram @mixandmatchmama or find me here too…
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And my Simple Pumpkin Cinnamon Rolls need to be a must in your house this weekend! So easy and so yummy too!
Emily says
What a fun week in your house! Kensington looked so adorable on her first day of school. Those cinnamon rolls look AMAZING. 🙂 I'm going to have to make them this weekend.
kimm atwood says
Love that Kensington is loving kindergarten ! Back to school is such a fun time of year for our family! Enjoy your time with sweet smith!!! Happy Wednesday!
melissabunny100 says
I love picture day with Shay! You should do a post on what K brings for lunch…..that just might be cute!
Wendy says
I looked at the recipe for Simple Pumpkin Cinnamon Rolls and didn't see canned pumpkin in the ingredient list, but you mention using a "cup of pumpkin" in the written part of the recipe. Am I misreading something? The rolls sound delicious and want to make them right.
LeAnn Thornton says
As your daughter gets more into the school year will you share her lunches that you are sending with her?! I send 2 kids to school each day with a sack lunch and I find it hard to fill them with a variety of things that are healthy and that they will eat!
Darcy says
Love the first picture – he looks so excited about celery! 🙂
Haley @ Cupcakes and Sunshine says
Kensington looks like she she is prepared for her first day! what a cutie!
and i'm sooo ready for pumpkin everything! bring on the lattes, rolls, and candles!
Narci says
Such a big week! 🙂 I am totally going to have to make those rolls soon! Yum! 🙂
Aubrey says
The last week of summer / first week of school is so exciting! New clothes, new backpacks, new school supplies, and new possibilities! Love K's sign above her peg. What does S's say?
Casey says
I thought of you, Shay, when I heard this today. I really encourage you to listen.
Sheaffer {Pinterest Told Me To} says
Yes. Let's talk about Kensington's hair. Man she's got good hair. Love the pic of you and Smith. And just fyi, I wouldn't be mad at ya if you made me some of those cinnamon rolls.
MorganizewithMe says
Congratulations on three years!!!