Brace yourselves…today, we’re getting super real and honest…because Erika and I are BREAKING DOWN BIRTH!
Oh yeah.
All the nitty gritty details you only chat about with your best girlfriends are on today’s episode!
Ohhhhhh! So much to unpack in this one picture!
I had just given birth to Smith and am wearing braces. Erika is six months pregnant with Nixon.
Two moms, six pregnancies, one miscarriage, five births, three vaginal, two C-sections, a little pregnancy sadness, some postpartum depression, struggles with breastfeeding, THERE IS SO MUCH TO TALK ABOUT TODAY!
Plus, bonus, you get to hear all about our FANTASTIC OBGYN too 🙂 .
You should be able to listen to this particular episode (and the others!) by clicking THIS LINK HERE or you can catch all of our episodes on your favorite podcast platform (Spotify, Apple, etc).
As a reminder, so far this season we’ve broken down HAWAII, TRAVELING TOGETHER, BINGE WATCHING, FRIENDSHIP, BOTOX, BIKINIS, FITNESS, THE BESTIES, SOCIAL MEDIA, ENNEAGRAM, RECAPPED THE FIRST TEN and BACK TO SCHOOL! If you love us, please follow us on Instagram @thebestiebreakdown, if you have reader questions, please email us at and we love positive reviews! Please listen, love us and give us a great rating!
Happy Tuesday, friends! We hope you have a great day! xx
Elspeth says
I love podcast Tuesday! I can’t wait to listen!
Nicole says
Just to clarify, I had three vaginal birth babies and I pushed (with drugs) from over 3 hours with my first to 30 minutes with my third, but never as short as Erika!! ??
Mix and Match Mama says
Her babies came out super fast!!
Rachel Muzljakovich says
I was also induced and had a c-section over 30 hours later (got all the way to 9cm too)!! I’m with you Shay!! Loved this episode 🙂
Amie says
Can we just talk about that white watch?? haha I remember when those were so popular!! Oh the stuff we used to wear.
Jami says
Your c-sections sounds so much like mine. Labor all day, no progress, csection, don’t remember much, feeling like death. To second baby, having to scheduled and talking to the doctors during surgery. A Bon Jovi song came on and I got so excited because my best friend loved Bon Jovi.
Then a true bestie story.. same friend from above came to visit me the next day and my husband had left for a few hours and her little girl who was like 3 at the time needed to use the restroom. Well they had that hat thing on the toilet to keep track of how much I was going. I offered to get up out of bed and get it off but since I had the c-section I was obviously very slow at it. My dear sweet friend Gretchen put on some gloves and did it for me. That is true momma friendship.
Elyse says
First PSL! Do you typically do almond milk? Order deets please!
Mix and Match Mama says
Nope! If I order a PSL, I do it “non fat, no whip” but my “normal” order is a venti Pike with a splash of cream.
Lindsay Miller says
I loved this as I’m preggers with my third babe! Right in the thick of it. I would love to know on birth 2.0 how you both knew you were done biologically having children and what that was like? Or even how did you know you were done having kids in general (including adoption). I have heard whether you have 1 or 10 kids, once you are done you will grieve that time in your life a little.
Sincerely, a mama REALLY considering tying her tubes 😉
Mix and Match Mama says
Awwww! I’m so glad you listened. We can totally elaborate on this more later, but for me, I knew when I was pregnant with Smith that he was our last bio kid (we didn’t even consider adoption until he was 10 months old). I personally felt it in my gut and soul around the 25 week mark and we “handled” it (cough, cough, Andrew did) when Smith was only about 10 days old. I personally think, when you know, you know. If you don’t know, wait.
Brooke says
I appreciate how you talked about choosing not to breast feed because it was the best choice for you. I did the same and have no regrets. I have 2 health, smart children. I always hear people say things like it is okay to not breast feed because some people have reasons they can not. I feel like women need to know it is also okay just because you made that choice as well. Those first months are hard and woman need to make the best choice for themselves and their families for whatever reason. Thank you for saying it.