If you do not win (winners announced tomorrow!), then I hope you purchase a copy for yourself! I think you will be touched no matter how old you are, if you’re married or single, if you’ve made brave choices or not…I think you will fall in love with the way she writes and the way she can really speak to your heart.
And speaking of brave…as silly as it sounds, deciding to start a food blog three years ago was brave for me. I knew I loved to cook and bake but I had never before documented my recipes or taken photographs of food…now that I’m three years out, I am so grateful that I decided to be brave and create the Mix and Match Mama brand. I’m truly thankful for all of you who serve my recipes to the ones you love.
Today’s recipe is my Boston Cream Pie Whoopie Pies…
You can find Annie’s blog here and you can also find her on social media too:
Face Book
And click here to find her books.
Good luck! Winners announced tomorrow!
And Psssssst…
Gap is still 40% off today (including denim!), so if you have kiddos who need back to school clothes or you need a great pair of jeans (my favorite are the Always Skinny!), you better hurry and go now! The promo code is BIGTIME :).
Habitual Spender says
I emailed you the other day about marriage, I'm reaaaaally thinking I need this book in my life. I will be buying it whether or not I win. Thanks, Shay!
Julie Mills says
Thanks for sharing this book. I would love to read it!
Ashley says
I have two 29 week old boy twins in NICU. I've learned to be brave over the past week:(
The Boutelle Family says
Ashley, I just saw this comment as I was scrolling. My daughter was in the NICU for a week after her birth in Feb. It was the hardest week of my life. I have a huge respect & heart for NICU mamas. Some of the bravest people I know. Just wanted to reply & say I'll be praying for you & your boys. I know our NICU stories are likely different, but if it offers any hope at all, my daughter is 5mo & a healthy, happy baby girl now. I know hearing these stories & being able to relate with other NICU mamas helped me so much during our time there. Love to you & your boys!
griffin8003 says
Praying for you!!
Mollie says
Would love, love, love to read this book!
Carrie Ferguson says
Thank you for a great giveaway!
Andrea says
I always love a great book. Thanks for sharing about this book and the giveaway!
Kelly says
I would LOVE to read this book!
The Motion Picture Society says
Thanks so much for posting this! I have a job interview today that I've been feeling quite anxious about and this was a great piece of encouragement to wake up to! The book sounds great 🙂
Sarah_Kaminsky says
Working on being braver!
After 8 years at my full time job, I'm about to transition to being a full time stay at home mom to my two boys (2yrs old and 2 weeks old). I'm excited and so blessed to have this opportunity, but it's going to be a HUGE change for all of us!!
Kim Pintar says
I really need this book.. By winning it or not. I am brave when it comes to my faith and sharing it. But, would like to be brave in other areas of my life. Thank you Shay!
Jeni Decoster says
Thanks for sharing this book, Shay!
Sandra Litcher says
This book sounds wonderful! It is going on my list for sure! Have a great day!
Marissa says
I would love to read this book!
Amy Heinl says
Thanks for another great give away. I know a couple young ladies who graduated from high school with my son and will be leaving in a few weeks. Thinking this would make great going away gifts to send them off with.
Abbeigh Blake says
Whether or not I win, this seems like just the book I need to read!! Thanks for hosting this giveaway!
Jack and Kate's Mommy says
I bought this book last week. Even though I am only in chapter 4, I've already been blessed by it. Such a great read!
Toby says
Would love to read this book. It sounds great!
Amy Heinl says
Shay…different subject but shopping on line for school book bags for some needy children I sponsor and stumbled upon a backpack set by Aquarella kids that is called "back to School Paris" Complete with the Effiel Tower and thought of Kensington right away. You might want to check itout
Noreen says
My daughter is entering the tween years. So, I need to be brave! Lol. Seriously though, I'd love to win this book!
Chrissy says
I would love to read this book!
SarahN says
This book sounds perfect for me. I struggle with brave decisions on a daily basis. Thanks for this recommendation!
Anonymous says
I really think this is something I need to read at the moment. Thanks for he opportunity!
Jenn L says
This book sounds like a great read!
Meagan @ The Clanahan Fam says
Sometimes being brave is just showing up every day to face life 🙂
Janelle says
Sounds like an awesome book can't wait to read it!
Becki Walker says
Every time I hear the word brave, I think of the Nichole Nordeman song called "Brave." You should check it out!
Haley Bishop says
YAY! I love a good book, excited to read this!
Mary Beth Pichura says
I have to say this book has my name written all over it. I am going through some tough times right now and trying to make some tough decisions. I think it's time to "Be Brave". Love your blog!!
Kimberly says
I need to be braver so I need to read this book.
Glori Changar says
looks like a fab read!
Lauren drapp says
Nothing beats a soul touching book!
Robbyn says
Love your blog! Would enjoy the book as well!
Nikki says
I'd love to win a copy to read, then pass along to my sister.
Melisa says
I just became a Mary Kay Independent Beauty Consultant, and while I feel brave for doing that, I also need some encouragement. If I don't win a book, I will definitely buy this one. Love reading your blog!
Joanna says
I often struggle with being brave so I would love to read this book!!
Sheaffer {Pinterest Told Me To} says
So you know me. And you know I don't read books. (Not proud of this, but it's true.) And now I really REALLY REALLY want to get my hands on this book. I will be ordering it for sure!
Anonymous says
Will pick up this book and share with others.
Tab & Erika says
I just ordered this book yesterday!!! Crazy!! Can't wait for it to arrive!!
Laura Kruger says
What an interesting book! I may have to read this!
brantlee says
I've heard so many great things about this book! Thanks for the chance to get my own copy.
Megan says
I'm definitely would not consider myself brave. Therefore, I would love to read this book!
Jennifer Rofkahr says
This book sounds like something I need to read for sure!
Jenn L says
I've never really thought of myself as brave as a matter of fact I tend to be quite cautious. 17 years ago I was expecting my 1st child and it should have been a completely glorious time. Unfortunately life around me was filled with tragedy. From the beginning of my pregnancy until 17 days before delivery we lost my husband's best friend, my grandfather, a dear friend of mine, my 24 year old cousin and my father (he was 50). All the while I was going through a high risk pregnancy. I remember that time vividly and I remember others crying at the site of me, they just had no words. At times I was asked, "how do you go on". My answer always was, " What other choice is there?". Of course I had my why us moments and oh no not again but a comment from my dad stuck with me "You play the cards you're dealt". While this motto helped him deal with his own mortality for me I decided that sometimes you have to re-shuffle. The birth of my little girl was just that, a turning point, a game changer, a time to pick up the pieces and most definitely a time to appreciate how precious life is.
Emily Crail says
Thank you, Shay! Always looking for a good reading recommendation/author!
Jennifer Richards says
Thank you for hosting this giveaway! It's a book I think everyone can relate to!
Jenn says
I am still learning to be brave and I'm in my 40's. I am at my bravest when advocating for my children.
Once Upon A Time The Story Goes... says
I love faith type books so I really do hope I win this!
Mandy says
This book looks great!
Tara Long says
I am a law enforcement wife. It requires a lot of being brave but I couldn't imagine us living any other life. I love my LEO!!
Kimm Atwood says
Can't wait to read this book!!! And I am grateful to that you started your food blog,,..so is my family who know eats fantastic meals all week long. Happy Tuesday
Anonymous says
This sounds like a great book!
Sarah Cathey
Lisa F. says
Oh this book sounds wonderful! I've been thinking about this topic quite a bit lately.
Jean Newfield says
I am so glad you have been brave in starting your foodie blog! So appreciate your recipes. Would love to read this book about being brave as a Christian woman.
clatk says
Sounds good!
abi byrd says
Looks like an inspiring read!!!
Julie Connelly says
In 3 weeks, I will officially have TWO kids in grade school…my baby starts Kindergarten 🙁 Recently, I have been thinking about becoming a Doula. I would absolutely LOVE to be able to help mamas thru their labor, delivery & first few days w/ their precious newborn; yet at the same time I'm a little reluctant. I have been going back & forth in my mind about this for the last few months…decisions, decisions!!! Maybe this book is just what I need to read right now 🙂
Anonymous says
I just finished my book last night so I would love to read this book next! Thanks Shay!
Kelsey Schwartz says
My blog is all about being brave!
Kara L. says
Would love to win this book! I feel brave when I put myself out there and try something that I normally would run and hide from!
Kari says
Trying to be brave this summer as my father is in his final days. It's so hard.
Kari says
Trying to be brave this summer as my father is in his final days. It's so hard.
Kari says
Trying to be brave as my father is in his final days.
Kari says
Trying to be brave as my father is in his final days.
Lindsay D. says
Would love to read this book! Thanks for sharing your life with us on your blog!!
emma bircher says
Can't wait to read this one!
Anonymous says
Would love to read this book. Thanks for sharing it with your readers!
Maureen T.
Michelle says
Thank you Shay for sharing this book with us and a chance to win a copy! I would love to win a copy!
RED says
I too wish there were times in my life when I would have been brave. Sometime I think I have missed out on a lot of great memories and opportunities due to my NOT being brave! Definitely buying the book if I don't win.
Dullgirl says
Being brave is tough because there is so much unknown.
Dullgirl says
Being brave is tough because there is so much unknown.
RED says
I too wish there were times in my life when I would have been brave. Sometime I think I have missed out on a lot of great memories and opportunities due to my NOT being brave! Definitely buying the book if I don't win.
Sarah Kuykendall says
Amen to all of this! Can't wait to read this book.
Lauren Salerno says
I'm certainly not brave. I always play it safe so maybe it's time I shake things up!
Sabrina Dorris says
I hope I win!
Sarah U. says
I am brave by taking a chance & changing careers even though I have two little ones at home.
Jenny says
Sounds like a book I need to read! Would love to!
Anonymous says
I find myself being brave at trivial times and have a hard time when it might really matter. Being a single mom makes bravery easy for some things and life so uncertain at others.
Katie Ault says
I can't wait to read this! We are a military family and one of our sons has Asperger's.
Anonymous says
Thank you for hosting this giveaway.
K says
I don't know if it's being brave or just having no choice and needing to get through it but I was pregnant with twin boys. I lost one of the boys at 20 weeks during my pregnancy. I ultimately gave birth to my son and while I love him more than anything else in this world, I think about his twin brother every day.
Lenzen says
I'd love to read it!
Regina F. says
Thank you for the chance to win a copy of this book! Sounds like a life changing book.
Meghan Robinson says
I have heard so many good things about this book and would love a chance to read it! Bravery has been on my heart lately. Thank you for the giveaway!
Christie Asmussen says
This book sounds very inspiring. I can't wait to read it.
Meghan Robinson says
I have heard so many good things about this book. I would love a chance to read it! Bravery has been heavy on my heart lately as I'm in a season of transition. Thank you for this giveaway!
Kari says
This sounds like an amazing book!! Thx for sharing this and I hope to win! 🙂
Doused In Pink says
I recently started blogging which was a brave move for me. Would love to read this book! Thanks for the giveaway!
Holly Joyner says
I am always looking for a new great book to read! Sounds like something that could be life changing. (like a great movie that makes you look at life a little differently) Thanks so much for encouraging each of us.
Anonymous says
Having baby #2- that makes me brave!
-Erin R
Holly Joyner says
I am always looking for a new great book to read! Sounds like something that could be life changing. (like a great movie that makes you look at life a little differently) Thanks so much for encouraging each of us.
Maggie says
I am moving across country to pursue a dream of mine!
Holly Joyner says
I am always looking for a new great book to read! Sounds like something that could be life changing. (like a great movie that makes you look at life a little differently) Thanks so much for encouraging each of us.
Sydnee says
There are so many things I need to brave about right now in my life, regardless if I win I plan to buy this book! This is wonderful, thank you!
Dana Vissage says
Thank you for sharing you thoughts on this book. I saw it on Instagram and immediately knew it would be a book that I would purchas(if I don't win the giveaway!).
My brave story is the fact that I started CrossFit about a year ago. Hardest thing I ever did was walk through those doors knowing that I was overweight and extremely out of shape. Best thing I ever did – I've lost 50 pounds and strong as ever. I've not only become physically stonger but mentally as well. It has truly changed my life.
Thank you, Shay, for putting your life out there for us to read. I enjoy your blog and admire the Christian woman that you are.
Chrissy says
I have read nearly every book you have spoke of on your blog and have not been disappointed yet. IF I don't win, I will definitely be buying.
Ashleigh King says
This sounds like it would be a perfect book for me to read at this stage in my life! Would love to win a copy! Thanks for doing the give-a-way 🙂
Martha Kelley Royston says
This book sounds like just what I need. I have had a lot of situations where I could have, should have been brave.. sometimes I was and sometimes not. I have a situation to be brave big time right now.. I'm trying with all my might to be strong and brave.
LindyNicole says
My two sweet daughters have taught me to be brave!
Abby says
I would love to read this book!
Melissa says
I feel like I need this book, thanks for the post about it
Kelsey O'Brien says
This sounds like a good book for all ages and all life situations. Looking forward to the read whether I win it or not!
nicole@http://theclarks-nicole.blogspot.com/ says
This book seems like something I really need to read. I always seem to so things that are in my comfort zone.
Anonymous says
Very encouraging words! Definitely difficult to be brave, but worth it!
Anonymous says
Very encouraging post! Definitely difficult to be brave, but worth it!
The Andersons says
This book sounds like a great read!!
Coreline Mayfield says
Thanks for sharing .. this definitely sounds like a good read!
Jen Weber says
This is the next book on my reading list! Looks great!
motheroftwo says
I really hope to win this book. I'd love to read it myself and give it to my middle school aged daughter….I think it sounds like something every growing girl should read.
mhudmon says
What a wonderful book in which everyone can definitely (sometime in their life) relate to. I can't wait to read it – thanks for sharing it!
Helen says
This book speaks to me so much! Hoping to win, but if not I will be buying the book right away 🙂
Anonymous says
Sounds like a great read.. I struggle with being brave and stepping outside my comfort zone.
Maggie says
I would LOVE a copy of this book. My "mantra" this year is "be brave," and this fits so perfectly into that.
Kimberly says
Hoping to win a copy! However I will be buying this book if I do not!
Mrs. Harvey says
The book looks great! I think I'm also going to buy it regardless of whether or not I win, but I do hope to win!
Ann says
i am working on being brave and facing a behavior that needs to be stopped.
Kathy Olson says
I am always looking for a book to read. Our son has an important appt. today and I am trying to be brave and trust.
Amanda Hain says
I have heard nothing but great things about this book and would love to read it! Being brave and stepping out in faith is one thing I am working on!
Katy says
As crazy as it sounds, I think becoming a mom was the bravest thing so far:) That unknown of how your life will be changing and giving so much love and attention to others besides yourself…it's truly a brave and wonderful thing!
Crystal says
So excited to read this! Thanks for your review.
Anonymous says
I didn't realize how fearful I was until I made a career change. During that transitional time, God showed me that I did not obey him in ways that had felt risky, and even reminded me of specific examples. I'm learning to be more brave :-). One way is by reaching out to people who intimidate me. Now I know everybody needs love, not just people who seem weak. I'd rather be rejected than not reach out to people who may need a friend.
Christine says
Parenting, loving, and disciplining 3 young children is work but discipling them to instill a deep relationship with the Lord takes bravery, courage, strength and grace.
Pn says
I'm currently struggling with life right now and would love to get my hands on this book. It will certainly help me get through my days. Thanks Shay!
Bethany Halpern says
I always love a great book. Thanks for the giveaway!
Liz says
Very thoughtful sounding book. Would love to read it!
Stephanie Jennings says
Can't wait to read this book. Thanks, Shay!!!!
Anonymous says
I need to be brave daily right now. I just got home from Liberia (I'm a disaster response nurse with Samaritan's Purse) and I worked in the Ebola unit there for 2 weeks. I've been home 2 weeks and I'm still in the 21-day incubation period, so I'm isolated at home. And crushed to the core at the fact that two of my co-workers have Ebola. I love them and worked with them every single day. Trying to be brave and face each minute as they come.
Katie says
I love your blog! I am 22 years old and started work in a large industry a few months ago. I am still wondering what my next step should be in life. I definitely do not want to make the wrong one. I would LOVE to read this book!
Katrina Goodman says
It sounds like a great book! I have read other books you have mentioned on your blog–can't wait to read this!
Gretchen Smith says
This book sounds amazing! I am on the cusp of a lot of transition, including being a newlywed, my husband coming home again from working out of town for the past five months, and beginning my first full time job as a fifth grade teacher. This book would help to shed light on being brave during transitions, even when then are positive and exciting changes!
Steph says
I love Annie's writing! I hope to meet her one day and would definitely love to get a copy of this book. Pretty sure I'll be buying one eventually anyway. 🙂
Tanna says
I wouldn't consider myself very brave and would love to win this book!
candice0128 says
I love recommendations for new books! I will read whether I win or not!!
Jamie {all things j} says
I can't wait to read this! You ask how I am brave so the short answer is that I quit my job to pursue dreams God has placed on my heart and spend more time with the cutest red headed boy on the planet. 🙂
Jade says
I need to be brave. All too often, I take a different path to avoid having to be brave. I start school next month at Texas A&M and I am freaking out because I know I will be out of my comfort zone and I'll have to be brave. I need to get this book whether I win or not.
Erin Byrd says
Looks like a great book! I'm being brave right now giving up a career to be a stay-at-home mom.
Sara says
Thanks for sharing this book! I'll definitely put it on my "to read" list!
Kristen H. says
This book looks so, so good. As a military wife preparing for my husband's first deployment, I'm needing all sorts of brave in my life.
Angie says
Almost 2 years ago I made a decision that has impacted my life in so many ways, I left the father of my four children and became a single mom. It has been a challenge every single day, but I am so happy with my life now. I would love to win this book, but if I don't I'll be ordering it for sure!
Emily Harris says
I've been looking to purchase this book for a while from Amazon because the reviews are WONDERFUL, and now, Shay, you've convinced me that I NEED this book!
Arlene Bird says
I love to read & this sounds so encouraging!!!
jackie says
How awesome that you are giving away three copies! Thanks, Shay!
Shelby says
I would love to win!
Rachel says
Sounds like a great read!
Shannon Everett says
Fun to hear about Annie Downs here – I've heard a lot about her on Emily Freeman's blog too. And let's see…I have to be brave when it comes to my in-laws…
Katy Shelly says
This sounds like a wonderful book and very inspiring!
Claire says
would love to read!!
Babygirl says
I was recently diagnosed with an auto immune disease of the spine. I decided to be brave and fight and not let it get me! So for the past 13 weeks I have been on a mission to get fit and healthy and strengthen my back, I've become a gym beast 🙂
Britney says
Thanks for the chance to win this wonderful book!
Anonymous says
I would love to win a copy of the book. -Lisa C
The Howards says
I have heard about this book and would love a copy. I have made one of the bravest decisions in my life recently and quit my full time job to stay home with my son. I would love to read this book and be encouraged by it.
angie says
Just finishing Jennie Allen's Restless and so need to be Brave!! If you have read that one…life changing. Get it. Thanks for a fun giveaway!
Hillary says
Wow. Learning about this book could not have come at a better time. Thank you for featuring it and having this giveaway!
ETruitt says
This sounds like a book I could really benefit from reading right now. Just the quotes you posted are inspirational. (Also, I mistakenly entered my Instagram name, estruitt, in the rafflecopter, instead of my Pinterest name, Erin Truitt…oops! It won't let me go back and correct it.)
Miranda L M says
I know this seems like a small thing but I have been "brave" in planning my wedding. It isn't always easy for me to tell people I don't like something/push back but I've been forced to do that to ensure I get "my" day, not everyone elses.
Anonymous says
I'm brave for going on an interview!!
Chelsa says
This book is on my "to read" list- would love to win a copy!
Angela Ellingson says
I listened to Boo Mama interview Annie on hers and Big Mama's podcast. Now you are recommending this book, too. I'll have to add it to my list. :). Have a great day Shay!!
Lindsay says
About a year ago we moved from Texas to Alabama for my husband's job. All of our family is in Texas so it was a huge leap of faith for us. Once we got here I had to be brave to step out of my comfort zone to meet friends. My husband is a minister of music so you would think it would be easy and almost automatic to have friends at a new church. It's not. People assume you have friends as a pastor's wife. I can say that a year later I've found a great group of friends. I'd love to read this book!
Ellen Groenenboom says
Sounds like just the book I need right now!
Brittany Stevens says
I've seen this book pop up on several social media sights, as well as #shereadstruth. I'll be reading it one way or other…I hope I win! 🙂
April Parrish says
Just the kind of post I needed on this Tuesday morning! Sounds like a great book! Thanks for sharing!
Narci says
I am so excited to read this–it sounds great!! 🙂
Connie James says
Trying to discern whether we're to adopt a boy from Ethiopia. Would love this book.
Anonymous says
Being brave…..I'm afraid I've missed many an opportunity to be brave but maybe I should step outside of my comfort zone and give it a try! 🙂
Anonymous says
Looks like a great book, would love to win!
Jenna Crofts says
Today I am 36 weeks pregnant, and I am feeling like I am going to have some moments soon where I will need to be brave!
Kristi Thetford says
Hey! love reading your blog always something new & love to read so thank you for sharing!! Thanks for a giveaway.
Kimbra says
Sounds like a great read!
Anna H. says
I am learning this–learning to go beyond my comfort zone into the world that stretches me and grows me and where my passions can meet the needs of the world. It's hard to step outside my bubble. Thanks for the giveaway!
Jen Fisher says
One of my August goals is to read one book that month! I would love to win. I think having faith and being brave goes hand in hand. I would love to check this book out. Thanks for hosting a fun giveaway!
Alyson says
It is always amazing to me how God puts what you need right in front of you when you need it. That is what happened today with this post. Thank you so much for posting this book!!! Just what I needed today in my life!!!!
Paige @ Kids and The Good Stuff says
Brave is when I fail and fail and fail at losing weight and getting healthy but I pick myself back up and keep on trying. I ask God to take away the fear of failing and to give me hope!
Jamie Allen says
sounds like a fantastic book to read!
Ashlee says
This sounds perfect for my life right now. Would love to read it
Lindsey Berq. says
I heard this was a great book! Looking forward to a new read.
Amanda says
ohhhhh!!! I've heard so many good things about this book!!!
plfuller6 says
Sounds like a really good read!
Slightly Askew Designs says
So glad that you're announcing the winners tomorrow – it's sitting in my Amazon cart and I can't wait to read! 🙂
Colleen says
I would love to read this book. I can definitely think of big moments where I was brave and lots of small ones when I was not. More than anything, I want to share this book with my sister. I think she has some big choices to make and could use a little courage (plus she loves to read!).
mtuomisto says
Hoping to win a copy. I always love an inspirational read 🙂
Anonymous says
Would love to have this book and be able to pass on to my little sister who just graduated college! Love the blog – Jessica
laurasyes says
This sounds like such a great book– and a topic that I probably could use some insight on 🙂
Stephie C says
This came at the right time! Thank you for sharing! Have a wonderful day!
Tiffany Martha says
Totally need this book!
Vikki Kay Bennett says
Thanks for sharing about this book, I can't wait to read it!
Emmy says
Fun giveaway, love your blog!
Heather E. says
I feel that I was brave by having another baby after experiencing debilitating postpartum anxiety with my first…So glad I made that leap of faith!!
Linda says
Sounds like a great book! thanks for the offer.
The Bryan Family says
My husband and I made a super brave decision this summer for our family when there was no other option. We are nervous but at peace with our decision. It's hard when God works in our life and we want to do the total opposite of what God wants us to do. It's amazing when we listen and trust him.
Queen In Between says
Can't wait to read! I definitely think the moments I've chosen not to be brave have outweighed my brave moments. Our church service two weeks ago used the movie We Bought a Zoo and noted that sometimes all it takes is 20 seconds of courage to take a leap that will change your life.
TorontoSAM says
I can never figure out if I'm actually entered to win on the rafflecopter, but here's hoping!
I'm bravely starting my own blog. Putting my life out there for people to see.
Christa says
I was laid off and have not been as brave as I need to be. This sounds like a great book. I was braver in my younger years. I went 8 and a half hours away to university!
Kelcie_Hansberry says
I would love to read this book!
Kelcie_Hansberry says
I would love to read this book!
Rebecca Jo says
I'm going to camp with 24 middle school kids… totally brave 😉
Robyn Marrie (Robyn's Nest of 5) says
This HIT HOME! I'd love to get lost in these pages and soak it up! Thanks for sharing!
Katie Oman says
I am always looking for good books to read – and ones that help you grow spiritually, help you grow as a person. I am putting this book on my 'to read this summer' list. (Summer, slow down, I have a lot of reading to get done!)
The Shippy Family says
Would love to wine this book and give it to my sister who is having a hard time being brave right now, with the challenges she is facing in life at the moment 🙁 Love your blog! Thanks for the opportunity!
Katie Volpatti Sabatos says
Thank you for sharing!! It sounds like a wonderful beach read for me next week.
Kendra Muller says
I would love to read this book! Thank you for the opportunity!
McIntire Family says
I have adopted internationally (China) and am currently fostering my 2 year old great-nephew via CPS kinship placement. Both have required bravery and a lot of trust and faith! Sounds like a great book!
Amanda & Jerrod Carpenter says
Thanks for sharing! My husband and I took a brave step by selling our stuff and moving to Kenya to do mission work for a few years. Now that we are back in Texas, we would like to start the international adoption process. One child seems doable, two scares the living daylights out of me. We are praying about adopting siblings to keep them together, however it takes a BRAVE person to do that. I would love to read this book! People think I am so brave b/c of the move to Africa, however there are so many times I am not at all. I pray that we are all more brave in Christ in the decisions we make!
Kristi A. says
I'm brave because I'm raising 3 teenage girls on my own! I do struggle to get out of my comfort zone so this book may help me.
Carrie from Talking In Space says
Thanks for the giveaway! Can't wait to read this one.
Angela Betlewicz says
Thank you for this review!
Katie @ Mishaps and Mayhem of a Solitary Life says
Looks like a great book! Thanks for letting me know about it. I feel like when I was much younger I was brave, but with age…not so much anymore!!
Elonda says
I need this. I am going through a divorce.
Kyle & Mekelle says
That book looks amazing!
Catherine Hansen Peart says
I was brave enough to follow my husband to live in 3 different countries over 5 years but I don't generally feel brave in most other things. I would really love to read this book!
Merry Morris says
Sounds like a great book!! Looking forward to reading it for myself and getting one for my daughter!!
Sallie says
Would love to read it! Hear great things about it!
Megan Ball says
I have the same regret with college. But then again, I wouldn't have met my husband if I went away, so I guess that was God's plan for me. 🙂 I think being a mom forces you to be brave. 90% of the time I feel like I have no idea what I'm doing. I just know that I try to love and lead her in the best way I know how. I'd love to read this book!
emily says
sounds like a great book. adding it to my library list.
amy h says
Sounds like a good book!
Kerri GirlWithALatte says
Bravery? I think sometimes the way I have been brave is just to quietly continue through the difficult things of the past few years. Maybe not in a big way, but just making it through, waking up, and doing it. 🙂 Would love to read this!
Randi Jo :) says
Thank you for sharing – perfect timing as "be of good courage" seems to be God's theme for me this week!! 🙂 In 4 weeks, I start homeschooling my 3rd grader, 4 year old and 2 year old for the first time – and it's all because I trust in God, not self!! <3 He helps me be brave because I know He is El Shaddai – God ALmighty!!!
Valerie Vancura says
This post just what I needed to read, as I'll be deciding on my college soon. I'm so nervous about leaving home, but this just reminds me to be brave and god has a plan for me. Thanks so much! Can't wait to read this book!
Katie Dang says
I'd love to win a copy if this book. Also, that whoopie pie looks AMAZING!
Erica Hedman says
I feel the most brave when speaking to someone who doesn't believe in Jesus….I love telling about my Savior! Looks like a wonderful book!! Thanks for the giveaway, Shay.
Kristen Gerdel says
I'm always looking for a great book! Thanks for sharing!!!
Jenny says
Looks like a great book. Hoping to win, but otherwise I will definitely be ordering this one.
Jennifer Goodwin says
Good morning! Thank you for the opportunity to win this book. I was looking at it on Amazon and it looks so good! Thanks again and have a great day. 🙂
StaceyWalden says
Sounds like a really great book with a message we could probably all use!
Sarah Bagnani says
I am always ready to read a book that will make me a better person! Thanks for the recommendation!
jamie says
I''m pretty much the opposite of brave, so this could be a great encouragement to me.
jamie says
I''m pretty much the opposite of brave, so this could be a great encouragement to me.
Anonymous says
Thank you for sharing. I am a high school coach and we talk a lot about leadership and making tough decisions. I am looking forward to reading this book and sharing it with my high school girls.
Emily says
Thanks for sharing! Definitely intrigued by this book.
AmyJ says
Sounds like a great book. I just finished Emily Griffin's new book that I know you read also! I'm ready to start something new.
Kat says
Thanks for sharing this book, it sounds like just the book I need to read right now with everything going on in my life. I cannot wait to read it, and hope I win!
Noel M says
Sometimes I am not sure if I am brave or not… but lately I've been job hunting and interviewing and it is really tough to keep laying it all out and fight for these jobs! I refuse to stick in my safe but boring job though, so I keep at it!
Stacey says
Can't wait to read!!
Daniele says
I am putting this on my "to-read" list. Thanks for the chance to win a copy!!!
kris says
I would love to read this book!
The Boutelle Family says
I would absolutely LOVE to win this book! I heard about it on the She Reads Truth blog, too & really want to read it! Thank you also for sharing that it took bravery for you to start your food blog. I've thought about blogging at some point, but feel like it would take a lot of bravery for me! Would love to hear more of your story of how you started blogging.
Amie says
This sounds like a great book, would love to have a copy!
Lauri says
I would love to read this!!
Ashley Weeks says
Would love to read this book!
Courtney says
Sounds like a great book!
Andrea B says
Sounds like a great book and the perfect book to read before I give birth to my first child.
Natalie McKinney says
I make brave decisions every day and when I do, I always try to make these decisions through my faith. I would love to read this book!
Sandy P says
Looks like a fabulous book!
kriszondo says
I recently lost my Gramps so this book sings to me! Thank you so much for sharing!
Natalie Zambreski says
Looks so inspirational!
Cheryl Metcalfe says
I have to be brave whenever I am in new situations with new people. Would love to read this book!
Laura Gill says
This looks like an awesome book! Thanks for sharing this and hosting a fun giveaway! 🙂
Beth says
I would love to read this book! My daughter has read both of Annie's books for young girls and I'm so excited she's done one for us grownups!
The Patrick family says
You have intrigued me with the intro to this book. I'm facing a ministry opportunity in which I need to be brave, and it will happen only with the strength of Christ. I would love to read this book!!
Emily says
If I do not win, I will for sure get it!
It seems great! Thank you, Shay and Annie!
Meagan Smith says
Look forward to reading this! Thank you for sharing. 🙂
emily says
Would love to read it
Valerie Cox says
Going to college 3.5 hours away where I didn't know anyone else.
Kris M. says
I've never thought about this! I was brave to have 5 children! But now that the are becoming teenagers I really would love this book. Thanks!
Abbey says
We are in the midst of making a big decision regarding a move that will challenge us and the future is still unknown. We are learning to be brave and pray for our future!
Jennifer Smith says
I would love to read the new Annie Downs book! I will be buying it whether or not I win…for sure!
Wendy says
I love that two of my favorite bloggers are buddies! thanks for sharing about Annie's new book. fingers crossed!!
Susan says
Thanks for the give away!
ajaespoo says
I don't know if I would say I was brave, but at eighteen I was pretty determined about moving from Oregon to Kansas to attend K-State. I think sometimes its easier to make a big decision, but its the everyday things afterward and putting 100% into it is what asks us to be brave. I live and work in KS now, would love to read this book!
Sara Laverty says
Sounds like a great book!
Abby says
Sounds like an amazing book. I would love to read it! Have you read Jennie Allen's Restless? It will rock your world also.
Darcy says
Would love to read this – I've seen so many positive reviews for this book. 🙂
Brooke McBride says
I need this book, so excited!
Katy says
I would love to read this book before summer is over!
Kim Bianco says
I cannot wait to read this book! Even though- I cannot purchase any more books this summer (i've bought too many already)
Holly says
Trying to be brave for my two boys!
Lochie Applin says
Excited about this book! yay!!
The Zarecor's says
Thanks for sharing! I will be getting this even if I don't win!!
Brianna says
I love a great book, and this one sounds AMAZING! I'm currently going through a crazy hard time in my life (who isn't?!) and this book would be perfection. Even if I don't win, I will definitely be getting my hands on a copy!
Kristin McGeeney says
I would love to read this book, thanks for the chance!
Anonymous says
I have learned to be brave through infertility treatments , hysterectomy , and now the adoption process.
Anonymous says
I have a 5 year old and 3 year old twins and I just made the decision to homeschool instead of sending her off to kindegarten. I think I need to read this book : )
Kim and Peyton Fleming says
My 15 year old daughter and I are thinking of reading this together! We have been having such good conversations about faith and her goals all summer, this book sounds like a good combo book to discuss her being brave in this "need to be brave world"! Thanks.
Tatia Huipe says
I tell my daughter the quote "be brave little one" and pray she always tries option b as in brave.
Denia Sia says
Thanks for having this giveaway! I'm 25 and live faraway in South East Asia..hope I can still participate in this giveaway 🙂 Been following your blog for sometimes now..
In need of a good inspirational book..would loveee to read this one!! Thanks!!
V @ X-tremely V says
Thanks for sharing this book Shay! I would love a chance to win it!
Andrea Kay says
This book sounds amazing, and I would love to read this! I am feeling brave for deciding to stop making excuses and getting my body back to healthy and strong after having my third baby! I have met my goal weight (55 pounds down) and am now working hard towards strength and maintaining my healthy lifestyle!
Meggie says
Thanks for the giveaway!
Devin Felicity says
Always searching for another great book to read. I would seriously love to win a copy, sounds like a page turner.
Lori says
Thanks for the opportunity to win this book. It sounds amazing!
Taylor Talks says
I am a mama and I think that requires the most bravery!
Shawna says
Love books that challenge me and let me reflect on my past, but also push me for the future! Sounds like a great read!
Courtney says
I would love to read this book! I'm not the bravest person right now, but everyday I pray to God to help me be the best mom I can be for that day. I guess I'm brave in the sense that I don't always have the strength to get through the day, but with God's help he helps me to be brave enough.
Kelli Harshman says
I hope I win!! 🙂
Mackenzie Klempnauer says
Hey, Shay! I am about to begin my sophomore year at Baylor University. Every day I look forward to reading your blog and having something to hope for in the future. Your blog inspires me to grow closer to The Lord & enjoy each day as it comes. Thank you for being someone that I can look up to. Have a great day!
Ky says
I was brave when I finished my undergraduate and masters education despite having my daughter at the age of 20. I am now 33 and need to be brave in so many ways. Would love to read this book!
Kristin M says
Excited to read this book! Thanks for sharing!
Kelly Kost says
Can't wait to read this book!
Nicole H. says
This looks like a great book. Thanks for sharing !
Johnna Bradley says
This book sounds amazing. I thinking about going back to school for social work and hearing about this book could not come at a more perfect time 🙂
Anonymous says
I am brave by being the first Special Education Social Worker in my school distrct! This is my second year, and I am still learning each day!! Sarah Chandler (sarahrchandler@gmail.com)
Haley @ Cupcakes and Sunshine says
I'm brave by talking to others about my faith and trust in God!
Anonymous says
I was able to stand up for myself to somebody very, very important in my life. Things could have turned out very differently than how they are now, but I am proud for having done that, as I now have the life that I had wished for so long ago. I
Kristy says
Thank you for sharing this. I often live in fear and think this would help me lots.
kristenbrittingham says
This book sounds great! Thank you for the giveaway!
CINDY Tara says
I'm certain this will be a great read!
ProudAunt says
Cannot wait to read that book!!! I, like you, have been brave at times and not so bold at other times in my life! Thanks for the recommendation, Shay!!
Anonymous says
Whoops, I am "Anonymous" but I forgot to put my name down. Ari aka Nemixtli in all other social media. 🙂
Anonymous says
Helping my husband go through a major foot reconstruction…having a second surgery on his foot next week and doing the other foot after the first of the year…working a full-time job. I don't know if this is being brave or what but I found that you do what you gotta do. Maybe this book could help me deal with everything…
Ashley says
You know when you are looking for a sign and it shows up in the most unlikely places, that is what this post means for me. Annie + Shay is a match made in heaven.
Anonymous says
I would love this book for my teenage daughter! She is about to go off to college, and more than anything, I want her to be brave!!!
Amy K.
Bailley says
I have heard wonderful things about this book from others as well! Can't wait I read it
Tiffany Huebner says
I think the one time I was bravest, was when I left my cush job after 7 years to find a new job so I could stay part time for my daughter. It was so scary, but a great change for our family.
Sounds like an amazing, life changing book Shay!
Heather Forcey says
I would love to read this book. Even if I don't win a free copy, I plan to purchase it. Everything you recommend is spot on!
Kristin Strand says
This book sounds amazing. Looking forward to reading it…winner or not. 😉
Mattie says
Sounds like a great book!
Daily Momtivity says
Sounds like a great book! I'd love to read it 🙂
Liz/ says
That book sounds Amazing and I am so looking forward to reading it! I am trying to be brave in a new job position at work that tests me even more than usual but in a good way!
Unknown says
Sounds like this is a book I need! Katie Allred
Jolie C. says
This is so relevant to a conversation my best friend and I had yesterday! Would love to read it and then pass it on to her. Thank you for the giveaway.
Amye says
Definitely want to read this, thanks!
ashley says
I would love to read it!
Amanda says
I can't wait to read this book, whether or not I win it. I recently discovered Annie and I love her writing. I've done some brave things in my life (some of them were by choice, some were circumstantial). Two obvious times were when I decided to spend semesters abroad (one to minister, another to study). However, other circumstances in my life have taught me that sometimes bravery is just choosing to rise above the trial and see the situation as God does. It takes bravery to choose not to wallow. I'm still learning how to do that.
Allison Fletcher says
Would love it! Thanks:)
Amanda says
I love this blog and I would love this book! Thanks Shay!
Jaclyn Johnson says
Sometimes being brave is knowing when to open up to family members and rely on them for their support, and to let them fully in 🙂
The Jarrell's says
I'm brave for my children!
tracy jimenez says
I have been dying to read this book!
mongupp says
Just getting up in the morning for work takes bravery.
Marie Schryer says
I would really enjoy this book! I work full time and am the mother of two boys, age 16 and 20 months :))) thanks!
Heaven's Roses says
I would love to win a copy of the book!
Kristen Calhoun says
I would absolutely LOVE to read this book. My 3 year-old daughter and I just left our home and quiet lives in Chicago and moved to Dallas after being delivered from a bad marriage. I'm learning to take each day as it comes and finding my footing with the Lord again. Brave is new to me, but I am loving the journey towards bravery and my true self.
cw says
I was brave to take on teaching a grade level I never thought I could teach.
Laura says
What a great giveaway! I would love to win this book!
Anonymous says
Hmm. I don't know what happened. I tried posting and all the words just disappeared. Anyway, I wish I were stronger and braver. The one time in my life that I remember being brave was when I decided to commit my life to God. My family was not happy w me, and things have never been the same with them. Hardest thing I've ever had to do was stand up for my faith in front of my precious, close-knit family.
Sharie Prado says
Sounds like a great book! Would be perfect for someone like me who is a young prefessional in their mid 20's trying to make sense of everything and find their way in life. 🙂 Would love to read it!
K. Messerly says
I, too, am bravest when advocating for my children or students (at-risk teens at an alternative school). Why is it so much easier to fight for others?
Heidi says
I need to be brave in so many areas of my life….I need to read this book and put my big girl panties on and be brave for me….because it all starts with me.
K. Messerly says
Why is it that it's so much easier to be brave for those we love (children, students) than it is to fight/advocate for ourselves? We all need to read this.
Maria Diane says
I hope to make other people act in brave-ness through inspiration.
Michelle Nobbe says
This sounds like a wonderful book to read before I head back to school as a kindergarten teacher!!
Jenny Snyder says
Sounds like a great read – would love to read and pass the lessons on to my sweet baby girl!
Maria says
Sounds like a great book! I will definitely be adding it to my must read list!
Analisa says
Love this and intrigued by the book!
Matt Arika Dreadfulwater says
Thank you for offering this giveaway! Can't wait to read it!
Matt Arika Dreadfulwater says
Thank you for offering this giveaway!
Emily @ Perfection Isn't Happy says
I quit my desk job to turn freelance writing into full-time work…and when that didn't work, I took a job as a nanny. I'm still trying to write full-time, but until then, I'm being brave by sticking this job out and knowing that there's something better around the corner!
Elvira Gratereaux says
Ohh, this post was short but certainly what I needed to see today… I am struggling in some sort of way at this moment where being brave is all I have to do (easier said than done)… I would love to read this book!! Thanks for sharing. As always you are pretty sharp with all your recommendations and I love that!
Lauren says
I would love to read this! Sounds enlightening.
The Writer Chic says
Have been hearing so much about this book! Would love to add it to my "when the kids go back to school" pile!
Southern Priss says
I would love to win a copy of this book…it couldn't come at a better time in my life. If I do not win I will be purchasing. I can already tell its going to be great!
CarolgGonzales says
Thanks for the opportunity! I realy need this for my life right now!
Nicki says
This sounds like a great book, I would love to win
Stephanie B. says
This came at the right time for me! Thank you!
Lauren Boyles says
I am dying to read this book!
I stepped out in a leap of faith a few years ago when I decided to go back to school at night and work towards a specific certification in another career path than the degree that I chose in college. Three years later, I am through school and half way to my certification. I have learned so much through this process and my faith has grown in ways I could not have imagined. It has shown me that being brave and stepping out in faith is so important in life!
With Love, Leslie says
I would love to win this book. Sounds like something I definitely need to read (: I'll probably buy if I don't win!
With Love, Leslie says
I would love to win this book! Sounds like something I definitely need to read (: I'll be buying if I don't win!
JenMcMahon says
My mom passed away when I was 19 and I was left to help take care of my little sister (then 12) and my dad. She was my example of brave going through 2 1/2 years of chemo and radiation. I know she would've loved this book!
Erin Stinson says
I am not a big reader, but sometimes I find interest in a particular book that speaks to me. Thank you for highlighting this book. It sounds like it's one I would really enjoy.
Jessica says
Becoming a Mama has made me brave in ways I could have never imagined – it's amazing how brave you can be for the ones you love. Thanks for giving away a few copies, Shay – I'd love to read this book!:)
Molly Harper says
Would LOVE to win this book! I also read "A little salty to cut the sweet" and loved it. Thanks for the recommendation!
Natalie says
i am trying to be brave by saying yes to what God is calling me to do for my family and myself, and no to the "shoulds" and things that don't speak life into our lives.
Hillary Kinzel says
I love the idea of being brave to turn down option A without option B even being in sight. This book looks like a very interesting read.
Lana S says
Sometimes it's really hard to be brave, but the kids encourage me to be brave and keep going! Thanks for the chance to win the book!
Anonymous says
Sounds like a great book!
Andrea says
Yikes! Being Brave is tough, but I think the times I am the most brave when I follow the Lord's instructions even when it doesn't make sense!
Raquel says
So excited to read this book! Thanks for the giveaway!
Deanna says
I'm really praying that God will help me to be more brave. We are on a "pause" as a foster family after a recent terrible heartbreak and I'm so fearful of going through that again. So I'm not brave right now, but want to be.
Sonia Salas-Limon says
So excited to read this book!! Your other book recommendations have all been winners!
The Masons says
Would love to win this book!
Karen says
The older I get the less brave I get….thought it was supposed to be the other way around
Florence says
Thanks for posting about this book! I look forward to reading it.
jenny winstead says
I would love to be brave when starting my new stationery business! I hope I win!
Ami L says
this book sounds like exactly what I need right now. I am just starting to focus on being braver in my life and stepping out of my comfort zone, but I'm finding it hard and could use all the encouragement I can get!
Anonymous says
This is a book I need to read right now, especially as a new mom. I feel like I am brave by returning to the "real world," but I need more momentum. I think this book would help lend perspective.
Hannah G. says
Hope I win 🙂
Anonymous says
I would love to read this book!
Beth K says
Shay, I really can't tell you how much I needed to read this today. This morning, I turned in my resignation with my stable 9 to 5 job to accept a contract position event planning, working from home, setting my own hours, spending more time with my babies. Sooooo exciting and prayed for and dreamed of but soooooo terrifying!!! This encouragement is the confirmation I needed to know that I made the best and brave decision! Thank you! If I don't win, I will run, not walk, to get this book!
Lili says
a MUST read in our house right now. We just moved across the country from our family for my husband's training!
Beth K says
Oh, and I have to add how glad I am that you did start your food blog! We make your recipes 2-3 times a week! Our favorites right now are the bacon corn pasta and grilled buffalo paninis, and I think we eat both once a week! I'm also not sure how I lived without your bundt cake recipes, haha! We've made 5 so far and loved every single one!
Jessica says
I've been thinking about being brave a lot lately. Would love this book!
Cori Moore says
I would love to read this book!
Ashley @ My Food N Fitness Diaries says
I'm brave by jumping out of my comfort zone and getting certified to teach BodyPump! It's something I've always wanted to do, and I'm so glad I finally did it. It's easily one of the best things I've ever done!
Gwen L. says
I'm a hot mess. Seems like the book for me.
Meg W. says
Hope to win a copy 🙂
Sarah Witowski says
Hi Shay, I love your blog! I have 2 little girls, 3 1/2 and 1 1/2 and another little girl on the way, due in October. I would love to read this book!
mrsuribe says
I think my bravest moment (and best moment) was realizing I wasn't in control and that I needed to trust God with everything.
Jen @ Love, the Arthurs says
Love this post. I'm actually right in the middle of quite a few life changes and I am really trying everyday to be brave and not fall back into old habits. This was a great reminder. I'd love the chance to win her book 🙂
The Critchlow Family says
Having 4 kids I find myself constantly in situations that put me out of my comfort zone. It is in those moments that I dig a little deeper and find that brave in myself. I would love to read this book!
ml says
Can't wait to read!
Anonymous says
Love a good book, thanks for a giveaway! Christine
Kristy Goode says
As a 23 year old and just entering the big girl job world, I have experienced fear and worry. But, at the end of the day, I know God has my back and in those times of feeling fear and worry, I try my best to always remember to look to Him first to find strength and bravery. Thanks for this little reminder today, Shay. You are a gem. 🙂
SalBug says
I've had many brave moments in my life – – opportunities that God gave me to grow.
Rachel Brown says
Great giveaway thank you! I am brave in meeting new people and joining new groups.
Rachel Brown says
Great giveaway thank you! I am brave in meeting new people and joining new groups.
Cheri says
Wow, sounds like a very life changing book or at the very least, one to make you think about your choices. I would love to win this book and keeping my fingers crossed.
Mego says
Sounds like exactly what I need right now.
Leslie says
Great post! I want to read this book!
Sara says
I'm learning to be brave as we make the next steps in our life by faith not sight.
Melynda says
I'd love to read this book! I feel like I'm kind of stuck right now and need to be brave to get unstuck and move forward again!
girlmom says
I am brave by going as a chaperone to our church's kids camp tomorrow!
Jack's Mom says
So often I wish I did make braver choices. I seem to be risk-averse at this point in my life…
MicahTj says
This book sounds like exactly what I need! I will be reading it one way or another!
LeAnne says
I struggle with being brave, too. I like staying snuggled safely in my comfort zone 🙂 I'm working on it, though!
coco says
We could all use a little more brave, couldn't we?
The Mandville Life says
So excited to read this book!!
Myers Family says
I would love to be more brave and step out of my comfort zone more often.
Unknown says
This book sounds like it needs a home in my life! Exactly what I need. In just a handful of months my mom was diagnosed with cancer and died, my husband was diagnosed with cancer, has had surgery, a transplant, and months of chemo and radiation, I was promoted to a full-time caregiver, we moved, our house flooded, our house was robbed, I was involved in a car accident with a drunk driver, and have been trying to recover from my own injuries. It's been pouring in my life. I don't feel brave, I just feel drenched…and exhausted. Thanks for sharing this book with us! Cindy Wrightson
Michelle Ragsdale says
I'm have never been a big reader, and one of my goals for this year was to read more…i'm reading how to raise a princess now =)
inesebokisa says
Sounds very inspiring book. Right now in my life I am not brave enough to follow an idea.
carrieb says
Would love this!
Megan Marie says
I just finished writing my first novel and need to be brave when it comes to contacting publishers.
This sounds like a great read, thank you for sharing!!
Ashleigh Wilder says
I am brave because i refuse to give up. No matter what I face
Dena A says
I am really the least brave person out there. I think I would love to read this book.
Jamie Myers says
Sounds like a great read. Love the "I'll read a chapter, but turns into 3, then turns into dang it's midnight, but the books finished" type of reads. 🙂
Kimberly Potter says
Let's all be brave, sounds like my kind of book right now! Cannot wait to read!
Stephanie says
So glad you shared this book. With a growing family, I think it's just what I need. Thanks!
Jess :) says
I have been hearing SOOOOO much about this book!! I absolutely ADORE Annie (our lives seem all too similar) so I'm super excited about this! I would LOVE to win a copy!
Laura says
Thank you!!!
Mikala says
I have so many friends going through really rough times right now and I'm always looking for inspiration on how to coach them into being brave and taking a leap of faith. I would love to read this book!
Jamie Ross says
Looks like a wonderful book! I need to work on being more brave and it seems like this book would definitely help me :)!
Amanda A. says
I would love to read this book!!
Hallie James says
I would love to read this book! I sounds amazing!
Kylie says
What a great giveaway! Thanks Shay! 🙂
Kim Taylor says
I was brave 16 years ago when I knew I had to make a choice and divorced my ex husband and got my life back under control! I moved back to California and fell in love with life again and met the man who would become my second husband!!!! BRAVE!
Ashley Ryan says
Your Instagram post this morning from Annie's book could not have come at a better time as I was heading to take day one of the Missouri Bar Exam. Sometimes you need to be reminded to be brave 🙂 I would love to read this book!
Mary Louis Quinn says
Would love to win!
Mrslucke1 says
My goal this year was to be brave. I can say at times I have succeeded and other maybe not so much. I have learned that it takes courage to step out of your comfort zone.
Christine Hicks says
I love reading and learning! Would love to have a copy of my own!
Ralinn bsirious says
This book sounds great. Can't wait to check into it.
Lanie says
Would love to read this book!
Hula Girl77 says
Thanks for the chance to win what sounds like a great book!
Rachel says
Brave-my word of the year!
ashleypalmer625 says
Well, right now, I'm being brave by agreeing to puppy-sit my sister's dog for the week. I am not a dog person, and it has been a big adjustment for me, but luckily, we are getting along great.
Carroll says
Thank you so much for this post, Shay. Being brave is an area of my life I struggle with a lot because of fear, but I'm feeling called to develop a writing and speaking ministry and sometimes the most brave thing I do is hit publish on a blog post! Here's to being brave and embracing all that God has for us!!
kristinwithani says
How brave am I? I'm so not brave! I'm a scaredy cat. People think I'm brave because I live alone and own my home and blah blah blah. That's not a choice I've made. Oh, how I wish this home was filled with a family.
I sense the Lord moving me on to something "next" but I'm petrified to even take a step. I really want to read Annie's book.
Allison says
Would love to read this book! I think there are so many times in life that we have to be brave each and every minute.
Anonymous says
It's odd how sometimes I feel very brave and other times I find it so hard to find any courage at all… Thanks for sharing this book and author!
Anonymous says
I would love this book to read on my beach vacation!
Caroline says
Sounds like a great book to add to my summer book list! Thanks for sharing.
priscilla says
I am always looking for a good inspirational book. This sounds very good. I have had a most trying week. My dog passed away on Monday, my mother has been diagnosed with cancer, and my son is leaving for college (over 1,000 miles away at the end of Aug.). I need to be VERY BRAVE.
I, too, went to college locally, and lived at home, and received an excellent education. I, too, wished I had gone away to school. Shay, if you had gone away to school your life would have taken a different path. Would you still have met Andrew? and had the two beautiful children the two of you have? God has a plan for all of us. That was his plan for you!
Julie Clark says
I'm very often not brave, but choosing to live overseas twice in Japan and Germany I think would be considered brave. I would love to read this book. Thanks for sharing all that you share.
Stacee says
Would love to read this!
Kristin says
Looks like a great book. We can all use reminders on how to be brave in a world that tends to tear us down.
Unknown says
Would love to win! I have a hard time with being brave, but now that I'm pregnant… I've learned to be brave and trust God in everything. He is in control!
Tiffany R says
Would love this book! It's something I need help with daily!
Meredith Rice says
Wow! This sounds like a very inspirational read. I'd love to have it in my collection…and to share!
Kylie McGraw says
I went to college about 30 minutes from my hometown but in three weeks I'm moving 4 hours away to go to grad school. Being brave is GOOD! I can't wait! I really want to read this book 🙂
Paula says
Sounds fabulous! I feel like bravery ties to the faith and trust that God has your back.
amoveableme.com says
I am being brave by embracing being pregnant at an older age than most of the other mamas I know.
Carrie Kroll says
Funny I was just thinking about being "Brave" & starting a new adventure, this must be a sign that I HAVE to make the leap!
Tamara R says
This sounds like a fantastic book!
Tailor Brumfield says
This post came at just the right time for me! Within the next year I know that I will have to be brave with life changing in a few different ways. Thanks for posting this Shay!
Cary Caldwell says
Awesome give-a-way!! Yay!!
Brooke says
Oh my goodness; I need this book right now!
realmommypreneur.com says
I'm brave everyday for my kids and family.
Jenna {Real Simple Girl} says
Thanks for sharing this book! It sounds like exactly what I need to read right now!!
Alison says
I'm looking forward to reading this book – even if I don't win!
Ps – you can also add adopting to your list of being brave. As the blessed mom of two adopted children I know that it can be a roller coaster ride that requires all your trust in God
Leah McPeak says
Hey girl! Thanks for this great book recommendation!!!! I ♥️ Books and this one sounds so good! I'm trying to be brave as I'm in my first trimester experiencing a lot of morning sickness. Hard for me to do with 2 busy kids already!
Erin says
Wow, this sounds like the kind of book I need to read. I'm at a point with my kids where I'm wondering if I'm doing this right. Thanks, Shay!
Sarah J says
There are a lot of areas I need to be more brave in, but I have been brave in starting my new job!
Sarah J says
There are a lot of areas I need to be more brave in, but I have been brave in starting my new job!
Kelly says
This reminds me of our MOPS theme for this year. Looking forward to reading it!
Anonymous says
I definitely plan on reading this book!
Maggie Johnson
Alicia says
I would love this book because there are a lot of big decisions that are facing my family in coming days, weeks, months, and years. I want to be brave..
Alicia says
I would love a copy of this book because my husband and I will need to be making huge decisions in coming days, week, months, and years. I want to be brave!
Vanessa F says
Sounds like an incredible book that I could use in my life right now too!
Anonymous says
I would so love this! I'm in NEED of a life changing book. I'm brave everyday when I'm out in public solo with my 1yr and 2yr old! Buuuuut I desperately need to be brave in other areas of my life! Thanks Shay!
Vanessa F says
Thank you for always sharing the best of the best, Shay!
Annie says
Trying to make time for reading again. What a great way to start!
Jennifer Solis says
I would love to read this book!! Thank you for a great giveaway!
Anonymous says
Thank you for sharing this! I am starting college this year so I need to learn how to be brave. This looks like a great read!
Courtney says
Sounds like an amazing book!
Studdert Family says
Thanks for sharing this book!! This will be a great read for our Bible Study group this fall!!
Morgan says
Took your advice and hit up the Gap yesterday AND today. Got some great deals, including the always skinny jeans! Also got some skinny mini khakis which are darling.
Anonymous says
Hi Shay! I have been following your blog for a little while now but I just started reading your older shades of shay posts that I missed. I love them! This one really caught my attention because I've recently been thinking I'm not taking enough risks or putting myself out there enough. Like you, I chose to go to a university close to home. I love school and being close to my family, but sometimes I wonder what it would be like if I had chosen to go out of states like many of my friends did. Thank you for this post, it was very relatable for me. And congrats to you and your family on becoming a family of five!