Kensington Kate Shull was born.
Six pounds, 9 ounces, 18 inches long. Arriving via c-section at 2:34 PM.











Being your mommy has been the best job in the world! Your daddy and I have loved every single minute of your first year. You are the sweetest little girl in the world. Thank you for being so easy-going and good natured. We love you so much and can’t wait to see how much you change and grow this next year. We already know that you’re going to make a fabulous big sister! Each day, you surprise us more and more and believe it or not, each day, we love you more and more!
Happy Birthday!
Slightly Askew Designs says
Awwww…. she's just gotten cuter every month 🙂 I can't even imagine how cute she'll be next year! Happy Birthday, Kensington!
Nick, Aubrey, Ella, and Kate says
I LOVE these photos. They take me back to when Ella was that age and simultaneously get me excited about what we have in store for us with Kate!
That Kensington is so darn cute. Happy birthday, sweetie!
Ashley says
Happy 1st birthday Kensington!!
Jeni says
Happy Birthday precious baby girl!
Lovie says
What a precious blessing you have been to your Papa Jay and Lovie. It's true what they say, grand kids are the BEST! Happy Birthday Kensington, we love you!
brandonandmandycox says
happy birthday, kensington!
Missy Miller says
Shay and Andrew, I know how proud you must be to see your baby girl grow into such a beautiful little toddler. You have so many more exciting times ahead!
Charlie and Laura says
Such precious pictures!! Happy 1st Birthday Kensington!!