…my kids’ new passion is Halloween. We’ve been talking about this holiday for two months but they didn’t really get it until after the first house gave them candy…then they were obsessed! Kensington has talked non-stop for two days about how she can’t wait for Halloween to arrive again. My kids have found their favorite holiday :).
We went over to my Mom’s on Halloween night for dinner and trick-or-treating. She always decorates things so cute!
Lots of cobwebs and spiders
Kensington was supposed to be Fiona from Shrek but after already wearing it to two other parties this year, she asked if she could be Cinderella instead. (Thankfully, my brother had purchased her a Cinderella costume for her birthday). So, here are Cinderella and Shrek.
Love you Andrew!
Then she decided she wanted to be a witch Cinderella…thus the broom.
And this is me catching her drinking Uncle Seanie’s tea.
Shrek is ready to go!
Off they went to get tons of candy
Smith rode around from house to house
Then he would grab his big bucket and run
A glow necklace and candy? Perfection for Halloween!
My crew watching the kids trick or treat (even Lola and Ellie came along)
They rode home together and shared a sucker,
Then we went through the loot.
Tired! I looked in the back seat on the way home and Kensington had taken Andrew’s sweat shirt and covered herself up to go to sleep. They had so much fun on Halloween!!