I will always remember this trip with my kids. It was very special. Two things that were repeated over and over while we were there were “I want to go to Lovie’s house and see Sadie”. Sadie is my mom’s cat who pays absolutely no attention to anyone but for some reason K has become obsessed with her. We’d say, “hey, Kensington do you want to go to the park and play” and she’d say “I want to go to Lovie’s house and see Sadie”. She must have said that line at least 100 times on our trip…no lie. The next thing is that Kensington invented a game where she tries to use reverse psychology to get you to cry. She’s say “Mommy, don’t cry too” and then I’d have to cry. She’d tell everyone not to cry just to see us fake cry. We must have played that game 8 or 9 times a day. Just two little things I don’t want to forget when years go by.
What’s next for the Shulls? Well, Kensington is practically begging us to potty train her. Before we left, she used the potty several times and throughout Europe, she would talk about it and let us know when it was time. I wasn’t thrilled with the idea of potty training on European public toilets, so we’re going to start next week.
As for our next adventure? Well, my sweet hubby surprised me with tickets to see Michael Buble in Las Vegas, so needless to say, I’m very, very excited…this time, the kids are staying at home :).

Aubrey says
I love these little memory tidbits! Those are the things that make each trip so special.
P.S. Don't cry because you had to leave Europe. 🙂
Hilary says
OMGoodness! It looks like you had the most fantastic trip with your family! I loved all the pictures and little stories about K & S. Memories you will treasure forever. I just kept hoping that I was going to see a little meeting with the Petty Four's. HA! Also all the pastries, cupcakes, and waffles were making me salivate. YUM! Glad you guys made it home safe and sound. Thanks for sharing!
Christina says
This looks like it was the most wonderful vacation and memories for you guys. I looked at every picture and post and loved them all.