Happy Tuesday, friends!
I started thinking about this topic the other day and decided to make it into a blog post.
Today, I’m sharing…10 THINGS I HATE TO DO AS AN ADULT.
I’m hoping that I’ll share and then you’ll share and then we can all laugh about “adulting” together on this Tuesday.
In no particular order, here is my list…
I’ve mentioned this before, but I do not like going to the dentist. My dentist is lovely, and I don’t have any dental issues…it is just long and boring. I dread it. I dread the drive there in the middle of my day, I dread the waiting, I dread sitting there for the cleaning…I’m just bored. When I was a kid, I got to miss a little school for a dental visit. My mom would typically buy me some sort of fast food amazing lunch (I’m talking to you Arby’s circa 1994) to eat in the car on the way back to school. It was glorious. As an adult, I’m not feelin’ it.
I feel this needs no explanation.
Oh there just never is a convenient time. It’s one of those pesky details that just hangs over my head. I put it off. I regret putting it off. I find myself in my car, running late and out of gas. Every. Dang. Time.
Honestly, I don’t even do this very often (Andrew does) because I will drag this task out forever. I’m not sure why this one bothers me…I mean, how lazy am I because for this errand, I don’t even have to get out of my car…I pull up and they literally walk the dry cleaning to me, open my car door and place it inside. Hello?! That might be the simplest of all adult cores, and yet, I very much dislike it.
Hi, my name is Shay, and I really don’t like driving in traffic. When you’re a kid (or a passenger for that matter), traffic is still not fun but at least you don’t have to focus. Very rarely do I want to go back and be a middle schooler again, but geez, when I’m sitting in traffic driving somewhere and see Ashby taking a nice little nap next to me, I’m really jealous. Speaking of driving…
Few things keep me up at night. I am really sound sleeper who can put aside problems/stress/worries and get rest at night. That being said, if I know that the next morning I am going to have to drive somewhere in traffic AND find a parking spot, I’m up all night. When you’re a kid in the car with mom on the way to the Dallas Convention Center for a volleyball tournament, you could care less about traffic and parking in downtown Dallas. When you’re the mom, you lose sleep over which route to take and which remote lot won’t be full by the time you arrive.
Ohhhhhh I just do not enjoy this one. If you send me a package that requires a signature, and I don’t answer the door and thus I have to drive to the post office to sign and collect said item…I would rather just not have it. I detest going inside the post office. It’s hot. It’s crowded. There is always a line. It takes forever. Nope, nope, nope.
I don’t want to wash my car myself.
I don’t want to take it somewhere and wait while someone else washes it.
I don’t want to wait in line and drive my car through the car wash (are you kidding me, I never line my tire up correctly).
I would rather have a dirty car.
Growing up, my mom and grandmother always had beautiful potted flowers on their porches, patios and throughout their yards. Just gorgeous. What I didn’t realize was that as an adult, they were having to go out there every.single.day and water those things. Do potted plants make my yard pretty? Yes. Do I want to drag the hose around watering them all every day? Nope.
I don’t care if I’ve been to the grocery store myself or if they’ve been delivered to my front porch, I do not like bringing them inside and putting them away. It’s just a process every time. You carry them in (I feel like it always takes multiple trips), you clean out and make room for the new items discarding the 14 empty boxes your children have left behind, then you have to take said boxes to the recycle bin outside and put the new groceries in its place…and on and on and on.
Please please comment and share some of yours too! I KNOW I’m not alone here 😉 .
Have the best day! xx
Jess says
Oh my goodness EVERY. ONE. OF. THESE. Speaks to me!!! I’d add in the honorable mention of registering kids for school or random paperwork similar to that as they always need a thousand different documents that you then have to do a scavenger hunt to go and assemble or at the very least print and copy and somehow the checklist is always outdated and therefore five things were unnecessary and two documents are missing because they were on a different checklist. (Can you tell I’m still emotionally recovering. 😂)
Mix and Match Mama says
YES!!!!! I agree! Where’s my proof of residency when I need it for school registration?!
Susan Fitzpatrick says
I dread going to the DPS office for that very reason. Always missing so e document after you have stood in line for an hour!!
Carrie Nimz says
Funny story…. I switched all 3 children to a new district recently. The next year I was looking at my oldest portfolio for his accommodations and get this…. His home language was listed as Eskimo 🫣 what in the world?!!
Mix and Match Mama says
Stop it?! I feel like you were so close to clicking that “English” button but missed it by one word. Ha!
Elspeth says
I don’t like driving in poor weather (plus who does), i don’t like sitting in traffic and i hate looking for spots in downtown areas especially with parallel parking 😂
Diane Moore says
Being responsible for “What’s for Dinner.” I don’t mind cooking, most days, but having to decide, having the right ingredients in the house, having it ready on time …. I do not like it! 🙃
Mix and Match Mama says
It’s the “being responsible” part that really gets me. YES!
Lindi says
Parallel park. I actually will not do it.
Agree on the dentist totally.
Getting gas, yes. We have a Tesla (with a garage charger) and a gas car. After driving a Tesla so long, when I have to *actually stop* and get gas in the other car, it’s soooo lame.
I’d add unloading the dishwasher.
Mix and Match Mama says
I 100% support your list!!
Tiffany says
Yes! I’ll load a dishwasher all day, but unloading it?! Hard pass.
Karen says
Oh.my,goodness, SAME! On almost every one!!! My dentist’s office will leave me a voice mail saying funny things like “you can’t hide!” or “you know you miss us”! have no dental probs which I am of course very thankful for.. but ugh!! I also have to stop and get gas this morning on the way to work!!!!!! Have a great day!
Kelly M Sites says
I just read an article yesterday how if you get stuck in traffic in Japan, you can call a service that will come on a motorcycle and take you out to your destination and someone else will sit in your car and navigate the traffic jam for you. TIME TO MOVE TO JAPAN. 🙂
I hate cleaning the shower. I hate returning packages. I hate being put on hold.
Mix and Match Mama says
STOP IT! That is crazy cool! I also hate returning packages. That’s another one!
Sheaffer says
Oh my gosh, I feel the putting away groceries one. Why is it so terrible?
K.K. says
These are so funny!
Every time I see I need gas at night and think “I’ll get it in the morning”, I’m ALWAYS running behind the next morning. How does that always happen?!
I’ve just learned to go ahead and stop now. ❤️
Leticia says
I tell myself, future me will be so happy if I just stop and put gas now!
Dana P says
This one got my stress levels up, it’s a little TOO relatable. I thought for sure you would have “10 things I love to do as an adult” to balance it out. 🙂 My kids are always telling me how they can’t wait to be an adult one day. In that spirit, here are mine:
-I can eat all the candy I want
-I can….
I legit just ended right there, I got nothing else. hahahahahahaha That’s what always precipitates them saying that! Surely there are more good things about being an adult though?!
Mix and Match Mama says
Hahahahaha! Surely, right?
Cherril says
As I hate trying to straighten things out on the Internet!
Kristen says
I agree with all of those! They are all a pain!!!
Christine says
Going to the DMV – worst necessary evil ever!
Mix and Match Mama says
YES AND AMEN!!! I could not agree with this one more!
Kari Anne Maddox says
And now IG and TT have made putting our groceries up even harder because we see these lines and how we are supposed to make our fridge pretty and organized. back in the day…we threw them in and walked away. Now we pour our cereal in the containers for display. Then I have pretty little rows for protein shakes and display my cream cheese….. sigh….it’s alot
Mix and Match Mama says
Just so much! 😉
Kathy says
I agree about the dentist. I have a nice dentist, too, but it’s just awful. Sometimes I stop by Starbucks or Hobby Lobby after as a reward for getting through.
Mix and Match Mama says
I do that too!!!! I mentally have to have some sort of award at the end. YES!
bette says
shay, i believe we are twins because most items on your list are on mine. my top 7:
1 – laundry – i don’t mind putting laundry in the washer and dryer, but what i do mind is folding them and putting them away.
2 – groceries – i like going to the store to go grocery shopping. however, i do not like hauling said groceries from the car to the house and putting them away.
3 – driving – i like driving but not sitting in traffic. when i used to drive my daughter to dance class, the traffic was horrendous, and it didn’t help that she got to sleep while i sat in traffic. now that she’s an adult, when she comes home to visit, i make her drive while i get to nap. 😂
4 – gift-wrapping – i like buying presents but not gift-wrapping. for the occasional birthday presents, i just get a gift bag to solve this dilemma.
5 – dinner – i enjoy cooking but figuring out what to make for dinner everyday can be a problematic chore, especially when i have picky eaters at home. who knew i’d have to do this daily for the rest of my adult life? sometimes, even i don’t know what i feel like eating, hence leading to not knowing what to cook.
6 – car washing – i was blessed in my younger days and even in my adult life that i had a dad who loved washing my car weekly. now that he’s gone, my car doesn’t get a regular washing. i, too, do not like going through a car wash because i can never align my car properly. twice, there was a malfunction that led to my car being bumped from behind both times. sigh.
7 – taking care of plants – it turned out i had a black thumb instead of a green thumb because i kill plants just by looking at them. when i got my first place, i was very excited to buy several plants until they all literally started to wilt. my parents, who were avid gardeners, helped me nurse them back to health. however, they just didn’t thrive under my care, so i ended up giving all my plants to my parents.
Mix and Match Mama says
YES to gift wrapping!!!! I agree with this one too!!!
Jen says
I finally got over the lining up the tire thing and am a pro, but I never thought about a malfunction and someone bumping me?! Now I’m scared again haha.
Lisa D says
Oh my goodness!
Ok, here are a few adulting tasks I despise:
1. Figuring out what to eat every single day
2. Putting away the laundry
3. Washing my car
4. Mailing anything at the Post Office
5. Driving, driving, driving! Ugh, so much driving. All those “errands”
There’s more but… it’s all pretty much just “First World Problems”!
Let’s all have a lovely day 😊
Mix and Match Mama says
We are just so much alike!! Bahahaha! Thank YOU for sharing!
Kay says
I LOVE this and needed the laugh because I’ve had a particularly “adult-y” week! I am with you on all of these, but especially!, the post office. It is just the worst, even though our local post office has the nicest most helpful staff working there! Part of it is how uninspiring the office is…can they play a seasonal movie while we wait or something? Like at Dry Bar? Or hang artwork from local schools so we have something to look at? It’s just such a downer! In fact, I’m sending my son his Valentine box at college (we do seasons in a box so he doesn’t miss holidays at home) and I have to go later. UGH!
The other two things that make me crazy are opening mail! and scheduling. When I was little, mail was…FUN! Letters from grandma! Birthday cards! Letters from friends at summer camp (the best). Now, it’s just stuff I don’t want to hear, like how much is on my Nordstrom card lol. Thanks for the bad news-MAIL.
And scheduling is one thing when you’re in your 20s. Free Friday night? Yes, yes I am. If you ask me now if I’m free, I have to check my schedule, my husband’s, and then go through the nightmare of texting my teens who will ignore my text, say “idk” or get back to me three days after the event I was trying to plan. I have to check my dogs’ schedule and my in laws (as we take them for doctors appts and such now that they no longer drive). Want to know if I’m free? I hope you have 356 hours 😉
Mix and Match Mama says
Opening the mail!!! Yes, yes, yes! I agree with that one too!!!
Lindsey says
I was going to comment getting the mail. We have a community mailbox and I will put off walking down to the mailbox for so long. There is hardly any mail in there that brings me joy.
Also agree with watering plants. I always forget and they die.
Kristin says
LIndsey, we too have a community mailbox, and I swear it’s 1/4 mile away. I should probably measure, but it’s a hike on a cold winter day when you are pretty sure there will be just junk there. My daughter finally convinced me to sign up for informed delivery emails from USPS, and now I know what will be in my mailbox, and whether or not I should just wait a day (or a week!) to go down and get it!
Amy Heinl says
Oh I can’t wait to see everyone’s list…here is mine in no particular order
1. Clean the bathroom….don’t mind house keeping but this is one room I always dread
2. Deep cleaning the fridge
3. Cleaning the inside and outside of all my windows
4. Going to dentist
5. Going to a new doctor for first time (and the dreaded long wait)
6. Sitting in traffic
7. Taking out the garbage
8. Planning meals for week
9. Taking down the Christmas decorations (love putt I ng them up but dread all the time Taking them down)
10. Having to deal with any bug, spider, little geico etc that finds it way into my home
Mix and Match Mama says
I really can’t argue with any of these! Thank YOU for sharing, Amy! xx
Tina says
I hear you, but instead of looking at these as irritants, look at how blessed you are. A healthy person without dental issues and the financial means to take care of any problems that arise. You have a car. A nice car, and you can afford to fuel it, insure it drive, park and wash it. Many don’t have that luxury. You have a lovely home and life. You are blessed. Maybe choose to see your blessings with eyes of gratitude and service? Could you drive someone who needs a ride to an appointment? Could you deliver groceries to a local food pantry? Bring in the mail or water plants for someone with mobility issues? Instead of what is irritating, how can you use your time, abilities and resources to bless someone else? You can choose how you view it.
Mix and Match Mama says
Let’s not take this too seriously. It’s the perfect day for a lighthearted topic. YOU can also choose how YOU view it 😉 .
Allyson Petta says
100% agree. There’s a time and place to feel blessed with daily challenges, but sometimes wives/moms need to vent to each other to get it out of our systems! And then we can move on. It’s comforting to share minor irritants that yes, are 1st World Problems, but knowing someone else is dealing with them, too, just helps sometimes!
Leslie says
I think we can all agree that Shay demonstrates nothing but gratitude. Even if you are new to the community and have only read a handful of post, I guarantee Shay has mentioned how blessed and appreciative she is.
Linda says
We have sprinkler lines and a zone for out flower beds. Then off these lines we have tiny waterlines (hoses/tubes) to our flower pots., even on our porch; patio and pool deck. We absolutely love them for the time it saves and we don’t have to worry about someone watering when we are not home. It did take some thought to make them as inconspicuous as possible.
AliJ. says
Grocery shopping, meal planning, and cooking dinner. I am not a short order chef!
Paula says
Great conversation!
Cleaning the bathroom…aka..toilet. YUCK!
Maintenance on your home..when big things need replaced and are expensive. Like a roof, flooring, water leaks..
Car maintenance.
Often times, the long discussion and parenting moments that seem never ending…aka..girl drama.
Dealing with aging parents and their health or next steps.
Becoming the manager of the calendar.
Angela says
This was such a humorous post!! I love it! And so accurate!!! I’ll add… paying bills. The time it takes to write the check and put it into an envelope, then find a stamp and then, try to get it in the mail preferably sometime within the same week… though that usually never happens so the bill ends up hanging around in my purse for two weeks until I finally drop it into the mail. 😂 or even to call in and pay a bill… the wait time, pressing the right number on my phone and the pound key, all of it…. to pay a $25 bill… it’s too much adulting sometimes and just a pain.
Mix and Match Mama says
Someone asked me for a check just yesterday, and I swear, it felt so archaic pulling out my checkbook and writing one.
Leslie says
Oh, Angela, as a banker, I feel I must pop in here and tell you to sign up for online banking and bill pay! It’s free, no stamps or envelopes to buy, just a few clicks! It’s so easy!
Mary Anne Duke says
I use to dread thinking up meals everyday for the family….now it is just me and hubs and I hate having to decide where to go for dinner🤔
Also, emptying the dishwasher…ugh.
Kim S. says
Snow. I live in Wisconsin and I hate the snow. I hate driving in it. I hate shoveling, clearing it. I hate getting it off my car. My son told me, people only like snow until they are 16. Then they have to drive in it.
Mix and Match Mama says
That is probably a very very valid statement.
~B~ says
Right there with you, Kim (from Iowa). We have had a crazy unusual year with little to no snow and I know we desperately need the moisture…but I am a glass half full gal and I have been thankful for not driving in it as much this year.
Sheri says
Yes! Completely spot on! I 1000% agree with getting gas and thinking about where to park in Dallas! I hate it.
Leslie S says
My least fav chore is dealing with health insurance. Sigh. Hours of my life that tick by on hold (with terrible music) to them explain the situation and get no help just to be transferred and start allllll over again with the next person. And repeat until I want to pull my hair out.
Next is paperwork at the pediatrician- like can we just fill out the form for the night nurse policy (and 4 other policies) ONE time and put all our kids names on it? Please?! And the yearly updates with common info – like why do I have to do the same info for EVERY KID? Sigh.
And last. Reading comments from people who can’t be fun and lighthearted sometimes. Like can we all just laugh and delight in being silly once in awhile?
Mix and Match Mama says
The TERRIBLE hold music. I agree!
Faith says
1. Dentist – hate it!
2. Go to any appointment – hate waiting and inconvenient to go. (Except for my hair and nail appointments 🤣)
3. Cooking – wish I was more like you.
4. Getting car inspected or any kind of service appointment
5. Folding & putting away laundry
6. Completing forms for my kids. Thankfully they are adults and do their own but I still have to do FAFSA – ugh
I’m sure there are many more 🤣
Mix and Match Mama says
I love love this list!!
Kristin S says
Putting away laundry, emptying the dishwasher, taking out the trash. I hate all three.
Charise says
GETTING MY OIL CHANGED!! It’s never convenient to do!
Mix and Match Mama says
Ohhhhh, that is a good! There is never a convenient time, and it’s always busy there too.
Allison says
Yes to bringing in groceries. They are delivered to my front doorstep and still, with every delivery about twice a week, I find myself saying “Kids if you bring the groceries in, I’ll put them all away!” HA! As if anyone but me will put them away. But I do make them bring them in every time, why is that such an annoying task!? And yes to the post office, I’d rather not do something or not have something than go there.
My top most HATED adult chore that you will not agree with since you enjoy this is figuring out and making dinner! I HATE it with every single cell in my body. I saw a meme type thing once that said something to the effect of “No one tells you that being an adult means figuring out what to have for dinner every single day for the rest of your life until you die.” Nothing else has ever resonated with me more!
Deb says
I support your list plus adding emptying the dishwasher!
Yolanda McLean says
I know others agree about making returns being the worst. I was returning some of those last minute Amazon returns where they give you the extended return period during the holidays. I tell you that UPS location was the most crowded I have ever seen it. They had additional employees working that day too. I had returned most earlier in the week but found two items I missed and almost decided to keep them for maybe gifts or donate, lol. I also hate charging all the devices – my Oura ring, my headphones, not so much my phone but even the portable charger needs to be charged.
I enjoyed this fun, lighthearted topic!
Paula says
Unlike Tina, this made me LOL…so thank you for that! It IS a good day for lightheartedness. I’ll just have to add: doing my taxes, doing my mom’s taxes, doing my daughter’s taxes, oh…and doing my son’s taxes! Thank goodness my hubby does his own! Hahaha
Valerie says
Agree with all these!! My hack for watering planters…my husband spliced into the irrigation system and ran tubes into all our planters so they get watered with the yard. For the first time in my adult life our planters survived this past summer and all the way into fall!
Ashley Palmer says
I actually love grocery shopping, but the amount of times you have to actually touch each item is a little ridiculous. Picking it up off the shelf, taking it out of the cart to scan and bag, and then they want you to take it out of the bag and put it away when you get home too? Too much.
And yes, dirty cars for life.
Sandy says
This list is great and funny! The dentist is my most dreaded appointment. I don’t mind getting gas too much unless it’s cold and raining! I have a couple more, I don’t like cleaning the showers and toilets. I also despise going to the DMV. I laughed out loud regarding someone’s comment about getting your adult kids to commit to if they’re free or not. I can relate! One of the worst for me is being responsible for and then searching the whole house for what ever lost paper/document/receipt/form someone has lost. It’s always my doing that it cannot be found. This one makes me crazy!
Susanne says
My top one is getting new tires or getting your tires rotated. A tire store is the most uninspiring place on the planet. I always bring my kindle but the surroundings are mind numbingly boring!🤦♀️
Kirsten J says
Call to make an appointment or reservation. I don’t know what it is with me, but if there is an online option I’m in!
Jamie S. says
Having to call someone to make an appointment. Any appointment, for anything. It’s usually quick and easy but I don’t want to do it. Ever.
Cindy OLeary says
OMG- I spent 2 hours yesterday switching online platforms as my doctor has joined a new group. On the previously used platform, I could message my dr directly and get an appointment on the app. Nope, not any more. I’m back to a phone call. I actually told the office, “You are going backwards.”
Shay- We have our dry cleaning picked up and delivered every Tuesday…best thing ever. And the dreaded Costco order is currently sitting on my front porch, No bueno.
I do not mind laundry, but loathe the rest of the items on your list.
Lauren says
Every single one of these!!! I also dread going to the bank. Not sure why; it’s just one of those things I hate making time for. And same with parking! Keeps me up at night too.
Mix and Match Mama says
Oh my gosh, the bank! I forgot about the bank! Yes, yes! I agree with you!!
sandi says
The DMV! Three of our four children drive so like others, I will add the DMV. After going with several kids I should know what to bring and have it all together. Add in that we recently moved and none of the addresses match up makes the wait even longer.
Teaching kids to drive… that is my husband’s jam. I don’t ride with a teen until they have been driving for at least six months. My heart cannot handle it, my mouth doesn’t stay shut and my face is anything but neutral.
Dropping kids off at college. You would think I would be a pro with three in college but I tear up every time and they laugh at me. Putting sheets on the top bunk with about 18 inches of clearance takes my mind off the goodbye later in the day, but I can’t help getting sad as we drive away from each school.
Mix and Match Mama says
TEACHING KIDS TO DRIVE! Spoken like a seasoned parent. That last paragraph though gave me all the feels this morning, Sandi. xx
Beth Valenta says
This is such a fun little post!
1. Dentist is by far my worst-why are you now taking blood pressure? Ya know me right?
2. Recycling items out-ok if I just toss them in the can, my hubby wants me to disassemble the box? NO
3. Shaving-I know your are a fan…. but I just find this to be a time consuming step that maybe I don’t need right now? LOL
4. OK the doctor, not my gyno…the bloodwork analysis sends me into an anxious mess.
Mix and Match Mama says
Well, I chuckled at the shaving comment 😉 .
Kerry says
I am chuckling at your post office dread – I have lived in rural small towns since 2020 where we can’t get mail delivered and we HAVE to go to the post office every.single.day and if you miss the time frame when the window is open and your package was too big for the locker, you have to go back again. I’ve been surprised to learn it does actually become a nice place to run into friend, but all in all, it’s a PIA 😉
Mix and Match Mama says
You go every day?! I feel like that could be charming in the right setting (sounds like you have the right setting!). I find this so interesting!!
Kerry says
Yep, I’d say almost everyday. It *is* actually charming most of the time and as someone who works at home, it’s nice to get out each day. It also gives you an better understanding of how underfunded and under-supported the USPS is. We had one postal worker handling ALL the holiday mail for a town of 2500 people, making $19/hr and the poor woman was completely drowning there and packages were super delayed. But….I do love small town life and these little differences in day to day life, keep things interesting.
Amy Rae D. says
Some of the things I hate to do as an adult:
1) dust (it bothers my allergies so much), 2) go to the dentist (I get legit scared for even routine dentist cleanings), 3) talk on the phone to make appointments/talk to people I don’t know on the phone.
Betsy says
I love fruit but I very strongly dislike washing it, taking stems off if needed, cutting it up, and putting it in containers.
Mix and Match Mama says
That’s a good one!! I just haven’t found the right time. When I first bring them home is often when I do it…but that’s always a chore on top of just unloading the groceries.
Arika says
Getting gas: now that you have current and soon-to-be teen drivers where driving is (still maybe?) fun for them, you could task one with the chore of getting gas for you a couple times a week? I suppose that hinges on whether they’re allowed to drive your car, but just an idea! Sometimes I feel like I underutilize my teenagers, haha!
Sara says
Absolutely agree with your list but adding paperwork pile ups and taxes. UGH! You might not believe this but for a long time after my last child left home and went off to college, I cried every time I did laundry. There was so little of it that it made me miss my kids being home. Imagine missing laundry haha!!
Jessie Lovelock says
I’d quit my full-time as a healthcare provider to do all the things on this list. I DO all these things and I enjoy them to some extent because I have a wonderful life, a nice car and helpful kids who also help out. The only thing that gets in my way is this 40 hour a week job I have to work around.
Laura Holmes says
Oh this post is too funny! I agree with most of yours. LAUNDRY… dear lord make it stop. As a family of five, it never does. As soon as the laundry is done, more appears. It’s never ending. I think that’s why I dislike it so much. There’s no end goal. My number two would be “Mom, what’s the dinner plan?”. I love cooking for my family. But, wow, it would be nice to get a break. 🙂
Laci says
YES to all of this!!! I hate unloading groceries!
Erika Slaughter says
Mix and Match Mama says
I AM GOING TO 100% SUPPORT THIS! Pleas go get that fixed so that I don’t have to do it for you. Hahahaha!
Brittany Swain says
All of these and getting my oil changed! I don’t want to call and schedule it, much less take my car in to do it.
Lori Boyett says
Basically all things, especially the dentist, except being on vacation! Oh I do love taking care of my plants, but id rather be on vacation!!🤣
Paula Hobbs says
I have to ask, does anyone still iron?? I recently got re-married and my husband still irons his button up shirts…EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. So me, being the sweet charming new wife, decided I’d step up and iron for him…um….HARD NO. No ma’am…I just cannot. I’d rather clean 50 toilets and go to the cleaners EVERY. SINGLE. DAY!!! Rant over…mic drop! 🙂
Kristin says
I agree with many of these things and will add cleaning the floors. How can you vacuum and then mop and THERE IS STILL STUFF ON THE FLOOR???? How, why, where does it hide when I am vacuuming and mopping??? It’s just such a thankless task.
Tamara R says
This was a great post, agree with all of yours and adding picking up prescriptions. It takes 3 reminder calls from the pharmacy for me to drag myself there – because the line is always the worst! Also this post reminded me of the funny saying “sometimes you are the windshield and sometimes you are the bug.” haha
Karen in Virginia says
I have to laugh… I refuse to get my car washed. I did not line up my tires correctly many years ago and actually got stuck in the car wash! I had to use my phone to call the gas station to send someone to get me out. It was terrifying at the time and now I just laugh. Haven’t been to a car wash since.
Tina Mahler says
I literally went to the car wash today on my way home from work. I actually had to apologize to the attendant because I just could not line on my car on the track. I was so embarrassed lol. And then of course I got stuck behind a salt truck treating the roads due to predicted bad weather tomorrow.
Elizabeth says
Listening to voicemails. Message transcription is a godsend. But on my work phone, I have to listen to the voicemails, and it drives me nuts. I literally avoid it for weeks at a time.
Nicole says
My least favorite thing about adulting is having to BUY groceries. Food is something necessary to live, and yet I have to pay for it!
And scheduling appointments. It’s so frustrating it when I call and they ask me what times are best for me, but then they don’t have anything available at that time. Can we just skip that step and you just tell me when to come?
My teenagers really have no idea how good they have it!
Diana says
Now that I am in my 60’s, I hate all of the doctor appointments. Spine, knee, eye, hand surgeon, gyno, dermatologist, gastroenterologist not to mention regular check-ups to be told another doctor you need to see. Thankful for doctors and generally good health, but geez…
Marianne says
Having to get a new debit/credit card and change your address on everything it’s linked to 😮💨
Teresa Flahaut says
Unloading the dishwasher! Ugh!
Guilty of simply using out of the clean dishes and re-washing! After all…tomorrow is another day😊
Lynn says
1. Listen to a book or podcast when in the dental chair! It’s not rude, they don’t care.
2. Getting ready everyday. Although a lot better since i got a pair of Raycon earbuds and listen to book or podcast (life changing).
3. Anything to do with the car. 😂
4. My husband washes my car unless it’s really cold out.
Plus all of the ones you said. 🫠
Mix and Match Mama says
Why has it never crossed my mind to listen to a podcast while they’re cleaning? Are we sure it’s not rude? I don’t want to be rude, but I also think that would make the time fly!
Jaren Dubois says
Yes! Yes! Yes! I was cracking up reading this! And that Dallas convention center does make me lose sleep too! How far will we walk? One time for NCA cheer, we found a parking garage, but got out after dark and had so much trouble finding the garage! Big mistake on my part. Never again!
Kelly says
My postal carrier never even knocks on my door for my signature if a package requires it. It used to really irritate me until I discovered that you can just sign the slip and leave it in your mailbox and they will pick it up the next day and bring your package back and leave it the next. You have to be willing to wait the extra two days for your package but it’s usually worth it to me not to have to go the the post office in person.
~B~ says
Great post for this Tuesday that is my Monday! 🙂 I LOVE to pick out and plant flowers in May…only to dread watering them each day about a week later. And the bane of my existence in the form of adult-tasks is wrapping. My oldest daughter thanked me for her wrapped birthday gifts last year stating “I know how much you hate this and you did this for me” so I guess I haven’t hidden that fact too well. 😁 And one last one I commented on above also…winter driving. I wonder if years and years ago I had a great-great-great grandma say “We couldn’t have chosen a warmer place to settle in?” 😉
Erika M says
Top of my list would have to be taxes. Gathering all the receipts documents forms that have to be filled out JUST to get it to our accountant to file. I loathe it. The planning meeting, the mid year check in, the end of year check in. Hate it all.
Hilary says
I dread calling any customer service life, especially if they transfer me several time. (I.e., the internet people, cellphone company etc). It’s dreadful!
Penny says
I hate packing and unpacking suitcases. I stress over packing and just can’t face unpacking. Why. Why. Why.
Mix and Match Mama says
I do not enjoy unpacking my suitcase! Agreed!
Lea Ansamaa says
Oh most of them! I don’t have a car so no traffic/washing/taking gas issues here. Also my husbands car is electric so he also doesn’t have to take gas. I ride my bike or take a bus (in Finland this is easy). Byt I hate to wash the bike with the hose!! 😆 And I hate to vacuum. It is so boring and sweatty!
Rita says
Basically, Adulting. When my kids (now young adults) used to say they wished they were older, I always told them enjoy being a kid as you’re an adult for a long time. My son took it to heart and had the best time at high school.
Susan McKain says
Great topic. I don’t like to sit in traffic, keep up with the mail pile, pay bills, return any purchases, do home or car maintenance, do any heavy cleaning, or go to any appointments. I don’t even like to sit at the hair salon.
I like to load/unload/run the dishwasher as well as do laundry because the machines do most of the work while I relax.
Deb says
You really hit the nail on the head about driving in traffic and finding parking. It is absolutely least favorite thing to do. It would be great to be a child again for many reasons but this is my number one.