…potty training.
On Thursday, I began the 3 Day Potty Training method with Smith. I didn’t leave his sight for three straight day. It was “Mommy and Smith” time 24/7. By Saturday, he totally had the hang of it. I kept him home all day Sunday just to be sure and he once again proved to be the easiest child ever. (Not that I still don’t expect an occasional accident or set back…but he has really, really shown me that he’s capable and able to not wear diapers any more.) So….yesterday, we went to the gym and the park. At the park, Smith told me he needed to potty, so I pulled out my handy little potty (because the park doesn’t have a restroom) and was going to discretely let him go. Well…he wanted to potty right next to Sheaffer (he loves him some Sheaffer) and right inside the park. The two three year olds were totally entertained by his pottying. As you can see, his big sister even brought along a snack to eat while watching.
Ahhh…the joys of potty training small children. Thankfully, we were the only ones at the park. I would have kept this little tidbit a secret but Sheaffer took pictures and already posted them on her blog. The cat is out of the bag now. My kid likes to potty in public in front of an audience. 🙂
Aubrey says
HILARIOUS! What an awesome photo to show Smith's first girlfriend.
But what I really want to know is how have I potty-trained two children without one of those travel potties?! I WANT ONE even though I don't know what the heck I would do with it at this point. 🙂
Ashley says
Yea Smith! Big boy!
Sheaffer, Chris, Scout, and baby Carter says
Hahahahaha! The general public needs to know about this. If they see you coming with a pink potty chair, they need to know to head the other direction quickly. 🙂
Lauren says
I'm so, so glad you posted about this! Parker is 21/2 and still isn't potty trained! I have no idea if he's ready, did Smith act interested? Did you use treats? Did you use a small potty chair or the little seat that goes over the toilet?I'm needing some advice!
I'm so tempted to do this three day plan because I'm SO ready for him to be out of diapers! Ive been thinking about for a while, I just havent acted on it! Congrats on your big boy and his potty success!
Linda says
This is the funniest thing I've ever seen! Especially Kensington snacking while cheering Smith on! Congrats!
AmyJo says
I am sooo glad that I'm not the only one that went out and bought a travel potty. We never even need it now, but it's in the car just in case. Do you put a puppy pad in the carseat during training ,too?! 🙂