We had a very busy and super fun end to our week! On Thursday, Kirby came to play with us while her Mommy sold great stuff at Canton. She was an absolute doll!
On Friday, Daddy and Papa Jay skipped work to go with us girls to Canton and then on Saturday, we made the most of Halloween from morning til night.
I can’t believe November is already here! My girlfriends and I were chatting in Sunday School about Christmas. Everyone knows I like to talk about Christmas year around…but I get really excited about now. We have so many fun things to look forward to between now and the end of the year…and then at the first of the year…we get to meet our new baby! Whew! I’m exhausted already! Happy November!!!

On Friday, about to get out of the car and go to Canton! We had to bundle up because it was chilly…and wonderful!

G says
Oh my goodness! How sweet.
Aubrey says
So precious! Love K's costume!
rackersfamily says
love her costume! precious!