Listen…you need to hear me out. Seriously, you’re going to want to click away…but don’t! You need to read this entire recipe before you move on. #trustme
So, every year, I host an annual recipe exchange and each year, we have a different theme. Well, in 2012, our theme was favorite side dishes and Sheaffer brought this Pineapple Casserole recipe. And friends, we devoured it. Sheaffer totally won the award for best recipe of the night! Not only did we all eat way too much of it, we all went home and made it for our friends and family too. It’s the perfect holiday side dish with turkey and ham. I promise.
The next year, our theme was casseroles and because we all begged her to…Sheaffer brought it again. Friends, it’s that good.
Now wait for it.
The recipe is weird.
I mean…I ate a huge portion and then after I read the recipe, I was like, what? What did I just eat? I mean…it’s an odd combination to say the least but oh my goodness, it is so stinkin’ good! Trust me.
Trust. Me.
You and your family will love Sheaffer’s Pineapple Casserole this holiday season.
This recipe serves a crowd as a side dish…about 8 to 12.
Shopping List
(20 ounce) cans crushed pineapple, drained
(20 ounce) cans crushed pineapple, drained
tablespoons flour
tablespoons flour
cup sugar
cup sugar
cup grated sharp cheddar cheese
cup grated sharp cheddar cheese
1/2 cups Ritz cracker crumbs
1/2 cups Ritz cracker crumbs
cup butter, plus 1 teaspoon butter
cup butter, plus 1 teaspoon butter
oven to 350 degrees.
oven to 350 degrees.
a 9×13 baking dish (I used Pam but Sheaffer uses butter)
a 9×13 baking dish (I used Pam but Sheaffer uses butter)
crushed pineapple evenly along the bottom of prepared casserole dish. Next, mix
together the flour, sugar and cheese and then sprinkle it evenly on top of pineapple.
crushed pineapple evenly along the bottom of prepared casserole dish. Next, mix
together the flour, sugar and cheese and then sprinkle it evenly on top of pineapple.
Cover everything with Ritz cracker crumbs.
butter and pour over the top of cracker crumbs.
butter and pour over the top of cracker crumbs.
for 30 minutes in preheated oven.
for 30 minutes in preheated oven.
Remove from oven and serve immediately.
I mean…I know it sounds weird, but friends…this is an award winning recipe :). You must try it!
Rosa Dunn says
We make this recipe in my family too but we add graham crackers on top instead of ritz. So good!
Sheaffer {Pinterest Told Me To} says
HOW IN THE WORLD IS THIS GOOD? I have no idea, but MAN IT IS!!!!
Allyson Butler says
I have made this before and So good! I don't understand it, but I LOVE it!
Narci says
Yum, yum, yum!! This really is SOOO good!!
The Mommy says
This has been in our family for year So! We use tidbits instead of crushed pineapple. Yummy!
Ashley says
My family has always made this dish, and it is delicious! We use pineapple chunks though, and drain them really well. Like you said, so good with ham and turkey!
Tanya says
It wouldn't be Christmas without this! My mom and the other "church ladies" always served this at parties when I was growing up and I've fixed it for my family for 25 years. (I use pineapple chunks instead of crushed.) YUM!
Kim says
What do you usually serve this with? Is it a dip to serve with crackers? A side to eat on it's own? Dessert?
Beth C says
I'm wondering too! Can this be served as a dessert?
Mix and Match Mama says
Personally, I wouldn't want it for dessert. I don't so cheesy desserts.
Emily Preddy says
My mom makes this every time she needs a side for potluck or a holiday. It is my favorite. I usually save a portion just for me. There is a similar recipe that uses apples that is very good as well!!
Emily says
One of my all time favorites!
meigancam01 says
looks so delicious.!!yummy!!
Can't resists to try this out.!!
Thanks for sharing such amazing recipe with us.
Maggie says
Paula Dean's version is huge in our house! We used the pineapple chunks which add a bit of a different texture (I find the crushed can make it too watery). Soo good!! 🙂
Susan Williams says
I lived in east Georgia for a year and this was a staple at every potluck at church and at school. Being from Louisiana, I thought it was weird until I tried it!! It is sooo good :).
Liz says
This sounds so strange but I've got to give it a try!
hillary starrett says
I've been making this for years! I even brought it to Thanksgiving dinner last week. So so good!! (I use pineapple chunks though).
Haley Southey says
Red headed mom says
My recipe uses breadcrumbs instead of Ritz …no flour…and uses the crushed pineapple, juice and all. It is dreamy…..It gets all mixed up (no topping)
& my favorite is the browned edges on top. My family is very disappointed if I do not make it Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter. I first had it 36 years ago and did not know what it was but HAD to have the recipe!
Mommy H says
yikes, totally posted my comment on the crab bake post. so sorry!!
yes, yes, we love this recipe. I too was skeptical at first, but when you marry the hubs you marry the fam, and it's tradition with my in-laws. You can't have a holiday without a pineapple bake.
Tanya says
I've served it for dessert, too. Well, not as the only dessert but as one option. There is kind of a Southern thing that some people put cheddar cheese on top of apple pie. I don't think it is that common anymore, it is kind of old timey, but this pineapple thing reminds me a little bit of that.
Nena says
My grandma has been making this recipe for years and it is very surprisingly delicious!