Day 4 of being snowed/iced in. This is C-R-A-Z-Y! This is the first time schools have been closed 4 days in a row. I mean, this is seriously nuts! I have used all of my mommy tricks over the last 3 days. We’ve made crafts, played with Play-doh, done puzzles, colored pictures, sang song after song, worked on our letters…I’m exhausted. Today, I gave up and gave Kensington her Valentine’s Day gift early…a movie. She’s watched it twice already. I surrender!
A boy after his mama’s own heart. We love being outside!
My sister-in-law G insisted we make snow ice cream. It was soooooo good! My kids (and I) couldn’t get enough. This is Kensington stirring it.
Don’t let her petite size and cute face fool you. After 4 days together, she and I are about to seriously have it out. She’s the Devil. Doesn’t she look so mean?!
I ventured into Mexico to vacuum and saw Smith standing at the border seriously drinking down his snow ice cream. He was cracking me up.
Erika texted me this morning and asked if this was what it was like living in Detroit. I said yes (minus the gunfire in the background).
My only saving grace was yesterday morning when my sweet mama called and insisted we meet at the mall so that she could feed the kids lunch while I ran a few errands. I drove there safely on ice. The freeway wasn’t too bad but that Nordstrom parking lot was an ice rink. It was the perfect opportunity to talk to my kids about the importance of praying to Jesus about all things (like driving really, really carefully on ice).
Hopefully, this is the last day. Hopefully.
Linda says
With all this time on my hands, I somehow forgot to read your blogs. (Old age does that to you!) I've laughed my head off this morning catching up.