Day 4 was special because it was also Andrew’s 31st birthday!! We decided to visit Animal Kingdom on this special day :).
My crew lookin’ at some animals.
At least I’m looking at the camera… You might think you have the best dad but you’re wrong. I do. He’s awesome. Seriously awesome.
Ohhh fishies!!
Every day, we let the kids go into one of the Disney stores and pick out a “treasure”. Today, Kensington picked out a giant giraffe. Of course she did.
The best part of animal kingdom is the safari ride.
Do you see Kensington way back there behind that giant giraffe???
She was in love. She named it Mama Sunshine Sunny. She’s a mess.
Speaking of messes…Smith kept saying he wanted a pair of sunglasses too (since K bought some the day before). We showed him dozens and dozens of choices but he kept saying he wanted the Minnie Mouse glasses. We begged, bribed and pleaded but he wasn’t interested in any other. I can’t wait until he’s 16 and I remind him that he wanted the Minnie Mouse glasses most of all!
We went back to the hotel after Animal Kingdom, cleaned up and headed to dinner for Andrew’s birthday. My crazy crew.
She loves her daddy!
Dinner that night was at a special restaurant at the Grand Floridian Hotel where you ate with all of the characters from Cinderella (very manly for Andrew’s birthday!). This is one of Cinderella’s mean step-sisters, Anastasia. They were a riot!
Smith only asked to take pictures with 3 people this entire trip. Snow White, Donald Duck and Prince Charming. This kid scrambled out of his seat so fast to have his picture taken with this dude. Funny kid!
Ahhh! Cinderella!
The mean step-mother.
Smith hiding in Lovie’s lap while the Step-Mother was at our table. He kept saying she was too mean :).
The other step-sister, Drusilla.
Love my mama!
Back at the hotel…naked child, wearing her glasses, playing with mama and baby giraffe (baby giraffe was her treasure from Epcot). Silly kids!
Fun day! Happy Birthday Andrew!! We love you!
Click here for Day 5.
Sheaffer, Chris, Scout, and baby Carter says
So this is my favorite day so far. LOVE Smith's glasses. LOVE the picture of Andrew and Kensington. LOVE that she picked out a huge giraffe. LOVE your cute shirt in the family picture. HOW IN THE WORLD did you let them pick something out each day and get it all home?
Linda says
Did you have to buy a seat on the plane for Mama Sunshine Sunny? The Minnie glasses are a shoe-in for the rehearsal dinner video. I certainly admire your tenderness as parents!
Candi says
Don't know how I've missed the dinner with the cast of Cinderella on all of my Disney Trips but I think I'll have to check it out the next time I go!! I love that SMith is such a girls little brother lol!!
~ Vicki says
I love, love the striped shirt you have on….so adorable!!!
Leigh says
I found your posts while looking for Disney World tips. We're taking our 2 year old in August. I am in love with that pink striped shirt you wore to dinner with Cinderella. Where did you get it? Oh and where did you get the bag with giant polka dots?
Mix and Match Mama says
The shirt is from Nordstrom and the bag is from a company called Thirty One (I'm featuring them on the blog June 4th!).
Leigh says
Thank you!