On my to-do list this morning was “blog Instagram pictures” and when I went to do that, I realized that one of my besties Andrea did the exact same thing. We think alike 99.9% of the time so this doesn’t shock me.
Sean has been telling me to use my Instagram account for over a year. But with Twitter, two Face Book accounts, Pinterest, and three blogs, I kept thinking why, why, why, why??? But now I know why…it’s just so much fun! Follow me at mixandmatchmama (of course!). Here’s what I’ve been Insta-loving this last month…
on our way to school…just so much preciousness going on back there.
Kensington and her accessories
Me and my love
The world’s greatest grandparents
About to ice skate for the first time
At the movies with my man
A present she wrapped herself under her tree
My heart
I could kiss those lips off her face!
Such a boy!
The three best gifts I’ve ever received…my mom took them shopping at Target and told them to buy Andrew and I each something for Christmas. My girl picked me out gloves, bangles and a necklace. I will cherish them forever. Doesn’t she know me well? So precious!
Rockin’ our Christmas pjs
Because it’s good to be a silly mom
Their new rides
Snuggle time with my girl
Snuggle time with my boy
So much more Insta-love in our future!
Sheaffer {Pinterest Told Me To} says
Such cute pics!!!!! LOVE what K got you!
Aubs says
i've had several friends tell me to get an instagram account ~ maybe i'll cave and check it out!
your gift from Kensington is sooo sweet!! good taste like her mama!! =)
and Smith's little smile is almost too much ~ such a little charmer!
MorganizewithMe says
Beautiful pictures, wonderful memories, and such a sweet family you have. Now I want to set up instagram too!
mel @ the larson lingo says
Seriously, isn't instagram the best? we need to get sheaffer on there!!! 🙂