I mean, how could my life lately not be fabulous with these three around?!?! They are just my joy. My absolute joy. (Of course they drive me crazy sometimes, but even in the crazy, I feel so blessed to be their mama!)
Erika texted me the other day and said she was being super lazy when she could be being productive, I immediately texted her right back a picture of what I was doing at that exact moment…reading In Style and drinking coffee :). I reminded her that my New Years Resolution was to “do less” and that she should adopt it too…we agreed that we should just change it to “be lazy” and call it a day :). Sometimes a mama just has to sit down and be lazy!
This sweet boy came downstairs at 5:45 AM and said he couldn’t sleep because he just had to finish his Lego set. This is life with a five year old boy right here.
My girls on February 13th!
Smith found this head lamp light thing in the clearance bin at Nordstrom while I was exchanging his shoes for a different size…he wore it for two days straight.
We all had fun at Kensington’s class party!
Little sister wanted to wear the hat too.
That night, Kensington’s school had their 17th Annual Family Dance and Ashby owned the place. This kid danced like a crazy girl the entire night.
Sweet girls taking a dancing break in order to have a cookie.
Valentine’s morning, they all got a little goodie from us and Valentine’s donuts.
We had our traditional diner dinner on Valentine’s night. Listen, it’s hard taking a picture with five people…at least one person is never looking. Sigh.
My dad sent me this picture later that night. Apparently, he snapped it when we were leaving dinner :).
On Sunday, we had big girl day after church! Kensington and I left the littles at home with dad and went to get our nails done. I love this time with my big girl!
Ummmmmm…where did they expect me to sleep?
Since the kiddos didn’t have school on Presidents’ Day, we let them sleep with us for fun…four sleeping Shulls and one mommy Shull looking for a spot :).
Bath time 🙂
Stop taking pictures of me. I’m trying to enjoy my lunch.
Blocks are a big deal in our house :).
Snuggles are a big deal too!
I walked through the other night and found this. All cozy and warm with their iPads. I love these four.
That’s life lately.
On my foodie blog today, a yummy supper for your family…
Kellee says
Nice to see I am not the only one with a TV in the bathroom! Cute family!
Erika Slaughter says
Ashby melts my heart!!! Love seeing pictures of her personality shining through!
Chasity Munn says
Ashby! She is living the life and loving it. 🙂 You need to post a video of her dancing for us!
Catrina Annette says
There is a video on Shay's Instagram acct. It is worth following!! Precious!!!
Kacie de Leon says
You're family is so precious. I just love reading your posts. And I'm a little jealous of the TV over the tub!
Sheaffer {Pinterest Told Me To} says
Man I wish I could have seen your girl breaking it down on the dance floor!!!
Jen says
Beautiful photos! I love that you are just soaking up and enjoying this time with your family. Ashby is just at the cutest age right now.
Lori S H says
I love the photo that your Dad took! Your family is just adorable. : )Thanks for sharing.
Narci says
My favorite is of Ashby dancing at the party–girlfriend has some MOVES!! 🙂
kimm atwood says
Life lately looks great
Laurie S says
So where did you end up sleeping since the bed was already full? Great pics.
Kelly @ Familiar Joy says
I love seeing pictures of your family of FIVE. You all look so happy. God is good! XO
Tracy says
Love your "life lately" posts! Your kids are darling.
Lori says
Always love reading your blog! Sorry to be that person, but can you share which specific jeans you are wearing in the Valentine's Day pic?
Anonymous says
You're such a fun mom. You put me to shame!
jencam7 says
Such sweet pictures! Ok Shay, I love your black bag! I'm always looking for a good mom bag, where did you get this one? It looks like a great size!
Anonymous says
Happy Lunar New year Ashby!!
Jenny Perez says
When I first became a mom, I spent every moment that my baby was sleeping, trying to "be productive". It was exhausting! Around that time, I was chatting with a seasoned mom & she said something that has stuck with me for over 10 years. She said that even the highest power executives get a coffee break or lunch break a couple times of week & so should busy moms. In addition to my bible quiet time every day, I try to take 15 or 20 minutes of "mindless time" I flip through magazines or catalogs or read a chapter of a light book. I love that time & I think it makes a more present, productive and engaged mom during the rest of the day. Hope you & Erika enjoy your "coffee breaks". All good moms deserve them!!
Nikki Wilson says
Hi Shay! I just started reading your blog the other day and I must say I love it! You have an adorable family and a wonderful sense of style! I read about 15 of your previous posts the other day trying to catch up. Thanks for sharing your life with us!
Kelly @ The OK Momma says
Those three sweet heads in the tub. Priceless!
Tracie Briggs says
what a happy, happy life!
i have a random thought – you mentioned ashby having a "witching hour" where she gets cranky. i wonder if turning on music and letting her dance might help? she sure seems to like to dance!
Natalie Zambreski says
I love the Vday outfits and the big girls day!
The Nelson Happenings says
I love the photo of your husband and all 3 kids in your bed !!! Seriously, I've been there 🙂 The joys of having a family !
Ashlee Haddad says
Where do you buy all of Ashby's clothes? I know some of them are Matilda Jane. She just always looks so cute!! Do you think you will ever make a tab at the top for your kids clothes like you do for yours? I just love your family. You guys just seem so so sweet!
Anonymous says
These are such cute pictures! If y'all don't have any plans this weekend, it could be fun to visit the Crow Collection's Chinese New Year celebration – they have fun activities for kids like making red envelopes, sheep headbands, face painting, etc that would be a fun way to celebrate where Ashby came from 🙂
Elaine Welte says
Love that these are such typical every day, normal things that all of us do!!! It's so great to see normal! Loved this post.
Anonymous says
Love all the photos. Nice family & nice house – I love the French inspired carpet plus the lamps. I hope you can feature in your blog some of the rooms in your lovely house. I love beautiful homes and gardens hence I only buy DVD/Blu rays of movies that have beautiful houses in them e.g. Mrs. Doubtfire, Stepford Wives, The Blind Side, Bewitched etc. etc.
Jane from Oz
Chic Coastal Living says
So cute! Love your sweet little family! God bless you Shay!
Kristen and Dave's Wedding says
I love your "Life Lately" posts and your cute family! I have to ask – where is your bathroom wallpaper from? You know how you have an image in your head of what you want and have been unable to find it and then you see it….that was my reaction to your bathroom wallpaper. I want it! ?
sarah c says
I love your pics! I think ashby is saying mom I am not ready for a picture. I'm in my pjs. where did you go for valentines day dinner?
Jeanie says
Love the "Life Lately" series!
E C Young says
Hope you guys got to celebrate Chinese New Year with Ashby! If you need help with ideas let me know!
She's a big star says
Ashby's pics always bring tears to my eyes. I just can't help but think of how different her life is now compared to how it was just a few short months ago! That girl absolutely, without a doubt, hit the lottery!! <3 (And I know you did too!)
Tonra says
Love your gray booties and your adorable kids (of course)! Details on booties please ?
Jaren says
So so much of this reminds me of my life with my big ones and little ones!! Last week I decided to take it easy and relax more. I think I went to the extreme. I didn't get a lot done and I'm paying for it this week:(
Also, Kensington is definitely growing!