Once a month, my friends Mel, Sheaffer and I host this link up where we share some random and fun stuff that’s up with us today. If you blogged WUW too, make sure you link up at the bottom of the post! Every month, we answer these questions…
…in our What’s Up Wednesday posts!
So, let’s get started!
I’m sharing everything Thanksgiving today HERE. Recipes for your side dishes, your desserts and even your Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade breakfast. You can see it all HERE.
Over the weekend, we went to Andrew’s parents’ house and every time I visit during Thanksgiving week, it makes me think of the first time I was there. Fourteen years ago, I went to his parents’ farm for the first time over Thanksgiving. I most certainly wasn’t the first girl he brought home…but oh I am so glad that I was the last. Love this guy so much.
(And pssssst: my polish is OPI’s The Spy Who Loved Me and my scarf is HERE.)
3: What I’m loving:
Everything fall at Nordstrom. So, next week, Sheaffer and I are teaming up with Nordstrom and once again hosting our Five Days of Fabulous and friends…IT’S GOING TO BE FANTASTIC! You and your friends are going to want to enter to win every day…because you’re not going to want to miss the prizes. It’s our gift to YOU this Christmas season. These are some of my favorite fall finds at Nordstrom this month…
This sweater right here has been one of my absolute FAVORITES this month! I have the heather gray but it comes in 8 other colors too. I seriously wear it at least once a week. It’s so soft and comfy but cute at the same time. And those slippers make me happy too. #justsayin
Can’t stop, won’t stop 🙂 .
My favorite go-to black dress this season is on repeat in my closet. It’s the cutest and comfiest little dress for only $35! Yes, it’s only $35!! It comes in black and green. You can find my booties HERE.
‘Tis the season for my favorite ugly sweaters! This year, I bought this one but there is a whole slew of them at Nordstrom right now. I. Love. These.
And this scarf is a fave of mine too. It comes in 8 colors and is super warm and easy to wear.
So, what I’m loving is fall at Nordstrom PLUS how awesome they are for helping us make giveaways possible. Thank you in advance Nordstrom! And everyone check back here next week for Five Days of Fabulous!!!
Here are some of my other favorite fall finds this season (just scroll and click!)…
The kiddos are off this week for Thanksgiving break, so we’ve seen Trolls, we’ve visited the Perot Museum, we’ve put together puzzles, we’ve baked…we’ve been busy enjoying the time!
Is it too early to say that I’m dreading taking the Christmas decorations down? Because I am. Because it’s always such a bummer to see it end…PLUS it’s not nearly as much fun packing it away as it is putting it up.
My little travel agency is making magical vacations come true! We are sending families to Walt Disney World and on cruises in the Caribbean, Mexico, Alaska and Hawaii (on all lines…not just Disney).
Don’t we have the cutest clients?!?! We LOVE making vacations come true for these sweet families. If you are planning your 2017 vacation (or even 2018!), email us because we would love to help! mixandmatchtravelagency@yahoo.com 🙂 .
Did somebody say Christmas activities?!?! We are pumped about all that we have planned this holiday season. I’m almost finished with Christmas shopping, so now, it’s time to enjoy, enjoy, enjoy! It’s Madeley’s first Christmas…and that is so special to us!
Somebody make it stop. I started watching One Tree Hill and just cannot.stop.watching. This show is really kind of crazy…but I’m sucked in and can’t quit it. On top of binge watching this, we’ve been watching a lot of Christmas movies as a family :). And next week, I’m sharing my November Book Review, but if you missed this…
…my October Book Review, you can read it HERE.
We are listening to Christmas music 24/7. I turn it on when we wake up (at 4:20 AM) and then turn it off when we go to sleep. It’s on in the car too 🙂 . My kids are at that perfect age because they LOVE Christmas music. I mean…I guess I’m at that perfect age because I do too :).
And you’ll notice that I listen to Michael Buble (Holiday) Radio on Pandora. It was announced several weeks ago that his three year old son Noah has cancer. Wouldn’t it be nice if every time we heard Michael Buble sing a carol on the radio, we prayed for his family? Just a thought for your holiday season.
I believe we covered that up top, right? I’m wearing cozy layers and my favorite fall finds right now from Nordstrom. Um, like this sweater again…
…see, I just keep wearing it 🙂 .
And I showed you this picture last week…
…of my green polish, green dress and over the knee boots (that come in 3 different colors and are currently 25% off!), but here’s another pic…
…so the lighting isn’t fantastic but you can see the boots. The heels aren’t super high, so they’re realllly comfy!
We have so much to do! We’re going to our town square’s Home for the Holidays event, we’re going to see my parents’ town square all lit up for Christmas AND my kids are in our church’s Christmas musical on Sunday morning. We’re welcoming in the season with a BANG!
…well, not next month but in January, we are super pumped because my sister-in-law’s company turns one and there’s going to be a BIG celebration in Dallas! My girlfriends and I have already bought tickets and are turning it into a fun girls night out! So, if you’re local and want to go Loweco with us…get your tickets and come check it out! And don’t forget to check out Loweco.’s website while you’re at it. We are SO PROUD of you Catherine!! You had a big dream and now, it’s celebrating one year of success!!
Yesterday, I shared the new addition to Ashby and Madeley’s bedroom. If you missed it, click HERE.
Bonus question this month: What’s your favorite Thanksgiving tradition?
Watching the parade in our pajamas. Is that lame? Because that’s my favorite! Every Thanksgiving morning, we stay in our pajamas and watch the floats while eating breakfast. This is hands down one of my FAVORITE traditions! Here we were last year watching at Andrew’s parents’ house…
…this year, there will be six piled in 🙂 .
Whew! That’s What’s Up Wednesday today! If you blogged too, make sure you link up below.
I will be enjoying Thanksgiving tomorrow instead of blogging, but I’ll be back on Friday to share everything I’m buying this Christmas season (and hopefully, you’ll share ideas in the comment section too!). Happy Thanksgiving friends. God bless you and your family this holiday weekend. xo
Leslie Z says
I felt myself nodding throughout your whole post! So many great things that have been up with you! I hope you have the best Thanksgiving. May your bellies be stuffed and your heart full. See you Friday!
Kimm says
Happy thanksgiving !!
Sheaffer says
So excited about our Girl’s Night Out!!!! Great idea about praying for that sweet little boy each time we hear one of his Daddy’s songs.
Melissa says
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family Shay!!! 🙂
Sarah says
Happy Thanksgiving!!!! Thanks for sharing all your awesome finds 🙂 Hope you have a fantastic day tomorrow!!
-Sarah http://www.thefrugalmillionaireblog.com
Lizzie @ This Happy Life says
I can’t wait to check out those Thanksgiving recipes!! And I have that sweater on my Christmas list! Are you wearing a small or xs? Do you wash it or dry clean? Thanks!!
Mix and Match Mama says
The gray sweater? I’m wearing an XS and I keep putting it in the washer and then laying it flat to dry.
Nina Fullerton says
Happy Thanksgiving, Shull family!! Do you find that the dress from Nordstrom runs a little short? I am 5’9″ with long legs and I’m worried it may be too short for me. Thanks!
Mix and Match Mama says
I’m 5’3″, so it will most definitely be shorter on you. I think tights (DKNY are my favorite opaque tights) would be really cute with it too!
M says
I’m 5’9 and it was unfortunately too short…maybe with some leggings or heavy tights…
Erika Slaughter says
Oh girl! Taking all the Christmas down bums me out too! And my house always looks so bare! Ugh! Let’s enjoy those twinkling lights and not think about it right now!
Alex says
My absolute favorite thing to do every morning is get my coffee and read your post for the day. Thank you for sharing your life with us!
Erika says
Happy Thanksgiving! Pregnant first time mom in search of the robe you’ve previously posted about- I think your grandmother bought them for everyone? (Not the Blardigan ????) Can you point me in the right direction?
Mix and Match Mama says
Yes! I am wearing mine right now! Haha! They’re from Nordstrom. The brand is Make + Model!
Heather A. says
I’m sucked into OTH as well!!! Can’t stop watching!!!! I’m right in the middle of season 2 and I’m obsessed!!! Lots of eye rolling though but it is so good! Love the new addition to Madeley’s room! I wish we had that much space!!!!! Hope y’all have a great Thanksgiving!
Kelly says
I purchased “the” sweater in black and I love it ! Thanks for the washing instructions because I was a little concerned by the hand wash on the label, ain’t nobody got time for that:). I hope you and your precious family have the best Thanksgiving!
Susan says
Loved seeing the bedroom renovation yesterday, I just love it! What a perfect space for three pretty girls. Hope your family has a Happy Thanksgiving, love reading your blog daily you are such an inspiration.
Rachel says
I loved the bedroom reno! What a special space.
I have seen it a few times now, and have to ask…what do you use to play music throughout your house?!
Mix and Match Mama says
I have a wireless system built in. It makes things so easy!
Tina says
I started One Tree Hill a couple weeks ago and it really is so addicting! I’m almost done with season 3.
Baylee @ the fayetteville mama says
seriously so obsessed with Tree Hill – I love it so much! My husband and I watched all 9 seasons in three months, because we couldn’t stop. We put the kids to bed at 8 and would stay up until 1 am watching because they always leave you wanting more! Love Brooke so much!!
Megan Butler says
Pjs and parade watching sounds like my kind of thanksgiving fun!! Happy thanksgiving shull family!
Kelsey says
Can’t wait to see how you all celebrate Madeley’s first Christmas!! That is so special! OTH was seriously addicting, glad you are enjoying it!!
Mary says
Hi! Did you get the Caslon button back sweater? If so, is it tru to size?
Mix and Match Mama says
I did not, but for me, Caslon always runs true to size.
Angela Ellingson says
So much goodness! I’m so excited for your Five Days of Fabulous!! Maybe this will be my lucky year?! 😉 I cannot get over your “ugly” sweater. LOVE! I adore Christmas activities!! Love your traditions, especially the sleigh ride. I’ve been praying for little Noah and his whole family. Love the reminder to pray when we hear Michael Bublé’s Christmas songs… although that would pretty much be constantly at my house. 😉 Which is good. So excited to see what you’ve been shopping for for Christmas!
Natalie says
I love your comment about praying for Michael Buble whenever we hear one of his songs! I have been doing that too!
You are such an inspiration and I love reading your blog everyday.
Lindsay @ Lindsay's Sweet World says
I was so devastated to hear about Michael Buble’s son having cancer. I have been praying for him so hard. I can’t imagine having to ever ever go through something like that.
And MY favorite Thanksgiving tradition is watching the Macy’s Parade in our PJs. I’ve done it every single year for my entire life and it’s something I never want to give up! Happiest of Thanksgivings to you, Shay! You guys have so much to be thankful for this year… your little family is finally complete! XO
Chloe says
Hey Shay!! Love that leather jacket….where’s that great find from? xo Chloe
Mix and Match Mama says
A Gal Named Al says
So much to love in this post! I emailed you a while back about when to book for a 2018 Disney vacay, and at the time you were thinking of taking a break from the agency. I’m so glad you stuck with it and expanded! I’ll be emailing you and Erika soon- we’ve saved up and are so excited! Have a great Thanksgiving!
Dana Powell says
The WUW posts are some of my favorites. I’ve been praying for Michael’s son every time we listen, too- which is every day. You were right about him, I can’t find any other music I like as much!
Andrea M Worley says
One Tree Hill, good binging show!!! I’ve seen them all. you’ll love it!
Southern & Style says
Watching the Thanksgiving parade in my pjs is my favorite tradition too-now if only i could get my husband to join in! & I love, love, loved watching One Tree Hill! The story line is a little out there, but overall it’s a great show 🙂
xoxo, SS
Southern And Style