Happy Thursday, friends!
Yesterday, Kensington and I took a very easy and super quick flight down to NYC for a fun 48 hour “she’s about to go to high school” trip (more specific details on that to follow!). You guys, we’re already having the BEST time! We have a great hotel, we had a FABULOUS dinner last night, and we even shopped the Anniversary Sale!
All of my #nsale picks and my GIVEAWAY are HERE if you want to check them out!
Right now, as we enjoy our morning in NYC, I thought I’d share a little life lately with you…Nantucket style 🙂 .
An approved big kid photo. Maybe we’ll use this as our Christmas card picture? Two tired teens and two tired dogs chilling out after a busy day. I love these stubborn fools. 🙂
When the Sox beat the Rangers in their last series, you wear your Sox hat with even more pride 🙂 .
It’s always sunny around Miss Mades!
Speaking of which…
…she looked extra fabulous for our sushi dinner followed by…
…ice cream at The Juice Bar! #alwaysafave
…who’s that wearing something besides skinny jeans? Skinny jeans are still my fave for my frame, but these white demi-boot jeans are too comfy (and pretty darn cute) not to wear. Bonus, they’re on sale! My top is also from JCrew too!
On Saturday morning…
…there is always a cute little Farmers Market right off of Main Street. Vendors sell fresh produce, canned jams and honey, art, jewelry, candles and so much more. Smith and I took a stroll and then…
…stopped for my very favorite breakfast sandwich 🙂 .
There are SO MANY great finds on this one little island that it overwhelms me! We finally biked to 45 Surfside which is just minutes from my house, and I immediately was mad at myself that we hadn’t visited before…
…my kids are obsessed now, and I can’t keep them away. They serve breakfast and lunch and have many g-free options. Plus, it has a very inviting “sit with your computer and stay awhile” vibe which is fabulous for those of us trying to work on our computers outside of our homes.
At the end of our neighborhood, I found…
…these two entrepreneurs and their friends. How cute is this?! I bought a lovely turquoise ring, and then one by one, everyone in the family went down to purchase a lemonade, cookie or piece of jewelry. The little girls have made so many friends in our neighborhood which has been such a huge blessing. They’re going to be sad to leave!
If you’re looking for us this summer, there’s a very good chance we’re on the beach 🙂 .
How cute is this one?! Agh! I love her so much!
Beach life has been good for us all.
We wrapped up our weekend with our traditional Sunday night tacos and one of our family’s favorite movies! Captain Ron always reminds me of my childhood. Growing up, the Lowe family used to watch this one all the time. It’s great for summertime!
S’mores for the win to end our weekend. If you’re not using a peanut butter cup instead of a lame piece of chocolate, you’re doing it wrong 😉 .
On Monday, we visited the library, went to an art class, and then the girls played with friends all afternoon long. Always so busy these two.
I’m so happy these girls are sisters. They’re so similar and yet so very different and the best of friends.
Our neighborhood has Monday night movies by the pool. This week, the movie was The Sandlot. As you can see, we’re big fans.
And that’s a look at life lately.
Now, don’t forget, tonight…
…my ANNIVERSARY SALE GIVEAWAY comes to an end! If you haven’t entered to win a $500 gift card for yourself and then a second $500 gift card to share with a friend, you better do it now. All of the details and THE ONLY WAY TO ENTER TO WIN is RIGHT HERE.
If you’re a Nordstrom Icon cardholder, you can shop TODAY!
My post includes all of my favorite finds including complete outfits from the Sale…
Make sure you check out the entire post and enter the giveaway!
Have a wonderful Thursday! I’ll see you back here tomorrow! xx
Josie says
A couple questions about the “big kids”. You seem to post less about them now- was there a certain age when you decided to allow them to decide what you can post about them? And how have they been spending their time there this summer? Are they harder to keep occupied and happy without friends around?
Mix and Match Mama says
Great question! I’ve always tried to be very careful about how I feature any of my kiddos on my blog. I’m very quick to point out that none of them are perfect, but I don’t give specifics about issues we’ve had/have, specific problems (behavioral/emotional/educational/etc), basically, I’m their mama, and I want them to to be featured in a positive light because it wouldn’t be fair to them otherwise (as I’m glad my mom isn’t out there sharing all of my issues on a blog).
It’s not a secret what I do for a living, and they understand that sharing my life with an online community is my job, but somewhere around when Kensington was in 3rd-ish grade, I started asking them about each photo I post which is a practice I still do today (even with Madeley). They have to give me permission to post a pic every single time. For the most part, they don’t care about the content, but there are some things that have happened/are happening that specific kids have deemed off limits. I obviously can’t get into specifics, but a few huge events/things would have been nice to discuss with a community that my kids have said “no way” to…so no way. (The same goes for my extended family too…there have been some things I would love to share/seek guidance/ask questions/ask for prayer/support that I simply cannot because even though it affects me, it affects outside family too, and I don’t have their blessing to broadcast it.)
This summer, I’ve taken some really great pics of my kids doing some really fun things (painting, biking, sailing, surfing, etc) that as of now, haven’t been “approved” for the public, but just like any mom, I have them on my phone and get to enjoy them for me. I think on Nantucket this summer, their personalities have been very similar to what their personalities are in McKinney…one of them is always outside doing something active and one of them has always liked her independence and prefers her own company.
Katie Compton says
I’ve been curious about this too! Thank you for explaining it so well. I just have one “baby” (about to turn 16, aaah!) and the only social media I have is a pretty locked down FB page. But starting about same age as you I always asked before posting pics/stories. She, of course, would never have even seen what I post. But we live in a very small town, where I grew up and have taught for over 10 years so… we’re always running into someone familiar and I wanted to respect her privacy at a young age.
Fast forward to when she started high school and started to dip her toe into social media… and now she always asks me before she posts pics of herself, myself/my husband, or anything really. We follow her accounts too, so we see what she puts out there (spoiler alert… teens never take normal pictures!). I think having that mutual respect of each other makes such a difference in our kids lives.
Whew… I’ve rambled a bit! I’m a #teacheroffduty and with a teen still snoozing so I’ve got some time. Lol! Enjoy your trip with K!
Mix and Match Mama says
Thank you for sharing, Katie! I love your response, and it’s always so nice to connect with other mamas navigating similar waters. Have a wonderful summer! xx
Polly says
i know it’s your ‘job’ but I really couldn’t imagine blasting my life / and every detail on my kids. Strange people out there, for one, that don’t need to know the ins and outs 24/7. Have you considered stepping away from this job that documents your family’s’ life non-stop?
Mix and Match Mama says
Well, I don’t blast everything, but no, until the Lord calls me to something else, I will continue to do this (along with my other job). This space will go down as one of the biggest blessings of my life. My family is forever grateful I have this platform and this community.
Alison says
Shay, thank you for such a thoughtful response. I was also curious about what might be keeping your two older ones busy on the island and figured as they were getting older, content about them may be more infrequent.
Sending my oldest off to college this fall and we follow one another on Instagram (my choice platform). Bonus: he often gives me the like on my photos but I am not to ever comment on any of his. Lol. It feels like uncharted territory when we didn’t grow up with social media as a kid. Trying to find good middle ground as a proud mom and wanting to share beautiful photos/moments of him (and my daughter) but also respecting privacy and personal life. The online world is so tricky!
Jen says
May I ask about Madley’s watch?
Mix and Match Mama says
It’s a Gizmo! All four kiddos have had them over the years. They’re fantastic! I have an entire blog post on them here: https://mixandmatchmama.com/2019/04/gizmo-watches/
Elspeth Mizner says
Have the best time in NYC! What a great memory and trip!
Mary says
Looks like a great summer! Can you link your shoes you are wearing with the white jeans please? Thank you!
Mix and Match Mama says
I bought those at a boutique on Main Street here in town. I don’t know the brand though.
Erika Slaughter says
Eeeekkk!! I can’t wait to hear about NYC! Hope you two are having a blast!
Lisa says
I’m cracking up at Madely’s tacos– sans any toppings! 😀
Sheaffer says
Can’t wait to hear more about your trip with K!
Michelle says
Love the tank top you have on in the pic with your Red Sox hat. Are you able to link the white one along with the green one you had on in Insta the other day? Have fun in NYC!
Mix and Match Mama says
Both are from jerseystreetstore.com 🙂
kimberlee nelson says
Would you please share the link for the shoes you have on for the pool movie night? So cute and look comfy! Thank you!
Mix and Match Mama says
They’re Golden Goose from Nordstrom! They’re SO comfy!!
Julie Kitchens says
Hi Shay! I just love your blog and precious family. So thrilled about your Nantucket adventure. I have a question as a mom of a 14-year-old girl too. You plan to be in Nantucket as much as possible, which means summers. Can I ask how you plan to deal with that when boyfriends come along? Mine isn’t dating yet, but I know many others are, and while I know we have time before our daughters want to be with their boyfriends non stop I do know the time will be here before we know it. Do you think that will be hard to pull her away to another state when that happens?
Mix and Match Mama says
We are taking it one trip up here at a time. We fully expect to spend less and less time on Nantucket as our kids get older and then bam, they’ll be gone, and we can spend all the time we want here. We do not have a plan for specifically what to do when they get boyfriends/girlfriends. We’re trying really hard just to enjoy now and figure out later, later.
Tina says
I’d love to know what Kensington picked out from the Nordstrom sale! (Smith too, if he got anything) My two youngest kids are about their ages so I’d love to see what the current style is for teens.
Jenny N says
Looks like y’all are having an amazing summer and escaping the Texas heat!!
Kelly Roll says
I totally respect you not posting about surfing, but I hope at some point he will let you. I’m dying to hear all about it since I have a 15 year old getting into it.
Carley Stevenson says
My daughter would love that purple smiley shirt that Ashby has on. Do you mind sharing where you got it?
Mix and Match Mama says
She bought that in Florida when she went with my parents to Seaside in May 🙂 !
Carley Stevenson says
It’s adorable on her!!
Deana Ziev says
All such cute kiddos- but that Ashby is getting so grown up and is beautiful! Looks like everyone is having a fabulous time!
Stephanie says
What necklace and bracelet are you wearing in the pic with the white jcrew jeans and blue tank? They look super cute!
Mix and Match Mama says
They’re both finds here on Nantucket! Both are from shops in town.