I get asked a lot, what does a “quiet time” look like? As Christians, “quiet time” is a phrase that has been coined to mean that time in our day when we sit down to pray and read the Bible. This is totally a Shade of Shay since I do start each and every day with my quiet time.
Here’s how I got started…
When I was 15 years old, I had a fabulous youth minister named Todd tell me (and the other students) over and over again that the only way to deepen and strengthen our faith was to make sure we were spending quiet time with Jesus every day. I’m constantly talking to God. Constantly. But every morning when I get up, I set aside a few precious minutes to really sit in the quiet and pray, read my Bible, read some other devotional books and thoughtfully and purposely prepare for my day ahead while chattin’ with the Lord (and chatting with the Lord is just praying).
And this morning quiet time is one of the best moments in my day.
Listen, some mornings, I just have 2 minutes…some morning, I have more like 20. There isn’t a wrong or right amount of time. It’s just a conscious effort to make sure I have my priorities straight and my heart in the right direction before I set out for my day. This is also such a valuable time to read the Bible and really hear what God says about you and your life. Reading the Bible will change your life more than anything else in this world.
Here is what I personally do (and again, this is just me…since this is my shade)…
1. I read my Bible.
Right now, I’m reading through the New Testament along with reading one Proverb a day. I read and think about how the verses can apply to my own life. I also take notes in a little notebook of scripture or phrases that really stick out to me personally.
2. I pray.
I’m of the faith that prayer does not have to be perfect. Prayer does not have to be uniform. Prayer is just me pouring out my heart to the Lord, praying for others in need, praying for myself and my family, repenting from all of the crappy choices I make in life, thanking God for everything he does for me (even the hard days when I know my life is being strengthened through adverse circumstances) and just sitting in the stillness and reflecting.
I’ve learned that praying is not hard…it’s setting aside the time that usually is. I really encourage you to pray.
3. I read books by Christian authors.
Reading a book does not in any way, shape or form take away from me reading my Bible. The Bible is the way, the truth and the light…a book by a great Christian author about a specific topic is just a nice little addition but it’s not a supplement. That being said, I always enjoy reading a little at the end of my quiet time about certain topics. Lately, my books have all been around parenting. I’ll read a chapter or so for motivation and encouragement…or just to learn or maybe laugh. This kind of reading just rounds out those quiet minutes in my morning.
Here are some of the books I’ve read so far this year during my quiet times…
Not a Fan by Kyle Idleman
The Insanity of God by Nik Ripken
The Antelope in the Living Room by Melanie Shankle
Bringing up Girls by Dr. James Dobson
Bringing up Boys by Dr. James Dobson
God is Able by Priscilla Shirer
Raising a Princess by John Croyle
All of these books either motivated my faith, encouraged my faith, strengthened my faith, or maybe just gave me the kind of laugh I needed to start my crazy day. I love them all for different reasons.
So there you have it…if you ever wonder why I wake up so stinkin’ early, one reason is to set aside a few minutes for my quiet time. If you don’t think you could ever be a morning person, you should read this Shade of Shay here :). You can be. You will love how peaceful your days can begin with just a few extra minutes.
I highly, highly, highly recommend doing a quiet time at the beginning of the day instead of at the end of the day. Start your day with Jesus. Start your day on the right track…don’t wait until the end of the day to do clean-up work…begin your day in the quiet. I promise you…you will find so much peace throughout your day if you start it off this way.
And yes…I drink coffee during my quiet time…it just makes it even that much better :).
This is my quiet time every morning…at my desk with my coffee, my Bible, my book, my notebook and my pen.
Two weeks ago, I mentioned on my blog how I was reading John Croyle’s Raising a Princess and the nice people at his publishing house, reached out to me and said they would love to give away three copies of the book to my readers. A very nice and unexpected surprise for you and me!
Today only, I’ll be giving away three copies…just enter the Rafflecopter below and the winners will be announced tomorrow!
On the foodie blog today…
…my simple Hawaiian BBQ Chicken Burritos. Yum!
And then winner of our Mother’s Day Giveaway is…
Congratulations Amy!
Happy Tuesday everyone!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
The winners of the Raising a Princess book giveaway are…
Shirley (email address has the numbers 1215 in it)
Rachel Dunn-Rankin
Carol Marshall
Congratulations ladies!! I have emailed all three of you about receiving your prize! Please email me back within 5 days to receive your book.
Samantha Harris says
I love this shade of shay!
Jenn says
This looks like a great read! Shay-I LOVE your blog! I look forward to reading it each weekday morning.
Jennifer Cannon says
We teach the teens sunday school class and we always always always encourage them to find their quiet space and talk with God. Your day really is that much better.
Loved this post!
Gucci Girl says
Thanks for your insight on this today. You and your blog have inspired me to wake up earlier lately and this time alone in the morning has cleared my head and improved my daily life in a way that nothing else can. It is always encouraging to hear that other women out there are praying and reading, too! Looking forward to reading comments from more women who do the same. Thanks again!
Deanna Wlliams says
My perfect morning is waking up to go walk with 3 other ladies, come home and have my quiet time with God, and then wake up my daughter for school.
Anonymous says
I love this! I always say I'm having my coffee time with Jesus every day. We sit in the dining room and chat over a cup of coffee:)
Kelly says
I would love to give this to my sister who just had a sweet baby girl!
CaitCoak says
Another great post 🙂
Anonymous says
I would love to read that book! Thanks for sharing your heart!
aimeebgurtis says
Love this a Shade of Shay!
aimeebgurtis says
I love this Shade of Shay!
Sheaffer {Pinterest Told Me To} says
Awesome encouragement today on quiet time! I needed to hear all of this!
Sherrie Soos says
Love your commitment and this shade of shay!
Andresen Fam says
I enjoy reading your blog!
Andresen Fam says
Thanks for sharing!
Andresen Fam says
Thanks for sharing!
Kim Pintar says
Your blog is a part of my quiet time….I just love that you love our Lord. Happy Tuesday!!!
Carrie Ferguson says
Love this post!
Carrie Ferguson says
Love this post!
Coreline Mayfield says
Great blog spot this morning, I have gotten lax in my morning quiet time. Trying to squeeze it in elsewhere, but it's just not the same. This was a good reminder to re-prioritize. Thanks 🙂
TOby says
I love my quiet time in the morning, it really is the best way to start my day!
lisamcmil says
I have loved becoming a morning person. It's so nice having that time before the real day starts.
Krystal Bryand says
Love your blog!
Sara B says
Love this post and this Shade of Shay! Thanks for sharing.
Laura Kruger says
Great post! Love it!
Heather Leigh says
Hi Shay! Thanks for the encouragement today! I needed it 🙂
Keever Kids says
Thanks so much for the opportunity!!
Jennifer Kensey says
Great way to start your morning! I have identical 3 year old princesses and that book could come in handy!
Jennifer Kensey says
Great way to start your day! I have identical 3 year old twin princesses and that book could come in handy!
Natalie says
Thanks for the encouragement! I just started Proverbs and have really been enjoying it.
Kate @ Classy Living says
Thanks for this, Shay! 🙂
Shelby says
Love this post & would love to win!!
Danielle says
Hey Shay! I have a 5 month old daughter and would love to read the book!
Once Upon A Time The Story Goes... says
As the mom of a toddler girl, we are now approaching the discipline stage. I'm finding that biblical parenting/disciplining books are really helping my husband and I prepare how to raise/discipline our daughter. I would love to have a copy of this book!
Anonymous says
I need this – raising twin 4-year old princesses! Heidi
Misty Flynt says
What an encouragement the post it. I am a morning person yet I don't find myself starting the day off with Jesus like I should. Thanks for the post and the motivation.
Jessie says
I've recently started getting up an hour earlier, but I'm having trouble organizing my time! Thanks for the encouragement!
Tamara Ayerd says
Best Shade yet!
Hello Fabulous says
Great post! This is a 'shade' I struggle with right now having a two month old daughter, however reading this made me realize I don't have to wait until she is sleeping more consistently to have quiet time, there are plenty of opportunities when someone naps as well 🙂 thank you!
Susan says
I have a friend who is having a baby and it's a girl. I'd love to give her a copy of the book.
Lori Ropach says
I'd love this book!
Susan says
I have a friend who is having a baby and it's a girl. I'd love to give her a copy of the book.
Brittany Martinez says
Love, love, love your blog!
Sean and Lia says
I love this post. Just the encouragement I needed to make this habit.
Hello Fabulous says
Great post! I often find myself struggling with this 'shade' lately while tending to my two month old daughter. However reading this made me realize I don't have to wait until she sleeps more consistently, I can find some quiet time when she naps as well 🙂 thank you!
Chrissy says
I would love to read this book. Thanks for the opportunity!
Jean Newfield says
Thanks for giving practical tips to help women make time for Jesus each day!
Jenna S. says
Love the simplicity of your routine!
Anonymous says
I would love to check out the book.
Dancing Through The Storms says
Trying again to leave a comment. Thank you for sharing how you do quiet time. 🙂 Also thanks for sharing a list of books you read. I never thought about do a Proverb a day. What a great idea. What a huge bless the publishing company gave you. 🙂
Jana Zweering says
Just had a baby girl 8 weeks ago! 🙂 Neat book!
Dancing Through The Storms says
Trying again to leave a comment. Thank you for sharing how you do quiet time. 🙂 Also thanks for sharing a list of books you read. I never thought about do a Proverb a day. What a great idea. What a huge bless the publishing company gave you.
Abbey says
About to do my quiet time now. 🙂
Kimberly says
Hi! and thanks for the giveaway.
Andrea says
I love this! I have been doing this for a while, and it's the best time. At night I was just so tired, I couldn't concentrate. In the afternoon I felt rushed to hurry and do things before Ethan woke up from his nap. The morning allows me to spend time with Jesus without any distractions!
Rachel Tripodi says
This was just what I needed to read this morning! 🙂
Sara says
Hi 😉
Rhiannon Noble says
Love this! Thanks for sharing!
Ashley Miller says
Thank you for posting the books you've read! Been looking for good, Christian books lately. Can't wait to check them out!!!! Love this Shade of Shay! 🙂
Ashli says
I am doing Beth Moore's Whispers of Hope. I love it! Great post!
Kara Wilson says
I love this Shade of Shay!! Thanks for sharing!!❤
Rhiannon Noble says
Love this! Thanks for sharing!
Miranda Clawson says
I love all the inspiration you give all the ladies that follow you! You always give great insight on everyday situations and this couldn't have came at a better time for me 🙂
Abby VandenBosch says
This book would be the perfect read right now. Thank you!
Erin A says
I started reading your blog every morning while I enjoy my cup of coffee. It is something I look forward to. I have a 2 year old daughter and this sounds like a great book to read!
Anonymous says
Look forward to your posts every morning:) Still working on getting up before the kids- which is early:)Would love to read this book!
Steph Paul
yankeebabydesigns says
Love your routine! Such a great way to start the day!!
Meagan @ The Clanahan Fam says
Love this shade. Thank you for sharing!!!
Sheila says
Christy says
Sometimes my quiet time is when I'm alone, driving down the road. I know people probably look over at me and think I'm crazy. LOL, but that's okay. Thanks for the book recommendations.
Hilary Jose says
Thanks for sharing. I would LOVE to win this book, as a mom of an almost 2 year old princess! I do the same, but I find I personally focus better at night after my daughter is in bed. In the mornings my time gets cut short because the day has to get started. At night-time I can stay up late for the Lord & I just try to keep the thoughts for the next morning 🙂
Hannah G. says
You have such a kind heart!
Hannah G. says
You have such a kind heart!
Julie Connelly says
This looks like a great book! I would love to win & read it 🙂
Erica Laramee says
I've been doing quiet times since I was 15 also! I drink tea, not coffee, but it doesn't matter, does it! 🙂
Looks like a great book. Thanks for the give-away.
Alisha says
Need this book! I have a 2 year old daughter that I hope to point to Jesus everyday.
Meredith says
Great Shade of Shay!
The Boutelle Family says
I love this! Always helpful to hear what other people do during their quiet times. I would love to win a copy of that book for guidance as I raise my two little girls! Thanks for your blog – I always really enjoy it!
Jennifer says
I admire your ability to set that time aside in the morning- I am so not a morning person, but am trying all the time to change that! Thanks for sharing!!!
Ashlea Gunn says
I usually have my quiet time at night, but this post really makes me want to try and start my day where my heart belongs 🙂
Ashlea Gunn says
I usually have my quiet time at night, but this post really makes me want to try and start my day where my heart belongs 🙂
Katie says
What a refreshing way to start the day.
A. Tran says
I am raising a beautiful, sweet girl and would love this book.
Katie says
What a refreshing way to start the day.
Heather McCaskill says
Would love to have this book as guidance in raising my two princesses. Love your blog.
Laura says
No daughters yet for me.. But I'd love a copy of that book to teach my someday baby girl. 🙂
A. Tran says
I'm raising a beautiful, sweet baby girl and would love this book for inspiration.
plfuller6 says
I love it. Same things I do!
Sara and Steve says
My daughter is about to turn 1 and I would love to read this book!
Anonymous says
Thanks for sharing your faith and some of the books that help you along in your walk with Him. LOVED this post!!!
~K. Cramer
Anonymous says
Thank you for sharing!
Tiffany says
I would love to start reading some books on raising girls since I have two of them!
Karen says
Thanks for sharing your morning routine!! I have 2 princesses and would love to read this book!
Elizabeth Conner says
I've heard such great things about this book! Would love to add it to my morning quit time!
Brooke says
I would love to read this…trying to raise 2 princesses! Thanks for this post
The Donley's says
We are hitting a tough twos patch and I would love a book to encourage me and my princess!!
My quiet time is much like yours!!
MommyWilcox says
Blessed to experience the best of both worlds and have the chance and challenge to raise one princess and two little princes.
Katrina Goodman says
I bought the book after I saw your post. I have a friend who is having a girl and I would give it to her!
Paula says
I would love a copy! I have 3 girls! =)
I love your routine!
Kristal {The Strong Family} says
I, too, wake up early to specifically set aside time to spend with The Lord. It's a complete game changer for my day & something I look forward to every morning.
Anonymous says
Thanks for sharing your wisdom and insight as a mama and a believer. And for sharing the books 🙂
Anonymous says
I love your blogs for so many reasons, but knowing that you are shining your light for Jesus is at the top. I am praying for you and your family right now!!
Danielle M says
If love to read that book.
KHubs says
I would love to read this book!
KHubs says
I would love to read this boo
Amy says
Thanks for sharing, I love to read a book along with my devotion each morning. Another great one right now is Hands Free Mama!! So good!
Anonymous says
I would love to have this book! Love your blog!
Jennifer Haag
Katie L says
I am definitely raising a princess and would love some Godly wisdom about how to do it.
Anonymous says
Great gift idea! rdnmimi@hotmail.com
Kara Grantland says
Kara Grantland says
Michelle Nobbe says
I use to do my quiet time in the evening and switch to the mornings. It is so nice starting the day with Jesus!
HTfamily says
I have one daughter along with 4 wonderful boys. I'd love to learn more about raising my daughter in a Godly way.
Katy says
I do the same thing. I enjoy getting up early for my quiet time before my day starts.
Meghan Branyon says
Thanks for sharing Shay! I love your blog:)
Lindsay D. says
Love this post!! It's a great reminder to what's important in life!!
stacey jones says
Good Christian books are always a must! My baby girl is 8 months and I fear about her growing up in this crazy world everyday
meg says
Fun! I have been wanting to get one of the parenting books you have recommended, so this would be awesome!
Angela Ellingson says
Just another reason why you inspire me. Thanks for the encouragement and reminder.
Anonymous says
I would love to read this:)
Courtney says
Sounds like a great book to read for my two girls!
Kendra says
Raising two princesses and would love some help.
Courtney says
Would love to read this book!
Chan Thayer says
Thank you for sharing. 🙂
Tracy says
Great post!
Jessica Bridges says
Thank you for your encouragement! I read your blog daily and always enjoy your perspective. Blessings in the weeks ahead as you transition to your new home!
Charlotte Photography says
I would love to read this book
Cathy and Marshall says
Love waking up early and having time to focus on what's ahead and what's in my heart. Thanks for the book suggestions!
Cathy F says
Hi Shay
Having my quiet time in the morning is something I struggle with, but really want to be consistant. Thanks for the encouragement.
Cathy F
Kim says
Love your blog. This is such good advice on the blog today.. Would love the win the book..
ashleythurston says
I would love to read this!!! I am looking for some Devonationals!
Stevie says
Raising two little princesses of my own, I'm sure this book could offer insight and inspiration into the lives of my girls.
Linda says
I agree. It helps to start the day with a quiet time. Would love to read this book.
Michele says
Wonderful words of wisdom! 🙂 Thanks for sharing.
Kimberly says
Thank you for this shade!! I'm learning quiet time in morning is so beneficial!! Love your blog!
Amanda says
Thank you for the encouragement!
Karen Schmitt says
Love this! I'm a morning person, but this inspires me to be more purposeful with my quiet time. And, I'm raising two princesses–I'd love to read this book!
Meghan Glidden says
Really want this book, I've heard GREAT things 🙂 You are inspiring and make me want to be more consistent with my quiet time!
PartyofFive says
Sounds like a great read since I have two daughters. Thanks!
Husker Stamper says
Love your blog!
Sherry Cress says
I would love to read this book!!!
Rebekah Shade says
I love this post. Thanks for the encouragement!
Erica Ladwig says
Thank you for including this as a "Shade of Shay" on your blog. It is a great encouragement to many of us, and the book looks great! 🙂
Tanya says
Oh so sweet of you! I would love to be entered! I think I would give it to my daugther who is raising my Princess Granddaughter! :0)
Tanya says
Oh so sweet of you! I would love to be entered! I think I would give it to my daugther who is raising my Princess Granddaughter! :0)
Sheri Banwart says
I would love this book!
Deborah says
Thanks for sharing…such a great Shade of Shay.
Deborah says
Thanks for sharing…such a great Shade of Shay.
Stephanie says
love your quiet time shade of shay! We all need to do this!
Kathy Olson says
Hi! Thanks so much for the giveaway! I would give this as a gift to a new mom.
Anna says
I'm a new mom to a 6 month old princess and would love to read these book 🙂
Stephanie says
love your quiet time shade of shay! We all need to do this!
Deborah says
Thanks for sharing…what a great shade of shay…
Deborah P
Abatha Boyle says
Thanks for sharing about your quiet time – helps me to realize it doesn't have to be perfect every day.
Tara Long says
I enjoy reading your blog and my daughter is 10, I'm sure I could learn from reading this book.
Michael,Amy & Emma says
Great topic!
Lisa Iwasyk says
If I don't win this book, I will be purchasing 3 copies! One for me, on for my sister, who just had her 3rd little girl, one for m brother, who has 2 of his own! Thank you shay! Your blog is wonderful, I start each day reading them! After m heart to heart with The Lord!
Sarah Gibson says
Great book recommendations!
Grace Beacham says
Aww I love this! I start each day the exact same. I cup of coffee and some time with Jesus. This is perfect.
Dana says
Fabulous post, Shay! I have three little princesses and have been wanting to buy this book. Will get have to get both Raising a Princesses and Bringing Up Girls!
Christy @ The Swafford Spot says
Hi Shay! This is such an encouraging post and one that everyone should read. Thanks for sharing!
Sarah H. says
Loved the post today! I agree that starting your day with Jesus gets you in the right mindset to tackle the rest of the day. I would love to win the book!
Eileen says
I too love my quiet time! Thanks for sharing this very important shade of shay.
Tessa Ernst says
Very encouraging
jackie says
What a great shade of shay! Not A Fan is one of my all time favorite books.
Becky Bullock says
I was just looking for a new Christian book to read – copied down this link. Thank you!
Mrs. Jenk says
Great to hear how others do it.
Jaclyn N says
Thanks for reminding me I need to get back on track with my quiet time. With 3 young girls in my house, I think I really need to read this book!
Lindsay Llambes says
Thanks for sharing! I have to leave the house at 6 for work so I haven't ever gotten up earlier than absolutely necessary. I may have to try after reading this!
Anonymous says
Thank you for sharing this Shade of Shay – this is something that I continuously resolve to initiate in a more consistent way and continuously fail to keep up with. I have a 4 and 1 year old at home and one on the way so mornings can be crazy – this is good motivation to just get up a few minutes before those kiddos to start my day off with God right!
brittany ice says
Thank you for the opportunity, this is on my to buy list!
Emily R. says
I think this is my favorite Shade yet 🙂 thanks for sharing!
The Mommy says
We are reading through Sheila Walsh's manners book for girls about being God's little princess. It has been such a nice addition to our Gigi books, so this looks like a great book for me!
Emily R. says
I think this is my favorite Shade so far. Thanks for sharing! 🙂
Heather Miller says
I love reading your blog and the monday meal planning! This is such a great way to reach out to others especially mama's raising princesses. Thank you!
Emily R. says
I think this is my favorite Shade yet 🙂 thanks for sharing!
Sarah says
Thanks for the giveaway!
Rachel Brown says
Great Shade of Shay! Thank you for sharing the books you've been reading, I will have to pick one up 🙂 have a blessed day.
Liz says
LOVE Dr. Dobson! His books are amazing.
Hillary says
Loving the blog and my family has been loving the recipes! I would love to read Dr. Dobson's books on raising boys and girls – thanks for the suggestions!
denise says
Sounds like a fabulous book for raising girls
heather.m.herron@gmail.com says
Would love to read this book!! Thanks for sharing your heart!!
Baby Kate's Mom says
Great topic! Thanks for sharing 🙂
heather.m.herron@gmail.com says
I would love to read this book!! Thanks for sharing your heart!!
Laura says
Thanks for posting!! Such a great reminder and very encouraging!
Sa-Rawr! says
Happy Tuesday!! I think I'm going to need to visit your post on being a morning person!
The Stoy Family Blog says
Looks like a great read!!
Amanda McD says
What a great Shade, Shay! I'd love this book as I just had twin girls.
Brittany says
I really enjoy reading your blog every morning!
Anonymous says
I really need to find more of God and Jesus in my life.
~Amy Wolff
Karissa Hunt says
Would love to read this book!
Sarah Guedry says
Shay- I love this post. Acutally, I love them all but this one is really good. You make me want to be a better person.
Lana S says
This book sounds very interesting. I have three daughters so I'm constantly reading books and learning how to raise them well.
emilyanne says
Love this! Thanks for sharing.
Jessica Olds says
Would love love love to win this book! Love reading your blog every day! – Jessica
Kate Jaco says
I love hearing how others spend their quiet time. Thanks for sharing!
Alyssa Schwartz says
I would love to win this book!
Alyssa Schwartz says
I would love to win this book!
Miss T says
Quiet time always makes my day better. Thanks for telling us how you do yours. This would be great book to have!
Miss T says
Quiet time always makes my day better. Thanks for telling us how you do yours. This would be great book to have!
Miss T says
Quiet time always makes my day better. Thanks for telling us how you do yours. This would be great book to have!
Charity says
Love your blog Shay!
Tracie B says
Thanks for sharing! Quiet time always makes the day better.
Sharon S says
Jesus Calling by Sarah Young is another great way to start the day. Its so relevant and each days passage comes with a scripture to read that goes with it. Extra good for those of us who just don't know where to randomly read in our bible to make it relevant to what else we are reading. Highly recommend.
Tracey says
I would love a copy of this book. I do love my quiet time also!
Jules says
Thanks for sharing Shay!
Laurie S says
Shay – love this post. I am floundering in my quiet time with our Lord. Thank you for your inspiring and encouraging words. Bless you!!
Beth Roberts says
I'd love to win this book – we have two princesses (6 and 3)!
Anonymous says
Thank you for sharing such a great idea! I love reading your blog each day. This book looks perfect for me and my two year old daughter.
laura says
Been looking to buy this book! Thanks for the quite time encouragement.
dresselfamily.blogspot.com says
I love that you do this. I am LDS and I love to read my scriptures and pray daily too, it just starts the day out right! Thanks for sharing this Shay!
Laura Day says
I go through times where I'm really good at this, but I need it to be a lifelong commitment! Right now, I haven't been setting the time aside & I can feel it the entire day. My days feel chaotic, crazy & disorganized.
Shawna says
Love my PB&J time (Prayer, Bible, Journal). Such a great post!!
Amy S says
Thanks for the book suggestions, I am always on the look out for great devo books. I would love to read the raising princesses book…two daughters!
Kim Fleming says
After three boys, and then a girl. They are definitely different molds of wonder! I read James Dobson and truly loved it and would love to read this book also, even though my daughter says, "Mom, I don't want people to think I act like a princess!" Love that!
Cassidy says
I would love to read this book!
D and K says
Would love to read, with 2 young daughters I am sure I need the advice!
Anonymous says
I find myself reading weeks of devotional just to catch up…not how it was intended. Need to get better at making time every day.
Taylor Moehl says
Looks like it would be a great read! I read I have really enjoyed reading your blog each day! You are such an encouragement! Thanks for sharing your life and thoughts!
Steph says
I have that book in my wishlist so to win it would be extra nice 🙂
thegambrells says
Would love this book!!!
Kathryn Michols says
Thanks for sharing! I just had a daughter 7 weeks ago, and I would love to read the book!
Allison Snoderly says
I am so glad I found your blog. Love love love it!! 🙂
Kathryn Michols says
Thanks for sharing. I just had a daughter 7 weeks ago, and I would love to read the book!
Allison Snoderly says
I am so glad I found your Blog a few months ago. Love love love the daily posts!
McCraine Family says
Thank you for the book recommendations!
Stephanie Phillips says
Love love love this shade of shay! Thank you for sharing 🙂
Leiah says
Hi Shay, thanks so much for always showing a glimpse into your life. It's so nice to be encouraged in new ways. I have been spending my quiet time with Jesus in the evenings, but I am going to try and wake up a little earlier and start my days off right with Him 🙂
SarahN says
Great reminder!
Lesli says
Looks like a great read
Tiffany Martha says
would love to have this book!!
theresad2218629 says
Thanks for a great giveaway!
Anonymous says
I've always wanted to get up and have my quiet time in the morning, but I am not a morning person…you have just inspired me!
Great post!!
Leah B.
Liz/ says
That book looks like a great read! Love this Shade of Shay!
Miranda says
I'd love to win this book – I have a 5 year old daughter 🙂
Allison Mcgaha says
Great quiet time tips! I have a basket full of my Bibles books and journals that I keep by my favorite reading chair!
amy h says
Love your blog! Sounds like a great book
Darby says
Sounds like a great book, I have two girls so I know I could benefit from it!
tambrook04 says
Love this, great reminder to make time for the word!
ambermarie says
Sounds like a good read, since I certainly have a little princess on my hands! 🙂
Anonymous says
Great post! I have started to wake up a little earlier to devote some quiet time and what a difference! I just feel better when my first conversation of the day is with Jesus!
Amanda & Jerrod Carpenter says
I love that you use your blog to encourage people in Christ, because I know so many girls that read your blog who aren't believers. Thanks for your openness. I would love to give this book to my sister who has a little girl!
Tricia Stucky says
Thanks so much for sharing! I have 3 little princesses so I would love to read this book!!
Daphne W says
Reading your blog is a highlight of my morning routine! Love that you always are upbeat and encouraging.
Anonymous says
This book sounds really good!
Tricia Stucky says
Thanks so much for sharing. I have 3 princesses and would love to read this book!
Mandy says
HI! LOVE your blog!!
Mandy says
HI! LOVE your blog!!
Danielle (Life with the Hewitt Family) says
This book is on my reading list! I have been wanting to focus on making sure I have quiet time each morning and your post has given me more motivation!
E Truitt says
There are several books on the list you blogged about that I can't wait to read! Good post. I needed this encouragement to make time for quiet.
Jennifer Stilts says
I would love to win!
Jacqueline Lehnertz says
I am just becoming a morning person, and some days I struggle with it. Thank you for your post! This is a great way to start your day.
Jodi says
Great post!
Debbie Dankelson says
Very inspiring! Love!
Anonymous says
thanks for the ideas and encouragement!
Hannah Gist says
Especially in today's society, it is so important that we as parents and Christians raise our daughters to be a light for Him! I haven't read this book, but am excited to!
Allie S says
Love the early morning quiet time! With my husband deployed, a busy day at work, and an energetic 2 year old, this is the greatest way to start the day! Looking forward to reading some of these books! Thanks for the ideas!
Eileen B. says
I really enjoy reading your blog and love how you are so devoted to your family.
-Eileen B.
Jennifer Stilts says
I would love to win this! It's on my wish list of books to read this summer. 🙂
Jordan says
I love this! Thanks for being such an inspiration.
Emily says
Love this!
Amanda Barfield says
I would love to have a copy! My little girl will be one in July!
Kristin Marak says
Thanks for sharing this shade…I usually wait till the end of the day and like the idea of starting the day out with prayers instead. Going to have to change up my routine a bit.
Anonymous says
I would love to read this book!
Karen W says
Sounds like a great book!
Lindsay B. says
Hi! We just adopted a baby girl, would love this book!
Sarah Goldsberry says
With two girls, I would love to read this book!
Karen W says
Sounds like a great book!
Dana says
Thank you for such an inspirational post! You are so generous to be giving away copies of the book. Thank you.
jamie says
LOVE this shade of Shay!
Kristen says
Hi Shay! I have never read the book you're giving away today. It sounds like a great one to read and pass around to friends and family. Love your blog(s)!
Beth says
I am really going to have to try this – I always think I'll have time after the kids are in bed, but then I'm too tired. I already get up between 5:15 and 5:30, but maybe I should try getting up at 5? I would love to check this book out, too!
Kristin McGeeney says
Thank you for the chance. Thanks for sharing about your quiet time! Much appreciated!
Katie Dacus says
Good morning, Shay! Thanks for sharing the Christian authors that you read! 🙂
Heather says
Hi Shay!! Thank you for this post. Day time with Jesus is so important! Love you and your family! Keep running the race sweet sister!
Brianna says
I love this so much. Thank you so much for a look inside such a precious time of your day and relationship with the Lord! I pray that I can get accustomed to some quiet time every morning.
Kyle & Mekelle says
Love your blog! I live in Alabama and am very familiar with John Croyle and Big Oak Ranch. Great book, great people.
Aaron says
Our family is expecting a little girl in July, this would be very insightful.
Dawn says
Oh, please pick me! I have a princess who is trying to rule her kingdom with an iron fist.
Lyndsey Harms says
Hi Shay! I'd love a copy of this book, I have a fantastic 2 year old that this will apply to!
Thanks again!
jaimep says
would love to read this book!
Mandy Lee says
Would love to read this as I raise my ten month old!
jthmas says
I love your blog and would love this book! Great post today, thank you!
Mandy Lee says
I would love to read this!
Erica says
Thanks for the encouragement!
Kelli says
Ansleighsmom says
would love this as I am raising a 5 year old little girl as well! hope u are having a wonderful week!
Anonymous says
Thank you for this post! I needed to be motivated to have quiet time in the mornings!
allison s. says
Jami says
This book looks really interesting!
Sarah P says
What a great post!
Anonymous says
Would love to read this book
The Proctors says
This Shade of Shay is the most important one! Thank you for sharing!
Shelly says
Totally agree with your comment that praying isn't hard but setting aside time is….once I make this a conscious choice my day is always so much better
Jason&Michele says
This sounds like a perfect book for the stage if life my oldest girl is in! 🙂
Mandy says
Great post!
LivingLifeLarson says
I am just back into the blogging world and this is the first post I have read in probably a year. What an incredible one to start off with. I love this. And I love the idea of starting the day off with him. A reminder to start your day off on the right foot! Thanks for sharing.
Stephie C says
Hi! I do the same! It's a great way to start your day! Happy Tuesday!
Brooke says
I love this post!
Anonymous says
I would Love to read this..
mrsuribe says
I think this is my favorite Shades of Shay.
Lauren Chudzik says
Hi – would love to read that book. I have a newly minted 4 year old daughter and still lots to learn!
Tiffany R says
Love this shade of shay! Would love to win the book! I'm raising a little 3 year old princess!
Morgan Thrasher says
With having our little girl in March, I am loving your blog- I have been trying some of the recipes and they have been great. Love the blog!
Amanda says
Great Shade of Shay! Definitely looking at getting this book, if I don't win it, after finishing the 4 books I'm in the middle of now. 🙂 Thanks for sharing this morning!
Brittany Eagen says
Love this blog post! Very encouraging 🙂
amy says
I'm determined to become a morning person even though it might kill me. Looks like a great book. Can't wait to read it.
Sarah E @ theteacherswife.com says
Thanks for posting about this topic b/c it's so important! I won't have much to give if I don't let God fill me up, but it's been a struggle with my little ones. I would love to do it first thing in the morning, but it's been during nap times (or whenever else I can manage it) lately. Great post!
Lacie says
Thanks for the encouragement…really trying to be a morning person but my comfy bed keeps getting in the way of that!
Elizabeth Andrews says
You are such an inspiration! I would love to have a copy of that book!
Kate says
Thank you for sharing
Sarah says
I've found my day goes so much more smoothly when I refuse to check instagram, blogs or facebook until I've done my devotions. First things first!
Karen says
Hi Shay
Thanks for the giveaway. Love reading your blog and love that you are not afraid to share your faith!
Journey With Me says
Thank you for sharing! I have one daughter who'll be starting Kindergarten in the fall and another baby girl on the way! Would love to read this book…I can use all the help I can get!
knmkendall says
Thank you for this giveaway! And thank you for sharing your faith, glorifying God through your blog! This book looks so good and I would love to read it for inspiration in raising my 4 daughters.
Laura says
I've had this book on my wishlist since you posted about it the other day. We have 3 princesses 7yrs, 5yrs, and almost 2…and I'd love to get my hands on a copy! Thanks!!
RED says
This sounds like a great book!
Anonymous says
I would love to win this book! I hope to have my own little princess to raise very soon!
Val @ It's Always Sunny in Somerville says
I'd love to read this book as I am at the start of raising a young lady. Thank you for hosting!
Shawnda D says
This book is on my to read list.
RED says
Hi! This sounds like a great book!
Mama Dean says
Thanks for sharing this personal side of you.
Katie Waldron says
I have two little girls 20 months apart & would love to read this book! Thanks Shay!
ALVA says
New to your blog. Thank you for the opportunity to win this book.
Anonymous says
Looking forward to ordering a few of these books!!! Thank you for being a great example and light of Jesus to others : )
Cristin says
I would love to read this book!
Mara Kreiling says
I was just thinking I need to start reading some books on raising girls AND raising boys for my 15 month old twins! I will be checking out the books by Dr. James Dobson and Raising a Princess.
Alison @ Get Your Pretty On says
This is beautiful and exactly how I start every single day. I've also added in a 2:00 p.m. devotion time on the patio just before the kids get home from school. My two favorite times of the day!
clatk says
I know I need to be better at this– so hard to wake up, though!! Thanks for the book offer!
Suzie says
I do not have any children, but I have six nieces of which each and every one is a princess in their own way. Would love to win one of these to read and then give to my sisters.
Bethany Halpern says
Shay- I don't know if you read all your comments but I am telling you, you should really really read Karen Kingsbury. She is the best Christian author I have found. The series you should look for is the redemption series. Start there and you'll be hooked! Have a blessed day! Xo
Kacee Poole says
Looks like a great book!
Lindsay Walter says
I love starting my day with coffee and quiet time, too. 🙂
Ashley Cochran says
Love your blog and would love to read this book!!!!
Elaine Welte says
I need this book with three girls of my own! Thank you for pointing out that your quiet time may be only 2 minutes or 20!
Jessica says
Love your outlook on this… Thanks for taking the "it must be perfect" pressure off!
Carley says
Love this, Shay! 🙂 My days are much better when I start with a quiet time! Thanks for being so open and honest!
Emily R. says
PS- do you have any recommendations for newlywed Christian books? I'm getting married in December & would love to start reading ahead of time on how to better my (future) marriage by making Jesus the center of our relationship.
Jessica Agnew says
I have 2 princesses and would love to read that book!
Anonymous says
Thanks for sharing.
Manhappiness Mama says
Wow, I really needed this post today! I've been struggling with the need to set aside (and schedule!) some "quiet"time! I'm dying to read the book while raising my currently 3 year old princess, too!
Unknown says
I am pregnant with my first girl! I need this book, I have two boys… Katie Allred
Kasey Herbers says
I think this book would help me with my 9 year old!
emily says
looks like a great read. no daughters here, or sons, but i do love my nieces.
Stephanie Williams says
I would love a chance to read this book since I have two little girls 🙂
Tom & Michelle Rennie says
This book sounds very interesting.
Tom & Michelle Rennie says
This book looks good!
Heather says
Would love to read this book!
Rachael Mercado says
Love this! Need that book.. 🙂
Anonymous says
Such a great encouragement for me to get up even earlier in the morning and start my day with Jesus! I would love to receive the book as I am a single mother of a precious pre-teen girl. Thank you and blessings to you and your family.
Lochie A.
Anonymous says
I would love the chance to win this! 🙂
Lindsey Chvosta
Rachael Mercado says
Love this! Thanks for sharing.
Katie Stoneham says
I would love to read this book since I am raising 2 princesses of my own!
mkresin says
Love your blog and today's sweet post about quiet time. Thanks for being so bold with your faith. It is an encouragement to me!
Britta says
Thanks for the encouragement today! Loved this Shade of Shay 🙂
Elizabeth Behnfeldt says
You are an inspiration. Putting your great words and advice to work and soon!
Maggie&Kyle says
I would love to read this book!
Crystal says
Thanks for sharing!
Kaitlyn Putnam says
Always a great reminder. Thanks!
Claudia says
Shay, I love this post. You have already inspired me to seek a church that brings me closer to God and you continue to inspire me with these posts. Thank you so much.
Wendy B says
I'd love to give this book away to several of my friends with girls.
Wendy B says
I'd love to give this book away to several of my friends with girls.
Claudia says
Shay, thank you so much for this post. You have already inspired me to seek a church that brings me closer to God and you continue to inspire me with posts like this. God bless you and Thank you.
Bethany DuBose says
Love this!!!!
April says
Feeling inspired now. Thanks for sharing!
Jenny says
I love how structured and organized your day seems to be. Bless you! 🙂
Kaylee Steiner says
Sounds like a great book! And I agree that this kind of quiet time with God really helps you prioritize and guide your day and choices you make! Thanks for sharing!!
Nicola Lodes says
I'd love to read this book. My three year old daughter loves her child Bible. I'd like to learn more about teaching her about Christianity and faith.
Abby says
What a great shade! We are fixing to go on different summer trips, so I will be checking a few of these books out!
Jessica says
God is good…All the time! Thanks for your post today and for the giveaway!
Anonymous says
I love this shade of you! Also, thank you for "teaching" those of us who don't know Jesus very well the ways we can become closer with Him.
Stacey Claassen says
Hi! I would love to read the book. Our first daughter is turning one in a week.
Lizzie Simantz says
Now that I will have 2 daughters, I'm sure I could use this book 🙂
Lizzie Simantz says
Now that I will have 2 daughters, I'm sure I could use this book 🙂
Stephanie says
What a great shade of shay 🙂 Thank you for being so real.
Mrs. Mommy says
I have a 3 year old daughter and would absolutely LOVE this book! I am looking for a good devotional too so I can start my new quiet time routine.
Abramyan Avenue says
I love that you posted this. We have been hearing and being taught so strongly lately the importance of daily Bible reading. That's how we draw close to him. Then we're able to use the Bible as a mirror and make necessary adjustments.
Shenny says
Hi Shay! 🙂 thanks for this post… very inspirational. Love this post!
Carolyn says
Would love to read this book
Shenny says
Hi Shay! Love this post so much. Very inspiring. Thank you.
Carolyn says
Would love to read this book
Monica says
Love the shades posts 🙂
Kelly S says
I'm definitely going to try some quiet time in the mornings ?
AmyRay says
This sounds like a great book!
Ami says
Would love this book…I have two daughters.
Mary says
I needed to read this today!
Jacks Lorraine says
Would love to win. Thanks! 🙂
Shesabigstar says
I absolutely love this shade of Shay… and I love even more how open you are about your faith, it is SO helpful and inspiring!
Madison Berry says
As a mommy to a 14 month old sweet girl, I would love this book 🙂
Vanessa Campos says
Thank you for sharing!
Ashley Drysdale says
Love your blog, Shay!
The Petersens says
Love all your Shades of Shay, especially this one!
Jen Petersen says
Love all your Shades of Shay, especially this one. Thanks for sharing your faith and encouraging others!
Kelly says
I would love to win a copy of that book. I have my own 2 year old princess and I'm always interested in biblically based guidance on how to raise her.
Katie says
I have been really enjoying your blog, thanks for the giveaway!
kristenbrittingham says
Thanks for the giveaway! This post is encouraging.
kristenbrittingham says
Thanks for the giveaway! This post is encouraging.
Amy says
I would love to read this for guidance on raising my daughter! And, I love your other book suggestions! As the mom of a girl and boy, I will be reading both of Dr. James Dobson's books! Thanks!
Alison Letfus says
Thanks for all the useful tips and motivation!
Gideon P says
I read your post the other day about the Princess book. I have three boys and now have an adopted daughter. I can't wait to get into it. I would love to give this book to my sister who has a daughter too!!
Leslie says
Love this shade!
emily says
Would love to hand the princess book!
Kelly@TheAdornedAbode.com says
Very inspiring post – would love to read that book!
Melissa says
I love your "all i need…" print-so true!!!
Thanks for sharing and for the giveaway : )
Anonymous says
would love to read this book!
priscilla says
You are such an inspiration, and a great role model for so many. THANK YOU.
Cathy's World says
My daughter has that saying…"All I need today is a little coffee and a whole lot of Jesus in her kitchen." I love it. It is so true. Starting my day with Jesus sets the tone of the rest of my day.
The Patrick family says
I read your post about the Princess book and bought it. Since I have three boys and one adopted daughter, this was a must have! However, I would love to give my sister a copy to read.
Kim M says
Love this shade! Thanks for sharing!
Anonymous says
I need to check out all these books!
Christa Fulton
Lyttle {LoveTheSullivans} says
Thank you for sharing this with us!
Susan Pelizzaro says
I would love to read this book!
Angelica Longoria says
Reading your blogs each morning is part of my "quiet time." You are so encouraging and motivating!! I was looking for this book at B&N this past Sunday, but only found Bringing up Girls.. Would love to have this one too!
Kelly says
I'd love to read this book! Great Shade of Shay!
Lena says
Enjoyed this!
Nicole B. says
Coffee and quiet time is my favorite way to start the day. It totally gets me in the Godly mindset and feeling capable of taking on whatever heads my way.Thanks for the great giveaway!
Mrs. Everything says
Loved hearing John speak at .Mom!!
Lisa F. says
Love this! I always love hearing how others do their quiet time. I've also been really wanting to read Raising a Princess!!
Mrs. Everything says
Loved hearing John speak at .Mom and would LOVE this book!
Jaclyn Johnson says
Hi Shay! Another great giveaway! I would love to receive a copy of this book as I'm sure it would help me in raising my 3 yr old daughter 🙂 Have a good day and thanks for another great post!
Anonymous says
Great post today! Thanks!
BeickerFamily says
I look forward to your blog everyday. Thank you for sharing!!!
LeAnne says
Great reminder about quiet time. Thanks
Renee V says
Sounds like an inspiring book. I would love to read it!
Jones Family says
I love your blog. Thanks for sharing your faith.
Jones Family says
I love your blog. Thanks for sharing your faith with us today!
Tiffany Wuzzardo says
Great advice! Thanks for sharing!
Nicki says
I would love a copy of this book!
Laurie says
I love your blog and I would love to win a copy of this book. I am reading Wild Things (raising sons) right now and would love one to read about daughters
The Schulte Family says
I need this for my princess!
Anonymous says
I love my quiet time with Jesus. I always feel so refreshed when I start my day with Him.
Nichole says
I'm so bad about being consistent in this…maybe because my kids wake up before 6 and I have a hard time getting that alone time in the morning, but on the days that I do succeed my day goes so much better!
Nikki Poole says
Would love to read that book!
Brittany Stevens says
I'm raising Princes but would love to win this for a friend. 🙂
sarah kelly hurst says
thanks for sharing what your quiet times look like. its always good to be reminded of the importance of having them and at best, in the morning! i'd love to win a copy of that book! we've got a pretty cute little princess! 🙂
cmcdonald says
Love this post! Can't wait to get my hands on some of those books!!
Dionne Dawkins says
I'm always in search of good books about Christian parenting.
Kelly says
Hi Shay, I love your tips for quiet time. As always, thanks for sharing 🙂
Jenn says
Hi! This is one of my favorite shades! My daughter is the same age as yours so if I don't win this book, I'm going to buy it.
mommydontplay says
Great Shade of Shay today!!
Karen says
Book sounds very interesting! I have two girls, 3 and 1. Perfect book for us!
Tina says
Great post! I am raising a prince and a princess 😉 and need all the support I can get! Would love to win the book!
katie elizabeth says
Thanks for sharing, Shay. What an incredible platform you have to encourage and strengthen women 🙂
Jamie says
I loved reading your thoughts on this. I couldn't agree more with the statement you made about how the hard part isn't reading your Bible but making time to do it is. That is so true! Here is to making a better effort. 🙂
jenny says
Would love to win copy of the book! Love your blog. 🙂
Haley @ Cupcakes and Sunshine says
Love this post so much!!! Days without quiet time just are not the same. It is so great to spend time with the Lord each morning. Oatmeal+the Word+ coffee= the perfect start to the day!
Jill says
Such great advice! I agree that every day should start with Jesus…even if it's just a few minutes. 🙂
Trisha Bunten says
I love following you every day! I would love to read this book as I have a 4 year old daughter!
mustbmegan says
I'm currently working on making my quiet time work the best for me. Thanks for the tips!
Amber Sanders says
LOVE this Shade of Shay. Thanks for sharing and encouraging each of us to make the time for God in each day. I really loved hearing about this book and would LOVE a copy!!
Michelle says
What a great reminder. Thank you for the inspriation!
Erica says
I've been wanting to read this book! Thank you!
Sarah G. says
Love this post, I so need to get more consistent with this. Also, saw the Andrew Shull mobile out today, what a fun car!!! 🙂
Erica says
Love this! Thank you!
Whitney says
Would love to read that book. Thanks for sharing!
Leslie Tucker says
Thank you for sharing about the importance of your quiet time! You are right…my day is so much better when it is started in the presence of my Savior! Thank you for the book recommendations! I look forward to reading!! Your blog is a blessing!!
Anna H. says
Thanks for a great reminder and the grace that it doesn't have to be 20-30 minutes; that two minutes is better than none. 🙂 I heard John Croyle speak at dotMom and he was great! What a wonderful opportunity to win one of his books!
Karen I. :) says
What a wonderful post!! I am sure that's the reason for so many people writing in.
I joined the raffle this time, being that I have two precious nieces! I entered their mom's name and my email. If we win, she will be the recipient for sure, which is why I want her to get the shout out (if we are lucky)! I think she would LOVE IT! If not, it's a great thing for me to put on a list of potential gifts for her! Thanks, Shay!!!
Kristin says
Hi! I enjoy reading your blog daily. This was was especially uplifting. And raising a princess sounds like a book I should read with two princesses our house.
Ny says
Hi Shay!
I am raising two princesses( and a prince too) and would love to read this book.
Have a blessed day!
The Seidel Family says
I would love to read this book! And I love the way in which you live your life. I hope one day I can be as consistent as you are with the way you attack every thing you do. You are a great inspiration!
storrence08@gmail.com says
Love this post! Thank you so much for sharing. xo
storrence08@gmail.com says
I love this post. Thank you so much for sharing. xo
storrence08@gmail.com says
I love this post! Thank you so much for sharing. xo
Lauren says
We were so blessed with Todd and Keith as our youth ministers weren't we? Such great and life changing memories!
Andrea Kay says
HI! I love this post. I think we can all use a little quiet time for reflection each day 🙂
Michele Hutchison says
I love that your share so much of your life with your readers. Thanks for sharing what your prayer time looks like. Sometimes I feel like my time in the evening when I talk to Jesus isn't "good enough" because I may get rushed. What I should be remembering is Jesus isn't rating my time on a rubric… thanks for the reminder.
Kara says
thanks for encouraging early morning reading and quiet time. It's not when I typically do this, but it would be good to try it!
Judith and Lance says
Thanks for sharing. Time with Jesus — there's nothing like it.
Keisha Dawson says
Thank you for showing others how simple it is to spend a little bit of time with Jesus! Love this!
Andrea says
I have two girls ages 3 and 5, I think I need to start reading this!
Cindy V. says
Love your commitment to the Lord-it's the most important shade!
Rachel Lee says
Always love to get inspiration in raising my two princesses! 🙂
Anonymous says
Thanks for sharing…
Matthew and Jennifer Smith says
I have 2 princesses.
Sarah Leech says
I'd love to win this book. I had my first child, a little girl on January 1 of this year!!
Heather says
It's great to get ideas on how others approach their relationship with our Lord. I like the notebook idea.
Stephanie Jennings says
Very motivating…. Thank you, Shay!!! Have a great day 🙂
JenJen says
I have started getting up early to work out and am going to try starting to add this to my morning routine. I read a devotional at lunch but sometimes I do think my mind is already so boggged down and tired to really "get it". Wouldlove to use this book at my quiet time.
Slightly Askew Designs says
LOVE this shade of Shay and hoping to add this book to my stack of "boy mom" books 🙂
Amanda says
Daily quiet time w/ God is essential and something I need to be more consistent with!
Molly Harper says
Have a 1.5 year old daughter! This book would be a great ready for us!
Molly Harper says
Have a 1.5 year old daughter. This book would be a great read for us!
Elisabeth says
I live in a house full of little princesses, I would love to win that book!
Molly Harper says
Have a 1.5 year old daughter! This book would be a great ready for us!
Anonymous says
This was so good!!
Heidi menges
Kim says
I'd love to win this book!
Jenny says
I have 2 daughters (er Princess's). Would love to read this book!
Sara says
What a fun giveaway!
Sara says
What fun!
Gina Taylor- Maryland says
Hope I win!
B Ziegenhorn says
Would love to read this book! Thanks for sharing.
Heather says
I'm going to reread the post on becoming a morning person!! I have 3 little girls 6,4 & 2 I would love to read this book. Thanks for the giveaway!!
Monica Carpenter says
Love that you have your quiet time with God every morning. This is definitely something I need to try. Too often I find myself rushing about through life without realizing what I truly need to prioritize. Thanks for the post.
Julie says
Love reading your blog everyday. Thanks for the encouragement!
Kendall Johnson says
I would love to read this book to help me raise my 9 month old princess!
Julie says
Love reading your blog! Thanks for the encouragement and ideas!
Kimberly says
Would love to win a copy of the book!
Bliss and Blunders of a Newlywed says
Love this! It really inspires me to make more time for Jesus and to set aside specific moments to pray and read. Thanks for the inspiration!
Kate says
you are an inspiration to me! Love you more and more with every post! =)
Anonymous says
Would love to read this book!
Lauren (laurenmachelle@gmail.com)
Brittany F. says
I agree, I need a little bit of coffee and a whole lot of Jesus ever single day.
Brittany F. says
I agree, I need a little bit of coffee and a whole lot of Jesus ever single day.
Keesler Krew says
I would love to read this book 🙂
Mary Conner says
I would love to read this book! Thank you for your insights today. I really enjoy reading your blog.
Elaine Baker says
Hi from San Francisco, and I love a lot of Jesus too.
Barbara and Jeramy says
Love your blog!
Anonymous says
I am a young mother raising a little princess on my own! I would love to read this. Thanks for sharing it!
WOOD says
This would be a great book with a four year old little girl and another due next month! Thanks!
Alisha Wilson says
Hi Shay! I looked into reading this book when you mentioned it on your blog last week. I would love to read it since I have 2 precious girls! Thanks for suggesting it.
Torgersons says
I'd love to read that book!
Anonymous says
I love your blog and would love to win a copy of this book since I have a 5yr old little girl. Thank you! 🙂
Joanna says
Thanks for the quiet time encouragement! Definitely important to remember
Julie and Richard says
I agree! My day is so much better when I start it with some quiet time with The Lord. Thanks for sharing!
Julie and Richard says
I love quiet time too! It's the best way to start my day.
Sarah says
I would love to read this book. Such a scary world raising girls (and boys) right now.
Sarah says
Would love to read this book. Such a scary world to raise girls (and boys) in these days.
Tella says
I'd love to stick this in my hope chest
Allison Travis says
Great post! I would love to read some of these books! As a Mom to an almost 6 year old girl and 3 year old boy, I am always looking for guidance in raising them right!
KHeath says
I would love to read this book!
Amy Miller says
Love john croyle!! Thanks for sharing you life with us 🙂
Karen R says
I would love to read this book.
Lauren says
I need to get into this habit!! Great idea.
Stephanie says
Would LOVE to have this book as I can tell my 28 month old is already a princess. 🙂
Tatia Huipe says
You are an inspiration, thank you.
Caroline says
People need to read this – so thank you for sharing!!
Bethany King says
Love this! Great way to start the day
Steph and Zack says
I LOVE this Shade of Shay! Such great advice to have quiet time at the START of the day… It's too easy to get caught up in life and forget at the end and/or try to play clean-up at the end!
Steph and Zack says
I LOVE this Shade of Shay! Such wonderful advice to have quiet time at the START of the day!
Melissa says
Love this
Shannon says
Thanks for sharing about your intimate time with Jesus. It's very encouraging to hear how others incorporate their quiet time into a busy day and make it the #1 priority. I'm trying to be better at this and this is great encouragement. I also love details and you so kindly give every detail to your "shades" and this is awesome! And lastly, the quote "All I need today is a little bit of coffee and a whole lot of Jesus" is going up in my house stat. 😉
Shannon says
Thanks for sharing about your intimate time with Jesus. It's very encouraging to hear how others incorporate quiet time into their busy day and make it the #1 priority. I'm trying to be better at this and this was great encouragement. I love details and you so kindly give all the details to your "shades" and I just love that. Lastly, that quote "all I need today is a little bit of coffee and a whole lot of Jesus" is going up in my house stat! 😉
Anonymous says
Would love to read this book!
j says
Would love to read this book!
j says
Would love to read this book!
Darcy says
I'm an early morning person (we get up at 4:50 am) but I don't carve out time for reading….probably something I need to start doing!
Lacey Salmon says
Loved this post! I've really come into my quiet time zone since having my daughter and really look forward to it in the morning.
Joy says
I look forward to all your shades of Shay. Some I apply to my life and some aren't for me. I like this one though. And i do agree it is better to start with your quiet time in the morning than at the end of the day.
pwmurf says
Love my morning quiet time! Thank you!
Jeanie says
You are an inspiration!
Unknown says
I would love to win
Melody Lietzau says
I love That you start your day with Jesus and recognize that he should be your priority. This book looks great.
Michelle Ragsdale says
thank you for sharing! your blog is inspiring and encouraging for women (esp moms) it's like you know what I need to hear…
Unknown says
Love this post! Quiet time is very important. Thank you!
Unknown says
Quiet time is important. Thanks for sharing!
Dena A says
I can't wait to take a look at some of those books you listed.
A.Giba says
Love your post! Thanks for sharing.
Jessie T says
Would love a copy 🙂 Great post!
The Fair Melissa says
I have the exact same method to my Bible time .. and I need some new books to read! I would love to read this one!
Melanie says
Karna says
Thanks for the encouragement!
Wendy Correa says
I look forward to reading your blog every day! Thank you for the encouragement!
Kylie says
Hi Shay! What a great post. I couldn't agree more about the importance of quiet time to start your day; it makes all the difference! We've been talking a lot about quiet time in my church lately, and just this last Saturday we hosted a women's tea where we had an author/speaker come and speak; she talked about many things, but one of her major topics was quiet time! 😉 Her name is Debbi Bryson and she actually wrote a devotional called "Wisdom for Women: 365 Devotions through Proverbs." I just started it, and thought you might enjoy it too, since you mentioned you were reading a Proverb a day! 🙂 You can find it on Amazon. Anyhoo, thanks again for sharing such a great shade of Shay!
Katriel-Maria Berbert says
Allison says
Great shade! I am trying to set aside more time in the morning for a quiet time.
Blanca says
Hi! 🙂
Lindsey says
Great post – as usual! You come across so authentic, I keep coming back for more!
Anonymous says
Love your blog!
Rachel -Doug Betts says
I love this blog post, Shay! We all need encouragement to meet with Jesus every day.
Rachel -Doug Betts says
I love this blog post, Shay! We all need encouragement to meet with Jesus every day.
Amy Lawrence says
Thank you for posting the Mother's Day giveaway! Can't believe I won. It's been surreal. I would have never seen it, had you not participated! Thanks so much!
Tamara says
What a great idea about quiet time! Thanks for the advice!
Christi says
Looks like a great book! Would love to read it for my little princess 🙂
Sandy P says
I have 2 little princesses to raise. What a great book.
Amanda says
Thanks for sharing, I plan to check out some of those books for my quiet time too!!
Lauren W says
I don't have children yet, but I have already started worrying about bringing them up knowing Jesus. Reading material would be great!
Shaina says
Would LOVE to have this book! Love your blog 🙂
Anonymous says
I love starting my day this way! Also would love to read that book as I attempt to raise my little princess 🙂
Lauren W says
Love reading your blog!
Natalie says
I love reading your blog each day. Thanks for sharing this shade!
Britni says
Great post!
Sharon Tidwell says
Good advice. Thank you!
Sharon Tidwell says
Good advice. Thank you!
Pn says
Thanks for sharing! I'd love a copy of the book.
Katie says
I have two little girls so I would love to read this.
Allison says
I would love to read this book. I have a five month old baby girl who is my heart and soul.
heather says
Love this!
Beth says
I would love to read this book for my two girls!
kld813 says
Love this! Thanks for sharing!
Melissa says
Love this post!
Whitney Plunkett says
My mornings are very similar! Get up at 5:30 before the gym to spend some time with Jesus. Then, I read your blog after the gym! Love this post Shay – probably one of my favorites! Xo
Mary Beth says
Love this! Thank you!
Anonymous says
Mary Beth says
Love this! Thanks!
Mary Beth says
Love this! Thank you!
Cary Caldwell says
Thanks for sharing
Deanna says
Thank you for this reminder!
Vesti says
My favorite Shade of Shay so far!
Beth says
I have two princesses so I would love this book 🙂
Love your blog
Beth says
I love your blog and would love this book – I have two princesses 🙂
Melanie Hogue says
Thanks for sharing your heart. I have two princesses of my own and this would be a great read!
Kel says
You continue to inspire me to be a better mama and a better daughter to our king x
Anonymous says
Love this post! Thank you
Christina says
Almost bought this book the other day. Would love to read it! Love your blog, by the way!
Tara C. says
I love this; what a great post and insight! Definitely working on becoming a morning person, and I just found out today we are adding a little girl to our family (due in Oct!).
Anthony and Jenelle says
Thanks for sharing! Would love to read that book.
Mary C. says
Perfect way to start a day.
Mary C. says
Perfect way to start a great day.
Ruthie Hoving says
I would love to read this – I am expecting my first baby girl next month! And I am certain raising her will be different than raising her big brothers…
Mary C. says
Perfect way to start a day.
Mary C. says
Perfect way to start a day.
Anonymous says
I just love reading your blog. I love how you pray daily, it inspires me to take time out of my day and do the same. I look forward to your posts every morning. Keep up the good work Shay. I adore you and your little family!
Meredith Hoskins says
Raising my precious 2 year-old daughter and this book would probably be a great read for me. Thanks!
Kerri GirlWithALatte says
Awe Shay, I've never commented before, but have followed your blog for awhile. Thank you so much for showing your faith on your blog, unashamedly and honestly. I love your list of books, as many are familiar to me as well. So glad there are other women out there who value a relationship with God! "He that honors Me, I will honor." 🙂 Hugs!
Lauren says
Great ideas for books to read!
Shelby Carter says
I read your blog daily and would love a copy of the book! I have 2 sweet kiddos one of which is definitely a Princess who turned 2 today 🙂
Shelby Carter says
My wife loves your blog and would love this book. Enter Me!
Jennifer Solis says
Love this post!! Thanks for sharing!
Cortney McCurry says
I've added a few of those books to my to read list. thanks for the great info.
{That Ruby Girl} says
Love that you shared this! Quiet time is essential in listening to God.
Anonymous says
You can be a good person without being a Christian. You can raise great kids without being a Christian. Letting your kids chose their faith rather than impressing it upon them is another good thing. Just saying.
liant1215 says
Great post! 🙂
Whitney Thornton says
Excited to read this book! I needed this reminder today. I wake up rushing, my goal is to slow down!
Kristy says
Encouraging post.
Rachel says
Thank you Shay! I needed this inspiration!
Jody says
Your blog has quickly become my favorite! I learn and can relate so much!
Hayley Chandler says
Thanks for this!!! I often have wondered what this looks like for you. This is something I really need to do. It's the getting up early part that sounds hard. Thanks for always inspiring me to want to do better.
Casey says
I would love this book! And this is one of my favorite "shades".
Alison says
What wonderful encouragement ! I think this is my favorite shade of Shay
The Binder Mom says
Love this post! I can tell a huge difference in the days I start with Jesus and the days I don't.
Erica says
Love this post! I'm going to try to get up a bit earlier to have my quiet time rather than after the kids get up and it's…not so quiet. 😉
BackandForth says
I love this. It really inspired me to add this to my day to grow to be stronger in my faith. Thank you!!
Anonymous says
thanks for sharing about your quiet time and for the giveaway! ry
Angel Broussard says
Thanks for sharing!
Angel Broussard says
Thanks for sharing!
The Teipels says
Loved this post! Thanks
Emily R says
My oldest is almost 3…I need to get reading some parenting books. I never considered making it part of quiet time before!
Sarah says
Thanks for sharing your quiet time routine! The book looks great!
Mary Louis Quinn says
Would love to win a copy! I've been wanting to read it.
Mary Louis Quinn says
Would love to win a copy! I've been wanting to read it.
Jaren says
I ordered Bringing up Girls and Raising a Princess when you last blogged about them. I can't wait to dive into reading them this summer!
Angela Patterson says
Shay, thank you so much for sharing about your quiet time! I love your blog! I want to thank you because you have been an inspiration to me and this week…I finally followed this crazy little dream of mine. I have a blog! Angela Banae — is my blog about life, family, and faith. So, thank you for inspiring me and I continue to look forward to ALL of your posts! I hope to be a blessing to others, just like you! Hugs from Iowa!!!
Rachel Flood says
What are your favorite spiritual books for young women?
Anonymous says
Hi Shay,
I have recently started reading your blog and look forward to each new post every morning! I find peace in a lot of what you have to offer to enjoying the simple things in life. Like you, I love a good cup of coffee and lots of family time. I have always considered myself a religious person but through college, grad school, and now life- I don't attend as frequently as I did with my parents growing up.
Long story short, your faith is contagious and has sparked the interest I have to make more time for God. Your quiet time post stuck with me and I feel is my answer to some of life's daily stressors. Do you have any additional recommendations (more general, as I am not a mom or married yet)?
Thank you!
Jaclyn says
I just started reading your blog and already you have been such an inspiration to meas a mommy and with your love of Jesus. I myself met my now fiancé when we were 19 and got engaged at 21. Now two years later we have a beautiful one and a half year old daughter, Mackenzie and planning a wedding in September. I have always believed in God but i admire the work you out towards your faith and wonder what advice you have for me to start becoming and walking with god? I feel like that is one thing I am really missing in my life. Once again, you are such an inspiration to me and you are one amazing person!
Unknown says
Do you know any good daily devotionals for young women?