Hi there! Life lately has been full of swimming and craziness this week. I cannot believe that tomorrow is May 1…I feel like I blinked and April flew by! We can’t wait for summer!!
Every year at Smith’s school, they have a World Fair where each class studies a particular country for the month and then the parents get to come travel around and visit. This year, Smith had Australia and loved it! I must have heard “G’day mate” at least 100 times on the day of his Fair :).
It’s blurry…because it’s 6:00 AM and this guy couldn’t sleep because he just had to craft himself some accessories to be Iron Man…
Crafting while Ashby is napping 🙂
“Ta-da!” This was Ashby’s first time in a swimsuit :). She was super excited about wearing her suit and going swimming!
Erika and I took the kiddos swimming (in a heated pool) on Saturday and they LOVED it! It was a great way to spend a Saturday!
Two crazy girls, one American Girl doll and a brother who doesn’t know what to do with any of it :).
Someone found our trunk of dress up clothes and loves to try them on! Now, she’s pretty much always in a sparkly princess dress!
I love walking in my room and finding a cuddly kid watching a movie. I like that my kids like being in my room…they get cozy and stay awhile (which I love!).
Ahhhh! Such a cute picture…and then 3 seconds later he bopped her on the chin and she cried. Sibling problems.
Next time, I’m just going to wait in the car and send these two in with my grocery list and Visa.
And that’s a little life lately :).
On my foodie blog, I fancied up a ham and cheese sandwich and made it French style…
…mmmmm…a Croque Monsieur.
Brittany Medland says
I love the way Ashby looks at Smith, she seems just smitten by him. Also the fact that Smith wakes up a the crack of dawn when he has something on his mind is so funny, this may not be a good thing when he's a grown man! Lol
Erika Slaughter says
Ashby was meant to be walking around in a princess dress! Glad she discovered those!!! 🙂
Loren Ferruccio says
I have that same throw blanket from PB. Isn't it the best!!
Anonymous says
I'm SOOO glad you mentioned that throw cause I was going to ask where she got it! Love it!
KRMM21 says
That throw blanket looks super cozy! Where can I get myself one??
Mix and Match Mama says
Pottery Barn!!
KRMM21 says
Thank you!!
Sheaffer {Pinterest Told Me To} says
From 2 years old to 5 years old, if Conner was at home, she was always in one of my old dance costumes. Actually, she didn't have to be home. She was also seen in costumes at the grocery store. She DID NOT wear real clothes. 🙂
Narci says
I think threat I'm going to come and watch a movie under that throw blanket!! Ha! Looks so cozy!! Also, Ashby looks so precious in her swimsuit!!
Anonymous says
Shay, I want your life!! So beautiful! ♡♡♡
Anonymous says
What grocery store do you shop that has the little carts? So cute!
Mix and Match Mama says
It's called Market Street 🙂
thebusybrunette says
OMG – that picture of Smith and Ashby in the grocery store is precious. It's definitely frame-worthy.
Seems like you guys are having fun as always! I'm jealous of the heated pool swim you went on! Oh, and Ashby's swimsuit is completely adorable. She really seems to love her forever family. God bless!
"The Busy Brunette"
Jersey Love says
That picture of Smith and Ashby is so cute! And in the one of all the kids at the pool, Kensington looks like such a cute little diva…. 🙂 life lately seems to be fabulous 🙂
Anonymous says
Hi – love your blog and your cute kiddos! Where did you get Ashby's white sandals in one of those pics? I've been trying to find some cute (preferably velcro) white sandals for the summer for my 16 month old daughter and feel like everything has buckles (what 16 month old can buckle their own shoes?!).
Laura Parsons says
You have such a beautiful family Shay! I love seeing Ashby's big smile, it actually brings tears to my eyes. The Lord has blessed you with those three! Happy Thursday 🙂
melissabunny100 says
So cute…I knew you were going to let her hair grow for piggys!!
Jenny says
Aww… I love all the sweet pictures! It has been so neat to watch Ashby join your family. She looks like she just fits! Love it! 🙂
Kelsey Mann Peacock says
Such a beautiful little family! Smith takes having a big & little sister with such ease & seems so sweet to them both! Thanks for sharing your sweet family with us 🙂
Heather says
Ashby just looks so darn ornery!! I love her big smile in all of the pictures! 🙂
Ashley @ Fancy Ashley says
They are just so adorable!! I love that the girls match in their outfits so much! I can totally remember doing that and loving it with my sisters!!! XO!
Stephanie says
The grocery store picture is way too funny. Serious business happening there 🙂
gracemountaindiaries says
Oh my gosh! I love so much about this post!
My son also has fun enrichment days – this year was Whale Day. Oh my gosh, I don't think I've ever heard so much about whales and other ocean life. It's so funny hearing them spout random facts…and then attempt to translate those facts to other aspects of life.
Kelly @ The OK Momma says
Ha – love that pic of Smith & Ashby. It's also a "toddler problems" thing at my house. One second I snap a pic of my beaming child and 2 seconds later she's melting down because the wind blew and she did not appreciate that. I should start posting before & after shots!
Mattie @ Northwest Native says
Ashby is sooo cute in her swimsuit! My mom and I loved the Instagram. 🙂
The Healthie Foodie says
Shay – I'm so glad your family is doing so well. Love the pics of all the cuties!
I was wondering if you could so a post 100% on how Kensington and Smith are adjusting to sharing the attention with Ashby. I know in the beginning it is exciting to get a new sister but then the excitement wears off. Are they still loving it? The reason I am so curious is b/c I am 26 years old and my parents were only given 1 child. They tried to have more but weren't so lucky. They then decided to become foster parents with the hope of adopting. From when I was 10 until 25 – they've fostered 23 children. Some stayed for as long as 10 months and some as short as 2 days. Most came from neglect, cases of drugs, one was even sexually abused by her brother who had been abused by his uncle. Some very sad stories. In the end for various reasons my parents never ended up adopting – either they weren't available for adoption or we realized we weren't the right family that best met the child's needs. When we started it I loved it and was excited to finally have a sibling but after a few weeks of them living with us i would get jealous sometimes. I didn't understand why my parents didn't want to spend time with me anymore and rather give their time to someone else? Now that I am older and more mature it doesn't bother me but at that time – especially when I was 10, 11, 12 until about 18/19 it was hard. So that is why I am curious how Kensington and Smith are doing. Sorry for the long comment. But I'd love to read a post about that adjustment after the honeymoon phase.
Lots of Love!
p.s. after finding your blog after Sean was on the The Bachelorette you inspired me to take my love of cooking and create my own blog. In 2012, I started my own cooking blog. It's called the healthiefoodie.blogspot.com I'd love if you could give me a shout on your blog or twitter.
Xo, Loni
Anonymous says
Congratulations Shay on a fantastic blog. Its the very first blog I have read and I love my 10 minutes a day checking in to see what fun things are happening in your life. It looks like you need to come and visit us in Australia soon, Smith can practice that Aussie accent and say G'day as much as he likes! Mel x
Jen Watts says
Your babes are the cutest…And Ashby's cheese face just makes me so happy!