Ahhh…a little look into our life this week.
Many of you have asked for updates on how Ashby is doing at home and just so you know, I plan on doing those posts once a month. We’re living day to day (moment to moment), so each month, I’ll post about our progress, what has surprised us, what we’ve struggled with, what has been a joy and such. Look for that in the weeks to come. So far, we feel completely blessed and are totally in love (and we’re tired!).
Here’s life lately…
Last Thursday, we landed in San Francisco and ate at the very same diner where we had eaten 18 days prior…but this time…we were a party of five :).
Our plane landed in Dallas and I knew our friends and family were waiting at baggage claim…I had to wake up our sleepy heads.
This one was asleep with her head in my lap.
First morning home and we decided to channel Ashby’s BFF…Griffin. A big bow and pajamas are always appropriate in the McAnally house!
First evening home and we took Ashby to eat the world’s finest cuisine…Tex-Mex! She and I split the fajitas and she loved them! I think her favorite part was the guacamole…ahhh…such a mommy’s girl!
Smith did this during dinner. Jet lag. The struggle is real.
Sunday morning was Smith’s 5th birthday!!! He requested chocolate donuts for breakfast before church.
Ashby and Kensington watching Smith open his presents from us before church. I love how they’re sitting just alike.
My 5 year old ready for church!
All 3 kiddos ready to go! Ashby sat in my lap during church and was as sweet as can be :). The only good part about jet lag? Everyone is up early and ready to start their day. I doubt it will be this easy to get everyone up and out of the house in the days to come ;).
Smith is having his birthday party this Saturday, so on his actual birthday night, we invited over Papa Jay, Lovie, Uncle Seanie and Aunt Catherine for spaghetti and cupcakes (his choice!). This was Ashby’s first cupcake/cake ever.
And she loved it!
I can’t believe he’s five.
Monday was MLK Jr Day, so Kensington was off from school. We started our morning with a trip to Target before inviting Nixon over for a play date and Kensington heading to Ebby Lee’s house. I’m so happy that our first real Monday at home, I had all three kiddos. My car was full and so was my heart.
On Wednesday, while Kensington was at school, Smith asked if we could bake something. Well…you don’t have to ask me twice! This was Ashby’s first time in the kitchen cooking with us…and I think she loved it :). (I love how she’s looking at her big brother!)
I’m pretty sure I have another little cook in my kitchen :).
Life this week was completely different. Three kids…and so much love.
On my foodie blog today, I’m showing you two different (easy!) versions of a Pot Pie! So simple and so delicious! Come check them both out…
Macy Strozier says
Thank you so much for updating us. It must be a little harder with one more little one running around. I don't know why, but I really like that picture of Ashby and her big bow.
Anonymous says
Ashby is ALL SMILES with her siblings! Blessings from our Heavenly Father-
Narci says
So sweet! My favorite is the picture of Ashby looking at Smith! Love!
Erika Slaughter says
Hahahahaha!!! Channeling her Griffin! Too funny! I think G would approve of the ensemble. 🙂
Narci says
So sweet! My favorite is the picture of Ashby looking at Smith! Love!
Jessica says
The sweetest family ever!! Love the smiles on their faces! You're doing an amazing job mama!!!
Brittany Medland says
First cupcake and that girl knows just how to dive into one!!! Way to go Ashby 😉 I'm glad to see things are going smoothly for you! Everyone looks very happy, it really makes my heart smile 🙂
KW0410 says
AWwwwwww Shay! It makes me so happy to see Ashby's smiles!!! How awesome for your family!! Glad to see how you are settling into life as a party of 5!
Sheaffer {Pinterest Told Me To} says
She's a Shull! FINALLY!!!!!!!!! And my goodness she fits right in!
Amber says
Love the way she looks at the them!!!! Precious!!!!
Blue-Eyed Bride says
She looks like she's never known life apart from the Shull family! What sweet sweet pictures! Xoxo
Michele @ The Joyful Home says
What a great first week with 3 babies!
Lauren says
Awww this is just too adorable.
Chic Coastal Living says
So sweet! She has stolen all of our hearts in a big way! God blessed her with such a pretty smile! No wonder you feel so blessed! You have great kids! XOXO and…. I need to try those pot pies! YUM-O
Samantha says
I just LOVE how Ashby is all smiles in every single picture!!! Makes me SO happy!
Stacey says
Your little family is just precious. Ashby was destined to be yours, without a doubt. Just look at how happy she is. ♥
kimm atwood says
She looks so happy in all the pictures !
Paula says
Ashby looks as if she has always been! I believe she is smitten with Smith! Love! And that BOW! Gah! Inner Griffin to a perfection.
Thank you for glimpses! I am still praying for everyone's new new because it is different. Praying for Kensington & Smith especially!
Polka Dot Blossom says
So happy for all of you! Her smiles are priceless! I just keep thinking how different her life was just a mere month ago. Wow!
Terrie Mathison says
Blessing abound in your home this week. I'll keep you in my prayers. Great recap!
Jennifer Richards says
I just love her eating her cupcake…and her smile! ❤️
Angela Ellingson says
Joy, joy, joy! Everyone looks so happy! So honored to watch your journey. You are an inspiration, Shay Shull!
Anonymous says
Love how she's looking at smith. Amazing how S. and K. look so much older now that Ashby is home:) Random question: how is Ashby "taking" to going to sleep at night? Is she sleeping in her own room? Is she adapting to that easily or does she miss sleeping next to others?lol I know that's so random but it's just one of those things I wonder about when you get a new baby from China? Thank you for the updates. Love watching the love in your home!
Hayley Chandler says
Ashby is precious!!! You would never know from pictures that she hasn't been apart of your family all along!
Stephanie Jennings says
I love seeing her smiling face. Thank you for sharing!! Enjoy everything 🙂
Tracey says
That smile!! She looks like absolute sunshine!!! I have shared your blog with my husband and now he is really wanting to explore adoption and share our blessings from the Lord by expanding our family as well!!
EMT says
My heart just bursts looking at these sweet pictures! Thank you for sharing your story with us, and for this reminder on how wonderful life can be if you trust Him!!
Susan Cardy says
Love the happy change in Ashby's face since the first day you saw her…..wow! Look what a family to love has done to her!
Kelly says
Thank you so much for keeping us updated! These pictures make my heart so happy to see her adjusting so well to her new life! Kensington and Smith look so proud!
Melanie says
Yes, what Shaeffer said! Ashby is precious!
Anonymous says
Amazing! You have a fan from Israel 🙂 I've been following your blog for awhile and I love it!!
I'm really curious about Ashby's English? Does she understand everything? Did she start saying different words already?
Anonymous says
I was curious about that also 🙂
Babies pick up on language so quickly- it would be so rewarding to watch them learn, I bet!
Ashley says
Ashby is pure sweetness!!! I love seeing her smile! You are both blessed to have each other!
Anonymous says
I know that you have most likely researched, and I don't mean to overstep my boundaries. My sister recently adopted a three year old and there was a period of "cocooning" in which it was just the nuclear family with very few visitors and outings (restaurants, Target, church) to help alleviate attachment disorders and help him bond with the family. Are you worried at all about this?
Mix and Match Mama says
Great question! We are doing attachment parenting for sure around here and taking it day by day. Thanks to the time in China as a family of five, I feel we really came home very bonded. Some days, we stay in our pjs all day (like yesterday) and some days, we have to meet the immediate needs of our family (like a trip to the grocery store and such). For the next 6 weeks to 6 months (or however long it takes), Ashby will not leave mine and/or Andrew's sight. We've been told that each family and each child has their own story. We're just following Ashby's cues and taking it day by day.
Miranda says
Shay I am so happy for you and your family. Ashby is so precious and Smith and Kensington love her so much already as you can tell. What a sweet and blessed family you have!
Traci says
Look how happy she is! I love seeing the smile.
Marty says
Love this post, and all the pictures!
Julie says
Ashby looks so happy! Do you think having Smith and Kensington around has made her adjustment to the US and your family go smoother?
Rebecca Jo says
Oh my gosh… I'm going to love seeing all of Ashby's "firsts" in her new life. How fun to be able to bless her with things like cupcakes & guacamole 🙂
Happy Birthday to your little man!!
V @ X-tremely V says
Still praying that things continue to go smoothly for you all! I just love seeing the smile on Ashby's face!
And I swear Smith turned into such a big boy overnight!
Sara Laverty says
Um as if there were any greater confirmation that Ashby is a Shull — look at her sweet smiles in the kitchen! Sooo sweet! 🙂
Anonymous says
The pic of Ashby smiling at Smith…my heart…in a puddle. Adorable! Prayers for smooth transitions for your lovely family!
Becky says
She doesn't 'try' to hold smiles in anymore! It warms my heart that you went to church so soon after arriving home. It appears you are making Ashby part of your family in a very healthy way!
lindsayglover says
Found your blog through Shearer and I LOVE it! Your family is precious and your happy posts make my day! I lost my first baby in October at 12 weeks and your story touches my heart and gives me hope. Absolutely love seeing God's beautiful work! Thanks for sharing and giving this Carolina girl a glimpse into your daily life. You are inspiring people you don't even know and it feels good. Thank you!
Megan says
these pictures make me so happy for you and your family!! Precious!
Laci Murray says
How cute are your 3 kiddos??!! So sweet!! Ashby seems to just fit right in. Prayers that everything continue to go smoothly for your sweet family. The picture of Ashby admiring Smith. Swoon!! 🙂
live compassionately says
She is a doll! It makes me smile to see how happy Ashby is! You have such a sweet family & I am so so so happy for you all!
Stephanie Reynolds says
So sweet!!!I look foward to her updates, she is blessed to have such a wonderful forever family!!
I hope you will do more home tour or ashby room tour soon!! I love me some room inspirations!
Thanks for the wonderful blog : )
MAK says
I just can't get over how precious she is! They all are! Praying for you guys as you transition ?
Elaine Welte says
I cannot believe how well she has adjusted! It's amazing!!! I'll message you in a bit about getting Miss Ashby her very own apron! And, it looks like you are all adjusting so well!
Anonymous says
Congratulations to your family! Random question, can you share what kind of car you drive? Looking for an SUV that works for three kids in car seats and easy access to help them in and out. It appears you may have found that 🙂 thanks!
Kaylee Steiner says
I love reading your journey with Ashby because I think it shows people how the more kids you have, the more LOVE you have. (Not saying if you have less kids you have less love). I come from a really large family and I think people often think we were forgotten or didn't get the love that people from smaller families do, but that's not true. Your heart just makes more room for more love when you add people into your life. I love watching it happen for you in real time. It's amazing and so exciting to watch! 🙂 So glad things are going well and Ashby is adorable! Thanks for sharing your life with all of us. 🙂
Anonymous says
This post just warms my heart. She looks so happy! Everyone looks so happy — wonderful!!
Erin says
I don't know what my deal is, perhaps it's because I'm still postpartum but these photos had me choked up by what a beautiful time this is for your family. I kept thinking about Ashby and all the new experiences she's about to have and while I'm sure your family is still adjusting… She looks like she is so happy. It's just really such a beautiful moment for you guys and even though you don't know me from Adam, I just want you to know I am genuinely so happy for you guys.
Jaclyn Johnson says
Hi Shay! I wanted to thank you very much for the post on Ashby as I was one who asked about an update yesterday 🙂 I LOVE how happy she looks in the pics and I love that pic of her looking at Smith, just precious!! It looks like she's fitting right into your family and I'll continue to pray for all of you during your transition!
Mely H says
Reading about Ashby's story has been so inspiring and heartwarming! Thanks so much for sharing your story with us. I hope one day my Husband and I can also adopt 🙂
Monica says
She is just so precious! She is so lucky to have such a wonderful family. AND, y'all are so lucky to have her!
The Yarbrough's says
Ashby looks soooo happy!!!!! 🙂 🙂
AmyJo says
No more trying not to smile for Miss Ashby!!! I love these pictures!
Morgan says
Each one of those pics made me smile!
Shannon says
Ashby melts my heart, you can see she is bursting with happiness in your home! You all are so amazing 🙂
Anonymous says
Hi Shay,
Love your post plus the photos of your adorable kiddos. Those bows are gorgeous. Thanks for the update 🙂
Regards, Jane
Anonymous says
I'm sure Ashby is adjusting very well and having struggles in other areas but there is absolutely no doubt that she has " I am loved" written all over her face! Her little eyes and smile say it all " I'm home"! God blessed all of you!
Anonymous says
LOve , love, love you and your family! I am so Happy little Asby is here now! I just wanted to say that you need to update the "about me" in the cooking blog! It says you are a Mom of 2 there!!! 😉
Laurie S says
Hi Shay! Beautiful post and pics – looks like things are going well for all FIVE Shulls. Ashby seems to be smiling more openly and readily now as she adjusts to her new family and surroundings.
Looking forward to more updates soon – please tell us about what you're struggling with as well as the successes/happy times – we want to be praying for you.
Crystal McDonald says
So much sweetness. I'm so excited for your adorable little family! 🙂 Ashby is beautiful and just looks like such a sweetheart! Praying God's blessings over this time of adjustment.
sayyestohappy says
My heart is absolutely bursting with happiness and love for your family and sweet little Ashby!!! i can't get over how cute she is and how happy she is in each picture. I love so much that she is smiling now and posing for each picture. what a sweet, sweet girl you have!
Thank you so much for updating us and letting us see your adorable kids growing and transitioning into a family of 5. Loving each and every update!!
Anonymous says
All of your kids are gorgeous, but little Ashby just melts my heart. She looks so happy and in love with her family! Enjoy every moment!
Anonymous says
Ashby has the sweetest smile! She seems so happy to be home! 🙂
Emily @ Ember Grey says
aww!! I love how smiley Ashby is! 🙂 so sweet!
Jeanie says
Ashby looks so happy! Could she already realize just how lucky she is?
Haley Southey says
Thank you so much for keeping us updated! LOVE these posts so much! They make my heart SO happy! I always check for new blog updates in between classes and I love seeing a new post about your sweet family each day!
Jaren says
I LOVE seeing her get right down to business of what the Shull kids do…bake with mom!! She looks like a natural!!
Anonymous says
Ashby looks very happy! So nice to see her adapting so well. I do wonder what she thinks of the ginormous headband bows? goodness – they are huge!
Carol Woodrow says
I just can't get over how adorable she is. I mean I just wanna squeeze those cheeks!
tara says
I love it!! Your bio kids are beautiful but my goodness ashby is just beaming and so special to see the bonding she's doing! I am so happy for this story to be told. Yay for happy families growing their love in ways ol sure you didn't even imagine!
Kel says
Your family looks so content and loved! Thanks for sharing your journey. I have a silly question…I know this doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things but I know you love to work out, and I was wondering how you will handle that in your new normal with Ashby? Good luck with jet lag!
Tracy says
Thanks for the update! Isn't it great to know you have so many "friends" who care so much about your family?! Love seeing how well Ashby is doing. She looks so happy and right at home! Love it! Looking forward to future updates. 🙂
Elizabeth Gordon says
Ashby is the sweetest, just started reading. Congratulations!!!
Raegan Allen says
God is smiling down on your sweet family.
Ashby's smile says it ALL.
Unknown says
This may sound so weird BUT I LOVE the picture of Ashby looking at Smith with so much love and I have thought of printing it!!!
Ashby looks SOOOOOO happy now!! If I weren't 65 I would think of adopting!
Anonymous says
Shay, I would love to hear more about your comment about attachment parenting for your sweet Ashby! I am trying to learn more about the adoption process AFTER the adoption has taken place, what it is like to parent your adoptive child, parenting to help your child adjust to the new culture, language, and family, etc. I know you are only a few weeks into this journey, but I would love to hear your thoughts, and any tips you have learned from others.
Adoption is really on my heart, and I want to make sure I understand what comes after the "gotcha day"!
Aubrey says
Two things thrilled me about this post. 1) That your first Monday as a mama of three you had ALL THREE KIDS home. I know you will treasure your memories of that day for a lifetime. 2) Your girls are going to be CLOSE. It's going to happen. So it's awesome for Smith and Ashby to get a bit of special bonding time while Kensington is at school. I hope your sweet middle child is integral glue in the same way mine is!
Elizabeth Birenbaum says
So, so happy you are all adjusting so well to being back home as a family of five. These pictures look like Ashby was always there, she looks so at home and so happy with you all. My heart is bursting you you!
Denise Ross says
You seem to be adjusting well which is fabulous. Living a the kiddos smiles – treasure time
kristinwithani says
Shay, I know you probably get more advice and thoughts than you could ever read or even care about. BUT my friend Tricia wrote a beautiful post yesterday that made me think of you. She and her husband adopted from China last summer. Her words about the sweetness and hardness of adopting a child who has had a life before joining your family are beautiful. Just thought I'd share.