On Saturday, Kensington had her first dance recital. It was so special!! I danced for 15 years (from 3 to 18), so recitals are pretty familiar to my parents and me. However, I think we all agreed that this recital was our very favorite! For their holiday show, Kensington’s class tap danced to Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer.
We had to wake up early on Saturday morning for dress rehearsals. I love my little curly hair twin :).
After the recital on Saturday night, Andrew had flowers for Kensington. We were so proud of her!
Papa Jay and Lovie know all about this recital thing. They suffered through enjoyed dozens over the years.
Believe it or not…my mom took 11 family photos and this was the best one. I love my little crew :).
After the recital, we let Kensington pick her restaurant of choice…and she picked Mexican food (we were all thrilled!). This was so much fun! I can’t wait until both of my girls are in a recital together. I have a feeling Ashby London might be quite the little dancer too :).
Don’t forget to check out Meal Planning Monday today! Only two days until Christmas!
Merry Christmas Eve Eve!
Jennifer Cannon says
Aw, that brings back so many memories!!
My dad always brought me flowers too 😉
And you're probably right! Sweet Ashby where ever she is, whatever she's doing… is probably thinking the same thing 🙂
Have a wonderful Monday shulls!!
Sheaffer {Pinterest Told Me To} says
Ohhhh! I love this! She looks so stinkin' cute in her costume!
Slightly Askew Designs says
1) Her costume is ADORABLE
2) I love that Andrew brought her flowers
3) The comment about Ashby has me tearing up
4) I'm glad I'm not the only one who has to take at least a dozen family pics to get a semi-decent one
5)I want to sign Griffin up for dance… like yesterday 🙂
Amy Flemister says
The picture of Andrew giving her flowers made me tear up! I danced growing up too and you're right, these are definitely memories that Kensington will remember forever!! So sweet! Merry Christmas Eve Eve!
Caroline says
so sweet Shay!! Looks like a great time! Love taking that step of faith for Ashby!!
Liz/happymommy says
She is adorable and your comment about Ashby….well tears…she will be so blessed to join your sweet family!!!
Alison @ Get Your Pretty On says
Oh, how precious! Her costume is adorable and I love her curly hair. I love that you danced growing up and now she is carrying on the tradition. So sweet!
Dawn says
Sweet! Kensington looks so pretty:) I CAN NOT wait for my daughter to begin dance! She has chubby little legs and I can't wait to see them in tights and a leotard! 😉
Kristen Wood says
My sweet little 5 yr old Graysen saw her pic and said, "mama, she's cute!" Haha! I thought it was precious!
Candi says
You know I'm loving this post!!