…Tia! Congratulations Tia, you are the winner of the Anti-Aging Giveaway! Email me at mixandmatchmama@yahoo.com to claim your prize.
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Need a quick weekend recipe? Here are a couple of easy recipes to jump start your weekend…
Have a great weekend!
Laura says
I think you should create your own cookbook! I would definitely be on the list to buy one! I cannot create most of your recipes in Uganda because I cannot find half of the ingredients, so I have a file on my computer of your recipes for when I move back home! (That way I cannot forget about them)We do have most of the ingredients for your sweet sloppy joe's so we are trying that tonight! Thanks for doing what you do!
Tia says
Yay! I'm so excited. Thank you. I sent you an email.
The Bejars says
That spinach enchilada stack looks great. So, I thought of you when I read another blog I follow. This blogger built a house and shared some neat ideas. I especially love the spice rack. Here is her sight: http://www.ourbestbites.com