So…over the next few days, as I read my Jesus Calling, I get to think back to a string of really happy days, January 15, 16 and 18. I’m often reminded that these days are all a result of a string of really sad days. When I flip through my year in Jesus Calling, there are dates marked with things like “sixth IUI failed”, “I had a miscarriage”, “D&C”, “still waiting for a referral from China…what’s taking so long”, and “the doctor told me I might never have a baby”. Those days are marked too.
God doesn’t always answer our prayers like we want him to…but God always has a plan for us.
For I know the plans I have for you says the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not harm you. Plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11
Don’t forget, if you have a question about fostering to adopt, check yesterday’s post! My friend Meagan is answering questions!
And on my foodie blog today…
Your kiddos will love these!
Erika Slaughter says
So many things….1. You're so right!! I'm pretty sure all of us thought we were adopting Ashby as well. Haha! 2. Whoa!! Blast from the past!! I remember that night and the fabulous news! #shorthairwasin? Or was it just us? Hahaha!! 3. One of my very favorite memories was standing in the hospital after you had Smith and hearing you guys announce to all your family his name. Such a sweet sweet moment!!! XOXO
Kammi says
Shay, you have no idea how much I needed to read the last paragraph of this post today.
Thank you.
Jamie Allen says
i LOVE the idea of writing down important moments {both happy and sad} in your jesus calling. maybe i should take mine out and do the same! i used it for a few years and then sat it on a shelf. do you have the children's version of jesus calling?
Jennifer Cannon says
This post was for me today. God knew I needed to hear again, that I would be a momma in his time. Not mine . God is good all the time!
Tamara Rodrigues says
What a wonderful post, Shay. This reminds me of a message from a sign at church: "God doesn't always move swiftly, but he does move surely."
Betsy Maddox says
I love that you do that!! What an awesome idea. I read Jesus Calling every morning, too & marking special days is a great way to remember all the ups and downs that God has carried you through. Love it. 🙂
Narci says
Oh, I just love this!! 🙂 I'm pretty sure we did all feel like we were adopting Ashby!! Precious girl!! Also, I teared up during the pics of Smith when he was born! So sweet!!
Laura P. says
Needed this today. Thank you!
Aubrey says
Love those notes! In the book I'm reading now, one of the characters sets alarms on her phone to remind her of significant things in her past. I should totally have written a few things like that down to jog my horrible memory!
Sheaffer {Pinterest Told Me To} says
Writing down the moments is so simple, but I had never thought of it! What a blessing to be reminded of the good days and the hard days, and to know that God was right there through all of it.
Meghan Hancock says
I needed the encouragement to remember that the hard times bring good times and to just continue to have faith in God's plan for my life! Thank you for a sweet post this morning! Love your blog!
Haley Southey says
this is so incredibly special!! Love my Jesus Calling devotional and I want to start writing down special dates too! Love this!
Elizabeth says
Thank you for this beautiful post! Great reminder for me that God's timing is perfect even if in the moment it feels painful.
Leigh (Balancing By Faith) says
God has the best plans!! Love it!
klmoore23 says
I received this devotional book for Christmas and am in love. It amazes me how the sweet words of Jesus are perfect that day for what's going on in my life. I never thought of the idea of reading it over again each year to be thankful for good times and trusting God in the hard times. ?
Blondie says
I received it for Christmas too. This is a great idea to write important events and reflect on them from year to year! I'm going to do it!
Chelsea says
A friend of mine recommended a book recently that is a day by day meditation. I was back and forth on if I was going to order it, but this post inspired me! I love the idea of writing things for significant events. We are just at the beginning of trying to grow our family and what a way to document that ups and downs.
Jessica Barshinger says
I just started reading Jesus Calling this year…better late than never! I love your jotting notes idea! Really great post today, esp the last part for me. For I know the plans I have for you….I needed to hear that!
Elise @ Cheers Yall says
This is an exquisite idea, Shay! I LOVE the idea of adding notes to your yearly devotional! Thanks for sharing. What a way to reflect on God's blessings and provision no matter what! xx
Tanya says
This post just makes my heart so happy for you, your family, and all your friends!!!!
I just absolutely love reading your blog every morning. Thank You 😉
Andrea K says
Jan is special to me as well. My one & only miracle God has blessed us with was born on the 28th.
Megan says
Wow love this!!! The happy days shape our lives so much and the hard days probably shape us even more. Or is it the other way around?! Either way both are so important to remember.
Kelly Jean says
I loved this! Probably my favorite post of yours, and I love them all! Thank you for sharing!
Erin Stinson says
Shay, you probably don't remember this, but I contacted you about 3 years ago because I was going through some difficult times. I was overweight, 38 and still single, desperately wanting nothing more than to have a family of my own, feeling like God had abandoned me. You were so very kind to reach out to me and you suggested I try online dating, getting involved in a good church, and sent me a copy of "Jesus Calling". Well, that was the start of a time of transition and God used you in a mighty way to affect change in my life. I started reading Jesus Calling everyday, drawing closer to Him, I lost 100 lbs, I started online dating and met a wonderful man of God. This past September, we were married and my wonderful step son makes a beautiful family of three. God is so good, and I am so grateful for your kindness and encouragement. Thank you for listening and being a positive witness for Jesus. I pray many blessings over your sweet family.
Tricia Cole says
Wow. I am in tears. Although this post has absolutely nothing to do with me, I have goosebumps. There's few things I love more than being part of a community of women who support/encourage one another.
Shay…thank you for sharing your life and love with us and
Erin…so happy for you!
Keisha Dawson says
I love this idea! What an easy way to be reminded of God's goodness and faithfulness each morning! Thanks so much for sharing!
Laci Murray says
I love thinking back on dates and remembering the good and bad times. I should write them down because one day my brain might forget but I agree, God is always working out the details we can not even see. Thanks for this post.
Ann Marie says
Love your idea of notes in your Jesus Calling! I'll be starting tomorrow! Big LOVE and HUGS! What precious memories…
Myranda says
Thank you for being so open about your journey with infertility. While going through a very difficult season of what my doctor called"unexplained secondary infertility," reading your story was a reminder that God still does the unexpected. As I'm now rocking my 3-month old miracle baby, I can't agree more that He has a plan that is so much bigger than ours.
Jordan says
I love this post! And great idea. What a wonderful way to be reminded of God's faithfulness through different seasons.
Jennifer Crowe says
Needed this little reminder today! Thank you!
Kelsey @ The Peacock Roost says
What a wonderful idea! God definitely had a plan for you that worked out wonderfully. I think it's amazing you have all this written down because now you can look back and see what he was doing all along 🙂
The Regal Pup says
Shay –
I have read your blog for a couple of years, and love it. I have a special request from you. This is something out of the ordinary, but was hoping you could help? A fellow State Farm employee was gunned down last week, in his own driveway. You or Andrew may have heard about this. He was a young dad, Iraq veteran, aged 33. He left behind two boys, and a wife. He was simply doing what so many husbands, dads, people do (!) – leaving for the gym at 5am. He was confronted by men who were in the process of breaking into his car. If you feel compelled, it would be monumental for his family – if you could share the GoFund Me page on your blog, or IG. I know it is out of character for you to do. He died in his wife's arms, and his last words were "God, please forgive my sins." We are all confident he is in heaven. There is also a link on the page for people to donate to his youngest son's college fund. I've attached the link to the page, as well as local news coverage. Thank you again!
Leslie Roberts Clingan says
Such a terrible tragedy. I will check it out. I am not Shay, though! But I certain feel for this family. I know Shay will do what she can to help, too.
Brittany F. says
This is possibly one of my favorite posts so far and I've been following for years. No matter how strong our faith may be, bad/sad/hurtful times will come along, but to know how faithful He is and that through it all He's got us, just never gets old. Thanks for being that reminder for us today.
Brooke Barber says
Oh, I truly needed this today. Thank you, Shay, for that perspective.
Lindsey Foster says
Loved reading how you use your book to remember the hard as well as the happy. The hard moments mold us so they do deserve remembrance too, tough as it is. & I needed this post so badly today! We had to put our family dog down an hour ago. 🙁 He lived 16.5 years but it's just never long enough, is it? I'm going to write his name down. I'm also going through infertility/baby loss, so there's that.
On a side note- my hubby read an entry in my Jesus Calling last week and underlined something. I got so mad because I did NOT want my book written in. ha! He's forgiven now. 😉
CAR08CMR10 says
I LOVE this! So neat how you document the joys and the trials! I never tire of seeing that airport picture. I love your big beautiful smile as you celebrate having your baby girl home and I love your mama's big beautiful smile as she is overjoyed for her baby girl. Lots of awesomeness!
Mely H says
Shay, after going through my recent miscarriage I reached out to you and you reminded me God had a plan for me. I loved this post, it's yet another reminder everything will be okay and God's taking care of it. I'm thankful I found your blog, when I became a reader I never knew that years later you and your blog would help me through such a tough time in my life! <3 MGH
April Parrish says
Such a good idea to do this!!! Love it and what a beautiful testimony!!! Have a blessed day!
Staci Ford says
Beautiful post, Shay! I remember special/bad dates without having to write them down, maybe I should do that, though!
I dated a boy in college for 3 years and August 31st is his birthday. I broke up with him and started dating a new boy, who coincidentally dumped me on August 31st 2 years later. 2 years after that, I left my home of 25 years to move 2,000 miles away to Seattle to be with the love of my life. The day I left was August 31st.
AMAZING how these things happen!
Leah says
Jeremiah 29:11 is my favorite Bible verse! I clung to it while going through the adoption process of our son 3 1/2 years ago…now a canvas with "our" verse is in my sweet boy's room!
"The Mrs." says
What a perfect post!!! Funny how God works, mine today was just as heartfelt.
brookerichardson says
One of my favorites versus ever! Loved this post!
Debbie says
What a beautiful post. Thank you for sharing.
Kendra Henderson says
Oh my! This is SUCH a smart idea – I'm totally going to start doing this! LOVE!
kimm atwood says
What a great idea to write those special dates down
Jennifer says
What a beautiful post Shay! I love this idea of writing these times down in your daily devotions – something I'm going to implement!
Debbie says
I love this idea. I have procrastinated about ordering this book but I'm waiting no longer! Thanks for the great idea and the wonderful inspiration about God's plan for our lives!
Leslie Roberts Clingan says
I write the date that I read Bible verses but tend to read Jesus Calling in order. Do you just write a couple of words in your note to remind of the specific event going on that Jesus Calling helped you through? Thank you for the suggestion.
Beautifully Seaside // Formerly Chic Coastal Living says
All so beautiful Shay! I love Jesus Calling and love how God's speaks to me through it! And Jeremiah 29:11-13 is our family scripture…. I lost a baby boy 19 years ago when I was 6 months pregnant. He passed in utero from Trisomy 13 complications and oh did my little angel Benjamin bring his mommmy and daddy closer than ever to eachother and to our heavenly Savior. The story behind how the Lord gave us that scripture gives me chills to this day! God is awesome indeed! When He speaks to us He makes it crystal clear. Amen! Love you Shay and I wish we were neighbors! XOXOXO
Beautifully Seaside // Formerly Chic Coastal Living says
Oh and speaking of dates and how God works. I was baptized at 6 months old on my husband's birthday by a priest with our same last name. Years later after I checked my baptismal certificate again I realized my second son has the same name as that priest! Middle initial and all!
Melody says
Wonderful post!
Jen Watts says
Thank you for sharing this! Such powerful words. And I love that you have that all documented- I wish I was better with writing things down!
Tricia Cole says
Sometimes I read posts on here that just give me a complete sense of peace. Today is one of those days. Love this. Thank you for sharing.
Tracy Stegall says
I am obsessed with numbers and remember special days and everyone's birthdays. January 18th holds special meaning to me as it was the day found out I was pregnant with my son, hard to believe that was almost 7 years ago!
Samantha Kostamo says
I needed this post today. Just one of those ROUGH days. I love Jesus calling but have never written notes about days past. I really love the idea. I also needed Jeremiah 29:11. You touched my heart today. Thank you
Emily says
I LOVE this idea!! I think I may need to start doing this as well. So important to remember all of our blessings, as well as, those hard days and valleys that he as brought us through. Because we ALWAYS come out the other end stronger and still loved by Him!
The Allen Family says
I just love your blog❤️ I've been intently reading in Daniel & it is so profound. The theme is that God doesn't always give you a comfortable/easy life. He will put you to the test, just like He did Daniel. If we stay boldly faithful to Him through the journey, He will be glorified. There's always a bigger picture. Your story to becoming a mother shows just that. Thank you for sharing your joy & pain with us. It makes me feel like we're friends��
Hello Fabulous says
This was such a fitting post for today – we went for our 20 wk ultrasound to see our sweet baby girl. They weren't able to get a good look at her heart and requested we come back in two weeks for a follow up ultrasound – however the tech got a little emotional when telling me this and then told me not to worry. She also mentioned that a specialist would be at the next appointment and if there were any issues that the specialist was great friends with a cardiologist and could get us in right away. The mention of a specialist and cardiologist in one sentence was so alarming, especially after we were told the next appointment was just to get a routine look at something they weren't able to see today. I read my devotional once I got home and prayed. If you are able, please pray that our next appointment goes smoothly and everything looks as it should with our baby's heart. We've decided not to mention anything to family at this time as to not alarm them unnecessarily, so any extra prayers would be appreciated so much. Thank you!
DetroitDuchess says
I LOVE this idea! Someone gave Jesus Calling to my husband as a gift during a very difficult time and it was such a thoughtful thing to do. It was like this person could sense that he needed it at the time. I've been meaning to borrow his copy and check it out, but maybe I should get my own so I can write in it!
chelsea bingham says
I absolutely adore how REAL you are. On social media and blogs I see so much of only the highlights. And knowing what my life is like, the good and bad, it is easy to compare. Comparison really is the thief of joy. I'm 25, somewhat newly married, and just in a different place than most of my friends. But your blog always inspires me! Inspires me to be more transparent with people. Sometimes it seems like I'm the only one having doubts and failures. That paragraph towards the end was so true. I'm going to start writing notes on my days in my Jesus Calling as well! You are fabulous!!