Happy Thursday, friends! Guess what?! It’s another edition of Shay’s Ways 😉 .
Today, I’m sharing my 17 KEYS TO MY HOLIDAY PREP!
I mean…yes. Hahahaha!
Okay before we begin, take a look back at my other Shay’s Ways posts in case you need one of these topics in your life today too…
25 Keys to a Peaceful Morning
22 Keys to making Fall Cozy
19 Key Fall Kitchen Essentials
18 Keys to Prepping for a Trip
14 Keys to simplify BACK TO SCHOOL
21 Keys to Savoring Summer
21 Keys for Working at Home {Summer Edition}
25 Keys to Outdoor Summer Entertaining
25 Keys to Maintaining our Yard
Today, I’m basically going to share with you the contents of my brain right now plus the contents of all the notes on my iPhone.
It’s your basic brain dump of all the *things* I’m thinking about as I gear up for both Thanksgiving and Christmas.
Should you be thinking about all of that food prep/guest prep/gifts to buy/things to wrap/things to do/things to have on hand/parties to throw/etc, I feel you, sister. We’re in this together. Over the years, my Type-A, hyper-organized, Enneagram 8, multi-tasking, overachieving, party planning, holiday celebrating self has come up with a few keys that, should I do them, make my holidays much merrier and brighter.
Erika and I were just laughing about this the other day, but I am GREAT at giving God the big things. Surgeries, illnesses, work related things…man, I love to give those things over to God and step out of the way while He takes control. I get great peace in doing that. But the little things like getting my family ready for the holidays? I apparently feel like God needs my help because I’ll lose sleep at night over stupid little details like “did I buy enough wrapping paper”.
So, here are 17 key things I do to keep myself jolly as we enter into this season:
1: Make a list. Check it twice. I make lists all the time, but this time of year, I have lists for my lists. From gifts I need to buy to gifts I have purchased, I have a different list for each on my phone. I make lists of anything I can think of holiday related (movies I hear about that I want to watch, festive activities around town to do, things to buy at Trader Joe’s, etc) and keep them in the notes section of my phone. I get great satisfaction out of removing items from my list as I move through the holiday season and always feel peace that I don’t have to remember all the things…my list is remembering for me. If you’re not using the notes app on your phone for holiday lists, start. It’s the easiest way to stay organized.
2: Remove things from my calendar. I always look at my calendar in November and December and delete things. Regular dental cleaning? That can be moved to January. My normal hair appointment? That probably can wait. Anything extra/repetitive/not essential to this busy season can be moved to the winter when my calendar is much calmer. I don’t necessarily need to fill the time with more *things* (although, sometimes, it’s a great way to squeeze in holiday fun), but sometimes, I just need that extra minute to finish up work that I’m missing to attend that elementary school holiday concert or extra time to wrap gifts or just extra time to read a Christmas book or watch a holiday movie. Anything “extra” can wait until winter.
3: Plan ahead. I also open my calendar at the very beginning of November and write in all of my VERY favorite holiday traditions that I would not want to miss like my annual recipe exchange, our town’s light parade, Jammy Cocoa Christmas, or dinner with our besties. These are important holiday traditions, so they go in my calendar first (in pen!) so that I don’t get double booked with something I love less.
4: Schedule fun things in. Andrew and I also like to schedule in fun things…we’ll write down things in our calendar as simple as “watch White Christmas” or “decorate a gingerbread house” because with six busy humans living here, it’s easy to get too overscheduled and forget about things that really make your holiday season special. We write down all the details and give ourselves plenty of time to do them. We never regret this time as a family.
5: Buy supplies in bulk. This time of year, I don’t know about you, but I need lots of supplies on hand for everything from Thanksgiving hostess gifts to last minute entertaining. I love to buy brown paper sacks in bulk. These work for any occasion (just swap out the tissue paper to make them occasion-specific), plus, they’re easy to decorate (or have my kids decorate!) for occasions too. I also buy the bulk brown craft paper too. This is great to layout for a buffet so that you can mark what food is what (just use markers and write on it next to the dish!) or you can wrap gifts in it and let your kids decorate the gifts. I also buy festive napkins, little appetizer/dessert plates, mixed nuts, wine, Perrier and good quality cheese too for last minute guests. Also, keep things like extra twinkle lights, batteries, and extension cords on hand too.
6: Keep some gifts on hand. You never know when you might need a gift, so I try and keep some at home. I will have candles, cozy socks, a nice bottle of whiskey or wine at home for any last minute gifting.
7: Make guest space nice. Make sure you read my post on getting your home ready for overnight guests. My HOLIDAY GUEST PREP has all of my best tips for those overnight guests you’ll have this season.
8: Make a list for next year. I always make a list for next year as the holiday progresses. I have a list on my phone now called Christmas 2023 and I’ll add to it all season long. If the lights on one tree are going out, I’ll make a note to buy more for that specific tree the next year. If we miss a fun annual event that we didn’t know about, I’ll add that to my list so that it’s on my calendar the next year. The next October, pull your note and see what it says. Maybe it says “buy new mantle garland” or ” make sure you get two more big bins for storage”…whatever it says, it will be helpful.
9: Get enough sleep. When I have a lot to do or a lot of fun to have, I always skip sleep. This is dumb. I need to stop doing this. Let’s all get more sleep. It just makes everything better.
10: Workout. And eat “normal”. And don’t just surrender your life to “I’ll do that again in January”. I always feel better during the holiday season when I keep eating pretty normal and working out.
11: Use my grocery pickup. I use my store’s app and grocery pick up service quite a bit, but during the busy holiday season, I use it more. The stores can be so crowded and distracting (with all of that fun holiday food you didn’t know you needed), so try and pull in, grab your groceries and go.
12: Order, hide, make a note, wrap. I make a list on my phone (surprise, surprise) of the gifts I purchase so that I can mark off when they arrive at my door, where I hide them before they get wrapped and then, I note when they’re wrapped. Is that excessive? Yes. Does it guarantee that my gifts all show up (no lost packages unaccounted for) and that I don’t hide something and forget where until I accidentally stumble on it in March? Yes.
13: Prep food ahead. I always write down my menus for when people stay overnight and/or when I have parties/gathering. I look at my complete menu and then prep as much in advance as I can. You’d be surprised how much you can actually do well before the event.
14: Freeze. So many yummy foods can be made in advance and frozen! My SAUSAGE BALLS and PEPPERMINT GINGERSNAP CHRISTMAS CRACK just to name a few.
15: Purchase, don’t make. Speaking of all the food you might need for overnight guests or entertaining, don’t make everything from scratch. As much as I love being in the kitchen, there are holidays and seasons which don’t allow me enough time to make everything AND KEEP MY SANITY. Buy the rolls. Buy a side. Buy dessert. Buy the cinnamon rolls. Buy a charcuterie board. Buy everything. Whatever it takes for you to not be a stress ball, do it.
16: Say no. And say it often. ‘Tis the season for too many commitments and unless your heart just cannot stand NOT DOING IT, then don’t. Say no. You don’t even have to explain. You can simply just say “No”. That church volunteer thing, that PTA thing, that extra girls lunch, neighborhood wine party, whatever it is…if you are not 100% in, say no. You can even say no to your family. I know, I know…but really, you can tell your family no too. When I say “no” to things, what I’m really doing is saying a big YES to all of my other commitments that I’m so super excited about.
17: Remember the reason for the season. Of course. If you need a good Advent study to keep your focus on Him this holiday season, I’m using this one…
…whenever I get frazzled/overscheduled/overcommitted/annoyed with the holiday season (and yes, Ms. Holiday also gets annoyed with the chaos of the season!), I stop and remember the reason. It’s not about all of the fluffy crap…it’s about Jesus.
And those are my ways to holiday prep!
Okay, tell me your ways!! What do you do? How do you do it? I know you ladies have #allthegreatideas! Please share!!
Have a wonderful Thursday! I’ll see you tomorrow. xx
Natasha says
We try to gift experiences that can happen in January or February once the post-holiday blahs have hit. This means less to buy now and fun things to look forward to in the quieter, colder, winter months.
Elspeth says
So many great ideas! I love the suggestion of putting activities you want to accomplish on the calendar!
Lori Whittington says
Do you use an app to keep track of gifts? If not check out Gift List Pro. I find it easier to keep track of gifts than my notes app.
Mix and Match Mama says
I just use my Notes and make a list. I’m going to look this app up now!
Elizabeth Feldpausch says
One time I heard a friend say “it is just not my best yes right now” while saying “no” to something. It was so genuine and you can’t help but respect that answer! I’ve definitely added it to my brain to use when necessary
Erika Slaughter says
‘Tis the SEASON!!! {I can’t believe I’m already typing that!}
Kate says
We are moving into our new home the beginning of December 🤪 I’m trying to keep in mind that there are still little ways I can make it special and memorable for my family even though I might not have the place all decked out come December 25th! Thanks for the tips, I need all I can get this year!!
Mix and Match Mama says
Congratulations on your move!!
Sara says
Check out the app Santa’s Bag. It’s great for gift ideas, keeping track of what you’ve bought, spent, etc.
Mary says
I love reading all your “ways”! So many fun things this time of year; your tips are so practical for managing it all…(and keeping perspective!) Ordering the advent devotional today! Thanks Shay
Mix and Match Mama says
I hope you love the devotional! I do their Advent ones each year, and they never disappoint!
Laura says
I had a lot of 🤯 moments reading this list!! Love these tips! Esp avoiding the grocery store and going ahead and putting my definite yes things in the calendar now. Oh, and to schedule non-essential appointments in January! Brilliant! Thank you! Cheers to a happy holiday season!
Mix and Match Mama says
Happy holidays to YOU!!!
Kathy says
This is just a tiny thing, but I buy those butter turkeys and snowmen at Target as soon as I see them. I put them in the freezer and get them out on Thanksgiving day/Christmas. They are a cute addition to the table.
Mix and Match Mama says
Brilliant tip!
Kelly Davis says
I am a big note keeper , also, but don’t necessarily move the format of the note app on my iPhone. I am not super app/ tech savvy, so I am curious which one you use and how you break down your notes? Or is it just one long list?
Mix and Match Mama says
I use the basic notes app that comes on my iPhone. It’s really that easy. Title each note and then at the top, in the search bar, you can type in Christmas Gifts (or whatever) and it will pull up that list. It’s so easy!
Heather says
There’s an app called “Santa’s Bag”. It is password protected and covers all you need for #12 on your list. It’s the best! I just use the free version but you can also pay a little and archive each year. It is very comprehensive and you can organize it a few different ways. Must have for a type A personality! Hope y’all are doing well!
Mix and Match Mama says
No way?! Looking that up!!
Kristy says
You can also make a note in your notes app password protected. So it’s locked to little eyes.
Christy Dyer says
Yes! Yes! Yes! I was going to mention this app also. Absolutely love it! You can make a budget, list recipients.. For each recipient you can mark: To Buy, Ordered, To Wrap, Wrapped, etc. Can NOT imagine doing Christmas without it!
Elizabeth says
You may have already heard of it, but there is an app called Anylist- that is free and so helpful! You can make any sort of list titled whatever you wish and then share it with people who can also add to it. I use it weekly for the grocery list and share it with my husband for him to add to it and it automatically arranges it by different sections of the grocery (produce, dairy, meat, etc.). I have one titled “Books!” that I add the books I hear about that I want to read. I kept one from long ago that is labeled “Baby Names” for when I’d think of one I liked. Paint Colors, Trader Joes, Thank You’s (to write), etc. Super helpful and if you haven’t tried it, you should give it a go!
Mix and Match Mama says
I have not heard of that! I’m so intrigued! Looking it up now. THANK YOU!!
Laura says
I’m giving that a try! Thanks!
Beth Valenta says
I am crazy about lists too! Each year I pick a “signature” gift that is my gift for all teachers/friends. This year it’s various cross body bags from Target (so cute), I may slip a gift card or treat in each. I found bath bombs called myrrh and frankincense! I am all about a little theme, so putting that with Bomba socks. Have a great start Shay!
kelly says
These are great ideas! I love a theme gift too. Might be using this one for my daughter-in-laws:).
Kay says
Hi Shay-
I love this little post. Thanks for helping us get excited for the holidays with some great ideas for staying CALM.
I wonder if you know about these (truly life-changing) pens? Pilot Frixion color sticks/erasable pens? I too am a huge fan of paper planners and although I keep holiday lists and dates in my phone, I also always write out things in my Erin Condren. Well. I learned about these pens and OMG! You can still have a color for every kid/family member, and they ERASE!!! It makes using the paper planner as easy as the phone!
Also, I can’t believe I’m asking this as I used to make fun of my parents for this?! But how do you remember what wrapped gift is what? I feel like my kids go to open their gifts and I cannot remember whether the present inside is “big” or “small?” Any suggestions would be great.
Mix and Match Mama says
I need to order those pens stat!! Thank you for the tip!! Okay…I have no suggestions for the last question. I don’t know either?! Maybe someone else here will!
Jess says
I write a little number in sharpie on the bottom of the gift and then I number my list in my notes app the same. So if my kid got legos, I write a #6 on the present and legos is #6 on their list. Hope that helps!
Maggie says
I use different types of bows! Maybe red is big and green is small, or however else you want to color code. Makes it much easier to remember.
Janet Murphy says
I buy a couple of rolls of “fancier” wrapping paper and wrap the best gifts in this paper. We also save them until the end to open!
Gail Morgan says
Have you seen the Advent from Ann Voskamp? Beautiful wood! Has a book that you read each day as you light the candle.
Mix and Match Mama says
Yes!! We have it! It’s beautiful!
Kacey says
Yesss!! Here. for. it. all! But also, saying “no” lol
Tracy Abraham says
I am looking up these apps people are mentioning. I just use my notes app too! How fun to learn something new!
Also getting that Advent book now too!
Megan Bowen says
Love this list! I use an app called Gift List. You can add all the people you shop for, then include budgets and gift ideas. Once you buy the gift, you can change the status to bought, received or wrapped. It calculates a budget per person and also tells you how much you have spent total. At the end of the season, you can archive the gifts for the year and reset your list for the next year. And best of all the app is free. I had always used a notebook prior to track my purchases but I love that I have this with me all the time so I can pull it up no matter where I am.
Lisa D says
Planning ahead and making lists. Those two things right there keep me sane and excited about the holiday season as I organize and celebrate with our expanding family. I want Thanksgiving to be a thankful time and Christmas to be about faith and family. I have simplified our decorations and pared down the gift giving. It doesn’t need to be a big over-the-top season of getting and gifting and eating and all that! Do the things that matter to you and let the rest go. My peace of mind is more important to me and my family than trying to find the “perfect” gift or do all the things/events/activities! Be easy on yourself and on others. Probably the best thing I’ve done over the years is to keep up my regular routine of getting up early and spending time first thing being grateful to God for His blessings. Regardless of the things I need and want to get accomplished, being thankful every morning always sets a good tone to my day. Be blessed 😊
ashley says
Great tips! One thing we’ve started doing are family pictures in October for Christmas Cards and Cards ordered by Nov 1. Then I try to have them addressed/stamped and ready by mid November or so to throw in the mail in December. The prep work is out of it in our busy season this way.
Mix and Match Mama says
Carole says
Ahhhhhhh this is so very helpful! I am about to have a plethora of lists. LOl Some of these I haven’t even thought of but are so good to help be prepared and feel like I am helping make the season special and easier! Also getting the advent study so I don’t fall behind on my quiet time. Thank you!!!
Elizabeth Whisler says
Thank you for this! I wish I “knew you” when my kids were young and we were running in a million different directions. Now our directions are even more different, but also calmer in a weird way. But I want to make the most of college age kids home for winter break. Last year I was surprised at how much of the “traditions” they wanted to make sure to keep up with when they came home. I kind of thought they would think it was silly. But this year I’m going to be prepared! My son only really cares about decorating the tree (he must think some fairy comes to do the rest of the rooms) so this year said fairy will have everything BUT the tree done before Thanksgiving break so that weekend we can just do the ornaments on the tree together before he heads back (One goes to a university out of state and one goes to a university nearby) And after reading this, I will place our version of cocoa jammy christmas, Elf and Christmas Vacation movie nights, etc. on our calendar so they both know ahead of time when they roll into town for Christmas break which nights they are free for friends, etc. It’s convenient that mom and dad want to do things early and head to bed around the same time them and their friends are ready to “go out” so they don’t really have to choose. College age is different…but also fun.
MelanieL says
This series idea was MADE for you to write! I love it so much and always learn how to function a little better with each new Shay’s Ways post! 🙂 I do the notes app for gifts/donations, get special events on my calendar like our Christmas at the Zoo with my mom and sister, and I always host my sister’s December birthday at my house which I really look forward to doing every year!
Leslie S says
LOVE THIS! What great ideas!!
I “hide” gifts so we’ll even I can’t find them! I’m checking out some of the apps others have mentioned here in comments – maybe this will me my year to be better organized on the gifting front!
I appreciate your early gift guides this year and I’m going to try to be finished shopping before 12/1 this year!
I love how intentional you are about writing the “little things” on your calendar so you don’t get busy and overlook the fun things you want to do! Def doing this year 🤯 and I’ll bet it will give me so much peace to have them scheduled!
Ordering that devotional bc my quiet time falls by the wayside when I get overbooked. Saying no to more things and making this a priority this year.
I would love if you could post what holiday reads you’ve chosen so we can read along with you! I need some holiday cozy books stat!!
Kit says
Your Shay’s Ways have brought me much joy and focus this year!! Thank YOU for the bright light that you are Year after year!! I have three little kids under age 7, so busy busy busy even when it’s not the holidays. I was wondering if you had any tips and tricks for how to make things smoother in the season of life? I really just want to get to relaxing in my cozy home with my Christmas movies but feel like I have NO time during the day to do any shopping or wrapping or anything to calm the chaos until after bedtime! Would love any advice you might have!
Mix and Match Mama says
You’re too sweet!!! Listen, you have three really young kiddos…that’s a crazy time. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself. When I had really young kiddos, my life was much less calm (you can go back and read posts from that time in my life). I bet you’re doing a great job. Enjoy this season because before you know it, it will be over. xx
Kathy says
Geez, I guess I never realized how unstructured I am. For example, I’ll just decide one week to go Christmas shopping the next weekend. I have no plans or lists (only in my head I guess). I decide what to watch when I turn the tv on. But I do have my groceries delivered or pick them up. I am going to look into some of the apps mentioned in the comments. I’m never going to be an enneagram 8, but I’m inspired to plan a little more and make some lists so I am more productive and organized.
Mix and Match Mama says
You aren’t unstructured, you’re living the best kind of life. I’m envious! You’ll outlive me by a mile 🙂 .
Jillian vansickle says
Wonderful holiday prep shay!
Terry says
Lists are my saving Grace too, with 5 married kids and 13 grandchildren to buy for. I use the notes app on my phone, but for Christmas gifts I use an app called Christmas. It does all the things you talked about all in one convenient app. It’s made my Christmas prep so much easier and more organized.
Robin says
Fantastic ideas!!!!!
I have already started decorating inspired, influenced by YOU!
My husband looks a little confused by it but I can tell, he is excited, also😉
Kayla says
You should use the “Reminders” app on your phone!! I love it.
Melinda Bridge says
In my notes, I put down what I bought or what I want to buy for everyone. When I have the gift, I put Santa 🎅🏻 by it. When I wrap it, I put a Christmas tree 🎄 next to it. Simple, but works for me. In case I have hidden a gift, I know I have wrapped it! Checking out Santa’s Bag app out.
Melzana Fuller says
Would you consider making all recipes from your Recipe Exchange available on your blog? Since you type them up for your girlfriends it might be easy to attach as a PDF or some other format to your blog post. It’s great to get the winning recipe but would be fun to have all. Maybe also share recipes from past years as well
Emily King says
This is going to sound nuts, but I shop at my favorite gift shop after Christmas and buy and wrap presents for people I know I am going to gift the next year. For example, last year I bought a set of Caspari Luncheon Napkins, Cocktail Napkins and Guest Towels and tied them up with satin bows for my small group.
I write myself a note at the end of the previous season and pack it up with the decorations. I find that remarkably centering.
I have moved away from the Notes App on my phone to OneNote through Microsoft. You can use it on your computer and it integrates to the App on your phone. It allows for checklists and can easily be shared and pasted into email, Word or Excel. I have tabs for each of my work categories and a personal tab with a page for Christmas, Trips, Rolling To-Dos, etc.
It’s worth exploring if you want to take note taking and list making to the next level.
Sharon K says
Those Sausage, Jack & Green Chile Balls are always stashed in my freezer. My boys are all married & gone, but they visit often. The first thing they start looking for is those sausage balls!! Always a hit!
Mix and Match Mama says
Yay! I love hearing that, Sharon!
Caitlin LeMaster says
You should check out “Santa’s Bag” for gift tracking! Personally, I haven’t used it yet but I have heard great things about it. I was going to try it out this year.
Joanne says
I feel like I could have written most of this myself! I too am a list fiend and have lists of my lists… especially for the holiday season. (and I always sweat the small stuff!)
Charity Ray says
Our family (with 5 kids) started a tradition of going to a nursing home on Christmas Eve- we all dress up festive, sing Christmas songs, hand out candy canes room to room. So many sweet people in nursing homes never get any visitors and they rarely get to see little ones…especially babies. It becomes a blessing for our children to love on other people a little extra this time of year.
Sheaffer says
My fancy Christmas anxiety needed this post! 🙂 And listen, there’s nothing I love more than checking something off of the old TO DO list!
Catherine says
I highly recommend the Santa’s Bag app. You can list everyone you plan to buy a gift for and under each recipient list gift ideas, if it’s been ordered, wrapped etc. You can also list the price if each item and it will total it all up for you per person and overall to keep you on budget. It is such a helpful tool!
Hilary says
My side of the family uses Elfster website to set up gift list ideas for the grandkids for both Christmas and birthdays. Helps avoid grandparents buying the same thing.
Dana says
Just wanted to say i LOVE these posts…I always come out with some great tips and suggestions. But I also wanted to write that I was so inspired by you mentioning that you give the big things to God. WOW..i needed to hear that I guess. I always worry over the big things ( and little things) but I am going to do that…let God handle the big things! Just wanted to say thank you for that…something I needed to hear 🙂
Kim H. says
Not sure if you’ve used it yet- but google keep is a great way to keep notes on your phone/computer. Let’s you color code the notes and check things off as you do them (so satisfying!). Great for keeping track of multiple things this time of year.
Tina says
Wonderful tips! I too, just use my good ole’ notes app on my phone. I’ve tried fancier apps in the past and found them to just be too much and have always gone back to iPhone notes. As for saying no…I guess I just want to share that while the holidays may be a super busy time for some, going from event to event, function to function…there are those of us who don’t have things to say no to. Some don’t have large families, or any family. Some don’t have lots of friends, or any friends. There aren’t events and functions to say no to and in fact we’d love to have things to say yes to. Holidays can be lonely for some, especially if there’s been a recent loss. Not trying to be a Debbie-Downer, just trying to offer a different perspective.