This morning, I went to make Kensington’s breakfast and left Smith in our room (since Andrew was shaving in our master bath, I didn’t think much of it). When I came back, I saw this…
Little man had climbed on top of his activity center! Hello?! When did I get a BOY?
“Look mom, I can reach my toys on my own!”
We’ve since pulled him off twice and he’s climbed back on twice. He’s not even 8 months old yet and he’s already climbing. My friends Sheaffer, Andrea and Rachel are laughing right now. They’ve been waiting 2 years for me to get a boy :).
Yes I am….HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Girl, buckle up, because you just reached the point where you can't leave him alone in a room ever again. When Carter was 11 months old he crawled up on top of his little karaoke play center. He was teetering on the tiny little ledge which is 3 feet in the air. He had climbed up on it to try to get to something on top of the chest next to Chris's chair. Good Luck Mama!
The New Familysays
That's hilarious! Just wait… 🙂
All I have to say is….JUST WAIT! You haven't seen nothing yet. So glad you are enjoying your little man. He's ADORABLE! Hil
Sheaffer, Chris, Scout, and baby Carter says
Girl, buckle up, because you just reached the point where you can't leave him alone in a room ever again. When Carter was 11 months old he crawled up on top of his little karaoke play center. He was teetering on the tiny little ledge which is 3 feet in the air. He had climbed up on it to try to get to something on top of the chest next to Chris's chair. Good Luck Mama!
The New Family says
That's hilarious! Just wait… 🙂
Hilary says
All I have to say is….JUST WAIT! You haven't seen nothing yet. So glad you are enjoying your little man. He's ADORABLE! Hil