Happy Monday, friends!
It’s our first official BOOK CLUB! I am so excited about this, and I hope you are too!
First, let’s revisit the “rules” of Shay’s Book Club:
Here are the details:
1: On the 22nd of each month, I will share a BONUS blog post that is only about the book we read together that month. So, if it falls on a weekend, look for it that day, if it falls on a Tuesday, expect a food post, a normal lifestyle post AND third post just for the book review discussion.
2: I picked the 22nd because I want this post to come out BEFORE our normal monthly BOOK REVIEW POSTS. I will still share my normal monthly book reviews (where I average 4 to 6 books a month) at the end of each month. I will reference said “book of the month”, but I will not be reviewing it on that post, I will be linking back to the BOOK CLUB POST. Why? Because I want all of the content about the one specific book club book in one spot instead of spread out over multiple spots.
3: Each month at the end of the Book Club blog post, I will share what the book will be for the following month. This will give everyone one month to read this one particular book. Clearly, this month, I’m sharing the title a few days late, so you’ll need to read a bit faster this time around. Starting on January 22nd though, you will see the book for February 22nd on that Book Club post.
4: Let’s be real, I’m going to try to pick new/popular/relevant books every month, but I’m also going to pick books that speak to me. If you have any suggestions, please feel free to share them with me. I’m going to *try* and make the books different genres each month. I would love for us to read a variety of fiction, non-fiction, memoirs, chick lit, thrillers, etc this year. That’s the *goal*.
5: What are the rules of the book club? I know a lot of book clubs have rules and perhaps I’ll add some as we go, but basically, if you want to read along with us, we’d love to have you and on the 22nd we’ll dive a little deeper in the comment section here about that one particular book. Easy as that! That post is the one place where we’ll discuss the book so that all thoughts/opinions/questions/etc can be in one location.
**NEW RULE ALERT** In this blog post and in the comment section, WE WILL BE DISCUSSING SPOILERS. If you are interested in reading this book, you might not want to read below this line. In JANUARY’S BOOK REVIEW next week, I will give a quick recap and let you know if I recommend the book or not, so if you haven’t read it, you might want to wait until that official BOOK REVIEW because there will be no spoilers and based on that, you can decide whether or not to read the book. Anything below this though will include spoilers as everyone commenting here has already read the book.
Make sense?
Here we go…
What did we read this month?
The Last Love Note by Emma Grey
You guys, I am SO excited that we kicked off our book club with this book because I LOVED IT!!
For Book Club, I’m going to offer a STAR RATING to make it easier in the comment section to see people’s thoughts and opinions should they not want to use a lot of words. I am personally going to be realllllly picky about my 5 Star books, so I deemed this one a 4 Star, but I truly, truly loved it!
I know we will discuss more in the comment section as a group (I will do my best today to stay on top of that section!), but here are my initial thoughts on the book:
-As someone who loves all things chicklit and romcom and Hallmark Channel, I loved how at the very beginning, I just “knew” Kate was going to end up with Justin. Even though it didn’t take me long to realize he would not be the main man, I thought that was a nice little distraction for those of us who “assume” the love interest at the first meet cute.
-I thought the heaviness and seriousness of the early onset Alzheimer’s gave this book the balance it needed not to be too corny/predictable/fluffy as many (of my beloved) chicklit novels. I was really sad for our main character. I was moved by her struggles as a wife and a mom and I appreciated the author not just having the character grieve the loss of her husband but the loss of “what could have been”.
-I didn’t see the car accident coming. I thought that was a nice surprise and interesting way to bring the Alzheimer’s to light.
-I was very much afraid this was going to lean a little too Nicholas Sparks The Notebook, and was relieved when it really went an entirely new direction. Reminiscent? Sure. A completely different point of view? Yes.
-Andrew and I had a great discussion on assisted suicide as I read this book. This is a topic we’ve discussed before, but this book gave us a whole different perspective to think about it. Heavy topic for a chicklit which made this meatier than most which I think is a good thing.
-Okay, I did think it was a little cheesy at the end (and I love cheese!) that Hugh was wearing the engagement ring around his neck. I mean, lucky for them, he had it on him, but I did kind of think that felt out of character for him.
-Did anyone else read the Acknowledgment section at the end? I was so glad she included the details about her own husband’s early passing as it really shed even more light on the purpose and “why” behind this novel.
Overall, I thought this was a great place for us to start our club. This book is heavy and serious but also light and uplifting. I loved the happy ending (you know I did!) where all of the details were wrapped up just so perfectly. I really don’t have any complaints about this one. I could read books like this one over and over and over again. I’m excited to get even more conversational with you about this one in the comment section.
Now, while this one might have totally been a “Shay” book, I think next month’s book might be totally, totally different…
The Frozen River by Ariel Lawhon
You guys, everyone is talking about this one. When I read the synopsis, it sounded interesting but totally not like a “me book”. We shall see in February! Book Club resumes on Thursday, February 22nd!
Now, it’s time to discuss! Please head to the comment section to share your thoughts/feels/questions about our January book. Don’t forget! This is just one of three posts today! Make sure you check out MEAL PLANNING MONDAY and my post on SATURDAY GRATITUDE! You won’t want to miss either! xx
Samantha Harris says
I loved it too. I cried through almost the whole thing- it makes sense the author had experienced losing her husband because the emotion was articulated so clearly in the pages. I loved the setting too. Great pick!
Kristen Thompson says
I loved this book!! It was different than many typical romance novels and I appreciated that! The “moving on” as a widow/widower was an entirely new perspective. As someone who lost a loved one to Alzheimer’s, it also resonated with me. The author definitely did her research and it felt very accurate and so so sad. I cannot even imagine watching someone so young go through that. My grandmother was in her 80’s and it was hard, I can’t imagine 38. I thought the love Kate had for her husband was so beautifully written and I could feel her pain very plainly on each page! I also would give it a 4/5! Thanks for sharing!
Stacey Mazurek says
I would say 3.5 stars. I thought the beginning was sort of ridiculous, Too many characters in a short period of time. I was actually not going to finish the book if the writing kept up at that frantic pace. But I went back and finished the book- and cried through out the book. My father passed away recently from Dementia and I have had to navigate through his passing. Thank God I have a sister, we worked together to get him the care he needed. I remember looking at dozens of senior living communities and crying all the way home in the car. We tried to keep him in the assisted care part of the homes as long as we could. Finally he had to stay in the dementia care unit because he would wander off.
Rebecca Rooney says
I was excited to read this book, as I usually like most of your chick lit suggestions. I was especially excited that it was set in Australia as that’s where I’m from/live. I enjoyed hearing the familiar names of places. I thought the author described the journey of grief beautifully and despite how sad it was, those were my favourite parts of the book. I did read the authors note about losing her own husband and liked how it linked with the part where Kate is at the writers retreat thing and is told to write what she knows but with some changes (authors husband died but not from alzheimers). I wanted to like the book a lot more than I did. I thought the characters were a little flat and one-dimensional. It was 3 stars for me!
Adrienne says
5 stars.
I can’t tell you the last time I cried during a book. If I had to guess now, yes I know it is only January, this book will be in my top 5 of the year. I loved this book more than I thought I would being it wasn’t my typical genre pick.
The Last Love Note is a heartwarming emotional love story of the past, present, and future. I loved the characters, the story telling, the flash backs, emotion and the humor. The story shares the grief of losing a loved one and the roller coaster you experience afterwards. I didn’t want the story to end but at the same wanted to know what happens next.
Becky says
I was torn between 3- 4 stars. I was saddened by everything with Cam, but I felt like everything with Hugh was slow to read. I was hoping for a last love note that would tell her to go to Hugh. I am excited for the next book!
KC says
Same!! I found the Hugh parts hard to get behind/hard to believe.
Mary says
I had very similar thoughts! Some parts seemed to drag on. I thought the conversation with Cam was going to be telling Hugh to be with her. Overall a very sad story many of us can relate to losing a loved one to some kind of ailment.
Cindi says
I agree the parts with Hugh were slow, but I thought it was intentional because it reflected Hugh so well! HE was slow…and steady, calm and controlled. And he was exactly who Kate needed the entire time, as her very sympathetic and rock solid boss, friend and eventually her second love.
Alison says
Cindi – yes! You nailed it with Hugh. I think that was probably one of the best ways to really build his true character. It felt frustrating at times but in the end, I understood and had such an appreciation for the way the author penned him.
Erika Slaughter says
I thought it was a great book to kickoff the club! I’d give this one 3.5 stars because these aren’t my genre of choice. While this was meatier than most the predictability factor gets me every time. 🤦🏼♀️ The first part of the book was terribly sad (My goodness! Absolutely heart breaking. I kept thinking of every woman who’s had that happen but haven’t had their knight in shining armor waiting in the wings.) but the back half redeemed itself. I was fighting for Hugh at the end, for sure!
Katrina Wells says
I statred this book on January 13th, eleven days after we buried my cousin, who was one of my very best friends. Guys, he was 51 years old, and he left behind his 42 year old wife and 4 kids. It was very sudden, very unexpected, and has left our family completely gutted. So, when I started this book and quickly realized that whatever was wrong with Cam had something to do with his brain (which was all to familiar for what we had recently been through), I almost quit. I honestly thought that I couldn’t do it. I’m SO glad that I pushed through. What a fantastic book to start the book club with! Loved it!!
Mix and Match Mama says
I am just so sorry for your loss. I am so very sorry. xx
Kelly Strylowski says
I wasn’t sure if I’d like this book simply based on the title of this book choice, but boy was I wrong. This book had me sobbing all the way through-it was heavy but so well written. I really enjoyed this one and agree with the 4-star rating. This book was a great reminder to be grateful for everything in life-it can change in the a blink of an eye. Picking up the pieces and starting life over after the loss of her husband was so raw and I was happy Kate found her way and happiness again. Excited for next months’ read-it’s definitely getting me out of my book rut! Thanks Shay 😊
Jessica Couvutsakis says
I also gave it 4 stars. It was a great read!
I thought this book was very real when discussing grief. I was highlighting and nodding my head because the author was expressing the same feelings I have/had. 7 years ago, my husband lost a piece of brain when they were operating on his cancerous brain tumor. He has lost most of his short term memory and his personality has totally changed. While my husband is still with us, he has never been the same man I married. I mourn the loss of that wonderful man. The way she wrote about her grief made me feel I was right there with her. Usually books don’t affect me like this, but this one did. Her journey gave a realness to this book that others can lack. I liked how she laid it all out there and was brave enough to say the things I think, but never say.
I copied down one part of the book- where people tell her she’s so strong and they don’t know how she does it. I love how she says “it’s an exhausting reputation to uphold”. I’m sure many of her readers feel this way. We are strong because there is no other choice. We would like to fall apart but can’t because of the role we have.
I’m glad the 2 found their way to each other at the end. I was rooting for the happy ending.
Amy says
I loved this book and the Alzheimers hit close to home as my mom has it so I could relate to how hard it was to watch him die a little bit each day. It’s an insidious disease for the loved ones and for the person inflicted as well. As hard as it is for us with my mom, she is in her 80’s, I can’t imagine early onset.
I also can see how hard it would be to fully trust and to move on. I also thought the author did a wonderful job with Hugh’s character. How difficult for him to be asked to assist with Cams death and then to decline knowing that Cams prolonged life would cause further pain to Kate and Cam. If I was in Cams position, I think I would want to pass on my own terms and deeply understand his ask. This book made me really wonder what I would do if asked and seeing the journey my mom has been on, I think I could but saying that and doing that are too very different things.
For such a heavy topic, there was so many truly funny moments in this story. Kate was so funny and some of the situations or things she did had me laughing out loud. I would love to be Kate’s friend.
This was a great first choice. Can’t wait for Februarys…great job Shay
Jennifer Goodwin says
I felt the same emotions as you! I’m sorry to hear about your mom. My dad has dementia, and it’s terrible watching him fade from what he once was. Dad and I spend every Friday together, and some days are great, while others are terrible. I think that was partly why I cried so much throughout this book! Aging parents is not for the faint of heart; I cannot imagine watching a spouse go through this with early onset. I thought of my stepmom a lot as well, since she is Dad’s primary caretaker. He is still able to live at home. He’s 92!
Kara says
I thought the book was very well written and I actually appreciated and loved Hugh’s role throughout the book. I loved that he took a “backseat” and supported Kate and her husband while falling for her. I enjoyed all the characters and thought they all added something special to the book. I thought the story was hard and heartbreaking but working the medical field, that is reality for a lot of patients. It was a great first book for book club! Thanks Shay! 🙂
Jennifer Goodwin says
I loved that, too! His kindness was so sweet to read about; I also greatly appreciated Kate’s ability to laugh at herself.
Natalie says
I thought this was a great book to kick off the book club. I would give it 3.5 stars. I agree with you that it was a good balance of meat and rom com, but the reason my rating isn’t a tad higher is because I don’t like hallmarky/cheesy characters, and a couple in the book leaned that way. Hugh was my favorite character because he wasn’t predictable and was the most real to me. Great first pick, Shay! I am excited about February!
Peyton Cline says
I feel like I am going to be in the minority here, but I didn’t love it. I struggled to sit down and read it on a daily basis. I’m not sure if it’s the author’s writing style I didn’t enjoy or the book itself. In my opinion, she was overly detailed in certain points of the book and flew through days/weeks/months in other parts. I gave it 3/5 stars!
Erin says
Ugh. Same. You nailed exactly what I felt about it but couldn’t exactly figure out how to put into words. I really wanted to love it
Amy says
Ok, same. I really wanted to like it but gosh I cried every time I read it and my husband kept asking why I was torturing myself. It wasn’t my favorite. Someone else said they read as an escape from the stresses of life so they go for happier books and I totally agree! The grenade part was so bizarre I kept waiting for that to tie back in and it never did.
Celia says
Same here. I really liked the story, but it was just so much longer than it should have been. Way too dragged out for me.
Mary McCoy says
I agree. I found myself speed reading through slow parts.
Shana Gardner says
I agree!! Super slow for me especially the first half. I sped read a lot at first and made myself push through. I did end up loving it though. However, unlike a lot of other’s have said, I actually did not like the setting. 3.5 for me.
Sande Wier says
I also have it 3 stars – didn’t like feeling sad through most of the book. I thought there was too much focus on Alzheimer’s (although I learned a lot about the disease). High’s part was my fave and I liked how they tied in his experience.
Angie S says
I felt the same with this book. I almost quit twice! I kept wondering why it was so difficult to “want” to read, considering this is definitely my type of book, so I also thought it must be the author’s writing style I didn’t enjoy.
Annise says
Same! I really struggled to finish the book. I didn’t like the author’s style of writing.
Laura Grillo says
I enjoyed this book. I’m a teacher so I rank my books like I’m grading. I gave it an A-. The engagement ring around the neck and the too perfect epilogue are the reason I went down from an A. I agree with Shay’s assessment of how theAlzheimer’s gave it balance, without making it overly depressing. The connection to the author’s personal story made it all the better. I look forward to The Frozen River!!!
Shana Gardner says
I did not like the engagement ring part either. I REALLY would love to rewrite parts of the book and I’m not even a writer. Lol
I would have much preferred to read about her wearing the blue dress and shocking him speechless in the bar!!!! Wearing the robe and her hair wet running through the hotel literally gave me secondhand embarrassment and I hate that feeling. Lol
Becky says
I read this book in December and loved it. I lost my husband three years ago, and it was so refreshing to read a book about a widow that was accurate but not depressing! 5 stars for me!
Mix and Match Mama says
Sending you extra love today, Becky! Thank you for sharing your perspective. xx
Marla says
I usually do not love chick lit cheesy books which I thought this was going to be, if for no other reason, the title of the book. However, the mix of chick lit with serious subject matter really drew me in. I loved the author’s writing style which at times felt a bit poetic which was beautiful. As a nurse who has worked hospice I kept marveling at how accurately she described and expressed grief so when I read her personal note at the end it made a lot of sense. I felt very sad for the author but appreciated her ability to share in the way she did throughout this book. I think it will really resonate with readers who have experienced the loss of their true love. I REALLY loved the way she made sure her readers clearly understood that Cam (and Gen ) would ALWAYS be loved and honored and that moving on did not lessen that love but moving on meant doing so carrying that love in her heart while also loving Hugh. The end was cheesy but I was okay with it even though I don’t know any man who would walk around with an engagement ring around their neck. Lol!
The one real misstep for me was the far fetched grenade story. It seemed lengthy enough that it was going to play a bigger part in the story but that didn’t happen. Did I miss something ?
I give it a 4.5
Great pick Shay!
Mary says
Same. Only 5 years ago. I knew the author had experienced the loss, otherwise she wouldn’t have known the deep grief she so eloquently wrote about. 💙💙
Lesley says
I would classify my emotion about this book as appreciation. I appreciated the author’s ‘last love note’ to her late husband. It was a wonderful tribute, very gripping and raw at times. Just so heartbreaking. I haven’t experienced the type of loss that she writes about, but will someday I’m sure. It, truly, was a beautiful story with some comedy sprinkled in.
Erin says
I think I’m probably going to be in the minority here (sorry!!) and I feel really terrible saying this considering the storyline and everything but I just didn’t love this one. It was just a bit too flat for me (again, sorry!!!). I did enjoy the last several chapters, though.
Ellen says
4 Stars!
A chick-lit book with substance! Very well written, could have been completely cheesy, the ring around his neck was ridiculous but she was able to rein that in and with both sadness and great characters I was totally hooked. I want to add that I think both the title and book cover didn’t fit with what was between the pages, they went along with, to me, a cheesy chick-lit novel and it was definitely more than that. It would not have been a book I picked up on my own but am so glad I read it. Looking forward to February!
Heather Forcey says
Yes! This is what I was having trouble formulating into words in that the title didn’t seem to match the story. In general, I liked the book, enjoyed the funny moments and was saddened by the harder moments. However, I kept waiting for either many more love notes or a big Note Reveal at the end where Cam, in a moment of lucidity, wrote to Kate with his last wishes and blessings. When we finally got to see the notes pulled from the jacket packet, I felt underwhelmed and confused by the words. I guess, if this were a true to life story, the short and confusing phrases might have made perfect sense. We don’t all get the big cheesy happy endings, but I guess I like that sort of ending wrapped up with a bow in my fiction reads.
Scarlett Spangler says
I wanted to love this book, but I can only say that I liked it well enough to see it through. The fact that it made me think way too much about the difficult/sad/uncontrollable parts of life had me feeling heavy while reading it! I don’t have a lot of time to read in this season of life, so I prefer books that are a little more lighthearted as an escape from the stress of life. I’m still glad I read this, and it was a reminder that even during the stressful moments of life I better appreciate my husband and healthy family every day that I have them!
Shelley says
I was really excited when you picked this book because it was my Book of the Month book pick for November and it prompted me to push it up in my To Be Read pile! I LOVED it and would definitely give it 5 stars. I loved the journey through the past, the present and the look at the future. I also thought it was well-researched and written and it did a great job of dealing with grief. While I have not lost a spouse, I could relate so much to the roller coaster of emotions with her grief of a loved one because of losing my mom and I thought it was so accurate and real. I cried and cried during this book and was so happy for her happy ending. Again, I LOVED this book and I could see it in my Top 3 and it is only January.
Jennifer Goodwin says
I loved this book, and like someone else already said, I cried through almost the whole thing. The accident shocked me as they were leaving the doctor’s appointment. I didn’t see Hugh coming at first, because he seemed more perplexed by Kate at the beginning than anything else. But once I started to read more of their backstory and how they met, I loved him. There were several parts in the book when I laughed out loud; and I also had a good discussion about this with my husband. I did read the acknowledgements as well! It was interesting to read why she was inspired to write this book, and though it wasn’t her debut book, it’s the first adult fiction books she’s ever written! She has a new book coming out this year, and it sounds good as well. Thanks for hosting this!
Kari Anne Maddox says
I did like the author’s writing style, and the story itself wasn’t as predictable as some I have read (though it still WAS predictable_)
I liked the main character, and I loved her mom. At some point, Kate was thinking about her child watching HER grieve and then realized her mother was watching her child grieve and wanted her happier as well. That was a full circle moment.
I would give the book 3 out of 5. Could have been a little funnier, sometimes I think she missed the mark and could have been a laugh out loud moment but was just a small smile grin. 🙂
Can’t wait for next book
Carley Fabian says
At the start and middle of the book, I did not know if I was going to like it, but I agree that the ending was wrapped up nicely. While the overall book was sad with the Alzheimer’s diagnosis and eventually passing, but it was kind of refreshing that it wasn’t the “everything works out” story line.. even though it does in a way. Kate tried really hard to please everyone else, not in an obligation way, but because that’s just the person she was, so it was nice to see he realize that she needs to take care of herself as well. I rated it 3 stars… I would give the ending 4 stars but the slowness of the book at first made me rate it a 3.
The only thing I am still SO CONFUSED about was the fake grenade story line…. there was no other way to get them all over to Kate’s house? I kept wondering how this was going to wrap back into the story and it never really did!
Mix and Match Mama says
I did think that part was a bit odd/weird/didn’t track with the rest of the book. I had forgotten that detail until just now, but yes, I agree the grenade part didn’t really mesh with the book as a whole.
Debbie Hibbert says
I agree … it didn’t really fit.
Sharon says
I loved this book and I’m sooooo glad you are doing a book club. Maybe the grenade was a “preview” so to speak of the extremes that were a big part of this book.
Dawn says
I agree-that part didn’t fit and I thought it would come back later.
Stacy says
The grenade what’s really ironic is I read a news story yesterday about a contractor finding a grenade under a bathtub in the house he was remodeling and they had the call the bomb squad! I’m pretty sure I’ve never really thought about grandes and now in a week I’ve read a fictional story with this incident and a real life news article with this incident 😂
Candice says
I also give it 4 stars.
I loved at the end of the book how they named their child after both after ones they loved. I loved that she ended up with Hugh and there was a happy ending. I cried hard at this book.
Lauren says
I might be in the minority but I didn’t love this book. I love this genre so that wasn’t it. I thought it was very repetitive and slow. I would only give it 2 stars.
Debbie Hibbert says
While I rated it higher, I agree … very repetitive and slow moving.
Jessica says
This isn’t a book I would’ve picked on my own and I am so glad I read it. It gave such a different perspective and wholeness to to the idea of grieving that I don’t think we often think about it.
Stacy says
I liked this book, I felt it was a really great depiction of the rollercoaster of grief is. I felt that it also was a good reminder of the important of presence. I cried at multiple times in this book and just really felt for this main characters story. I’ll be thinking about this book for awhile.
Which I have read the frozen river and I’m still thinking about that one it’s very very good !
Stacie says
I really loved the heaviness of this book as it painted a true picture of a grief. The love story with Hugh was a surprise to me. I was expecting the new neighbor to be the love interest.
Ann says
I loved it too but I was expecting a letter from Cam saying she should be with Hugh and they had his blessing. I guess he did after all when he said Hugh would be there!!
Gianna Fazio says
I really enjoyed this book! I gave it a 4 out of 5 stars. I agree, I thought Kate was going to end up with Justin in the beginning of the book, but was so pleasantly surprised at how her relationship with Hugh flourished throughout the book. I really liked how Hugh never brought up his past while Kate was going through the hardest part of her life. I liked how Hugh sat back and allowed her to feel all of the feelings he probably felt in his past, but was there for her as much as he could be. It’s nice to look back and remember the little things he did for her and how she always felt like he knew exactly what to do/say in those very low moments. I loved how the ending wrapped up and was so happy that Kate found happiness again!
Jodie Michel says
5 stars! Loved this book! I don’t love suspense so this is more my style; predictably with a meatier story line! I read Lessons in Chemistry immediately after, and got similar vibes!
Kay says
Shay! I loved this book. For just a moment, I thought it was going to be too “sweet” with every man the main character meets falling in love with her. But all the twists and turns and the “secret” her boss was keeping…it was great. And I agree with what you said about this being a little more serious than other chick lit. Anyway, I absolutely loved it all, especially how her new husband adopts her son (cue tears).
I am doing a happy dance because I just started ‘The Frozen River’ right after I finished book club book. So far, I LOVE IT. The writing is excellent and moody and smart and the main character is a strong woman. I love that this happens to be the next read-we are so in sync!
For the next suspense read, I thought “First Lie Wins’ was excellent. I usually sense the twists and this one kept me on my toes!
I’m so giddy over this book club-thank you for putting it together! I look forward to hearing what everyone else has to say. Best Monday ever!
Twila says
I loved this book! I laughed through the first couple of chapters, mourned the loss of her husband, related to the heavy responsibility of being all people to her son, envied such a true and perfect Hugh picking up the pieces (hard to find a friend like this ), and loved the happy ending (which took her to long to figure out)…this was my type of book from beginning to end. Highly recommend and 5 stars for me!
Deb says
I give it 4.25 ⭐️. It was an easy but horribly sad book. I feel like a cad now but eventually when 3 years later she was still denying herself happiness I was like move on! She was fortunate to have 2 great guys so different from each other. Good pick Shay!
Debbie Hibbert says
For me this book was a 3.5. I liked it but didn’t love it. The story itself, the characters, the location … I enjoyed all of that. I was completely surprised by the request Cam made to Hugh, and really appreciated how seriously Hugh took the request, and his resolve to keep his promise to Cam. And I loved the happy ending with Hugh and Kate. And, while I did appreciate her attention to detail, some of that made this book move a little too slow for me. But overall a good book to start off Shay’s Book Club.
Liz says
I have the book 4 stars on Goodreads. I really enjoyed it although any book dealing with a death is difficult at this time as I just loss my Mom in December. I thought the characters were interesting. Hugh was probably my favorite. Great book to kick off the Book Club!
Michelle says
I give this book 4 stars. I flew right through it. It kept my attention, made me cry alot, and it was funny at times. For me it really hit home since my grandmother passed away from Alzheimer’s and my father-in-law is currently going through it. It is an awful disease to experience. Overall I loved the book and I can’t wait to read February’s.
Ashley says
I wasn’t sure I could read this as my mom passed from Alzheimer’s 5 months ago. It felt too fresh for my grief. I’m glad I persevered and continued to read, because I did enjoy it in the end! Not going to lie, the middle was rough, lots of tears shed but in some ways, it was cathartic. I can’t wait for next months book!
Pam says
I loved it. It was kind of Colleen Hoover-ish – where it wrecks you and puts you back together at the end. A little heavier than a typical chick lit for sure. I’m glad Grace got with Justin and that was wrapped up at the end. She got her happy ending. Kate and Hugh got theirs. No loose ends and a happy ending on a heavy book.
Jennifer says
I rated this 4 stars. My take away from the book I think more than anything was the importance of patience and having a support system. Hugh was all that and more for Kate and for Cam. Kate was that for her family. It was a heavy subject at any age but so young is unimaginable. Thought it was a bit unrealistic that there would be this great beach house at the last minute when a conference was going on but that’s ok. Thought it was a great book to start off this new book club.
Diana says
I am very excited about our new book club! However, I would give this first book 3 out of 5 stars. In my view, it was predictable; I saw her and Hugh ending up together early on. He was the steadfast friend of her and her husband who never let her down or pushed too hard. It was obvious he was holding back his feelings due to wanting the time to be right for her and due to
past hurts he experienced.
I did think adding the health issues Cam had was interesting cuz I know so little about the topic. It was also heartbreaking and very touching after reading the author’s comments.
Anyway, looking forward to reading the next book.
Brook says
I had a hard time starting the book. I lost my husband (57) 16 months ago so I wasn’t sure what to expect or how I would react. I loved Kate’s journey of hope. I loved that her process was “real”. She struggled, failed and yet continued to move forward. I rely heavily on my faith and family for my support so I liked that Kate’s friends stood with her through it all. I’m not ready for my Hugh, but I like to think that maybe there will be one someday if I want one.
Lynn says
4 stars – I listened to this book (the only way I could get it from the library quick enough) & I loved the reader! It was great to listen to. One of those that I wanted to listen every single chance I got. I thought the storyline was done well. I’m a nurse & as I have watched so many suffer painful deaths it did give me a different perspective on assisted suicide. I thought is was a great book to kick Book Club off.
Michelle says
4 stars…I did love this book but it was a bit predictiable. I knew she would end up with Hugh in their very first interaction…Or maybe it was wishful thinking! I did the audible version as I am in my car 2 hours a day for the most part so that is my “reading” time. Not all audibles are good, but the narrator was easy to listen to (believe me, not all are!). This one did hit me hard. My mother has Lewy Body Dementia and while she is in her late 70s, I could relate with so much that Kate was going through. All forms of dementia are so hard on the entire family and just reading about how Kate was able to manage resonated with me. Great pick! Can’t wait to download the next one!
Leigh Hedges says
I lost my husband unexpectedly last year at age 50 and my mother died from Alzheimer’s in her 70s, so this book resonated deeply with me. I felt Kate’s pain and I thought it was very accurate. Hugh was the only character that didn’t resonate as much with me because he was almost too good to be true. I loved the book, even though it was emotional.
Kim Parks says
I thought this book was a little fluffy. It had deep parts, of course, with the Alzheimer’s diagnosis, and the struggles that Kate and Cam went through, and I shed tears reading those parts. This was the author’s first adult fiction book, and her writing style just seemed a little basic to me.
Candy Poels says
Loved it, 4 stars kept me engaged and wanting to read. Can’t wait for next month. Just finally got to Code name Helene-5 stars. Quickly read I was Anastasia- riveting loved it another 5 stars. I wanted to add more of hers anyway. Love love love the new book club add!
Carolyn says
Overall, I enjoyed the book but I’d probably only give it a 3 out of 5. The author did a fantastic (but also heartbreaking) description of grief. Also, I loved Hugh! However, I found some parts to be repetitive. Another thing… I feel like there was a big jump from Hugh being Kate’s boss to all of a sudden they were best friends?? Did I miss something? I feel like some details were missing.
Amy says
I give this 4 stars. It did have some slower and some harder parts, but it ended happily and sweetly.
K.K. says
Ah, I love that we’re doing book club! Yay…
4 out of 5 as well!
Liked: that there was an uplifting ending, that it felt like a very honest journey (which makes sense based on the author’s story), that the characters were likable, the secret Hugh was keeping was revealed to us and wasn’t overly predictable
Disliked: that the adoption papers at the end was just a little too much ‘Hallmark’ (though I love it, yet almost too much “tied up with a bow” in one chapter with that detail for me), the grief process was heavy (good, but it really was hard to read at times), and — I kept thinking Hugh is her BOSS… This isn’t okay, but by the time they were in a relationship, I guess that was resolved – and I really wanted it to happen!!
(My husband noticed I was a little more sentimental with him, and I definitely believe it was this book… Trying to not take anything for granted – ha)
Thanks, Shay! Already have the next book on order!!!
Carolyn says
I loved this book as well. I rated it on Goodreads and gave it 4 stars and am going to recommend it to my book club for our next book. I loved Hugh all the way through. Couldn’t wait to get to the part about why he and Cam had a disagreement. That one was a surprise — I thought it was something about Kate, and in a way it was but not the way I expected. I will say that Hugh was almost too good to be true, but who doesn’t want to read about a man like that. 😂
Whitney says
The comments above seem to echo a lot of my same thoughts. I really overall enjoyed this book and it’s not something I would typically pick up on my own. Parts of this book made me cry, parts made me roll my eyes, parts were slow, and others I couldn’t put down and stayed up wayyy past my bedtime to see through. I really found Kate relatable, even in her grief, and she often expressed things that as a grieving person you may not be able to yourself. On top of that. motherhood trudges on, even when your world is collapsing around you. I would give it 4/5 stars. Excited for the next read!
Roberta S. says
I enjoyed the book but I found it really predictable. The only surprise I found was when Cam was diagnosed with Alzheimers instead of a brain tumor. I would give this book three stars.
Colleen says
I enjoyed the Bridget Jones meets real, raw emotion. A heavy chic-lit as you said. And I really enjoyed the pressure to finish by the 22nd! A very nice excuse to spend the weekend reading while the weather was nasty.
Dana S says
I read the book almost in one sitting! It drew me to have so much empathy for her loss and her love of Cam. I didn’t catch the meaning of what Cam wanted Hugh to do( I thought at first it was to love Kate but I realized what it was after I searched the book again. I thought it was beautifully written and a little slow at the end. I was a little aggravated with Kate as she knew Hugh was waiting for her and she left anyway- whaat? I will give this one a 4 😊
Jodi Shah says
Loved this book – the storyline, how it was written and the uplifting ending.
Sue Jones says
I gave this book 3.5 stars. I thought it was a little slow and it wasn’t something that I actually couldn’t wait to get back to.
I loved Kates sense of humor and loved Hugh and the way he took care of her. He was definitely a huge blessing in her life.
For me there were several times where I thought the author used to many words and it became a little boring to me.
I feel bad for not loving it because I’m so excited to do this book club. LOL. Looking forward to next months read.
Ellen says
I wanted to add that there is a good interview with the author on Moms Don’t Have Time to Read Books podcast. Great to listen to after reading.
Laci says
I loved this book!!
Stephanie says
I listened to the book on audiobook which was maybe a mistake. The narrator had a strong Australian accent and was sometimes hard to understand. It also made it hard for me to get pulled into the emotion of the book. I gave it 3 stars.
Now your book for next month I just finished on audiobook- and it was absolutely brilliant-great narration for anyone that prefers to listen. I’m excited to hear what discussions happen with next month. Great choice! So fun to have a book club conversation!
Melissa says
I also had a hard time with the audio. It was VERY hard to distinguish between Kate “talking” to someone and just her narrating. I wasn’t sure what was being said out loud vs in her head!
Jessica Hughes says
I lived this book! It was a 5 star read for me. I cried some really ugly tears through several spots-especially when he died. I saw her ending up with Hugh from the start. I’m a voracious reader but didn’t pick up on the fact that his secret was having lost someone he loved too. I think it was wonderful how he supported her through the entire journey from finding out the diagnosis to present day and moving on. This is my favorite kind of book to read: hooked me from the start and kept me up way too late to finish it!
(Also! Just started The Frozen River so excited to see it as the pick for next month!!)
Emily says
3.5 stars
Am I the only one that thinks the title doesn’t match the story? He left notes around, but they weren’t love notes, just his thoughts and words to remember. Why do you think the author chose The Last Love Note as the title?
Marianne says
It’s all because of the “Last” note she found in his coat pocket. 😊
Anne says
I finally figured that out but had to think through it and agree with the original poster.
Tracy says
I liked the book, but felt that sometimes it was a little repetitive and drawn out when she was reliving what could have been or what she lost with Cam. Overall I liked the book and I’d give it 4 out of 5 stars.
Jennifer says
2-3 stars
I really wanted to like this book more than I did. It was well written but it felt a little more sad than what I wanted in my reading. At least in my current life situation. It also felt like it moved a little slow and was almost a chore to pick it up and read each day.
I’m extremely excited about next months book though!!!
Debbie Alsip says
I really liked the book., 4/5 stars. My favorite character was Hugh because he was so well developed compared to the other characters. At the beginning, I was not rooting for him, but he quickly changed my mind. The writer kept me in suspense over Cam’s secret. I would have liked even more description of the battle between Cam wanting to die on his terms and Hugh’s struggle to live with himself if he had aided him. I didn’t love the amount of detail about the disease; it seemed out of balance with the chick lit story line.
bette yuzon says
i give this book a 3.5/5 rating. i was not expecting the content to be heavy, so it took me a few days to read this book. i lost my 94-year old dad to alzheimer’s unexpectedly back in july after he was first diagnosed over 20 years ago. although my dad’s life journey is different, the book certainly reminded me of life’s fragility and made me sad thinking about how quickly dad passed that day (which also happened to be my mom’s 91st birthday). i appreciated kate’s memories of cam, but i felt the book dragged out her story with hugh. still, i thought this was a great first book to start out the book club.
Shawna says
This book was ok. I felt it was really slow in parts but I guess that fit the storyline? I was a huge Hugh fan and glad it worked out in the end. I guess I was hoping for a juicier last love letter. I kept thinking it was going to be in the grenade or something-felt a little anticlimactic. 3/5
Marianne Tabor says
When I started the book I was doing some organizing and cleaning out in my closet so I listened on Audible. I do this sometimes when I’m driving 4+ hours to visit my daughter but this was a first at home. I think it made the book so much better by listening to the first few chapters. The accents! When I read later I heard it all in those beautiful Australian voices. I loved this first book and give it 4.5 ⭐️
Kathy says
I enjoyed parts of this book more than others. I thought the topic of grief and Alzheimer’s diagnosis was covered really well. Grief is truly a roller coaster of emotions! It obviously makes you feel very sad & sometimes depressed, but it can also bring about guilt, paranoia, and so many other issues that may not be understood by all. As a parent of a healthy 2 1/2 year old who died suddenly and unexpectedly in her sleep 14 years ago, there is no perfect timeline or way to overcome grief. The characters were endearing, and overall I looked forward to reading more each opportunity I had to pick up my kindle. I was not expecting things to end well, but very thankful they did!
Jennifer Stogiera says
I loved this book also, I really have to be drawn to a love story type book and this one had me wanting more right from the very first pages. Can’t wait for next months book as I already had it in my Amazon cart!
Bridget says
Four stars for the authentic emotion interwoven in this book. I lost my husband at a young age and the feelings of betrayal can cripple a future relationship. The author illustrated the mental struggle and guilt after losing her soulmate. It is a great lesson in a second chance at love.
Jennifer Whitten says
I loved this book. I’d give it 4 stars. I loved how the author delved into such a serious topic, but also kept the romance of chick lit. I especially loved how the author let Kate think back and remember as a way for the reader to understand her history.
Amanda Bajin says
Yay Shay!! A great book to start of 2024!! I give this book 4 stars as well.
My best friend and college roommate became a widow on November 26, 2023 when her husband had a heart attack, leaving her and their almost 2 year old daughter. This book really had me feel all the feelings about loss of a spouse, the loss of a baby in her miscarriage, having a support system in her friend, mom and Hugh and how Kate got through. I loved how the author described Kate’s grief, even though it was so hard to read and so emotional, it was so real. I enjoyed Hugh’s character as such a huge support and knowing just what to do at just the right time. He said all the right things and didn’t sugar coat anything. I also really enjoyed that Hugh kept his promise to Kate and she found out on her own what Cam asked of Hugh. I read this book in less than 24 hours and recommend this book.
Kim says
I loved the book. I totally agree with your assessment of it Shay! I would give it a 4 star. I also appreciated that this was a clean book. There were parts that almost made me laugh out loud (motorcycle scene) and some that brought tears to my eyes. I thought Hugh’s character was my favorite. Although the necklace around his neck was a little out there. Looking forward to this book club idea!!
Jill Darling says
4 stars…I loved this book!
Emily says
I just finished the book today. I can’t “quit books” but I struggled with the sadness. I am glad it ended the way it did though. It wasn’t what I thought (As a thriller lover) I was running through all the possibilities. Excited for the February book.
Alison says
As someone who is still getting knocked over by the waves of grief after watching my younger sister lose her husband nearly 3 years ago at the same age (38), this book was a beautiful script of grief, uncertainty, love, and loss. The content gave the genre substance and therefore it felt more meaningful and relatable. Of course, there were pieces that were par for a chick-lit course but overall, I thought it was magnificent. I stayed up ridiculously late to try and finish it after I had finally reached that point of no return. I shed some tears, I smiled, and I was reminded that hope is such a beautiful gift. The little girl’s name at the end – Camryn Genevieve. That was perfection. Great start to 2024. Thank you, Shay!
Cassie M says
I thought the book was a great read. I loved how she talked about grief and how her role in motherhood changed after loss. I was worried about Hugh’s secret for awhile – afraid it would be a twist that would make me not like him. Thankfully, the twist was good – lol
Martina Ingemarsson says
Loved it. 4/5 stars. How the author managed to make the grief so alive and present, even in the good moments. Liked that it took place in Australia, refreshing.
If this book had been a movie… is it only me that kept seeing Hugh Grant in my head as I pictured Hugh from the book?
I have not read all comments but most and I don’t think anyone picked up on Shay’s comment about Cam’s demand for assisted suicide.
I was born and raised in Belgium, where assisted it is legal and this is how my mother chose to end her days due to irreversible illness.
I am from Sweden, where it is illegal and have lived in parts of the US where it is not legal and I feel very ambivalent about the topic.
It has been a tough journey even if I respect my mother’s choice.
And I respect how Hugh handled the question in the book.
So thanks Shay for highlighting that aspect of the book.
Becky says
I kept seeing Hugh Grant in my head as well!!
Martina Ingemarsson says
Haha, so funny! Thanks for sharing 😊 the whole personality, physical description and his comments made me think of Hugh Grant
Lori Boyett says
4 stars. I really enjoyed it and read it very quickly. Can’t wait to read the next one!
Debbie Dunbar says
I enjoyed this first book also although the topic was somewhat difficult since I lost my forty-two year old son in November. But we all have to deal with grief in this life and sometimes seeing it from other’s perspectives is helpful. I always feel for those who have to grieve without the help of the Lord and without the knowledge of a loved one’s salvation. For me, I had the blessed hope of seeing my son again. 🙂
I felt the book was well-written. I enjoyed the relationship that the main character shared with her boss and the way that it changed. I especially enjoyed when she realized how wonderful the relationship had been and where it was heading. The setting was new for me and enjoyable as well.
Robin says
I give this book 3.5 stars. At first I felt like a whole lot happened so quickly – no easing in to storyline ! But other parts of the book were slow . I did enjoy it overall . I especially liked the way that grief was talked about , especially since this was a younger person . It felt very real and raw . The love story between Cam and Kate was so sweet and made his death even more traumatic. It was tragically sad throughout so much of the book that I was wondering if we would see happiness . I was so so glad that Hugh turned out to be a truly great guy and that Kate reciprocated feelings/love for him . It really did have a beautiful ending !
Barb says
I liked the book, but it was a little slow.
It covered the illness well.
I live in a retirement community and we have some going thr it now. It’s hard on the wife having to make all the decisions. It’s hard because we have a Lieut. Col. Who is a leader of our Bible study who has it.
I was surprised that someone so young had it.
Hugh was so kind to look out for her. You could see his love for her soon.
Susie Harrold says
This one would be hard to beat for me. I loved the intertwined love stories, the authenticity of her grief and every single thing about Hugh.
I just read The Frozen River and it was hard to read at points, but so very good. I would love a sequel!
Kerri says
4 Stars.
I agree Shay, I was like ok, right away we meet the neighbor this is the guy. But also, the first couple chapters, I had a tough time getting into. But so happy I did! I finished this book and thought a lot about what I wanted to mention here. I could totally feel the chemistry between her and Cam and her and Hugh. I thought wow, Kate is lucky to have found that great love twice in her life. I think sometimes people struggle to find one great love and that amazing connection with a partner. I also loved both characters Hugh and Cam. Both gentle souls and loving Kate for who she is. I did tear up at certain parts as well. Passing this book onto my sister and sister in law!
Alexis says
Oh my heart, this book. I’m not married, so I couldn’t relate to her losing her husband, but the way she wrote about the signs leading up to and the moment of the diagnosis…it hit home for me so hard. I had cancer at 16 (25 years cancer free now!) and my dad has had cancer twice – and I remember the exact moment each time hearing the diagnosis. Life can change on a dime and the world as you knew it looks entirely different. The way she wrote about it in the book was just so raw and real and it made me bawl. It brought back so many memories of those moments and it genuinely made my heart just ache for the characters but also for people in real life who face this. I kept telling one of my friends that the best way I could describe this book was raw – because it laid the author’s heart so clearly out there that you just knew even before her note that she had to have actually experienced grief like this. The writing was too authentic for her not to have.
I did think the end was a bit Hallmark-y with the ring on a necklace and the adoption papers – but at the same time, I loved it because I so deeply wanted happiness for the characters and I have no doubt the author most likely craves that deep love again in her own life. I cried reading the acknowledgement to her husband in the note as well because my goodness, I just cannot even fathom what she went through.
I adored this book and the realness of it. I can’t imagine how difficult – but probably also cathartic – it was to write this and all I can say is I have no doubt the author did her husband so, so proud.
Linda says
I also gave it 4 stars on Goodreads. I’m in another online book club and our January book is the Frozen River. I just finished it today. It’s an amazing book!
Paige says
Loved this book. Looking forward to the next one.
Natalie Lyles says
Ended up loving this book but almost didn’t finish it bc of beginning. I thought ok she falls for Justin and then after that it was slow going and seemingly too drawn out that I became bored BUT after reading your post today I went back and read the whole thing today LOL and so so glad I did! The ending was the absolute best with Hugh and their family. So good about Ruby too.
Rachael says
I agree with 4 stars! I ended up loving the book but thought the beginning was really slow. After the car wreck, I got really into it and loved the characters.
Diane says
Yay for New Book Club 2024! Loved this books and content…heavy but filled with truth, struggle and L-O-V-E (of self, friends, family, relationships). Looking forward to Februarys Book!! 📚🫶 Thank You Shay !! Great Start to a new year!!!
Michelle V. says
I loved this book so much! The balance of cheesy goodness and heavy was perfect. He’s acknowledgement tore me apart. I felt for Kate. Thanks for recommending!
Jennifer says
4 stars! Thanks for picking a book that got me out of my book funk! I loved the writing style and how the uplifting/humor somewhat balanced out the heaviness. As someone who has been grieving since July, her tidbits about grief were all spot on and relatable. I did feel somewhat annoyed at how clueless and in denial she was with Hugh for quite awhile, but I loved so many other aspects of this! Can’t wait to see more to come from this author.
Debbie Lang says
3.5-4 stars rating
It was a quick read. I really enjoyed it and thought it was well written. A little predictable but the storyline was different touching on same difficult and controversial real life circumstances. However, I do think it will be forgettable as the year goes.
Andrea says
I gave this book 3 stars. I’m glad I read it and am excited to participate in this book club! I appreciate the little/limited use of foul language and appreciate the lack of sexual content in the book. Love this quote in the book “Every choice I make either brightens our lives or darkens them”.
Angie R says
I still think about the book ME BEFORE YOU and the topic of progressive illness, assisted suicide and choices people make – you never could know unless you’re actually in those shoes.
Katie Tullis says
So I would’ve given this a 4.5. I really enjoyed this book. I love it that it had some more serious topics and wasn’t too hallmark-y. As someone who’s family has a history of Alzheimer’s, it was very moving and gave me a lot to think about. I loved reading the acknowledgments at the end. Truly a great book!
Wanda says
I’m not typically a “chick-lit” gal with the exception of Hope Hollowy’s Sanibel series. Maybe because we winter close to Sanibel but I like this series (easy beach reads). So, I hesitated to read this one but I feel the same as Shay’s assessment, it is a chick-lit with some meat to it. It sheds light on grief, single-motherhood (which I was one), career choices, but most importantly the devastating effects of Alzheimer’s disease.
The most profound passage in the book (for me) was regarding Alzheimers, “he’ll forget all the mundane things first, make mistakes, get confused. He’ll start to forget what you did that day, and then that hour, and then that minute. He’ll forget people he doesn’t see much, and then the ones he does. He’ll forget your child, He’ll forget you, He’ll forget who he is and how to eat and take care of himself,” and this last line just really opened my eyes and my heart to this horrible disease, “then one day he’ll forget how to breath.” Wow!!! Not knowing anyone personally who has fought or currently fighting this disease it was a real heartbreaker for me.
I loved her references to quotes from other books, made me smile since I have read most of them. I would say I would give it a 4 because anytime I learn something profound I’m always glad I spent the time to read it. And it was a quick read.