Life lately has been all about hula hooping, the number 100, books and dates. It’s been a random week friends :).
Last week, Kensington participated in her school’s variety show with Ebby Lee and Molly. These three first graders hula hooped in front of the entire school and their families. Here’s the deal…Kensington is very shy, so when she said she wanted to try out for the variety show, we were very encouraging but also very surprised. This was completely out of character for her…and we were so proud!! This was last Thursday at dress rehearsal.
Three cheers for Friday. Okay, two cheers and one “why are we up so early?” for Friday!
Friday night at the variety show. Woohoo!! These girls did an amazing job!!
Post show glow!
On Saturday morning, the girls watched Andrew coach and Smith play basketball.
After the game, we went to our town square for lunch. I tried to get a good picture of my oldest two…
This sums them up.
After lunch, we drove over to Papa Jay and Lovie’s house for some car driving. That’s Kensington in the back with the blanket over her head. She was a bride and that’s her veil :).
We went to Papa Jay and Lovie’s town next for dinner. As we were walking, K asked if we’d take her picture…
…and then Smith asked for a picture with me. Oh Smith, please don’t grow up. I just love how sweet you are right now!
After church on Sunday, both kids had little projects to celebrate their 100th day of school. Kensington painted 100 polka dots on a shirt…
…and Smith counted out 100 elbow noodles.
Next, I had some help in the kitchen for a recipe I was working on. This girl loves to bake!
And then on Sunday night, it was my turn to take Smith on a date. (Remember when Andrew took Kensington on one two weeks ago?) Smith picked PF Changs for dinner, so here we are holding up our fortunes.
On Monday, my books hit shores nationwide! Woohoo! After the gym, Ashby and I met Andrew, my parents and Sean at Barnes and Noble to celebrate followed by lunch after.
And then Ashby came home and asked for a nap in my bed. How can I resist that face?! I can’t :).
This kid would sit here and work on Legos all day long if I let him. After school, we hit the park, did homework and then he worked, worked, worked the rest of the night…only pausing for dinner :).
While Smith worked on Legos, the girls worked on their “library”.
So, that’s life lately!
On my foodie blog today…it’s not a recipe, it’s a reminder…
…to make Heart Shaped Rice Krispies Treats :).
Enjoy your Thursday!
Ramona says
What a sweet wonderful life!!! 🙂 Thanks for letting us be a part of it.
Erika Slaughter says
Ebby Lee and I worked on her project last night. We added too many to her shirt and then we were trying to rip off hot glued Pom poms!! But she's so proud of it and that's all that matters.
Narci says
What a great life lately! Love all of those cute hula hoop pictures!!
Paige says
Hula Hooping!! I used to teach first grade and that just makes me so happy! oh the innocence!
Sheaffer {Pinterest Told Me To} says
So all we had to do was send a white tee to school with Carter and they decorated them there. I'm feeling very lucky right now!!!! WooHoooooooooooo!
Amy says
I love the Hula Hooping, too! Kensington is looking so grown up in your latest pictures!
kimm atwood says
I always love the elementary school talent shows !
Kelly Stamps says
So sweet. I love the day to day reports!
Sarah says
Ahhh so fun!! These posts are some of my favorites!! I am in the midst of toddler chaos (3 and 2 year old girls!) and look forward to when life is a little busier in certain ways (activities) but calmer in other ways (terrible twos, etc!). We are on the fence about adding a third and whenever I read your blog I always want to go for it!! Ashby is incredible btw, love your adoption story!! 🙂
-Sarah //
Aubrey says
What a cute little hula hooper/bride/librarian! Love Smith's Lego obsession. Perhaps an engineer like Uncle Jon?? And Ashby's definitely got a future in book promotion. What a precious girl!
Katie Compton says
Today is our 100th day of school and myself and my 2nd grade class are all dressing up like we are 100 years old! So fun!
Ashlee Haddad says
I LOVE the outfit you wore to your parents house. Would you mind posting links? I love the denim on denim!
Tanya says
I love the denim shirt you had on Saturday….where did you get it?!?!???
Kristen says
Love these everyday posts! That little library is the sweetest. Your kids are looking so grown up all of a sudden! Also, congrats on your books 🙂
kelly says
I love your life lately!! Congratulations to beautiful Kensington for getting up there and hoola hooping! I love your curved window seat!! How have I missed seeing that in your home tour pictures! It makes me LOVE your house even more than I already did!!
All yours kids are soo cute!!
Melanie Smith says
Congrats on the cook book release! I'd love to see my name on the shelves of a bookstore one day!
Angela Ellingson says
Love, love, love! What sweet kiddos you have! And that is so exciting your cookbooks are officially out. Can't wait for the next one this fall. Proud of you!
Leigh (Balancing By Faith) says
Congratulations on your cookbooks!! Love your picture with Smith – a boy needs his mama!!
Jessica Barshinger says
darling family:)
Ashley says
Shay, do you listen to any podcasts? I am dying to hear you on Jamie Ivey's The Happy Hour!!!
Lindsay at Lindsay'sSweetWorld says
Boy, do I recognize that Superman shirt! My four year old doesn't ever take his off! It's been his favorite shirt for the last two years. We had to get a new one for him recently because he wore it so much that the logo started crumbling off. Lol.
Heather Bramlett says
I love that you do a "life lately" series! I just started a blog a few weeks ago! I use to be a huge scrapbooker! Well, life happened;) and I'm using the blog as kind of like a online scrapbook for my kids when they get older!! This series inspired me to do the same on my blog!! Every Thursday, so far, I have posed a "life lately" post!! Thank you for all the inspiration!! BTW- the meal planner!!! THANK YOU THANK YOU!!
Unknown says
What a fun week! Love the hula hooping show! Im new to the blog world but have been reading yours for over a year. You have been such an encouraging blessing.
mj says
I think the talent show looks like a blast! Random comment/question for you and your readers- my family is considering a relocation to your general area. I'm starting my research regarding schools and locations where we may want to settle. Of course my husbands commute would be a huge factor in where we settle, but we are coming from a suburb of a large city (one of your favorites) in New England and I'm most concerned with finding a urban/suburban feeling town with excellent and possibly small schools and walkable neighborhoods. We would consider both public and private schools. I understand if this comment is too off topic and you don't publish it.
Sarah E @ says
Way to go, Kensington! I can't hula hoop to save my life, but to do it in front of lots of people is even more impressive!
The Nelson Happenings says
I'm going to grab your books today ! Love the photo of Kensington in the kitchen 🙂
Sharon Cottrell says
What we really need to know is what's in the Anthro bag?! 🙂 Got my cookbook yesterday but haven't had time to look at it yet. Guess what's on my weekend agenda!
Taylor and Robin says
Love the photo of Smith with his legos – that is the story with my 5 year old at our house too!
LondonLauren says
That pic with K as the bride in her "veil" is so funny! Hope she waved at the crowds as she was driven around, à la Kate Middleton 🙂
Leslie Seror says
I'm loving the picture of sweet Ashby napping. I don't have anymore mappers in this house so I'm jealous 😉
Haley Southey says
So much fun!!! Love all your family fun!! 🙂 And can not wait to get a copy of your books!!!
Queen In Between says
K looks sooooo grown up! And your hair has gotten really long again. As always you look adorable as do your sweet littles.
Elizabeth Birenbaum says
So sweet! That's so awesome she wanted to be a part of the variety show and it looks like she did a great job hula hooping!
Megan says
Ashby in your bed is the sweetest!!!!!