It’s Fri-day!
Listen, this is going to date me…but who else was in high school when this movie came out…
Every time I start one of these posts, I think about this movie. Back in high school, my guy friends would quote it every.single.Friday. And 20 years later, I still think of those quotes each Friday ;). (And yes, most of those quotes are pretty inappropriate…)
Today, I’m linking up with my three faves Andrea, Narci and Erika and showing you the second half of my Friday Favorites (remember, I showed you the first half on Tuesday this week!).
(Pssst…if you missed Tuesday, click here.)
So, today is the last installment of mine and Sheaffer’s
Mother of All Giveaways Week and…
…it’s gift card to Nordstrom!
Woohoo! Today, one winner will receive a $250 Nordstrom gift card for herself and one to give her favorite mama!
I love me a giveaway!
My fifth favorite thing this week is summed up in this one picture…
I was in my pajamas, drinking coffee and reading my new favorite cookbook. Oh and I’m really diggin’ my new nail polish too (It’s Essie’s Cute as a Button).
That being said…I forgot to include jammies in my Mother’s Day gift ideas post from Tuesday…so let’s rectify that now (because I don’t know about you…but I always can use a new pair of pajamas!). And because Nordstrom has helped us with our giveaway today, I’m going to show you my faves there…
So, hey there…welcome to my closet. This is me…about to go to sleep. I used to sleep in the rattiest tees and sweatpants for years and years until I read Forever Chic a few months ago where the author really encouraged women to take a little more pride in their pajamas…so, I bought me some and you know what? It is nice to wear actual pjs instead of ratty old K-State tees.
These cute jammies come in six different prints and are light enough for warmer weather (they’re jersey!).
For Mother’s Day, you could give your mama a pair with a cute sleep mask too :).
Okay…and one more pj set for your Mother’s Day. Another evening, another pair of pajamas and yes…
…look! I’m rocking the wet bun in this pic!
I just love me a wet bun before bed:).
Okay…cute pj top comes in several colors and you can find that here and the fun pants (also in cute prints) here.
And a few more fun pajama sets for your mama (or for you!) here…
Thanks again to Nordstrom for helping us make our giveaway today possible. To enter, fill out Rafflecopter at the bottom of the post!
I had several people email me this week about this video on one family’s journey to adopt their daughter Chloe. At first, I just turned it on while I did a little work but about a minute into it, I was completely hooked and focused. This is such an amazing testimony about God’s love and faithfulness not only through adoption, but through our lives in general. I loved this story. It’s such a wonderful reminder of how much God loves us and sees us through really dark days.
And super fun today! My friend Cassie is one of the finalist for Redbook’s Women of Style Awards! You can see all of the finalists and vote right here. Good luck Cassie!!
And my final favorite today…
For some reason, when I think of Mother’s Day, I think of little bites. Instead of a big cake this year, why don’t you make your mama some cute little cake balls instead? Yummy!
Happy Friday! Don’t forget to enter the giveaway!
Kelly @ The OK Momma says
My husband and I always exchange pajamas on Christmas Eve – and my parents give everyone pajamas, too! I agree – it's nice to feel like you're wearing something "special" to sleep in. Thanks for the giveaway!
clan mcmillen says
I love jammies! Having a few nice pairs just makes going to sleep that much sweeter. 🙂
Erika Slaughter says
People watched that movie in Zalma too!! I couldn't get into it and never understood the point? Also…those strawberry coconut goodies look delish!!
Sheaffer {Pinterest Told Me To} says
I don't enjoy cake balls. Never have, and didn't think I ever would. UNTIL I SAW THOSE BEAUTIES ABOVE. And now I MUST try a cake ball. And I love the idea that those pj's are jersey! Here's a story for you. One night many years ago I was headed to bed in a t-shirt that I wore often to sleep in. Chris looked at me, and with love said….wait for it…."Do you think you could maybe stop wearing the Vote for Pedro t-shirt to bed?" Hahahahahahaha! And you know what, I'm such an awesome wife, that I've never worn it since. THAT'S what marriage is about my friends! 🙂
Lori Boutelle says
After reading this, all I want to do is win the giveaway & spend the whole darn thing on cute pajamas! 🙂 Have a great weekend!
Narci says
Those jammies look so comfy!! What a great Mother's Day present! Have a great weekend!! 🙂
thebusybrunette says
Hi, Shay! Happy Friday!
I love your PJ suggestions. They are absolutely adorable and I could definitely use an update in the sleep department. It's like underwear – you just feel better when you wear nicer ones, right?
To piggyback off of Sheaffer's story in her comment, we had something similar happen. I have THE UGLIEST PAIR of PJ pants from Old Navy from a few years ago. They are zebra print and look like MC Hammer pants (I plan on doing a blog post about this exact topic!). Anyway, my husband is constantly asking me to get rid of them, but they are so darn comfy that I just can't! I even wore them through my pregnancy. I feel like there is sentimental value attached to them, even though I know they have to go.
Just a quick question… what do you usually wear when you're just around the house for the day? Do you stay in jammies, put on workout clothes, or truly "get dressed"? Just curious!
Hope you have a great weekend!
"The Busy Brunette"
Mix and Match Mama says
If I'm home all day, I change from pjs to workout clothes/sweatpants. In my head, that makes me feel a little more productive ;).
Debbie says
After you showed us your flannel pjs I bought a few pairs and they were perfect for winter! That being said, I have been stuck in a rut of wearing t-shirts to bed (in warmer weather) for years. Hoping to buy some of those cute pjs you showed us today!
Sara P says
Love your blog! And, appreciate the giveaways 🙂
kimm atwood says
I love a great pair of pajamas
Bonnie M. says
Love the Pj's!! Thanks for such an awesome giveaway!
Paula says
My Katie Lee book came yesterday! I can't wait to dive it. I also bought Oh Gussie, Kimberly from Little Big Town. If you haven't seen her cooking show, WATCH! It's on CMT! I promise you'll love her! Then order her beautiful book!
Finally started Little Big Lies per your suggestion. FUN WRITING! I love it already!
FYI: I live 15 miles from the new Paula Deen restaurant in Pigeon Forge, TN that opened Monday. Your family would LOVE a visit here. Ms. Travel agent, you should look into all this area offers. In the fall…with all the leaves changing! Just thought I'd share! 🙂
Lindsay at Lindsay'sSweetWorld says
Ahhhh, I LOVE those PJs and I'm heading over now to look at all of their other prints!
Hope you guys have a fabulous weekend!
Talley Family says
Katie Dang says
I need to invest in some summer pajamas. I know my husband would appreciate some effort there. It's so cold in Michigan for most of the year that all the pajamas I own are flannel and I just wear shorts and a t-shirt on the summer. Thanks for the suggestions!
klmoore23 says
Who wouldnt love sleeping in ice cream?!
Dollie says
Those cake balls look amazing!! Wish I had one right now!!
Paula says
Just watched the Chloe story…PRECIOUS!
Maria Esterline says
Thank you Shay for your encouraging blog post! Your positive outlook and love for our Lord Jesus Christ is contagious! Love seeing how God use you to spread His unconditional love to the readers that navigate your blog! Keep up the amazing work!!! So proud of you and your team! Thank you for using the web to spread God's truth!
Angela Ellingson says
Um, we don't usually wear pajamas… Too much info? 😉 haha Awesome giveaway!!! My closet need some MAJOR help! Like, I'd use the gift card on basic staples. …And a blardigan. 🙂
Wendy says
Too funny…I was trying to think of a way to say the same thing! Haven't worn PJ's ever in 22 years of marriage. For those that do, they are very cute!
Angela Banae says
Thanks for the sharing some cute jammie ideas! I have great winter ones, but I'm thinking I need to stock up on some cute spring and summer pajamas 🙂 Also, wanted to say thank you for always sharing about your life! I LOVE your blog, Shay! You are such a blessing to so many of us! Keep up the great work!!! Hugs from Iowa 🙂 ~ Angela
Tara Ishida says
Bye Felicia! Yes! That is one of my husbands favorite comedies and he quotes it all the time too. Lol Happy Friday, I love your blog!
Becky Griffith says
Love an the cute pj selections! Happy Friday!
Marisa says
Awesome week of give-always! Thank you for being a happy Poitier place to visit online!
{Hi Sugarplum!} says
Um, I'm sleeping in the oldest, rattiest, no shape tees and pants…and suddenly I feel like changing that!!! My poor husband is going to thank you! And thanks so much for the Redbook shoutout…it's the craziest thing, right?!?!? #loveyou #meanit xo
Mandi says
Thanks for sharing the "Chloe" story link…such a great reminder of God's love and faithfulness.
JennyMae says
The ice cream pjs are so cute! Thanks for the giveaway! Wish there was a Nordstroms near me!
Jessica Smith says
I've been reading your blog a few years now and have to say you have been fun to follow. Love this giveaway for my momma! I've never looked up at my momma as much as I do now. As a new mom, I understand her more now. And she raised 5! Truly blessed to have such a great momma.
Anonymous says
Cute as a Button has been in my polish rotation for years…isn't it so cute?!
Natalie Zambreski says
Those cake balls look DELISH.
Chrissy Kirby says
Love EVERYTHING about your blog, your family and of course all your WONDERFUL recipes!
Melissa P. says
I have never even tried weed(I feel weird even typing the word lol!) & for some reason, I love the movie Friday, along with Meet the Millers…both full of inappropriate stuff!! Does that make me terrible?! (insert little monkey emoji with his hands over his eyes haha)
very cute pjs, yummy looking dessert & woohoo fingers crossed for the giveaway-I'm dying for a blardigan!! My mom just found a purse she loves too so I know she'd be thrilled!
tpatters5 says
Great giveaway! I love that your blog is a great mix of giveaways, recipes, realistic fashion, book recommendations and most importantly your family.
V @ X-tremely V says
I think of those movies every Friday too! 😉 And now I might need to add some cute pj's to my mother's day wishlist 🙂
Anonymous says
Ice cream pj's? Sweet dreams would follow! Like your way of mixing stories of your children/family with delicious recipes & your faith. Thanks for everything.
Dani {Adventures of a Pharm Girl} says
I am dying at your Friday reference! hahah I won't date myself and say how old I was when it came out BUT all of my friends and I still quote the movie on a daily basis tehehe 🙂 I love those PJs! Definitely going to check those out. Thanks for sharing 🙂
Elaine Welte says
I totally need a pj update! Thse are so cute!
Kelsey Mann Peacock says
Loving those pj's & thinking I need to check out that cookbook!
Anonymous says
dones Andrew like those kind of pj's?? I love matching little sets, but my husband think they are for old people.. is that just my husband!?
Hannah Hardy says
You always have the BEST giveaways!!! Also, love your Friday favs 🙂
Karre Havey says
I wish I were in high school when that movie came out. You're still young. Enjoy your weekend!
Loren Ferruccio says
I am ordering the pjs you posted about. The crochet back jersey tank and bottoms. I don't like to feel like I am all exposed under the tank lol, what is the white tank or sports bra that you are wearing under your tank. I think I need to get something to wear under mine.
Jen Watts says
Love the pjs! I need some for myself.
I Like Ike says
I love that you shared the story of Chloe. It's incredible and I cry every time I watch it. The couple is from my hometown and I never get tired of hearing how God worked so much together for their good.
Megan Westlake says
Love your Mother's Day treats!!
Megan says
Cute pjs are a must!!! 😉