It’s the most wonderful time of the year!
And I’m a little tired.
But that’s okay…because we’re having fun and making memories. Plus, isn’t that why God created the cold month of January…for cozy naps and extra sleep? I think so.
I feel like our weeks are flying by…and they are. The year is almost up.
Day 337: I just love my little breakfast and lunch dates with this boy. He is such a thinker and a talker, so we have the best conversations. I have enjoyed this one on one time with him so much. He is such a special kid and I will remember our little dates forever.
Day 338: Our annual carriage ride through historic McKinney!
Day 339: We made our trip to see St. Nick! They were both so excited to see him :).
Day 340: She insisted on helping her daddy put up his office tree…and then I’m pretty sure he let her do the whole thing. She loves a decorated tree (so my girl!).
Day 341: Making Reindeer Food with my favorite elves! Recipe to come on Friday!
Day 342: One of our very favorite traditions…Jammy Cocoa Christmas!
Day 343: My 5th Annual Recipe Exchange was a HUGE hit! This is one of my very favorite nights of the year!! More details and photos of this night up tomorrow.
You can keep up with me every day in 2014 on Instagram @mixandmatchmama or find me here too…
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On my foodie blog today…
…I Mixed and Matched Double Batched one of Sheaffer’s favorite holiday desserts! Two recipes on one post…you have to come check it out!
Happy Wednesday!
Narci says
I love that you and Smith have had this special time together! Also, K decorating that tree is fabulous!! She is her mama's girl!!
Macy Strozier says
You are such an inspiration to me. I want to be just like you when I grow up(15). You have the cutest kids in the world but I know you had some trouble on the way, but god had a reason to do that. You are soon going to be a lucky mama of three. I'm excited to join your journey to get Ashby London. I bet you have her in your mind 24/7, so do I. I think about how cute she's going to be, how your kids will interact with her and so on. You might not get to relax as much in January though because your going to have a kid around, and I know you won't care about that. Please don't think this is a hate comment or anything, I'm just saying ALOTE of us are excited to see her.
Erika Slaughter says
Everyone else will catch up on sleep. You will have a new kiddo!!! Hahaha! Sure Ashby will be a great sleeper…fingers crossed!
Sheaffer {Pinterest Told Me To} says
The picture of y'all in your jammies is just so dang cute. And the pic of Kensington decorating the tree…I didn't see the ornament in her hand at first, and I was super confused by her pose….but after I saw the ornament it all made sense. 🙂
kimm atwood says
What a fun week!
Anonymous says
You look so pretty in your family Jammy Cocoa picture! Very happy looking pic of your family. And oh my! Your house looks like a magazine. Sooo inviting and Christmas-y. Wish I could've come to what looks like a fabulous party! P.s. I really like the coat your wearing. Is it from Nordstrom?
Corinne says
My daughter is two and a half and LOVES Christmas lights. We have big plans for our first Jammy Cocoa Christmas this year. I can't wait!
Diane says
Hey Shay- can you share the paint colors you picked for your house? We're renovating now and Im totally stuck thanks!!
Slightly Askew Designs says
so so so much fun in one post!!! December is EXHAUSTING but so much fun! I have a sneaking suspicion though that January for you might top December this year 🙂
Gavan says
Love the recipe exchange! I do an annual scarf exchange but I should do a recipe exchange too! Both such fun girl's nights!!
eunice says
I love love that you get some one on one time with your boy. My oldest (girl) is in 1st this year and I am home with my two boys (almost 4yr and 13 mos). How does Kensington react when she hears that you bring Smith out for dates? I ask because I would love to bring my boys out for special coffee dates but I'm worried that my K would feel left out and be hurt. Maybe she wouldn't and it's just me worrying but I was curious how you handle that!
Love reading your blog!
Michaela Anne says
I started a similar tradition with my son when he was little (he's now 15!!) of driving around to look at Christmas lights in our jammies, eating popcorn and drinking cocoa. I love the idea of stopping to get a drink and going inside in our jammies. Might have to try that one this year. I now have a 5 year old daughter who loves this same tradition 🙂
Aubrey says
Such a fun week! It's the most wonderful time of the year!!