After 20 months and 3 days, I finally got my braces off yesterday :). I remember standing in my kitchen when Dr. Adams called me to tell me the plan: braces on, tonsils out, myofunctional therapy every Tuesday, and 60 minutes of myofunctional homework a day. I cried.
At the time, I had a 7 month old and it all seemed so overwhelming. Andrew and my mom kept saying that it would be worth it and that I’d regret it if I didn’t do it, so I jumped in feet first and went for it. (Side note: Dr. Adams was my 17th doctor in 13 years to try and correct my problem, so I was very pessimistic and exhausted from the whole situation before I even started.). I surrendered my fear, doubt and frustration to God and went for it.
On June 5, 2009, I woke up to get my braces put on that day and begin the whole process, however, as soon as I was awake, I ran to the bathroom, threw up and realized I was pregnant. Yup. Funny how when you surrender the “big things” to God and think the situation can’t get more complicated, He shows you that it can and that you can persevere.
So, here we are. Now a family of four, now finally after 14 years, I am completely healed, and now more than ever, I’m confident that all things are possible through Christ. He gave me not only the right doctors at the right time, but also the strength, patience, and wonderful, wonderful support of my family and friends. (A girl can’t drive 35 minutes to and from therapy every single Tuesday without a wonderful mama to watch her babies.) Life embraced!
In the car yesterday morning. He’s so excited because he’s never seen mama smile without her braces.
She’s so excited for me too!
A self-portrait right before I went inside to get them removed :).
And there they are! My pretty teeth!
We’ve come a long way since June 5, 2009. Love you Smith!
Ashley says
Yea!!! So happy for you friend 🙂 You're beautiful w/ or w/out braces!
Anonymous says
My cousin has teeth after all. Looking good! Brandon
Aubrey says
What gorgeous teeth you have, my dear! 🙂 Congratulations!!
Jenna Vineyard says
You look great!!! I remember that feeling of getting my braces off … congrats! 🙂
Lauren says
Yay!! Beautiful teeth and smile, so excited for you!
Jody says
Long journey- way to go!!! They are gorgeous 🙂
Linda says
Congratulations, my sweet. You know how I've always told you we have a lot in common (with the exception of our AGE!)? I'm seriously considering having braces put on my teeth! But they will be the Invisalign kind! And you thought you were old for braces!
Randi Jo :) says
Thanks for posting all these old favorite posts of yours so I could catch up on your story / life! Loved seeing the baby pics of the kids — awww soooo sweet. But what is this post about!? braces, tonsils, was the myofunctional therapy? what was all that for? interesting! We all have our issues…. braces is not one of them I have needed yet – but my oldest for sure I can see is gonna need them. He is a thumb sucker and it's so hard to get him to stop. Anyway, thanks for sharing!!! 🙂