It always makes my heart happy to scroll through Instagram and see pics of my kiddos with their Uncle Seanie. I don’t think most 29 year old men enjoy spending this much time with their little niece and nephew. He doesn’t just hang out with them when the cameras are rolling…he hangs out with them all the time. This is true love…
The caption on this one said “cartoons with my boy”. Sweetness.
Happy Friday! Christmas is almost here :).
Caitlin says
So cute!!!!
In other news- I have been having to wake up at 4:30 every morning, training for my new position at work. I usually wake up at 7. I do not know how you do it!! A week of it and I'm exhausted!!
You're super mommy!! 🙂
Have a great weekend!
Maureen W. (Maryland) says
Truly heartwarming. A genuine, close relationship with family is something that doesn't come with fame, nor can money buy. Your kids are blessed to have such wonderful male role models in their lives, like Andrew and Sean. K will always know how a man should treat her and S will know how to BE a man. XOXO
mel @ the larson lingo says
I totally been following sean on instagram! Love seeing your kids on there. Are you on instagram?!?! I am @soccermel
Mix and Match Mama says
I'm on instagram too! mixandmatchmama…of course!
Aubs says
so so so sweet! i'm sure it is so special to see that relationship between 3 people so special to you! and what a blessing that Kensington & Smith have not only a wonderful daddy but an awesome uncle to always be able to look up to & count on!! love it!! =)
Rikki says
He will make an amazing father!!…..I can recall his testimony to Emily about how his own father had shown him exactly what it takes to be a great dad. It was so sweet and so sincere, and somewhere in the greater Dallas area, tears were being shed….the very happy kind of course!
erin. says
Loved the cartoon picture & the one of him and Kensington waiting for the parade (I think). Love all your Instagram pictures, too!!! I often wonder if you are like who the heck are these people liking my photo (if you do I'm erin983 on insta).