A smorgasbord of pictures from the last two days…

Yesterday, Smith and I were playing in my room when Kensington came in and asked for a drink. I went to the kitchen, filled up her cup and went right back into my room. When I got back, Smith was gone. I looked and looked and finally heard something under my bed.

Aubrey says
Such cute preschool gear for Miss Kensington! And I LOVE when the kiddos join you for meals at the adult table! I remember how excited I was when Ella got out of the high chair and into the booster. It is so exciting to sit down and eat as a family at the SAME TABLE!
Smith the wiggle worm cracks me up! So cute. 🙂
The Gleasons says
I LOVE Smith's head sticking out from under the bed….and the fact that he had the purse with him. These kids of our crack me up. 😉
Ashley says
Shay, that Kensington is so beautiful! She doesn't take a bad picture 🙂 Love the pic of Smith under the bed. I laughed out loud!
Lauren says
You're kids get cuter by the day Shay! That is too funny that you found Smith under your bed! I love the comment about how OLD I am…thanks a lot! 🙂 I'm having a hard time with turning 30, I've loved my 20's and really don't feel that far removed from college! Ha!