Well…I was home for a day yesterday and now, I’m back on the road. Did you see us on Instagram this morning??? Erika and I piled all 8 kids in a gigantic rented van and headed off for our first ever moms and kids road trip. I mean…what could possibly go wrong with this idea?!?! I’m sure a funny post-trip blog post is in our future. Ha!
In the meantime, today, I’m recapping mine and Andrew’s most recent trip to Nantucket. Here are some of my thoughts before we get to all the pictures…
1. We’ve decided to try and visit Nantucket once a year. We love it. Like…love, love, love it. Growing up, I visited Nantucket quite a bit with my parents (who still try and go just about every year), but life kind of got in the way, and Andrew and I didn’t go together until two summers ago. We’ve made a vow to really try and go back every year from here on out. It has a piece of my heart.
2. There are a lot of selfies or random pictures in this post. Sorry.
3. I wish I could bottle up Nantucket for each of you. The way it smells (sweet but with a mix of salty water), the weather (BEAUTIFUL!!), the gorgeous gray and white buildings that were once blonde but have over time, weathered into a beautiful color, the food and the friendly people.
4. I took a lot of pics of what I ate…because it was DARN GOOD! Andrew and I didn’t eat any beef, pork or chicken while we were there, because hello? We’re from Texas and can get that stuff all the time. We ate a ton of fish and LOBSTER! Geez! The lobster!
5. While we were gone, North Texas had record breaking temps. How did we manage to time our trip to escape the 115 weather? Don’t know…but it was such a bonus!
Okay, so you look at my pics and read my captions while I drive around with Erika and all the kids 🙂 . See you tomorrow for What’s Up Wednesday!
Up early and at the airport ready to fly from Dallas to Boston. Looking at flights and schedules, we decided to fly to Boston, take a car to Hyannis (about an hour and a half drive) and then take the ferry to Nantucket. This would get us there at 3:30 and if we flew and connected on to another flight, it said we would get there later. (We flew all the way home though!) So, it’s not always easy getting to paradise, but it’s worth it! This dress and my scarf (only $11!) are both in the Anniversary Sale!
And two of my bracelets are too! From left to right: sparkly, turquoise, gold.
After a 3 hour flight and an hour long car ride, we made it to Hyannis!
The ferry arrived ready to take us over to Nantucket. This ferry gets you there in an hour.
I don’t do well with boats…and I don’t do well with small planes (read about our small plane experience HERE), but I ate (I always need a full stomach!)), looked at the horizon and made sure I had fresh air. #mystomachissoweak
I was even able to read a little on board!
And then…we arrived in Nantucket!
Ahhhhhh! The weather was GORGEOUS, the sun was shining and we were pumped!
We went straight to our hotel to drop off our bags and then hit the road. We always stay at inns when we visit the island, but this time, we stayed at the Nantucket Hotel and LOVED IT! It was right in town, so we could walk everywhere, they were friendly, the service was exceptional and they were very helpful too.
True story, we hung up our clothes and sprayed them with…
…Tom & Sheri’s Iron in a Bottle. Hahahaha! Isn’t this stuff the best?! My friend Austin said my “mixandmatch” promo code is good forever with you guys. We sprayed our stuff every day and the wrinkles just fall right on out. You know how much I love Austin 🙂 . You can order it HERE.
We had dinner reservations at 6:30, so until then, we just walked and enjoyed. Everything is so PRETTY! My pictures do not do it justice.
We did some people watchin’…
…and selfie taking 🙂 . And then stopped for a snack at Nantucket Prime…
…give me all the cheese!
We cleaned up for dinner and headed out to…
…Fifty Six Union for dinner.
Lobster roll and fries? Yes, please!
After dinner, we walked around town more and made our way to The Juice Bar…
…where we waited in line for the BEST ice cream!
Butter Pecan for the win! After that, we strolled back to our hotel…
The next morning, we were up at at ’em for the day! Look how cute my new pjs are…
It was another beautiful day!
First stop, breakfast at…
…Fog Island Cafe!
After that, we walked up Main Street and while we waited for the shops to open (at 10:00), we sat on a bench and read our books…
…I purposely read a Thayer book on this trip 🙂 .
Nantucket is just so quaint!
We walked and shopped and just enjoyed being outside until it was time for lunch…
…lunch on a patio? Yes!
I ate my weight in lobster on this trip.
After lunch, we walked down by the water…
…and checked out all the pretty flowers too.
Speaking of pretty…I’m wearing Cassie’s romper and rose gold Miller sandals. I love me some rose gold!
We cleaned up for dinner and headed out again…
We stopped on our hotel’s patio and enjoyed the live music for a minute before we went to…
…Brant Point Grill. This place was my FAVORITE!
The view from our table was a bunch of cute kids playing while they waited for their food to arrive. The boats, the water, the kids, the table outside…all good!
So much fun! (Pssst: my earrings are HERE.)
The food was exceptional!
That’s lobster mac & cheese next to my fish. #yesssssssssssss
Of course, we ended our night back at…The Juice Bar 🙂 .
The next morning, we headed back out into another beautiful day…
This time, we had breakfast at Met on Main. They have a patio outback that was perfect for breakfast…
We read a little before they brought us our food…and then, we took an Uber to the car rental place in town and rented us a car…
…we rented a car for the day to drive around the island and check things out. Last time, we rented scooters, but this time, we decide to drive.
We made a circle around the entire island…
…stopping and admiring from time to time.
We got out, looked around and then made our way to Something Natural…
…one of my favorite places for lunch! You order inside and then eat on picnic tables out in the yard.
Lobster salad again? Well, yes, please!
We drove out to Sconset and went out to the beach…
…we brought swimsuits, but decided just to walk around in the surf instead of swimming. It was so pretty!
Later that night, we returned the car, freshened up and headed to dinner…
…this time at Galley Beach! This restaurant was right on the beach. Like, literally in the sand.
Dinner with a view!
Hahaha! After dinner, we…WENT TO THE JUICE BAR! #duh
And look who was behind us in line! That’s Ryan Serhant! We love his shows on Bravo so much and both of us follow him on Instagram, so we were way stoked!
We gave Ryan a little nod and fist bump as we left with our ice cream and savored the night. Gosh, I love Nantucket!
The next morning, we couldn’t resist Met on Main again for breakfast (hello, patio?!). This was our last full day in Nantucket and we wanted to just enjoy the day. (Pssssst: that’s my denim jacket! The one I’ve had for years and wear all the time!)
After breakfast, we strolled through their Saturday morning farmers market…
I bought homemade trail mix and granola to take home with me.
Saturday in Nantucket 🙂 .
We spent some time perusing Book Works. If you read Hilderbrand or Thayer books, this place is mentioned quite a bit.
Coffee on Main Street in the beautiful weather. PERFECTION!
The Club Car for all of you Hilderbrand fans…or Wings fans 😉 . We ate there last time and loved it!
We were having the best little Saturday!
All dressed up and leaving the hotel to head to our final dinner. Earrings HERE.
So, Topper’s was the only restaurant we repeated from 2016. We had loved it so much the first time, that we had to eat there again, but friends, it disappointed us. Now, don’t get me wrong, the setting and the service were still exceptional, but they changed the menu and it just didn’t live up to the previous one in our opinion. Boo.
The next morning, we got up, ate breakfast and then boarded a 10:00 flight back to Boston and then back to Dallas. We had the best time, but it sure was good to get home to our kids! (Earrings HERE)
So, that wraps up Nantucket 2018. Here’s the thing…I love going on trips with just Andrew, and we try to do it at least once a year, but this one in particular, was my favorite. I don’t know what it was…but between the setting, the weather, the food and the company, it was my favorite.
Whew! Okay, I’m off! Wish us luck as we caravan with all of these kiddos! See you guys tomorrow!
Meredith says
Ugh this has me itching to go back! I love nantucket! One of my favorite lunch places is Claude’s (I think?) in Sconset. They have this amazing mayo/mustard/horshradish spread that works on all their sandwiches! You’ll have to check it out next year.
Question: I know you have several pair of the millers, what is your favorite color?? I am debating between makeup and the rose gold
Mix and Match Mama says
Sheaffer Sims says
What a lovely trip!!!! And the food looked incredible!
Francesca says
Can you fix the link to your Miller sandals? Thanks!!
Mix and Match Mama says
Nicole says
So perfect and fun!! Do you prefer to not wear your Apple Watch for vacations? Probably more fun to not worry about tracking activity, right?! Have a great trip!!! ?
Mix and Match Mama says
I’m always not wanting to charge one more thing (or bring one more charger) on trips.
caitlin s davies says
I love seeing all your travel posts!! Would you mind sharing where you purchased the dress you were wearing to the Brant Point Grill and the romper to Book Works? ( or brand). I love your style and reading your blog is one of the highlights of my day:-)
Mix and Match Mama says
Both Lilly Pulitzer and both old.
Elspeth Mizner says
What a fun and relaxing trip! Nantucket is on my bucket list to go to some day. It seems so peaceful and quiet!! Love! Good luck on the road trip!
Kristine says
The Nantucket Hotel is our favorite! Heading to Nantucket in October….this post has me counting down the days! We love Nantucket ❤️
Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog says
Ah, I always see so many bloggers travelling to Nantucket – makes me want to visit so bad! What a fantastic place! ❤️✨
Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog
Narci Dreffs says
How fun is this trip!! The scenery looks gorgeous! You girls have fun today!!! Xo
Andrea Brant says
You hit some great spots! Being a Bostonian, Nantucket is a must see in the summer. It doesn’t hurt that Brant Point is named after my family. I got so excited when I saw you guys ate at the grill. Wishing you all the best on your road trip!
Maura says
I loveee how you’re wearing Lilly so much more! Hope you enjoyed my neck of the woods! You have a New England heart Shay!
Mix and Match Mama says
I am 🙂 .
Lynn Dorval says
What style is your LV cross body? Love this recap! I’ve been to the vineyard but never Nantucket it’s on my list
Brooke says
Please tell me about the bright, colorful romper you are wearing in front of the book store! So cute!
Mix and Match Mama says
It’s a Lilly Pulitzer one from last year.
Amanda @ Cupcake N Dreams says
I seriously want to go to every spot you mentioned because everything looked delicious! I know the feeling of loving a place so much you just have to go back each year, it’s Newport, RI for me! I want to visit Nantucket so bad because I know I’d love it especially since I’m a huge Thayer fan too! You have to read a Thayer book while there lol! So glad you and Andrew had an amazing time! And love that romper from Cassie on you!
Amanda @ Cupcake N Dreams
Brooke Richardson says
Gosh it all looked amazing!!! Now I’m really hungry. lol.
Taylor says
Ahh love this post! Nantucket has been on my bucket list for three years now (I have a whole Pinterest board designated for it) and I’m 95% positive I will be making my way there next summer! I’m already looking forward to it.
PS: I love that you and Andrew read together. My boyfriend and I are huge book nerds and a lot of our date nights together consist of dinner and then cozying up on the couch reading side by side. We are old souls for sure haha.
Jenn says
Looks and sounds like a fantastic trip! You were both VERY lucky to have missed the temps here! I am getting my taste of this unreal heat I’ve never experienced before! When we moved here last month and it was 100 the guys at a restaurant we were at said “Oh you ain’t seen nothing yet!” They were right!
Kristine G. says
So fun! I’d love to go to Nantucket sometime. I just wish it were easier to get to. I was in NYC with my husband during the same time, and the weather was glorious! I had never been, and it was an amazing trip! Highly recommend! But also exhausting! ? Seems like Nantucket would be much more relaxing.
Chelsea says
Eek! Is that the Nantucket Hotel? Crossing my fingers because this is what I booked for us when we go in October!
Erin Port says
I can’t wait to hear all about your fun trip with Erika! I want to go to Nantucket now!!!
Brandi says
Ahhh, looks amazing!
Becky says
Nantucket is a wonderful place, thanks for sharing. Have you guys been to Maine? In the summer or fall, there’s nothing like it!!
mary says
Wait, I need more info about your return flight! I feel like that was a cliff hanger. I remember your blog about that small plane you took last time. So what happened? Was it the same plane? Why did you change your mind about flying?
Mix and Match Mama says
I know, I forgot to add that part! We took an actual big Jet Blue jet. It was just a normal big airplane…whew! I searched long and hard for that!
mary says
Thanks for the update. I was curious because I had told others about your flight experience the first time. Good to know JetBlue has regular size planes that fly there 🙂
Gardner Story says
What nail polish do you have on your fingernails? So pretty!
Mix and Match Mama says
OPI I Eat Maine-ly Lobster (something like that!)
Angela Ellingson says
Such a gorgeous and delicious trip! This is on my bucket list for sure! And I’m so glad I’ll have your posts to refer back to.
Kris says
We live in Plymouth – you definitely drove through on your ride down to Hyannis – it’s just right before the bridge to the Cape. Can you believe I’ve never been to Nantucket?! We are always on the Cape and have gone to Martha’s Vinyard many times but never Nantucket. Must. Go. Like yesterday.
Alison Trauger says
Nantucket is on my list for a trip, sans kiddos. ? Your post makes it look just as I would imagine. #HilderbrandFan
Don says
Kelsey says
What’s the best time of year to visit Nantucket in your opinion?
Mix and Match Mama says
I love the leaves…so, I’m going to say early October, but summer is amazing too!
Kelly says
Lovely trip! It’s so good to see you and Andrew take time just to be a couple. My husband and I didn’t really do that until our kids were much older, you are smart to start now! Nantucket is definitely on my list for a “couple vacation”.
Have the best time on your road trip, can’t wait to hear all about it:).
Carly says
This post makes me so happy! I literally wrote down each restaraunt, starting with Juice Bar. On a different note, If you get a chance you should check out ElleBowes instagram. She needs some prayer warriors right now and I know you have a ton! Enjoy your road trip!
Keisha Dawson says
What a lovely trip! Getting away with my husband is always my favorite. I love traveling with our kids, but our time alone can’t be beat. I told him last week that we need to add Nantucket to our list. We did Boston last year, and it was so much fun!
Ella says
Does the wrinkle release spray work on dress shirts or linen dresses?
You keep showing polo shirts.
Mix and Match Mama says
It’s worked on them for me!
Camille says
The trip looks awesome! Something I am going to have to do in the future for sure!
And my mom took her 4 kids on an annual car road trip with another mom and her 3 kids every year while the dads stayed home and worked! Great memories! We didn’t do it after we expanded the families to 7 and 4 kids (also through adoptions!)
Amanda @ That Inspired Chick says
Ahhhh it’s just beautiful!!! I’m going to need to hear more about your Ryan encounter next time I see you!! Y’all have so much fun on your crazy road trip and stay safe!!
That Inspired Chick
Lauren says
When did you start doing your parents only trips?
Mix and Match Mama says
Like two days after Kensington turned one! We went to Italy and Switzerland.
Kim S says
Am I the only one that doesn’t like Tom & Sheri’s Iron in a Bottle? I work in an office so I iron once a week. Honestly it didn’t do anything for my clothes. Maybe I’m doing something wrong?
cassie {hi sugarplum} says
nantucket is def on my list…but I’ve always worried it wouldn’t live up to the picture in my head created by Hildebrand! But your pics prove that’s it’s just as amazing!! I need more details about actually getting there and home!!
Marianne Langan says
Amy Armata says
Next time you should try some of the restaurants outside of town: The Downyflake (the BEST donuts and blueberry pancakes), Island Kitchen, or Millies (then stay for a sunset). The Sandbar at Jetties Beach is also right on the beach! B
Eryn says
I love, love, love Nantucket!! I went a few years ago in July and the weather was perfect! That place has a piece of my heart as well. I think that’s why I always want to read Elin and Nancy books because it transports me back. Last time, we biked half of the island and I’m ready to go back and bike the other half.
Holly says
I have been waiting for TB to come back with the Rose Gold color! Thanks for enlightening me… ordered!
Beth Jensrn says
Boston is just the best! Heading there Sunday for games and eloping! Can you send me links to adorable floral dresses or rompers you are wearing?
kellie carrara says
Ohmygoodness! THIS is my happy place! LOVE the Nantucket Hotel, and we’ve stayed at the Inn with all the red, white & blue buntings, so I know that street well!
Brant Point Grille is SO good — my daughter swears they have the best shrimp cocktail she’s ever had…and we’re from MA! And the Juice Bar for the WIN — AH-MAZING! Tho I don’t know if I’d recognize anyone there because I’m in the ZONE narrowing down my order! ha!
I HAVE to get to Galley’s Beach… totally on my list.
LOVE the bookstore…we love Barnaby Bear in the children’s section — did you see the little soda fountain area where they sell lemonade in BEAR jars? SO CUTE!
Another one of our favorites is right across the street from the bookstore…it’s the culinary school’s basement cafe. It’s a quiet place to recharge with great fresh juices, coffees and snacks AND lots of outlets to charge up your phones!
Glad you guys could reconnect after the big trip with the kiddos. It truly is heaven on Earth.
Good luck on the ROAD TRIP!
Emily says
What two different lipstick shades are you wearing? LOVE!
Mix and Match Mama says
I think I’m pretty much wearing Bobbi Brown’s Bikini Pink the whole time!
Heather S says
Shay I’ve been following you forever….like pre Smith forev 🙂 I just wanted to say in this day and age it is SO refreshing to see that you and Andrew are obviously STILL in love and happily married! You two just work and I LOVE IT!!
Erin says
Did you see Elin Hilderbrand or Emily Giffin?? Both were there when you were!
Caitlin says
What kind of ray bans are you wearing? Love them and looked like an awesome trip!
Katie A says
Now you’ve got me craving all things seafood!
Vicki says
I want to go to Nantucket now! I hope you didn’t have to get a little plane back to Boston!
Carolyn says
The sunset at Galley Beach is just the best!!! Shay … you just need to go to Nantucket for the Christmas Stroll! I’m not sure anyone else would love it more than you from everything you’ve written about your Love for all things Christmas cheer!
Alicia Casady says
I got to visit Nantucket for the first time last summer while on Cape Cod for a wedding. I am a huge fan of Elin Hilderbrand’s books and have always wanted to go and was so happy it worked out for us to visit. It did not disappoint, except for not getting to spend near enough time there. We also took the ferry from Hyannis which I waws nervous about (motion sickness) but it wasn’t too bad, especially if you go outside in the wind. Loved seeing all your pics. I hope to go back someday and spend more than just a day there.
Julie says
How fun!! Nantucket is on my bucket list!
Mary Jane McNeill says
Last summer when my BFF and I went for a week, we ate at allll your recommended spots! And of course The Juice Bar EVERY night! We stayed at 76 Main, which was a fabulous B&B. It’s just a little past Murray’s and so centrally located. We went to movies every day at the Dreamland Theatre, saw “Grey Lady” and then met the actor/director John Shea afterwards! He walked us around and showed us the locations he used in the movie! We also met Nancy Thayer at Mitchell’s Book Corner and had a long chat with her. Our book club is hoping to go to the Nantucket Book Festival next June.
And I can’t believe you FLEW back off island! Lots of Dramamine??
Mix and Match Mama says
No! I should have mentioned that! We took a Jet Blue JET! A nice, big airplane 🙂 .
Leanne Gilchrist says
Shay, I love your travel posts!! As I looked at all of the pictures of Nantucket, I was continuously thinking of here at home, and my most favorite beach trip ever, Cannon Beach, on the Oregon coast! A large piece of my heart is in Cannon Beach! Nantucket actually reminded me of our Cannon Beach. If I made a check list of places I’d want to go, Nantucket would be in the top ten! If you ever come to the Pacific Northwest, Cannon Beach is a M U S T!!!! I loved all of the food pictures!! Yep, it just firms up my wanting to go there!
Diana says
Nantucket sounds beautiful! Would you recommend it for a family vacation? My kids are still little (both under 4 yrs), wondering if it would be a good trip with little kids? Or wait until they are older? Thanks! 🙂
Mix and Match Mama says
Shannon says
Hi, Shay! So glad you had a nice trip. It looks awesome there. Random question — can you share about your wedding rings? They are GORGEOUS!! 🙂
Alicia says
Hi! How many days/nights do you think you need in Nantucket? Love following along ?
Mix and Match Mama says
I think Nantucket is a place that you could go for a day trip (if you couldn’t spend the night), but at least two nights would be optimal in my opinion.
Meghan says
I can’t believe you saw Ryan Serhant! I would be such a GOON if I saw him or any of the MDL agents!! 🙂 Glad you guys had a great trip!
Jennifer says
You need to read the Perfect Couple. Takes place there and I’ve never been but now I want to go! 🙂
Sydney Davis says
This looks so dreamy!! I’ve been wanting to go with my boyfriend for a getaway after reading all of the Eileen Hilderbrand and Nancy Thayer books! ? Where did you guys stay, or do you recommend anywhere?
Wendy M. says
While you were loving Nantucket, I was sweltering in your neck of the woods watching my daughter play softball in Plano. Of course, being so close to McKinney, We has to check it out! We visited many of the quaint little shops (so many home decor stores!) and bought bags of momandpopcorn (McKinney mix for the win!) and finished with an early dinner at Spoons….my daughter is is still talking about the baked spaghetti!
Sarah Shaneyfelt says
I love that y’all take trips together each year! So very important!
Tiffany says
I won’t lie since starting to read all the Elin Hilderbrand and Nancy Thayer books you’ve recommended and now this blog post, I definitely want to visit Nantucket one day!
Jeanie says
Wow, what a getaway! I would love to take a little jaunt to Nantucket. You made it sound wonderful.
Lea Culp says
Well, I think Nantucket needs to be on my Bucket List for sure. Gorgeous pictures
Jordan Griffith says
My main question right now, is this Austin guy single??? ?? ordered a bottle of the spray but this local Frisco single gal wants a bottle of him too bahahaha!!!
Karen says
Looks fun.
Honestly and truly, how do you do these trips so close together?? How do you manage everything? I think I’d go crazy and not enjoy myself.
Mix and Match Mama says
Ah…I’m having fun! My over-planning self needs to enjoy life a bit more 🙂 .
Alexis deZayas says
Currently working on planning a trip to Nantucket for next summer!! Love reading about your trips!
Shan Rocha says
I love reading your vacation blogs and there have been a lot of them this summer with more to come ! (No complaints here)
I’m going to to a resort in Jamaica in a few weeks, would u so kindly suggest 3 books u would recommend that I bring ? Fun lighthearted books would be perfect 🙂 thanks Shay!
Mix and Match Mama says
Anything by Hilderbrand or Thayer, Cancel the Wedding and The Royal We 🙂 .
shawnna Griffin says
hey girl- Nantucket looks amazing! Love to go sometime! Have fun with Ericka and the kiddos!
Meagan says
I am reading the same Thayer book at the moment!! 🙂
Jaren says
My sister and I planned a whole New England road trip for my parents 45th anniversary last year. They landed in Boston, drove up to Salam, then Portland, Maine, then went into New Hampshire to see some covered bridges, and finally down to Nantucket. They also stayed a night in Plymouth. It was so fun planning it for them…I guess I have a little travel agent in my blood too 😉 I CANNOT wait to visit there one day soon too!!
Christina says
THIS IS MY DREAM VACATION!!!!! I am dying to go there!! Did you know Hilderbrand hosts a weekend with her where you eat at the places from her books and she has meetings and reads from her books??
Mix and Match Mama says
That would be amazing!!!
Kayla says
Hi Shay! I’ve been to the Hamptons, but never Nantucket. Do you think you prefer Nantucket because you grew up going there? What are the biggest differences between where you went in the Hamptons and Nantucket?
Mix and Match Mama says
Honestly? I love both, but the traffic in the hamptons wore me out.
Mother of 3 says
That does look wonderful! Remind me a lot of a cross between Block island and Martha’s Vineyard.
Kelly says
We just got back from a weekend in Boston! It was our first time.. you would have loved it! We had all access passes to the foo fighters and were able to tour Wrigley field… like sit in dug out, go in weight room, etc…! If we would have had an extra day, I wanted to go to Nantucket! Maybe next year!
kelly says
Yikes! Didn’t mean to say Wrigley! AAHHHHH!! FENWAY!!! OMG!
Sheena Dunn says
I’m taking my mom up to Nantucket the first part of October for her birthday and staying two nights… What are some of your suggestions on must see and do?!
Mix and Match Mama says
Well, you need to eat at several of these places I mentioned. That time of year, they harvest the cranberries…you must check that out too!!
Shelby says
What brand & name is the blue & pink floral dress you wore at the beginning of the trip!? I am in love! Also! If you love Nantucket you would LOVE Mackinac Island in Michigan! It is just about the quaintest ever & going back in time! We stay at the Grand Hotel! Look it up! No cars only horses and carriages on the island! It is amazing! Check it out!! I want to go to Nantucket so badly after reading your posts!! 🙂
Mix and Match Mama says
It’s Lilly Pulizer!
TARA says
I want to book a trip to Nantucket now! In one of the first pics it looks like you have LV wheeling luggage. I have been eyeing a bag for awhile. How well does the luggage hold up when traveling frequently?
Mix and Match Mama says
LV started as a luggage company…it’s super durable!
Ali says
Nice trip! Would you mind sharing what blue dress you’re wearing in the Galley beach pics?
Mix and Match Mama says
That is a Lilly Pulitzer from last year!
Kelly says
So much fun!!
It would be nice if Andrewvcould take pictures of you in all your different outfits! I love being able to see what you’re wearing!
Sarah Jane Clay says
you have great vaca style, i’m inspired! mind sharing info on your purse & pink earrings?