Another day in the life of Kensington and Smith (and Miss Kirby!)…
And this is how Kensington wakes up.
Both my little guys start their day on the floor watching the news with Mommy and Daddy
Then Kensington had yogurt for breakfast
And Smith took a nap (he likes to nap 1 hour after waking up from a 12 hour night sleep…go figure?)
On our way to Baby Boot Camp, I had to inspect a house for work…look what street I turned down 🙂
Kensington in her stroller getting ready for Boot Camp to begin
Smith tucked into the stroller waiting for Boot Camp (maybe another nap???)
Smith hung out in the swing while I fed the two girls lunch
Kensington wanted to eat her lunch in the little high chair on the floor
Kirby (who showed up after Boot Camp) got to eat in the big high chair. Kirby Cox is the ultimate 3rd kid…she understands that as the third child she can’t be difficult or complicated. She was SUPER easy to watch. I would keep her :).
As soon as Kensington woke up from her nap (yes, all 3 kids napped at the same time and I gave myself a pedicure), she asked me “where’s Kirby”. Luckily, Kirby was about to get up too.
At first, Kensington wasn’t sure about sharing her toys with Kirby, but it didn’t take long for them to bond. She kept saying “come here Kirby” so Kirby could see all of her toys and follow her around.
Ashley says
brandonandmandycox says
That was precious, Shay! 🙂
Sheaffer, Chris, Scout, and baby Carter says
Cute post! I need to see these kiddos in person VERY soon. Maybe next week?!?!