On Wednesday, we packed up and headed north to Missouri to celebrate Christmas with Andrew’s side of the family. All I did was sleep in, stay in my pjs and eat for 3 days. It was glorious. On Thursday night, we got dressed and went into town to grab a bite to eat, grocery shop at Walmart and walk around the mall…
Kensington missed her nap at Nanny’s house, so she napped on the way into town.
Here we are at Best Buy…Kensington wanted me to take a picture of her new boots that Lovie bought her.
My cutie pie!
They rode the carousel at the mall…twice.
They were super excited for me to shop at Crazy 8 because they have cartoons playing in the store.
Then on Friday night, the whole family came out to the farm to celebrate Christmas. Here are the 4 Shull grandkids lined up for their gifts. Kensington (3), Sylvia (2), Brode (5) and Smith (2 in 2 weeks!)
Lots of packages were opened!
Sylvia wanted to sit in my lap but I don’t think she wanted me to take her picture doing it :).
My boy was set with all of his trucks and cars.
And my girl got Princess stuff…she was in Heaven too.
We had such a relaxing time! Thank you Shulls for the great trip!
Aubrey says
Love that pic of Sylvia on your lap. I think she and I had a couple of those moments this Christmas too! 🙂
P.S. Crazy 8 hasn't made it to Europe yet, so I did some serious damage there in Joplin. You better believe I will be making purchases online…while my kids watch cartoons from their own couch. 🙂
Amy Kulak says
Hey Shay! I love everything you did for Smith's birthday party! You are so creative! Thank you so much for the plug for my business, you're the best! 🙂