…the kids will cuddle up with Dad and watch TV together??? What the heck?! I came home on Sunday afternoon after being gone a few hours and this is what I found. I’m with these little guys 24/7 and they NEVER both cuddle up with me and do ANYTHING. Andrew was just sitting’ pretty with his babies in his lap.
Lauren says
No joke!! What is it about daddy's and their ability to just "sit pretty" and get a whole new behavior out of our kids?? I'm always amazed at some of the things Parker will do for James that he wouldn't dream of doing for me! 🙂
Nancy Jennings says
We have the same situation in our home too!! It is just not fair is it?
Aubrey says
The same EXACT thing happens at my house!
I think it's because I don't like TV. While the girls watch their morning video, I take the opportunity to unload the dishwasher, send an email, fold a load of laundry, comment on a friend's blog (that's what I'm doing right now). But when Nick is home with the girls it is really TIME OFF. He sits down and watches Word World with them when I would have been busy multitasking.
I guess if I want those cuddles I should park it on the couch and let the housekeeping stuff wait. To the couch I go! 🙂