I’m wrapping up our wonderful vacation today! Just a few more pictures for you…and make sure you scroll down to the bottom for one last piece of info!
Day 10 started with our port in beautiful Mallorca, Spain! I really didn’t have any expectations for this port but it turned out to be one of my favorites. We had the very best day here! (Even with Andrew and his elephant leg!)
The architecture was beautiful, the city was really nice, the people were friendly…we had more than enough to do at this port. And because I obviously don’t pull my camera out enough when the kids aren’t around, I google imaged a few pics for you to go with our selfies (note to self, even without kids, I need to take more pics!).
It was hot, he was hobbling a bit, but we had the very best time!
The streets are narrow and wind around with little steps (very reminiscent of Venice). We stopped at this little restaurant for some yummy lunch. We spent the entire day at this port and didn’t get back on the ship until evening. It was a really, really good port…one that I might come back to and stay for several days.
That night, we stayed up until 10:30 (which is the middle of the night in my book!) for the Dessert Extravaganza on the ship! It was so much fun!
Towers of donut holes dripping in chocolate!
So much sugar, we can’t contain ourselves!!
After we awoke from our sugar coma the next morning, we hopped off at our last port, Valencia.
We walked the streets of Valencia all day and stumbled upon this little antique book shop. We collect antique books (especially Andrew!), so he was in heaven.
We left with 3 really neat Spanish books.
After boarding the ship that night to sail back to Barcelona, we had our last dinner on the boat.
And on Day 12 we left Barcelona and made the 24 hour trek back to Dallas. We had the very best time! The kiddos were so excited to see us when we landed at DFW!! We had missed each other so much! Thank you so much to all 4 grandparents for taking such great care of Kensington and Smith! They can’t stop talking about all the fun they had :).
If you missed the previous post about Days 8 and 9, click here.
Alright…due to high demand, I’ve asked Andrew to do an Ask Andrew post next Wednesday. It cracks me up the number of questions I get for Andrew and about Andrew. The last time I did, Ask Shay, the majority of the questions asked were about Andrew! You leave him a question in the comment section below, and he’ll look through them and get you answers.
Ask away…his answers will be up next Wednesday, August 14.
(What are the odds that he’ll get some questions about his v-neck shirts???)
And check out my yummy breakfast recipe today…
My moist and dense Ultimate Coconut Bread!
So simple and so delicious!
You have two more days to enter a chance to win a pair of Lovely Lace Leggings for the little girl in your life, click here for details.
Have a great day!
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Find me on Instagram @mixandmatchmama
Katie Paladino says
Yum this looks absolutely delish!
Kelly Jo says
Beautiful photos! And Andrew is such a good sport… can't wait to see his Q&A!
Traci says
Does he shave his chest? It's very smooth looking in those vnecks? I'm not going to lie, every time I saw a picture of him that's what I kept thinking, ha ha.
Katie says
What a fun trip! Andrew…where is that man bag from? My husband needs one, but isn't big on the idea. I think he would love that one!
MorganizewithMe says
So, I love that Andrew is doing a Q&A…I am curious what his workouts look like, and how often he works out? My hubby is always looking for new ideas and is an early morning workout guy too.
Williamson's says
HA! I was going to ask the same thing as Traci! It looks so smooth…! And is that his personal preference? Or yours? He is such a good sport to do a Q&A!
Anonymous says
Why does he wear so many vnecks?
Jennifer Cannon says
An " ask andrew" post is genius and so fun!!!
I think my question for A would be… Just simply getting advice on starting a marriage at a young age. Im about to get married at 23 amd he will be 24. Whats the key to a successful start , and a lifelong happy marriage ? Because in my opinion you only get married one time- better figure it out!
I would love to hear about that from a guys perspective! Thanks Andrew 🙂
Im excited Shay!
Caravan Sonnet says
Once again- love these pictures sweet lady! 🙂 I love antique books too and so I was definitely drooling over that store!! hahaha I have been sitting here for quite a few minutes trying to think of something very profound to ask Andrew and am coming up with zilch. :/ Well… actually I changed my mind- any advice/tips/thoughts for single gals that are out there (from a guys perspective)? Thanks!
🙂 Rebecca
Alice says
How did Andrew feel about all the Bachelorette/Bachelor attention?
How does he feel about you blogging? Does he ever ask you not to blog something?
What is his favorite thing about you?
How many boiled eggs does he eat a day?
And yes, why so many V-necks? LOL!
Laura says
This is a question to both you and Andrew:
You guys started a business together and worked together for a while. My husband is seriously considering leaving his job at a huge company and buying his own business. I won't be working with him but I do work from home frequently so we'd be together a lot during the planning stages. I love my hubby but that is A LOT of togetherness…honestly, how did you do that without constantly butting heads?
Michelle Sanford says
Do you wish you still played professional football?
Jaren says
I'm sad the vacation pics are over! I can't wait for y'all to take another one so I can "travel" along with you:) That trip looked so awesome! Just curious, how would you rank that trip versus other trips you've taken? Those ports looked absolutely beautiful and so romantic!
Sharon says
Ahhhh Mallorca. We did a Med cruise quite a few years ago and while I loved the whole cruise (except Genoa, it was our Sardonia) we LOVED Mallorca. An unexpected wonderful port. We have also said we would love to return there for a few days.
Anonymous says
I had the same question about the chest hair and the V-neck shirts. And for the person who wanted to know about marriage… I was married at 24 and will be celebrating 18 years next month. The secret in my opinion is to be really good at communicating with each other! Don't let little things turn into big things by not talking about them.
V @ X-tremely V says
Great photos Shay! Love the "ask Andrew" idea!
My question for Andrew is "What stores do you shop at for casual and dress clothes? My husband is the same height (w/a 39in sleeve)and has a very hard time finding shirts, pants, etc. that fit his size 🙁 Any tips are greatly appreciated!
Vanessa @ http://www.xtremelyv.blogspot.com
Anonymous says
How many v-neck tees would you estimate that you own?
Alison @ Get Your Pretty On says
So much to love about this post but for some reason I'm stuck on donuts dripping in chocolate. 🙂
Elaine~ Honey Pie Accessories says
I'm curious if you do any excursions booked through the cruise, or if you always prefer to just get off the ship and explore on your own. I've done both, and after reading your post about this trip, I'm thinking exploring on your own may be the way to go?
Anonymous says
Question for Andrew- having played college and pro football and running a successful business, you know what it takes to get things done, so what are your thoughts on planning/goal setting and accomplishing what you set out to do? What's the best piece of advice you have ever been given?
Chelsea says
I'd sign up for that cruise just for the dessert night….oh my goodness!!!!!!!! 🙂
Ali says
Andrew, tell us about your relationship with Sean
Amy says
My husband is tall too, 6'4", and has trouble finding clothes that fit well. I'd love to know what stores Andrew has found that work for him.
Anonymous says
Question for Andrew: Just how many V-Neck T shirts does he own? It seemed in every vacation pic he was sporting another V Shirt! It reminded me of the sketch from Saturday Night Live. Not every man can pull them off, but he can! (Also, where does he shop for all those V's?)
emily says
i thought for sure there was going to be a 'we found out we were pregnant on the cruise' announcement at the end!
but i'm still excited to see what andrew has to say.
and thank you for getting me hooked on the wedges. i wear them every day, although i have to take them off to wear to the barn. 🙁
Anonymous says
Wow! Your hubby is a trooper to do a Q & A. In the pictures you post of him, I always notice what a great complextion he has. His mother has a BEAUTIFUL complextion too. My question for Andrew is, does he have any special skin care routines? Does he go to the dermatologist like you do Shay (you have a great complextion too)? Thanks and hope you don't mind my question Andrew.
Mix and Match Mama says
We learned years ago that we prefer never to do the excursions on a cruise. Most of my costumers love them but for us, we would rather explore on our own. We never take them. As for this trip, it was fabulous! But to be honest, on a scale from one to ten, I would rank it a 7. They can't all be 10s!
Anonymous says
When I went to Spain, we stayed in Spain for 2 weeks and went all over the country, but my personal main destination was Mallorca! I remember reading about it in US and People all the time about 10ish years ago when celebs were flocking there. Jen & Brad used to go a lot. So, I'd be dreaming of that island for years. I loved it!! We did not stay in the main city where you would have come in, but we did spend time there and enjoyed it, too. What I did discover is that the island is HUGE. We could have spent the whole 2 weeks there and not covered it all. Moral of the story? You need to go back. We stayed at a glorious B&B with flowers everywhere and fabulous hosts that was in a smaller town with quaint cafes and a weekend market. Loved.
Anonymous says
Haha I love all the questions for Andrew already. I feel Like it takes a very strong confidant man to walk around in those crazy V's
I like the advise for single gals question also should we really make the first move nowadays?
How is his relationship with Sean and your mom and dad? Wanna tell us about your views in your in laws : ) also
What is your all time favorite thing about your lovely amazing wife Shay?
Anonymous says
P.S. When you head back to Mallorca someday, you should also do Madrid. It was my very favorite in all of Spain. And I can tell you where to go get amazing Tapas there since you seemed to miss that big part of Spain's culture 😉
Laurie S says
Question for Andrew:
What was your first impression of Shay when you met her for the first time at the Lowe household?
Jenni says
Another K-Stater here! I want to know what Andrew's favorite memory of being at KSU was.
Lynn {A Taste of Country} says
I think I remember from previous posts that Andrew's parents own a farm in MO. Did he help with the farm work when he still lived there? If so, does he miss it now?
Also, he seems to be very successful in a lot of different areas (football, his business, etc.) What does he consider his greatest accomplishment?
Shoshanah says
Just because I want my question picked, and I figure if Andrew's picking them I'll gear them towards his interests… How do you think they should pick the 4 teams for the BCS playoff system next year?
Anonymous says
What is your all time favorite meal that Shay has cooked? What is your favorite dessert she has made?
The DeWeese Trio says
I've been a fan of Andrew since college. I went to K-State when he played there and knew who he was at church. Many football games my roommates and I cheered extra loud for him. Go #98! When you guys were on TV with the Bachelorette, I got excited to see where in life he had gone. And then my husband casually mentions he went on some short term mission trip with Andrew back in college. Small world!
My question for Andrew – as a small business owner, how does he balance home life and the desire/ need to be in the office?
jen says
Oh, I love this idea! I def also want to know about his clothes (my hubby is tall also)! Also, maybe his fitness routine, fav men's products, daily routine. His thoughts on your best and worst (if you don't mind 😉 qualities, and his. This will be so fun to read! Thanks to you both!!! I think you both seem wonderful!
Olivia says
Wow, what a good hubby to do a Q&A on your blog. Andrew, do you manage finances in the family? If so, what's your best piece of advice for males when it comes to budgeting? If not, never mind 🙂
Also, what are some good father/son ideas for "hanging out?" Our son is getting to that age and curious of some activities you and Smith enjoy for my hubby and son.
Did you like being on T.V.?
Do you use protein powder? If so, what kind?
Thanks. Passing these answers on to my hubby!
Kathy Olson says
I would ask Andrew:
What has been the thing that has brought you the most joy in your life?
What has been the most difficult time in your life?
BoyMom says
Although it's already been mentioned a few times, I also want to know about his friendship with Sean. I'm under the impression that they were (are?) best friends … and I know that friendships change when "the one" joins the picture. So how has the relationship changed? If Twitter is real, then it seems like Sean is rarely around DFW – which makes a friendship tricky, right?
Anonymous says
Since Andrew is a successful business owner, I want to know what is Andrew's best piece of advice for someone starting up his own business (a chiropractic practice)? Any tips on marketing?
Also, Andrew, what has been your all time favorite vacation spot?
Anonymous says
Hi! I was wondering what Andrew's childhood was like and how faith has played a role from then until now?
Also is he happy with 2 children or would he like more?
Amanda Huskey says
So, Andrew, do you buy all those v-necks or does Shay stock your closet? haha!
Ok, for the thing I really want to know. Shay has mentioned several times that you both start your day in solitude spending time in prayer and reading your Bible. I admire both of you for this. My questions is, are you following a specific Bible study? Is it something you find on your own or something that you are doing as part of a group like a Sunday School group or men's group? (I would actually like to know the same about Shay but since it's ask Andrew…)
Anonymous says
I would like to ask Andrew what he finds out of your beauty regime or wardrobe to be somewhat silly or ridiculous. For example, my husband will never understand why I have a million pairs of jeans and shoes when he can be content with just 5! He also thinks it is silly how much I spend on my face (make-up, facials, cleansers, etc…). I told him that your face is the first thing people see and it stays with you the rest of your life so you better treat it right. Thanks!
Annie Cox
Leigh says
I love all these photos! I would love to go to Spain one day.
My question is really for both of you: Who's more organized and in what ways?
Lindsay Grounds says
Does Andrew own any shirts that are not a deep V-neck??! He is wearing one in every single vacation photo!