We don’t use the word lucky in our house because we don’t feel like luck has anything to do with life…we feel blessed by the Lord. We’re blessed, not lucky. BUT in honor of St. Patrick’s Day and all of that Irish blood I have in me, I thought today we would call this post Lucky Me for grins :).
This is pretty much a snapshot of my life. Every day. Lucky.
I found the kids using my phone in Kensington’s room the other day and when I asked what they were doing, they said “taking family pictures”. This is what I found on my camera roll. Funny kids!
Their little family.
I took Ebby Lee and Kensington to the park after dinner the other night and as we were walking there, they started talking about how their names would change when they get married to Kensington McAnally and Ebby Lee Shull. Let me just say, I would be extremely lucky if Ebby Lee was my daughter-in-law and Luke was my son-in-law. That’s pretty much perfection!
I’ve been trying to do some fun Spring Break activities with the kiddos, so Sheaffer offered to watch Smith while I took K to get a manicure and pedicure. Love spending time with my sweet girl!
And let’s all just face it…lucky me.
It was 56 degrees outside but Erika and I took the kids swimming. Well, the kids swam in the heated pool and we sat in lounge chairs in our sweats. The kids had the very best time and swam for two hours! A great morning!
Erika forgot to pack Nixon jeans…so the poor kid took this pic in his shorts (it was still cold mama!).
Sweet girls post swim!
Lucky them.
On Thursday, it was our 10 year wedding anniversary and this is how we celebrated: tee ball practice, Mexican food with the kids and Jenga. Lucky family.
I really try and take at least 10 minutes every afternoon for a cup of coffee and some magazine reading. This is my favorite little downtown. And the nail polish is Pompeii Purple…lucky you that I knew you would ask ;).
Dinner and coloring at our favorite downtown diner.
And then we stopped for ice cream after dinner. Lucky them.
Andrew got all of Kensington’s snuggles, lucky him.
But I got bites of Smith’s ice cream, lucky me.
When we got home, we set out on a walk with Poppy. Lucky dog.
All pink.
My little world. Lucky me.
Don’t forget, today is Meal Planning Monday! I have so many yummy and simple recipes for you to try this week! Click here.
Tab & Erika says
What a fun post!!!! Lucky me…for having a friend like you!!!
Narci says
Aw, I love this! Happy St. Patrick's Day, lucky girl! 🙂
Sheaffer {Pinterest Told Me To} says
Oh man! Erika stole my line!!!!! That's what I get for sleeping in until 7:00! THAT'S RIGHT!!!!! I JUST WOKE UP 15 MINUTES AGO! WooHoo!!!!!
Liz/ says
Such a simple and sweet post! You sure are lucky to live the life you live with your sweet family! And I feel lucky that I found your blog as you truly inspire me!!!
Christine says
I love reading your blog, and I don't normally comment, but I just want to voice my opinion on the lucky vs. blessed thing because it came across to me in a way that I don't think you intended.
I understand that you are a person of great faith, as am I, but as a reader, I couldn't help but read your intro to this post thinking, "Wow, I guess I'm just not as blessed." I'm pretty sure that's not how you meant it, and I hope that you don't think people who are less fortunate than you are less blessed, but I do want you to know that it came across to me in a sort of braggy sort of way. Now, there's nothing wrong with being grateful, so I'm not saying that you shouldn't have gratitude… Anyway, not trying to be overly critical, and this has given me lots to think about myself, so hopefully this comment is understood constructively rather than as a put down. Have a nice day!
Mix and Match Mama says
Thank you for your comment! Luck insinuates that there is no rhyme or reason to things happening…and we don't feel that way. We feel like every positive thing comes from God. I don't feel lucky to spend the day with my sweet family, I feel extremely blessed to have the opportunity. Blessed comes from a grateful heart where intention is involved…and luck just happens. I don't believe anything just happens. Thanks for commenting!!
Meredith says
What a precious family!
Slightly Askew Designs says
Loved this post! SO SWEET!!!! 🙂
Ashley @ Fancy Ashley says
LOVE this post, Shay!!!! So sweet!!! xoxo!
Melissa says
Such a cute post!
Thanks for sharing!
Natalie says
I love this post!! Wonderful family. 🙂
Natalie says
Love this post!! Cute family. 🙂
Nina says
Love seeing the pictures of your precious children. Nixon and Smith look so cute with Nix's arm around Smith and the picture of Smith with their "little family" cracked me up. Kensington is just beautiful and she and Ebby Lee look so sweet together. You truly are blessed and I'm so glad you shared these thoughts. Nina Cox
Anonymous says
Just wondering what the name is of your favorite diner
Anonymous says
Why would you be blessed by God more than the next guy? Why would you be blessed more than a poor, starving person in Africa? You are lucky to have been born to good parents, work hard and have made good decisions. personal choice, hard work and luck. no reason for you to be blessed by God more than a poor, sick child.
klmoore23 says
You need to add how lucky you are to have your Dad who wrote that adorable song for Sean and Catherine. Just watched it on YouTube. Love! 🙂
Chic Coastal Living says
Happy anniversary!! You are blessed!
Anonymous says
Something I struggle with often is the whole "blessed" thing. I am a Christian and my life is incredibly charmed… Or blessed as you would say. I have 3 healthy children, I married my best friend, a husband with a generous income, family all around me, etc… So my question is: are people who don't have these charmed lives not blessed and why not? My friend recently had her young son die in a tragic accident – she knows God as much as anyone I know and is a truly good person – why isn't she "blessed"? I am not trying to be confrontational or controversial, I am honestly wondering your thoughts on the whole "blessed" thing – if we say we are "blessed" than what does that say about people who don't have what we do?
Mix and Match Mama says
Nope. I'm still blessed. I feel like everyone is blessed. My life isn't all that "charmed". I just don't always share the dark side (and everyone has a past). I feel like everyone on earth is blessed. Again, luck means no rhyme or reason…and I feel like God has a plan and a purpose for this world and there are blessings we all receive. I don't think anyone is "lucky"…I think we are all blessed. We're blessed to wake up this morning, we're blessed with sunshine, we are blessed with people in our lives, we are blessed. As a person of faith, I don't feel like myself or anyone else is just lucky. And trust me, my family serves alongside people in places like Africa, Bangladesh and India and so on…and those people think they're blessed too.
MandeeVK says
Can I just say how much I admire your eloquent way with words? I can tell what a beacon of light you are just by reading your posts. Shine on! 🙂
Lauren says
I wanted to chime in to the whole lucky/charmed/bless conversation. I, too, am a believer, and I prefer "blessed" over lucky.
I believe that The Lord's blessings are not only the people in our lives, the more material things (shelter, clothing, etc.) but a whole long list of spiritual blessings that sometimes we may not think of as physical blessings, per se (for example, God might bless us with wisdom for a particularly difficult situation).
I can't imagine, as a believer, going through some of the things I've gone through and at the end of the rough patch thinking "Wow! I am SO lucky to have made it through that." The only way I (as a believer), make it through any trying time is because of The Lord, prayer, and time in His word. And that has nothing to do with luck.
God blesses all different people in all different ways. Just because the blessings in my life look totally different from Shay's doesn't mean I am not as blessed as she is. I simply have different blessings at this point in my life.
It really isn't "luck" if you are a Christian. As believers, we know this because God tells us in the Bible. "Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be." (Psalm 139:16)
Thank you for being a positive light, Shay! It's always a pleasure to read your blog!
Anonymous says
Thank you everyone for your responses to my complicated question :). I would love to hear more about your struggles Shay, and mainly how you kept God in focus during them. I think you have spread the word to so many people and can continue to do so even more by sharing such things!
Thanks again
Anonymous says
Just to clarify – I am not asking you to be negative or complain about your life. What I meant is that so many people (myself included) need to learn how to experience hardships and treat them with the grace that you seem to do, and by sharing some of your hardships it would be a positive example for people.
Anonymous says
I don't believe I have commented on Shay's blog before either, but felt compelled to do so on this one after reading some of the comments. I think Shay was just expressing her thankfulness and recognizing the blessings in her life. I believe many people are very blessed but don't take time to focus on the blessings they have but instead focus on what is wrong in their life. Shay doesn't strike me as that kind of person. She chooses to keep her blog on the sunny side where some other bloggers share both sides.
I agree with being blessed instead of lucky. Like Shay, I believe everything good in my life is because of God. But I too have experienced incredible pain – a traumatic miscarriage, divorce, financial stress, etc. But I see how God carried me through those times and I still believe with all the loss I've had in my life, I am still richly blessed. I'm blessed simply to know God, how He loves me, how he comforts me, how he provides for me, how he forgives me, etc. He's a wonderful God and all the rest in my life is just extra blessings from him. As Shay said, we are ALL blessed. But sometimes we just need to focus more on what is right and lovely in our lives, rather than what is not. God loves each and everyone of us and there is truly nothing more we "need" in life than Him.
mel @ the larson lingo says
Love this sweet post! You are indeed lucky & blessed 🙂