Merry Christmas Eve Eve!
Y’all…it’s a holiday.
Well, I mean, it’s a holiday in our family…you should adopt it too. Back when I was little, we started celebrating Christmas Eve Eve because…why not? This afternoon, we’re heading to my parents’ along with Sean and Catherine to celebrate one of my favorite days of the year ;). I’m telling you…it’s a super fun day to celebrate!
Speaking of celebrating…that’s about all we’ve done over the last week…
Last Thursday, Kensington was a reindeer and had lines in ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas in her class’s reader’s theater at the exact same time that Ashby had her preschool pajama/Christmas party…so, I called in the troops for reinforcement. Lovie and Papa Jay.
I’m pretty sure that Ashby preferred the grandparents over the parents. She was sooooo pumped that Lovie and Papa Jay came to her school!
Speaking of parties…the next morning, Ashby, Andrew and I attended both Kensington and Smith’s school Christmas parties. Woohoo!
Once again, a pj party :). I love this first grade girl SO MUCH!
And then this guy right here…he is my little man! He loved his first elementary school party!
These two are as thick as thieves.
Right before school let out on Friday, Andrew’s parents arrived to celebrate Christmas with us! We wanted to do something festive, so we headed to Dallas to see North Park Mall and have dinner.
My girl. Ignore the green teeth…she had just had a piece of green candy. ‘Tis the season for candy!
Waiting to be seated at the restaurant…
…we were “those” people with the loud and crazy kids ;).
After dinner, we drove around Highland Park to see the lights. This was just the best way to celebrate with Andrew’s parents! We love Dallas at Christmas!
Saturday and Sunday were filled with Nutcracker performances! This is my little ballerina and me backstage before her performance.
With her daddy after the show :).
On Sunday night, I took lots of pics of these two girls. First, they tapped!
After tap, they did jazz!
And after jazz, they were in the Russian scene of the Nutcracker.
These two do not lack personality…
…I could not love these girls more.
My dad took this picture while we were waiting for the performance to start. On Sunday afternoon, Ashby had a run in with the ottoman. The ottoman won.
Here we are after Sunday night’s performance. Where is Smith? He is asleep. Smith slept through both Saturday and Sunday nights’ performances. Basically, turning on the soundtrack to the Nutcracker is like shooting Smith with a tranquilizer dart.
And then look what showed up at my door on Monday afternoon!!! Copies of my two new books!
Somebody pinch me.
No, seriously…like, I need to be pinched!
I have worked on these books all year long but to hold them in my hands is a whole different ballgame. I was so excited to see them! They are exactly what I wanted them to be.
Both books are available on February 1, but can be pre-ordered now here.
My passion is being in the kitchen with the ones I love, and I feel incredibly blessed to share that with you.
Now, get off the internet and go celebrate Christmas Eve Eve :).
Love you guys!
Elaine Welte says
Congratulations on the books!!!! And, I guess if sanity can't fall asleep then you know to always fall back to the Nutcracker! Enjoy your Christmas Eve eve!
nursekimbrough says
My brother in law always calls today Christmas Adam, since Adam came before Eve! 🙂
steph ko. says
I love the idea of celebrating Christmas Eve-eve! Have a great holiday! 🙂
Regine Karpel says
kelly says
Congratulations on your new books!! Fabulous!
Its fun seeing all the pics of your beautiful family! Kensington strikes the cutest poses! Thank you for sharing – I look forward to reading your post every day!!
kimm atwood says
Congrats on the cookbooks! Love Kensington in all her dance costumes! Merry Christmas Eve eve !!
Holly says
Merry Christmas! Look forward to your books in the new year!
Steph Paul says
How fun!!!! When I met my husband- they celebrate Christmas Eve Eve- by calling it Christmas Adam. It is a fun night and his dad gives out gag gifts for everyone. Now my kids are part of it and it makes the week of festivities fun:) Merry christmas!
Love on the Lake says
Ha! I love that!
Narci says
Cute!!! Such sweet pictures!! The girls looked adorable in their costumes!!! Merry Christmas Eve Eve!! 🙂
Allie says
Where are your pointy toed leopard flats from?! Have you posted before and I'm not remembering when?
Mix and Match Mama says
They're from Nordstrom! They're Sam Edleman.
Chasing Pure Simplicity says
We call Christmas Eve Eve Christmas Adam as well! We have an open adoption with our daughter, so all of my kiddos have been blessed with three sets of grandparents. Each one celebrates with us on a different day, so we had to make Christmas Adam special! Our kids open presents from their grandparents and one from us. We let them camp under the Christmas tree on Christmas Adam night, so the "something from us" is related to that. This year it's new sleeping bags!
~Maggie~ says
We ate at Buca Di Beppo Sunday evening and then drove around the Highlands looking at lights. It's such a gorgeous area. Merry Christmas.
Sheaffer {Pinterest Told Me To} says
Precious girls in costumes, poor Ashby, and Smith's pose on that couch! AND YOUR BOOKS! They are DARLING and I'm just so proud of you!!!!!
Cassie says
I love the idea of doing the Grandparents celebration on Christmas Eve Eve.
Kristin McGeeney says
Ok so Kensington in this last picture, so beautiful! And so grown up! Cant wait to get your book! Merry Christmas!
Little Pink Rose says
Merry Christmas! I love reading your blog every morning. It's a bright spot in my day. Congratulations on your books! I'm very happy for you. Love seeing someone's dreams come true! Have a wonderful Christmas!
Kjlb37 says
Merry Christmas Eve Eve, Shay! I hope that you and your precious family have the best Christmas ever:)
Erika Slaughter says
I can't wait to hold those books in my hand!!! Tonight we're celebrating Christmas Eve Eve with bbq and gaudy Christmas decor!!
AllieDanae Walker says
We call this Christmas Adam, and although we don't celebrate with specific traditions, it really is just the greatest day!! All the excitement begins to build up!! Love it!!
Tara Smith says
What a great lot of holiday fun!!! Congrats again on the books and merry Christmas to you all!!!!
Elise @ Cheers Yall says
Love love love! MERRY CHRISTMAS EVE EVE! Have a beautiful day with your family! xx
Kristine says
Shay, I saw that you have the Apple watch. What are your thoughts on it?
Thanks and Merry Christmas!!
Mix and Match Mama says
Um, it's like the greatest thing EVER! It has really simplified my life and now, I can go hours without looking at my phone. Plus, I love the fitness/activity features. Love it :).
Nicole says
How do you use it's far as the fitness/activity features? Do you set goals? Thanks! And Merry Christmas!!
Kristi Butler says
Hi Shay, did you go with the 38 or 42mm size? Thanks so much! 🙂
Mix and Match Mama says
Yes! You can set goals, monitor your heart rate, your steps, your calories burned, the amount of time you spend sitting vs standing, and so on. And I have the 42 mm.
Suzie says
Just to comment on the apple watch as well…I didn't think I needed one and now that I have one, I am not sure how I lived without it.
And Shay, I just want to say that your hair looks amazing in these pictures!!!!
Leigh (Balancing By Faith) says
Congratulations on your books – what a blessing to say you love time in the kitchen with family and this is an expression of that time. You are a blessing to your family and this blogging community. Merry Christmas!
Kelsey @ The Peacock Roost says
The Shull's look like they are off to a great Christmas!! Hope you have a wonderful first Christmas as a family of 5 🙂
Lindsay at Lindsay'sSweetWorld says
Congrats again on your book! It must be surreal to finally have that baby in your arms… and just in time for Christmas!
Merry Christmas to all of you! I hope you have a perfect Christmas weekend with your family!
Renae says
Congrats on your cookbooks!! I can't wait to get my copy of them, I have enjoyed many of your recipes!!
Rebekah Lewis says
So excited about your books! Every one of your recipes we've tried my whole family has loved! Are you planning any book signings by any chance? 🙂
Staci says
Your life is just SO fun! Congrats on the book, too!!!
Ah77 says
Please do a post about the watch! Im constantly looking at phone
Cara@HomespunKitchen says
Just ordered my Kindle copy, YAY!! Merry Christmas to you, and thank you for always lifting us up…:)
Shoshanah says
We celebrate Christmas Eve Eve too. But it goes by another name in our house because it's my husband's birthday.
Ashley L. says
Merry Christmas, Shay and family! Congratulations on your books, I will be ordering!
Jeanie says
Merry Christmas to you and your entire family!
Debbie says
Congratulations on your books!
Megan says
Love it!!!!and love your cookbooks!!!!!
The Stantons says
So happy about the books! Great job! Enjoy your Christmas with your family. I am in heaven right now before the festivities…..but fear I have a medical condition! My condition gives me a lil bit of sorrow after all is done!! I dread the end of the holidays as I have waited since the first PSL hit Starbucks. Not my fault as I am compete and whole with my family spending time together!!! I just love them soooooo much! Family time rocks my world.
Polka Dot Blossom says
Huge congrats on the cookbooks! It give my heart such joy to see Ashby so happy. What a difference a year makes in the life of this little girl. Y'all are blessed! Merriest of Christmases to you and your sweet family. <3 Shannon
Rebecca Carl says
Would it be too much to ask for you and Kensington, Smith, and Ashby to sign my books when I get them? I will be happy to mail to you with a postage paid box to send them back! I would love to have those 3 beautiful children to sign the page of their favorite cake/meal! It warms my heart to read your blog – when my husband and I were driving through Dallas this fall, I told him Mix and Match Mama lives close!! I saw it was a little north of Dallas though or we would have visited your sweet town. I love your Christian spirit, you inspire us all with the love that surrounds you and your family. Merry Christmas to y'all! Much love from Fairhope, AL (if you ever go on a book signing tour, we have the most awesome mom and pop bookstore in Fairhope…Page and Palette. They would love to have you)!
Aubrey says
That poor eye! Your sweet ballerina! Your cookbooks! A very merry Christmas Eve Eve was had by all!
Monica Costello says
Hi Shay! Where did you get your black leather jacket? I'm on the hunt for one and love yours! Thank you!!
Elizabeth Birenbaum says
SO excited for you and for those books! Now I'm off to see about pre-ordering!! Congrats!
Queen In Between says
Congrats on the books Shay! I have only been blogging a little over a year and it was a shock to me how much work it really is to keep this up much less put in the sweat and tears to have books published. You should be so proud of yourself. Hard work pays off!