On Saturday, July 4, we celebrated having our Ashby six whole months!
Half a year down…and a lifetime to go.
I mean…I loved her so much when we first brought her home. I loved her and knew she was mine. But now…I love her even more because I know her. I really know who this little girl is…she has opened up to us and fully expressed her personality…so now, I love her really and truly for her…she is extremely lovable.
Ashby London is amazing. Six months in to this and my heart is just so full. I really don’t think I’ll ever stop being in awe of this situation. God took a child found in a box and moved the pieces to unite her with a family way over in McKinney, TX (who at the time of her birth, didn’t even really think they would ever adopt). Adoption is hard, it’s complicated, it can be expensive, it’s born out of loss and devastation…but it’s awesome too. Adoption is awesome.
So…six months home. What’s gong on with Miss Ashby? Well, here are a few little tidbits…
1. Like many institutionalized children, Ashby came to us sucking her thumb constantly. This is very common with children who have been raised in orphanages (it’s a self-soothing technique). Six months home though and I really can’t tell you the last time I saw her do it. Around month five, this really began to stop.
2. Ashby loves to pray. Before every meal, Ashby says “Ashby pray, Ashby pray” before the other kids even have a chance. And then at bed before naps and at night, she loves to pray too. She always prays for her family and Bowen (her BFF) but she also throws in other people too. The other day, after we had been at the pool all morning, she prayed before her nap. She prayed for “Mommy, Daddy, Erika, Narci, Bo and Sheaffer“. I about cried. First of all, she knows all of their names and can recall them later in the day (which is a lot to remember when you’re 3 and were born learning Mandarin!) and second of all, she’s praying for people she loves…and six months ago, how many people did she really love? Now, there are just so many.
3. Ashby discovered puzzles and Play-Doh this month…hours of fun right there :).
4. Ashby loves getting herself dressed and brushing her own teeth (don’t worry, I brush them first and then let her “brush” them). She wants me to put her clothes and shoes out and she likes to wiggle her way into everything. Miss Independent :).
5. We have a few big doctor appointments this month along with another MRI and an ultrasound. She now sees a radiologist and a hematologist primarily instead of her hand doctor…because even though it looks like she has a hand problem, she doesn’t. She has a vascular problem. We know God has big plans for this girl! We’re just taking things one day at a time. The compression garment that we thought would help ended up making things worse and the doctors had us remove it. Her malformation is just so large that the blood was pooling even more in the hand with the garments on. We’re hopeful for a new and an effective plan after this next round of tests.
6. This one kind of sucks…but it’s real life. Ashby’s hand and arm fluctuate with a variety of factors (it’s always malformed but sometimes, it looks better than other times). Two things that make it really swollen and painful looking are when she’s hot and/or when she’s active…so needless to say, when we’re at the pool, that’s when it looks the worst. (It doesn’t seem to bother her…she is that kid who screams and cries when we tell her she has to get out and dry off…) Well, last week, she took a popsicle break at the pool and was standing there in her puddle jumper eating her popsicle when four kids came up and were commenting about her arm. They weren’t being mean…but they were concerned/intrigued/fascinated/perplexed by her…and sweet little three year old Ashby was completely oblivious. That being said…one day very soon, she won’t be three…and I know it’s going to be a lifetime of this and that makes me sad for her. Andrew and I pray every day that we’re raising her up to be confident, secure, and full of joy…but at the same time, I know that the world is often cruel and I just always want my daughter to be happy.
Side note…Ashby will end up going to school one day with these three boys…
…and I’m pretty sure they’ll all be ready and waiting if anyone messes with their girl ;).
7. As for Ashby’s language…she’s doing great! She’s asking a lot of questions, making statements, talking about people, places and things…she’s really quite the little communicator. She lets us know what she wants/needs/likes/dislikes :). I feel like her language advanced more over these last 30 days than the first 5 months combined. She says things now like “Move Smith, it’s my turn to get out.” when she’s climbing out of the car…you know, little complex sentences like that. She also told me the other day she was hungry and wanted dinner (which is pretty specific considering it was late afternoon…she knew dinner was up next). Every day she surprises me more and more with her vocabulary.
8. A few weeks ago, Kensington told me that another girl told her Ashby couldn’t be her sister because she didn’t look like Kensington. Well…if you know Kensington, you know that those are fighting words. Kensington was like “mama, I told that girl that families don’t have to look the same and that they’re made up of different people and that even though Ashby’s Chinese, she is my sister.”. I totally understand why the girl was confused…most young kids don’t understand this…but I’m proud that Kensington feels strongly enough to not just blow off statements like that but to explain that yes, families can look different and you most certainly can have a sibling of another race.
And a few other little facts…
1. She loves Peppa Pig and Veggie Tales.
2. She would eat hot dogs for every meal if I let her.
3. She still doesn’t love breakfast. She prefers eating brunch instead.
4. Now that it’s summer, she’s always the last one to wake up each morning. She’s a great sleeper!
5. She loves going to the grocery store.
6. She love, love, loves playing outside and especially swimming!
7. She’s very ticklish.
8. Her favorite color is red.
9. Her favorite food group is Tex-Mex. Give this girl salsa and she is a very happy camper.
10. She refuses to eat a blueberry.
11. She loves talking on the phone.
12. She loves games on the iPad with letters and animals.
I mean…six months in and our hearts are just so full.
I was hopeful and prayerful that adoption would be a good experience for our family…but I certainly was not prepared for what it really was. It was the best thing we’ve ever done.
This girl here might have been born in Xi’an, China…but she is a Shull.
She is the light of our lives. She is funny. She makes the best facial expressions. She has the sweetest laugh. Her voice is kind of husky (similar to Smith’s) and she’s chatty. She is fun to be with, fun to take places, fun to parent and so easy to love.
I’m in awe of God.
This kind of love is supernatural.
And…because it’s Monday…
…click here to see my Meal Planning Monday.
Have a wonderful day friends!
And don’t forget, if you’re praying with me this month, the prayer request post can be found here.
Lindsay Hilosky says
I love reading all of your blog posts, but your adoption posts have been my very favorite! It's clear that God had Ashby planned for your family. Looking at your family pictures, it appears she has been there a lifetime rather than just six months!
Lindsay Otis says
So overwhelmed by this post! I love reading her growth and your love for her, as well as the whole family's love for her. Please know that we are all praying for her!
Bethany says
I just love this. Adoption IS amazing! God is so good!
Amber says
What a precious post!!! God is so good! ❤️
Narci says
Ashby, we love you so much!! So thankful brought you to Texas so we could love on you, too!! Great post, mama!! 🙂
Jennifer Cannon says
Wow! Just wow!
I love these adoption posts, I feel like we are getting to "watch" her grow up just like we all did with Kensington and smith! She has a beautiful soul, and your right… her facial expressions are great!!
You should really consider doing some Vlogs! Video blogs. I know I've said that for years! I personally know so many people with YouTube channel success! Just a suggestion!
Stacey says
I'm so glad I read your post first today. I'm so glad Ashby has your family and you have her. 🙂
Erika Slaughter says
The Slaughter five couldn't agree more!!! I live in a house full of Ashby fans. We love that little girl so much! XOXO
Denise Panetta says
Such a beautiful story. I love reading about Ashby.
Ani says
Love this: this kind of love is supernatural. It truly is.
Ms Ashby is just amazing. Blessings.
Morgan Scott says
I just love reading all about her updates! I had tears in my eyes reading how Miss Kensington stuck up for her little sister. We all know you're an amazing momma, but little moments like that just absolutely prove it! Keep being amazing, Shay! I look up to you so much! I can only hope to be half the mom you are to my kiddos one day! ❤️
Tara G. says
I appreciate your adoption updates, Shay! She is a darling! God's love is overwhelming!
Debbie says
I love reading your adoption posts … God knew the plans He had for Ashby London Shull! I've been praying daily for her, and you and Andrew (and Smith and Kensington). It's such a joy to read about your precious family, thank you for sharing with us.
Melissa says
Every month these adoption updates make me cry. Thank you so much for your honest, joyful look at the highs and lows of adoption. I know I join a host of others who are so, so happy to see her doing so well!
Sheaffer {Pinterest Told Me To} says
Ashby radiates joy, and it's been amazing to have a first row seat to this little girl settle in to life with the Shulls. She's playful, smart, loving, and this kid knows exactly what she wants (as evidenced by where she wants those placed in the pool that are catching her). 🙂 Ashby we love you!!!!!
thebusybrunette says
Oh my goodness, Shay! This post seriously made my heart melt. Ashby is such a sweetheart, and the way your family has nurtured her transition is just the most wonderful thing. I love that story about Kensington talking about why Ashby is her sister, and you are so right – Ashby will have some boys watching out for her once she starts school… haha! How great. You are so lucky to have found Ashby and she is so lucky to have you all. Her life in the past six months is such a huge blessing and I know she will continue to flourish under your care. She is truly a "Shull" – no doubt about that! Thank you for taking on the challenge of adoption that so many are scared of… and also for showing us all how incredible and life-changing it can be. I have no doubt that you have had hard days (we all do, after all!), but the pay off is more than you could ever ask for! Blessings to you all!
The Busy Brunette
Sallie says
That picture of Bowen and Ashby.. . . precious. What a great picture of love and understanding about adoption for other children, too. Who knows what that will mean for their own families one day?
And way to go, Ashby. LOVE that Tex Mex, girl!!
Angie says
Such a sweet post! God IS awesome, and I am loving getting to hear and see some of His awesomeness in your story with Ashby. Praying with you about her vascular problem, and for just the right treatment for it.
Britanie Kostis says
Sweet little Ashby is such a gift to your family! I love how Kensington stood up for her and defended her position in the family – what brave little girls you have! God definitely knew what he was doing when he placed you all together 🙂
Dana says
This made my heart smile so big. You all are so blessed!
Kelly Stamps says
She is just a huge blessing!!!!!! I think she is the picture of JOY!
Carrie says
She is just such a beautiful girl and she is thriving with y'all, so happy you found her!
kelsey @ so much life to live says
What a SWEET little kid! My family has adopted 4 little ones, and I can agree with the fact that adoption is sad, messy, complicated, and BEAUTIFUL!
Shay, would you ever be willing to post a short little video clip? I'd love to get to hear their little voies!
Kaylyn Kruse says
These posts make me tear up- I am in awe of how God has worked through your family. Ashby seems like such a little love and I'm so grateful she has such an incredible family!
Slightly Askew Designs says
LOVE us some Ashby London!!! Seriously… her smile is contagious and I've loved watching you, Andrew, Kensington and Smith light up when interacting with her. She's one SPECIAL little girl!!!
Hilary Jose says
So sweet! Love reading your blog. Ashby is a lucky girl joining your family!
Mandi Moore says
She is just too adorable!! And yes, you're right, she's totally a Shull! I love the pic of her and Griffin eating ice cream lol so cute!! What an absolute blessing!
Jenna Grace says
I love these adoption updates…they truly warm my heart every single time. Your family is beautiful. Thanks for sharing it with us!
Briana Runde says
I love reading about her and how you are all doing. So glad things are going well, Shay!
Elizabeth Valdez says
Shay, this post made my day! Sitting here in my office fighting back tears of pure joy! Kensington hit it right on the nail! Have a great week.
dresselfamily.blogspot.com says
I love through blogs we feel like we know you all.. we pray, laugh, and think about your family!.. you truly have a special bond. Ashby is as precious as they come.
miss Kensington.. seriously, what a great sister and an example to everyone..way to go!!!
Vesti says
I LOVE these monthly updates! Love them! Ashby was definitely born to be a Shull. When you mentioned the kids at the pool my heart broke. My son (Same age as Smith) was born with spina bifida. He has always been very aware of the stares and comments…from kids and adults. He doesn't notice the stares as much as I do, but he certainly noticed the comments. When he was younger he didn't understand why people commented. Now that he is older, he gets frustrated. And it hurts his feelings. As the Mama of a child with physical "differences," we often pray for your Ashby, and for you guys. We pray for wisdom, understanding, peace, and confidence. Thank you for sharing your life with all of us!
Robyn Marrie (Robyn's Nest of 5) says
Love the sweet Ashby updates. Love that she has boys that have her back. ;). I pray she's happy in spite of a sometimes cruel world!
Samantha Amidon says
I have truly loved keeping up with your Ashby posts and today, this one was extra special. I became a right arm amputee when I was 10yrs old. I know all about the stares and looks and questions from other kids. Don't under estimate kids, I'm shocked at how mean they can be at times – most of them just inquisitive but sometimes just mean. Ashby will just adapt to handling it herself. As she gets older, there will be days she just doesn't even want to deal with all the questions from others and the comments will hurt her feelings but then there will be days where she just lets it roll off her shoulders. I struggled A LOT with self-image once my arm was amputated. I wanted to hide it in pictures and never wanted to wear sleeveless clothing. I was that way all the way through high school…it took me until college to start being "ok" with it. Ashby already seems stronger than that so I'm sure she'll breeze right through but if I can send any advice, it would be to just be patient with her when she gets older. Just when you think she's "good to go", she might have a bad day and it might make you feel like all your progression just went down the drain. Not true! It's going to rollercoaster-ish but it'll make her so strong! Now that I'm a mom to my own 4 yr old, we are dealing with the whole, "why does your mom look weird?" "Why does your mom have 1 arm?" but I have to say that my son is a rockstar when he informs the kiddos that his "mommy don't look weird! Jesus has her arm!!"
Life is full of strange battles but I honestly think God gives them those that are the strongest! Many prayers and blessings to you and your family!
(I also went to Scottish Rite for all my medical needs – seriously the BEST place on this earth!!!)
Tara Smith says
I'm so happy to read about this love and amazing adoption experience! She is reflecting what she is experiencing in a great home with great kids and parents to surround her with everything she needs. God does work the puzzle pieces to be just right 🙂
Beautifully Seaside // Formerly Chic Coastal Living says
Supernatural Joy!! Love it! Actually my mother-in-law wrote a book titled that and I should send you a copy. I love reading your blog posts first thing in the morning, because they warm my heart. Staying in touch with Jesus is the best way to start a day and you always give glory to God and I love that about you and your precious family. Ashby is so so blessed to be a Shull and I'm going to pray for the doctor appointments this month. All my love to you and your family. XOXO, Desi
clatk says
My youngest Sadie has a vascular and lymphatic malformation on her neck/chest area, and last summer we had to clot the blood in her jugular. Her neck was so, so big. She got stares and comments everywhere we went, but THANK GOD, she was only 2 and had no idea! Her siblings felt a lot of it, and my heart ached with the truth that she will one day know that people are staring and making comments. It's so heartbreaking! But, oh my, I know you are in AWE of the incredible strength and fighting spirit God has given Miss Ashby! They are warrior babies to walk through all of this! I highly recommend the book Wonder! It is so amazing for parents who are walking through physical deformities!
{We also go to Children's in Dallas, and have an amazing vascular team there! Not sure who your Radiologist and general surgeon are, but if you get a choice- Dr. Nancy Rollins and Dr. Steve Megison have fought for my girl and literally created surgeries and procedures to help her!!}
Kelsey Mann Peacock says
How sweet that she wants to pray for those she knows! That shows that she is creating such a strong connection with the people in her life. Good for Kensington! What a great big sister 🙂 You are raising Ashby to know that she is so loved by God and her family and that will give her all the confidence she needs to know that her medical struggle does not define her! Love seeing how happy she is 🙂
Katelyn Sloan says
Ok straight up tears as I soon as I saw the title. It is so amazing seeing the love seep out of your family. Such a beautiful, beautiful family!! Happy Monday!!
Amy Heinl says
Shay will survive with her vascular issue because she has the love and support of her family. I have Lymphedema which is another disease/disability caused by a vascular surgeon which doesn't work it all. I have to wear compression garments 24/7 and this disease hurts and causes alot of pain day in and day out. It also is disfiguring which causes people to be very mean and cruel at times but I've learned to get past that….its hard but I do so because I have family and friends who loved and support me unconditionally and are warriors for me. Ashby has that as well and you will be surprised at the people she will touch because of it. I keep all of you in my prayers daily but always offer up special ones for your sweet Ashby because I know the road ahead can be difficult. Stay steadfast…..God chose you to be her family because he knew that you would give her everything and more that she needs!
Melissa says
Just love these posts and hearing the latest about little Ms. Ashby. She is so precious. Thank you so much for sharing this journey with the rest of us. It is truly amazing. You are beyond blessed!
Angela Ellingson says
Love, love, love! So much goodness and joy! Thank you for sharing your beautiful life with us. I seriously got teary when you said Smith, Nixon and Bowen were going to be at school with her, ready to protect her. Love that. What a blessed little girl! And go Kensington! What an amazing big sister. Will continue to keep Ashby in my prayers. Hugs!
kimm atwood says
Love reading these updates. So happy to see how perfectly she fits into your family !
Paula says
My favorite part and made me cry…
"Side note…Ashby will end up going to school one day with these three boys…
…and I'm pretty sure they'll all be ready and waiting if anyone messes with their girl. 😉 "
God is SOOOO GOOD! All the details covered!
Dawn says
Queen In Between says
Love these updates and it is so apparent from afar how much love this girl is feeling. She has just blossomed so much in her pictures. Totally way more minor than Ashby's ordeal but my 9 year old began having white spots covering her nails which didn't seem such a big deal until other kids started commenting. Long story short it is psoriasis and when we went to the doctor he told her "next time someone asks you what's wrong with your nails you can say I have psoriasis, what's wrong with your manners" Haha…she thought it was the greatest thing ever and I'm pretty sure she's been waiting for a day when she can use it!
{Hi Sugarplum!} says
Precious, darling girl!!! I am so so happy for your family and all the love exploding there!!! xoxoxo
Ashleigh says
I just love reading your updates on Miss Ashby! It warms my heart and gives me hope as my husband and I begin the adoption process ourselves. God is so good!! I saw you guys in Market Street last week and it was so fun to see how precious all 3 of your kiddos are. May God continue to bless you and your family!
Christina says
When you say she is a Shull, I totally see it! =) So cute! I also was a little surprised that you said she has a husky voice! LOL I wouldn't have imagined her voice that way. How sweet! Lots of love to your sweet family!
Tracy says
Love these updates on your precious girl. Thanks for sharing!
Cindi N. says
I hope you show the same grace that you want for Ashby to others. Everyone wants their kids to grow up and be happy, successful and find love. No one wants their kids made to feel inferior because of something they can't choose, like a vascular malformation, being from a different race, or being gay (even if it's a "tiny" part of the population.
Katie {The Mishaps & Mayhem of a Solitary Life} says
Love these updates!! I especially love the comments about the boys! And all the pics with her BFF Bowen!! I know it's not the same thing, but I'm an adult with Cerebral Palsy, and when I was little I would get the stares and comments and such…still do! You are loving on Ashby surrounding her with good people who love her, and as evidenced by Kensington's sweet comments raising her right so that one day, if need be, she'll know what to say to the people who have questions and comments and walk away with her head held high. My parents did the same. As you get older, you recognize who deserves the time of day and pray for those with ignorance and hate in their heart.
Leigh Clark says
What a sweet testimony she will have one day. The joy in her face is a great example of God's love and perfect plan.
Madison Berry says
Beyond inspired and these are my FAVORITE posts. As a younger mommy (24) who is planning to one day adopt, seeing how sweet Ashby has made your family complete just fills my heart! As we began saving, adoption looked so far off and so expensive for it to ever really be a reality, but if God has led then He will make a way!
Kris says
Thank you for sharing your journey… It is truly heartwarming 🙂
Jeanie says
Love these updates! I'm so proud of Kensington, too!
Karen Ward says
I just want to bawl with happiness for you all! She looks like she's the happiest little thing!
The Nelson Happenings says
She is a doll !! Your such a wonderful blessed family and I love stopping by and reading the latest on your sweet family !
The Boutelle Family says
I love reading these updates!! Thank you for sharing so openly & letting all of us in on the story God is writing in you all's lives. Also, I love what Kensington said!! Love that she stood up for her little sister & her family <3
Denise Ross says
Hi Shay. I love reading about Ashby's journey. Gosh the change in her is just amazing. God is incredible :).
Hugs from Down Under
Leslie says
My daughter has a speech disorder that will never be fully corrected. She gets comments from other children asking "why she talks funny," and we've worked hard to develop a thick skin. She has loved looking at the pictures on your blog, and tonight I was telling her about children asking about Ashby's hand. She said, "She so cute I wouldn't even notice her hand."
Jen Watts says
Love, love reading these updates!!
Rebecca Carl says
What a blessing your little family is to all of us. I pray the doctors find answers about Ashby's hand and how to fix the vascular issues. The outward will take care of itself because she is a beautiful, sweet spirited and lovable little girl who I have a feeling won't let that bother her for one minute. You are teaching her love and love conquers all ♡ even the mean ones sooner or later!
Blandine says
So sorry about the comments on Ashby's arm – people can be really judgemental ! I mean, think of the way some people talk about single-parent families, or same-sex families… That's not very nice either.
Marty says
Love, Love, LOVE this post so much! 🙂
Random Asian Momma says
I love that red is her favorite color! It's such an inherent part of her native culture, and I hope that she is able to retain as much of it as possible.
Dana says
She is a cutie. My daughter loves Peppa Pig and Veggie Tales as well. She has now added Blaze and the Monster Machines and Olivia to her viewing rotation
Elizabeth Birenbaum says
This post made me tear up… in the BEST possible way!!! I love reading updates on Ashby and love how well she just fits in with your family like she's been there for forever. You have the sweetest kids (go Kensington for standing up for her family!) and you can truly tell how much they love each other and their friends. Thank you for sharing this with us!
Grace says
Missed reading your blog bc I was at camp all week but I'm catching up now! So blessed by this and the way you both pour love into each other. And Ashby is going to have so much fun at school with those boys; I adore them all!
Stephanie says
I just read this post from another blog and found it very powerful:
It reminded me of this post of yours, #6.
You are inspiring!
Jaren says
My heart is full reading this too! I'm so happy for you guys!
Maureen Chen says
This post makes me tear up! What a beautiful beautiful story! Happy 6 months, Ashby 🙂
Pooja's Nook says
Just found your website and read all your adoption posts. My heart was overwhelmed with happiness. Adoption has been a calling for me, I was about 12 years old, when I realized I wanted to adopt. I am saving up to make my dream come true.