Before I start today, I have to say a big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my sweet friend Sheaffer over at Pinterest Told Me To! She is a year older now…which makes her soooooo much older than me ;). Happy Birthday Sheaffer Sims! I love you and I can’t wait to celebrate with you at lunch today! XOXO
Day 85: time in California with my girl
Day 86: heading home
Day 87: Best friends are the best!
Day 88: So much fun dyeing Easter eggs!
Day 89: Waiting in line for the petting zoo…these kiddos crack me up together. Look at the boys holding hands. Love them all!
Day 90: The meaning of Easter
Day 91: Opening Day! I have waited six long months for baseball season to start again. I was soooooo excited to wear my Red Sox gear to the gym that morning. And by the way…we beat the Yankees on Opening Day…8 to 2. My hubby is still sad. House Divided.
Keep up with me everyday on Instagram @mixandmatchmama or click here to see where else you can find me.
And some bonus Easter pictures for your Friday!
At lunch with the bunny (a pretty pathetic looking bunny but so much better than the one we saw last year!)
Sweet Paisley!
At lunch, the three kids played with their little toys in the window. I just love these three! (And don’t you love Kensington’s leggings?!?! Check out Lovely Lace Leggings here!)
The best family pic we could get…it’s like wrangling monkeys at the zoo sometimes…
Me and Casey
Brooke and Me
Paisley and her daddy (love my cousin Brandon!)
She was so excited to get her Easter basket!
The Easter bunny did so well this year!! (a.k.a. Lovie)
Hunting eggs
It was a beautiful day with my favorite people!
Aubrey says
Happy Easter, my friend! Love the pics from Sunday, but I am so so so jealous of those Texas temperatures! We are still wearing the same clothes we unearthed in OCTOBER and Kate is having some very serious belly exposure issues as she's almost outgrown all her 3T winter things. 🙂 It's APRIL now, so we should be able to pack the warm layers away sometime in the next few weeks…
Sheaffer {Pinterest Told Me To} says
Awwwww! Thank you SO much for the birthday shout-out! I can't wait for lunch either! Let's keep our fingers crossed for our favorite specials! 🙂
And listen…that bunny looks like he's had a seriously hard life.
Kelly Jo says
My favorite photo is the Post-it note. I work in pediatric oncology and bone marrow transplant. Healthy babies/children are the exception. At times, I question my faith in God. I just don't understand how He can allow them to suffer. I have been meaning to email you about it. 🙁
Anyways, Happy Birthday to Sheaffer! Also, the little boy holding Smith's hand kind of looks like he could be a mini-Sean… but maybe it is just his blonde hair.
Carrie says
Totally agree with the little boy looking like Sean. It was my first thought when I saw that picture.
Jennifer Cannon says
I.cant even take a breath! That bunny is a hoot. Bless his heart, looks like he has been through the ringer and back again! So so funny….
Anotger thing that makes me laugh is your death grip on kensingtons arm for the Easter family pic!! Too funny!!!
Have to know where you got your Eater shoes, from one Diva to another, they are simply fab!
You have a beautiful family!!
* woke up early and knew that if I went ahead and read your blog, I wouldnt get any more sleep. And still, I chose reading the blog! They excite me and makes me feel like I have a distant Texas friend! (i'm in Atlanta!) So thank you for sharing your life with me, and always starting my day off with a smile!!
Anonymous says
Is your dress from loft
Mix and Match Mama says
My dress is from Anthropologie and the shoes are Steve Madden :).
Kat says
cannnnot imagine being married to a Yankees fan 😉 must have been a tough day.
Aubs says
haha! that Easter bunny is hilarious! can't even imagine last year's if this one was better!
and "wrangling monkeys at the zoo sometimes" amen sister!! its like the skies part and i see a little slice of heaven if we get a good family pic! ha! =)
Anonymous says
To all you Yankee haters. 27. If you are a true baseball fan you will recognize the magnitude of that number. Enough said 🙂
Andrew Shull
Becky says
Oh my goodness, that bunny could use some sprucing up!
Super cute pics of your kids. Isn't it like a lightning strike to have a family picture with everyone looking 🙂
Deena Simair says
I've been reading your blog for a bit now and have been too shy to comment, but seriously after seeing today's post- I have too….We have freakishly way too much in common- we even posted the same thing today.
Check me out at
It's neat when you find somebody who is so similar and yet so far away.
We'll be cheering on our Jays as they take on your Red Sox tonight and will think of you. You enjoying John Farrell?
Anonymous says
Do people recognize you as seans sister when you go out and about 😉 lol. O and can you post a blog on your daily eating. Like what's normal for you to maintain your weight
mel @ the larson lingo says
Love your Easter pics!! Your Easter dress is too cute! Have fun at lunch today, wish I could be there to celebrate with you girls! Have a wonderful weekend 🙂
Mix and Match Mama says
Check the "about me" section at the top of the blog for info on what I eat every day. I will do a 52 Shades of Shay Fitness edition in 2 weeks too!
Rachel Ward says
Amen to day 90's pic!
Anonymous says
Love checking in on your blog & I love all the clothing/makeup tips! You have such a sweet family & two gorgeous children!! Loving watching the Red Sox this season! As a Gamecock fan you couldn't ask for a better guy or ball player with heart in Jackie Bradley Jr. The Gamecocks will be rooting him & the So x's on!
Anonymous says
Will Sean move back to Dallas after dwts? I saw an interview with him saying that Catherine was looking for a job in LA because they would be there awhile. I really hope that he doesn't succumb to all of the Hollywood pressure and lose himself – and for your sake; I hope he moves back soon!
Angie says
Looks like a wonderful day of celebrating!
Anonymous says
You seem reall sweet and I love your blog. Please tell Sean how bad hydroxcut it – it is so dangerous for your heart…
Mandy@ a sorta fairytale says
Looks like such a wonderful day!! You have a beautiful family!
Jaren says
Totally understand about wrangling monkeys for a family photo. I always say it's like herding cats!